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Back To The Future previews

rubytuesday Profile Photo
#150Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/12/23 at 1:20pm

pagereynolds said: "I'm not defending Back to the Future (It didn't need to be a musical) but Wicked is LIGHT YEARS different than the novel. It's a real adaption. This does not seem to be."


Excellent point. I suspect when adapting a well-known film, there's pressure is to change as little as possible.


quizking101 Profile Photo
#151Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/12/23 at 4:59pm

quizking101 said: "Do they have a windowcard for sale?"

To answer my own question, they do not, but it’s supposed to go to print tomorrow and be in by next week-ish. They only have the Marty McFly/Pinheads poster and it’s an “annoyingly sized” (the cashier’s words) 22x28

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!

uncageg Profile Photo
#152Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/13/23 at 12:12am

quizking101 said: "quizking101 said: "Do they have a windowcard for sale?"

To answer my own question, they do not, but it’s supposed to go to print tomorrow and be in by next week-ish. They only have the Marty McFly/Pinheads poster and it’s an “annoyingly sized” (the cashier’s words) 22x28


I wonder if that came over from London? When Harry Potter first opened, there was no window card. All they had was a 15x23 poster (Which I went ahead and bought and have it in a clip poster hanger). When I went back a few weeks later to buy a tee shirt at the theater store, I asked about a window card. The store manager told me the poster I got was from the London merchandising and he was having them do window cards because it is what is sold here. My cashier said pretty much the same thing about my poster when I bought it.


Just give the world Love.

quizking101 Profile Photo
#153Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/13/23 at 12:36am

I went tonight and I wasn’t completely enamored by it. 

Yes, the stagecraft is absolutely amazing and revolutionizes the way special effects can be created on stage. Unfortunately, for the rest of the show, it’s pretty much a musical-by-numbers adaptation. The script pretty much hits the movie beat for beat with minor deviations, but good lord, that score was SO BLAND. 

I’m sorry, but Glen Ballard really wrecked the car with this one - to the point where I honestly think GHOST was superior. The lyrics were just so simple and predictable and many times I sat there thinking “there is literally NO reason for them to be singing right now”.

Casey Likes and Roger Bart hit their notes as their iconic characters to a T, but I hope they will take a chance and add their own spin. Honestly, the real winners of the night were Hugh Coles, whose uncanny ability to pay homage to Crispin Glover while fully making the role his own (I read some of his choices as less of a nerd stereotype and more as autistic coded, which made him as a character easier to understand.), and Jelani Remy, who makes the most of a little stage time. Yes, his big Act I number is one of those songs that I questioned the need for, but he sold the HELL out of it.

It’s a theme park show for a theme park crowd and doesn’t exactly aspire to be more than that, and the fact that it’s completely self aware of that is both refreshing and disappointing. It’s brainless entertainment. I sat in the partial view seats in the orchestra and you miss a lot of the upstage scenery and effects but I don’t think it amounted to a significant flaw in my experience.

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!
Updated On: 7/13/23 at 12:36 AM

#154Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/13/23 at 3:44am

Sounds like Hugh Coles is really killing it as George McFly, as he did in London, where he got an Olivier Award nomination. It's easy to see why ''Back to the Future'' would want to bring him to Broadway. At the same time, it's hard not to feel for Olly Dobson, who originated the role of Marty McFly in the world premiere of this musical. Looking at clips of him, he has a boyish charm and even sounded like Michael J. Fox. He established the show as a hit on the West End and earned an Olivier Award nomination.

Given the hundreds of times he did the show, Dobson deserved his own shot at Broadway. Instead, it was reported that the musical wanted an American actor instead on the Great White Way. So one British Olivier nominee gets to reprise his role in N.Y., but the other doesn't. Which is a great opportunity for Casey Likes, who gets to make his own mark as Marty McFly, but what a bummer if you're Olly Dobson. ''And that's showbiz!''

Updated On: 7/13/23 at 03:44 AM

quizking101 Profile Photo
#155Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/13/23 at 8:22am

I think what Coles is doing on that stage is really the sort of transcendent character work that merits an import from the UK. All of these roles could easily be (and were) cast by American actors so it truly speaks to his performance and the producers’ investment in him that they brought him over for the Broadway launch.

McFly is, with all due respect, a generic every-boy role and you could probably find dozens of chorus boys who could slide in and make it their big break. Likes is definitely a rising Broadway talent and I’m glad he’s getting a fresh start after ALMOST FAMOUS flopped.

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!

#156Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/13/23 at 10:18am

I saw the show Tuesday night and thought it was pure JOY! The cast is excellent and the energy was electric! Shoutout to the ensemble who are going non-stop throughout the show and dancing some great choreography. Casey Likes excels at Marty by making it his own with some touches of Michael J Fox in there. Roger Bart is incredible and hilarious. I absolutely loved Jelani Remy's number in act one. It is a great night out and the special effects are really the icing on the cake! Yeah, it's not deep, but it wasn't meant to be. 

#157Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/13/23 at 11:13am

I've already said upthread that I didn't like the show - admittedly a lot of that is because the movie is incredibly dear to my heart and I feel like they ruined it. But also, I never really understand why people get enamored of special effects.

Obviously special effects require their own type of artistry and skill, and hats off to the people who can do it well. But to me they're secondary to the artistry and skill of the music and lyrics and book, and good special effects can't make up for a mediocre show.

Also, people talk about how impressive the thing is with the car at the end of the show, but for some reason it just kind of washed over me. Maybe it's because I'd heard something amazing happens at the end so my expectations were too high. We were in row N in the center section of the orchestra - maybe it would have been more impressive if we'd been in the mezz or closer to the front of the orchestra. Or maybe special effects just don't do it for me.

Updated On: 7/13/23 at 11:13 AM

#158Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/13/23 at 11:58am

I was there Tuesday and I thought the special effects and performances were spectacular. Hugh Coles is INCREDIBLE, I never would have figured that role would hold so much potential for physical comedy, nor would I have thought that George McFly would run away with the whole show, but there you have it. He was by far the highlight of the show for me. I loved Casey Likes too, he sounds just like Michael J. Fox and has a fantastic singing voice. Roger Bart and the rest of the cast also doing great work.

The music and script feel like they were the result of high schoolers messing around at music camp for a summer. "Hey, here's this movie, Back to the Future! Write a musical out of it!" But the rest of the audience was eating it up. I agree with the poster who said this was a theme park musical for a theme park crowd. I think I've seen better written shows at theme parks, honestly.  

Updated On: 7/13/23 at 11:58 AM

quizking101 Profile Photo
#159Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/13/23 at 12:17pm

To sidestep a second: I do find it odd they announced a national tour so soon. I feel like they will want this to become an institution on Broadway for a while before sending it out on the road and the decision to tour before its established itself stateside seems like it would disincentive people to travel and see it in NYC

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!

bdn223 Profile Photo
#160Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/13/23 at 1:05pm

quizking101 said: "To sidestep a second: I do find it odd they announced a national tour so soon. I feel like they will want this to become an institution on Broadway for a while before sending it out on the road and the decision to tour before its established itself stateside seems like it would disincentive people to travel and see it in NYC"

The show was supposed to open at the end of last season with the lease for the Winter Garden being signed at the end of last summer right before The Music Man announced its initial closing date of January 1, 2023, which was when the tour was first planned. Producers then decided to wait and open the show during the summer instead, but couldn't postpone the tour and was the main reason The Music Man could extend those 2 additional weeks. There were a few possible reasons for the postponement:

  1. Producers feared 2 months was not enough time to load out The Music Man and load in the very technical production that is Back to The Future, and have the it ready for technical rehearsals by early March.
  2. The season was already very crowded with Kimberly Akimbo& Juliet, Some Like It Hot and the looming behemoths of Bad Cinderella, New York, New York, and Sweeney Todd opening in the Spring. 
  3. They didn't think the tourism market that looks like its going to be the key to shows success would be recovered enough post Covid by spring especially looking at how the prior season shows performed over the summer and wanted to hold off a little longer to peak tourism season in NYC. 

BuddyStarr Profile Photo
#161Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/13/23 at 3:02pm

quizking101 said: "To sidestep a second: I do find it odd they announced a national tour so soon. I feel like they will want this to become an institution on Broadway for a while before sending it out on the road and the decision to tour before its established itself stateside seems like it would disincentive people to travel and see it in NYC"

Mrs. Doubtfire is touring and it didn't even run that long so I'm not surprised about it advertised.  At the time I figured they were saying it was already touring to generate more buzz for the show before it open (I was one of ones who saw it in London and hated it, with the exception of Hugh Coles who I thought was the best thing in the production).

theatregoer3 Profile Photo
#162Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/14/23 at 11:10am

I imagine they had to import someone from the UK cast in order to allow Roger Bart to perform over there in the first place. It's usually a deal between the two unions. That's not to diminish the work Coles is doing -- he's great!

quizking101 said: "I think what Coles is doing on that stage is really the sort of transcendent character work that merits an import from the UK. All of these roles could easily be (and were) cast by American actors so it truly speaks to his performance and the producers’ investment in him that they brought him over for the Broadway launch.

McFly is, with all due respect, a generic every-boy role and you could probably find dozens of chorus boys who could slide in and make it their big break. Likes is definitely a rising Broadway talent and I’m glad he’s getting a fresh start after ALMOST FAMOUS flopped.


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#163Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/15/23 at 12:36am

Happy to be well enough this week to go back to the theater so I finally caught this tonight. I thoroughly enjoyed it in London the few times I’ve seen it and, while I DID enjoy it tonight, I can’t place my finger on why I think it’s better over there. Casey is fantastic, Roger is doing Roger, Hugh is still giving that same amazing performance and the effects are all the same. But I just cant figure out why I felt something was missing. 
But really it doesn’t matter, the audience was having an absolute blast and even my friend who hates this kind of stuff but had a great time tonight, said this is gonna run for years. 

And there was no fat suit for Lorraine tonight, so I guess they got rid of it.

Updated On: 7/15/23 at 12:36 AM

Luminaire2 Profile Photo
#164Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/15/23 at 1:41pm

Jordan Catalano said: "Happy to be well enough this week to go back to the theater so I finally caught this tonight. I thoroughly enjoyed it in London the few times I’ve seen it and, while I DID enjoy it tonight, I can’t place my finger on why I think it’s better over there. Casey is fantastic, Roger is doing Roger, Hugh is still giving that same amazing performance and the effects are all the same. But I just cant figure out why I felt something was missing.
But really it doesn’t matter, the audience was having an absolute blast and even my friend who hates this kind of stuff but had a great time tonight, said this is gonna run for years.

And there was no fat suit for Lorraine tonight, so I guess they got rid of it.

Was the fat suit a Broadway thing? I saw the show last month and I have no recollection of a fat suit in London… but maybe I wasn’t paying close enough attention? 

#165Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/15/23 at 10:31pm

I saw the show at first preview, I found the show itself more enjoyable here, but preferred the cast I saw last summer in London.

Casey Likes is good, he is doing a solid Michael J. Fox impression, but I found Olly Dobson more interesting and a stronger singer. Roger Bart is still fun. Hugh Coles pretty much steals the show.

The score is forgettable, the book is paint by numbers. The design and technical elements are where the show excels. Not a great show, maybe not even a good show, but definitely entertaining.

It'll be a hit and run for a few years.

#166Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/16/23 at 8:28am

Do you think Michael J will attend opening night?

They are doing a performance and party in a few weeks ti benefit his foundation. 

uncageg Profile Photo
#167Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/16/23 at 5:45pm

BETTY22 said: "Do you think Michael J will attend opening night?

They are doing a performance and party in a few weeks ti benefit his foundation.


I would not be surprised if he did. He was just in NYC to accept a Life Achievement award with his family. The last I saw him, it was obvious that the Parkinson's has really progressed but this man is not letting it slow him down yet. 


Just give the world Love.

#168Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/16/23 at 9:31pm

Love the movie.  It came out when I was 11 and I still consider it a top 4 movie.

Music is a big part of the movie so a musical makes sense.  No one has mentioned the orchestra here.  It’s incredible.  The underscoring from the movie is thrilling to hear on Broadway.

I won the lottery.  I was 2nd row center in the mezzanine.

I did love the songs esp “Something About That Boy” and “Gotta Start Somewhere.”

This is the perfect musical to bring children have already seen Wicked and The Lion King multiple times.  It will be a massive hit.  

#169Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/18/23 at 2:32pm

In reading through this thread in advance of finally seeing the show next month, I see a few references to the show being  like something in a theme park or a theme park ride . I assume this is supposed to be negative, and a shot at the show, but it actually makes me want to see it even more. Sounds like I won’t fall asleep like during Cats, or bored out my mind from seeing Dear Evan Hansen. 

so thanks. I feel even better about special a good amount of money on my 2 and half hour experience 

also, another theme on the negative posts . Songs not memorable. That’s because it is original music. Most  songs heard the very first time, especially in a show with so much else going on, are not memorable. That is why juke box musical reviews say “they like the music””, while originals are not memorable.  Case in point.  Read the original reviews for the much beloved Wicked.  Bttf music is better on multiple listening like every show. It took me many listens to even understand Hamilton lyrics, and we know that music is great. 

#170Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/18/23 at 2:41pm

Huckster2 said: "also, another theme on the negative posts . Songs not memorable. That’s because it is original music. Most songs heard the very first time, especially in a show with so much else going on, are not memorable. That is why juke box musical reviews say “they like the music””, while originals are not memorable. Case in point. Read the original reviews for the much beloved Wicked. Bttf music is better on multiple listening like every show. It took me many listens to even understand Hamilton lyrics, and we know that music is great."

Of course, music is different for everyone, but as someone who would describe BTTF's score as "not memorable", usually I can't remember a specific melody directly after a show, but I do remember songs where I have a moment of "I can't wait to hear that again" and BTTF just does not have that.  Upon listening to the cast album afterwards, there were 2 songs I think that stood out enough for me to add them to my music library but I still couldn't tell you which ones or how they sounded (and the Chuck Berry song just really outshone them).

It sounds like you'll probably enjoy the show though, so have fun, and it will be interesting to hear your thoughts afterwards!

#171Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/18/23 at 5:19pm

I went in with the lowest of expectations and was pleasantly surprised.  All the negatives mentioned here are pretty much true - the new songs are blah, the costumes are awful and the choreography is cheesy.  HOWEVER, I had a freakin' blast!

Hugh Coles is a STAR.  He should get a Tony nomination and was 100% the right cast member to bring over. I will say that I didn't love Casey Likes.  He seemed too mature and not boyish at all.  Roger Bart was Roger Bart and therefore entertaining. Jelani Remy was fantastic and brought the house down.

And I loved the effects. I'm not someone that oohs and ahs at this stuff but I was blown away at how they made the car move onstage.  Yeah, I know it's projections and all but it is still impressive. 

BenjaminNicholas2 Profile Photo
#172Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/18/23 at 8:11pm

I felt fortunate to have seen the show without Bart in London.

Cory English was Doc Brown without all of the Bart ticks.  A lot less annoying. 

He chewed the appropriate amount of scenery.


#173Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/21/23 at 11:11am

I was there last night (won lotto, got orchestra S11), and Lorraine had some sort of added weight on her in the 1985 scene (it was really bad pillow-y stuffing, from what I could not an actual fat suit, but think Regina George's clearly-this-is-a-pillow-on-her-butt moment from the Mean Girls film).  Not sure if that's different from what was used before.

Was anyone else there last night?  I'm 99% sure the final big car effect didn't happen at all but I want to make sure I'm not hallucinating.  The car was impressive, but I have NO recollection of the final effect that was previously mentioned in spoilers. and I'd be worried for my wellbeing if I somehow repressed it.

jkcohen626 Profile Photo
#174Back To The Future previews
Posted: 7/21/23 at 11:40am

JeffDaEgg2 said: "I was there last night (won lotto, got orchestra S11), and Lorraine had some sort of added weight on her in the 1985 scene (it was really bad pillow-y stuffing, from what I could not an actual fat suit, but think Regina George's clearly-this-is-a-pillow-on-her-butt moment from the Mean Girls film). Not sure if that's different from what was used before.

Was anyone else there last night? I'm 99% sure the final big car effect didn't happen at all but I want to make sure I'm not hallucinating. The car was impressive, but I have NO recollection of the final effect that was previously mentioned in spoilers. and I'd be worried for my wellbeing if I somehow repressed it.

I guess we have the evolution of a Wicked no-fly show! 
