Brtiney writes - The project I might be doing isn’t a biopic story … it’s a fictional musical where I play an extremely intelligent character !!! It’s flattering to be in such good company like Jon Chu !!!
which fits with John Chu directing JOSEPH... Could this be her first theatre role since RUTHLESS?
If true, that would be a huge get for the film and she'd probably kill it.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/8/21
This is just a speculation, nothing has been reported. Having said that, I'd love for Britney to play the narrator. However, she'd need A LOT of work with her vocals. I'm not saying she can't play the part, but she needs a lot of work to do. I'm 100% here for Britney in a musical, but I'm also realistic
If true will she get hate from the faithful for calling a bible story fiction?
Jon Chu is also co-directing an animated film adaptation of Dr. Seuss's OH THE PLACES YOU'LL GO, with songs by Pasek & Paul, being produced by JJ Abrams and Warner Bros Animation (which is run by Bway producer Bill Damaschke). So it could be that. Or something we don't even know about yet. Or it could be nothing!
CATSNYrevival said: "If true will she get hate from the faithful for calling a bible story fiction?"
It, literally, has never occurred to me that Joseph could be based off of a true story
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
CATSNYrevival said: "If true will she get hate from the faithful for calling a bible story fiction?"
"...where I play an extremely intelligent character" Oh my. Whatever this is, it already sounds like an absolute train-wreck. #bless
Updated On: 9/3/24 at 03:34 PMBroadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
She'd make a good Mrs. Potiphar.
Mrs. Potiphar seems more in line with what she has said recently regarding acting work. She has said something along the lines of not wanting to commit to a lot of hours on sets and would rather a part where she could be in and out ala a cameo. I'm a HUGE Britney fan and I'd love to see her in anything any time soon!
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/17
It’s about time we heard more about the project. It’s been forever
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/13
This is a great idea........fingers ccrossed
BwayLB said: "It’s about time we heard more about the project. It’s been forever"
It was only announced last year and Chu has kind of been, yknow... busy.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/17
^ But it was for a very good reason. I just seen the stage version last summer and I’ve been anxious to get the film made
Stand-by Joined: 10/25/21
Phillytheatreguy10 said: "Mrs. Potiphar seems more in line with what she has said recently regarding acting work. She has said something along the lines of not wanting to commit to a lot of hours on sets and would rather a part where she could be in and out ala a cameo. I'm a HUGE Britney fan and I'd love to see her in anything any time soon!"
This would be amazing. Honestly, she was pretty great in guest spots on Will & Grace and How I Met Your Mother. Whatever it is, assuming a comedy, she’ll be great.
If anything, he IS directing the film adaptation of her recent best-selling memoir THE WOMAN IN ME:
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
JSquared2 said: "She'd make a good Mrs. Potiphar."
Which would be a fun little moment for me, since last time I did the show, which was in summer stock way back in 2001, we did Mrs Potiphar as a Britney homage
Let's be realistic, this will never happen.
The girl can't sing a note unless it's been through a computer 3 times.
Please keep her away from Joseph. If they want a pop star narrator, Dua Lipa or Jessie J would be great.
Do we even know if, in her caption/statement, the second and third sentences are related? She could be saying her next part if this other one, not her in the biopic, but that she's excited about the biopic because Chu.