At this point, Roger Bart is the only cast member contracted to make the transfer.
Is Eric Stoltz available?
The sheer theatricality of the show, the visuals (specifically anything having to do with the DeLoren) are outstanding. I appreciated the chemistry between Roger and Olly - but this has singularly the worst music I might have ever heard in a theater. There is no soul, no emotion with this music - it truly is AWFUL and bogs the show down. I don't think the theatrics can make up for what needs to be a severe re doing of the music.
Swing Joined: 3/13/22
I was trying to think who would be good in some the main roles when BTTF comes to Broadway in 2023
Lets assume that NONE of the current West End cast (or understudies) comes over, who would be good for the parts? I am not very knowledge all the other performers currently on Broadway, so I don't have many opinions but would like to hear if any of you have any thoughts on who would be good in the roles. (also availability not being an issue) Don't want to get into rumors of who you may heard, but who do you think would be great in these part
Doc Brown- Alex Brightman. I have seen him in Beetlejuice and online clips of School of Rock. I think he has the zaniness to do Doc Brown
Marty McFly-
George McFly
Lorraine Baines/McFly
Goldie Wilson/Marvin Berry-
George - Andrew Barth Feldman
Marty - find a spectacular newbie who has innocence and edge at the same time (years ago, I would’ve said Jonathan Groff, but he’s way too old now)
Doc - Norbert (his “Breaking All the Rules” from CMIYC makes me think he’d be able to handle this in a way that’s manic but also grounded and heartfelt)
Lorraine - Analise Scarpaci
Goldie - Jared Grimes
He may be a little bit on the older side (at least for the scenes where he's supposed to be a teenager), but I can see Ben Fankhauser as George.
Updated On: 7/1/22 at 06:36 AMBroadway Star Joined: 7/18/11
Marty - Riley Costello
George - Andrew Burnap
Lorraine - Ginna Claire Mason
Can Joe Keery sing? On the other hand, is he too big a deal to play a lead in THIS show?
now cast other song and book writers
the music is SO bad.
Some good scoop from the often-reliable Baz Bamigboye in DEADLINE:
– "Official announcements about Back to the Future will be made in September, with tickets going on sale in October. No opening date has been made public. Deadline can report that producers and creatives are said to have identified the Winter Garden Theater as its home for their show. When questioned, Ingram responded, “I can’t say it’s the Winter Garden. We’re still negotiating.” Then, he stressed, “I’m not confirming it.” [I am taking this to mean it's the Winter Garden, and it is a matter of giving Music Man the time/space to announce]
– Marty McFly will be played by an American on Broadway. They are in negotiations with Roger Bart to play Doc in NYC.
– John Rando & co. are working on tightening the show in London.
darquegk said: "Can Joe Keery sing? On the other hand, is he too big a deal to play a lead in THIS show?"
While id love to see Steve on broadway I do think if he was to come to broadway it'd be in something that isnt...this. Back to the Future is one of my favorite movies but after listening to the cast album I really just dont know what to think. Anyway...didn't Roger Bart get cancelled or something? Am I making that up? I think that Brad Oscar would be a great Doc if they needed to replace Bart.
Omg yes to Brad Oscar! I don’t know what it is about Roger Bart, but he feels slick and creepy, so I’m really hoping they go with someone else. Doesn’t seem likely, but hoping.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/10/18
For this show I wanted the people on stage to be just like the people in the movie and I pretty much got that expect for Doc. I got the main original cast except the guy who plays George which I guess is out alot too. His understudy was great but the main guy got nominated for the role and I heard really brings something special. Roger wasn’t bad but I just didn’t love his take, that role is not a award winning role anyway. Olly really was a standout. He is Marty from head to toe and has a incredible voice! Got to talk to a bunch of the cast after and they pretty much confirmed like no one is going to transfer. I specifically asked Olly and he said they were hiring a American, I asked Roger and it seems he is most likely coming. I don’t particular care who they cast in these roles, it could be new people they just have to cast it correctly so we see Marty, George and Biff on stage you know it’s them. Also don’t forget, Lorriane, George and Biff have to play high school kids and older so that has to play into it. Honestly I think getting someone new that’s really fantastic for Marty would be the right move, and I don’t think height matters for the role but Olly isn’t that tall. I think ABF is a interesting choice but I think he is a little young and I’m not sure can do the George voice, the guy on the west end is like 30 or older, Andrew Burnap I like but don’t know if he would take a role like this. I really like the idea of Analise as Lorraine. And honestly I am here for Jared Grimes as Goldie! The music isnt incredible, I like a few songs. But like others said the pull is the special effects, projections and some of the production design! And being 3rd row center there is a really cool part if you are close. It’s not the best musical in the world but I feel audiences would enjoy it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/13
Why are they not trying to find a replacement for Jackman.
With the understudy on they still did 1.7 million a week.
I don't get it closing
Alex M said: "didn't Roger Bart get cancelled or something? Am I making that up?"."
To my knowledge, you’re making it up. Or confusing him with someone else. I could be wrong, but I feel like if there was some controversy around him, it’s the kind of thing I would’ve heard about and remembered. But again, someone please correct me if they know otherwise.
Stand-by Joined: 4/29/20
Where does the $1m running cost a week come from, having seen the show when I was on vacation, it didn't look a expensive show to run, unless you are going to blow a massive amount on advertising.
The expensive part of putting the physical show on stage, a lot of that has already been developed in London, such as projections.
Could it be possible this goes to the Broadway theatre instead if they keep Music Man at the Winter Garden?
Dylan Smith4 said: "Could it be possible this goes to The Broadway Theatre instead if they keep Music Man at the Winter Garden?"
It would make sense given that nothing is lined up for the former venue following Weezer's upcoming brief concert stint.
I honestly think the Broadway would work better. Plus, they can decorate the large lobbies like they did with the Adelphi in London. It would definitely work! Plus I would think the stage is bigger than the Winter Garden. Someone correct me if I’m wrong on that one.
JBroadway said: "Alex M said: "didn't Roger Bart get cancelled or something? Am I making that up?"."
To my knowledge, you’re making it up. Or confusing him with someone else. I could be wrong, but I feel like if there was some controversy around him, it’s the kind of thing I would’ve heard about and remembered. But again, someone please correct me if they know otherwise. "
A few months ago a twenty-something social media personality put out a video about her breakup with Bart, how he cheated on her, etc. It definitely made him look like a sleazy womanizer (which is funny, since I had always assumed he was gay), but he didn’t do anything illegal and the lady honestly comes across as a bit nuts in the video…basically she tried to get him “cancelled” and failed.
What you might be thinking of:
Bart was reportedly fired by Harvey Weinstein from FINDING NEVERLAND at the ART because the team didn’t like the issues he had with the show’s book. Which is hilarious in hindsight because A) his notes were probably spot on, that show was a mess… and B) it’s Harvey.
Understudy Joined: 5/8/22
The Broadway is a foot and a half wider but 13 feet deeper. Definitely a much larger stage to fill but with the new screens outside the Broadway, it almost feels perfect for them.
Hopefully, you are right! They definitely can get creative with the lobbies and give them that 80s theme look.
The Distinctive Baritone said: "JBroadway said: "Alex M said: "didn't Roger Bart get cancelled or something? Am I making that up?"."
To my knowledge, you’re making it up. Or confusing him with someone else. I could be wrong, but I feel like if there was some controversy around him, it’s the kind of thing I would’ve heard about and remembered. But again, someone please correct me if they know otherwise. "
A few months ago a twenty-something social media personality put out a video about her breakup with Bart, how he cheated on her, etc. It definitely made him look like a sleazy womanizer (which is funny, since I had always assumed he was gay), but he didn’t do anything illegal and the lady honestly comes across as a bit nuts in the video…basically she tried to get him “cancelled” and failed."
Me again. Not here to spread gossip or rumors but the video you are talking about was not a few months ago it was years ago. It was Trisha Petus and while she is extravagant I feel like some points she makes in the video are much more serious than a just him being a “womanizer”. I’ll keep my mouth shut but…not really huge on this guy.
Trisha Paytus is um…yea.
Back to the actual topic, I do think the Broadway is a better fit. I get the Winter Garden is a tad smaller but the staging would lose a bit in a wider space.