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CAMELOT to close in July- Page 3

CAMELOT to close in July

Mr. Wormwood Profile Photo
Mr. Wormwood
#50CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 10:46am

Do we think there will ever be another Broadway revival of Camelot? Feels like it could be something someone else tries to tackle in 20+ years but they don't come around very often...

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#51CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 11:12am

Dollypop said: "If this production WAS set on the Middle Ages, how could Morgan call herself a "scientist"? That term didn't enter the lexicon until the 1800's."

Well, if we're going to go that route, then Sorkin's book should have been written (and Lerner's lyrics rewritten) in Middle English. smiley

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#52CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 11:39am

“That silly song about the weather…” I cringed hearing the arch, too knowing dialogue around the beloved title song on the recording but in the theater yesterday, I thought, if the new book must apologize for the original lyrics out of the gate, the synergy of text and musical expression is already tainted. I’ve had a number of people defend how successfully it remints naïf like characters but I didn’t buy it, despite Burnap’s adept throwaway of “it’s a metaphor.” When it’s referenced in the final confrontation, it only reminded me of the early strain. The song is reprised as a heartfelt paean to lost youthful idealism; if it’s mocked for its poetic excess at the top, it deprives young characters of their innocence. Others disagree but to me it’s a perfect illustration of what went wrong here.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#53CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 11:45am

I think Bart Sher may be bored or wants to move on, there should be a shakeup of leadership at LCT. Bishop should retire and let Sher takeover, allowing someone new to be the LCT resident director. Someone like Sammi Cannold.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

inception Profile Photo
#54CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 11:51am

Mr. Wormwood said: "Do we think there will ever be another Broadway revival of Camelot? 

Probably not.

I'm in the "glad I saw it" camp.

A few more weeks & they can all get out of the city before the oppressive heat sets in.

Wikipedia says Burnap has already filmed the Disney live action Snow White set for release next March.  If that hits it may be a long time before he is back on Broadway.



#55CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 12:30pm

Not surprising given the tepid reviews, bad word of mouth, weak Tony performance, unwieldy property, lack of sex appeal in the cast, etc. etc.

Bart needs a creative reset.  He did such playful, electrifying productions of Shakespeare when he was working regionally.  I wish he would at least attempt something so bold at LCT and stop wasting his talent on creaky warhorse musicals. 

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#56CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 12:31pm

“Someone like Sammi Cannold”

you must really hate theatre. 

#57CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 12:38pm

Call_me_jorge said: "I think Bart Sher may be bored or wants to move on, there should be a shakeup of leadership at LCT. Bishop should retire and let Sher takeover, allowing someone new to be the LCT resident director. Someone like Sammi Cannold."


Oh dear god NO!!

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#58CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 12:56pm

lack of sex appeal in the cast,

This place is hilarious today. Thanks for the laugh! 

UWS10023 Profile Photo
#59CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 1:03pm

I think it is great when LCT can pick a show that appeals to a wide audience of all ages. The King and I was a show you could bring the kids to and appealed to folks from all over the world. On top of its critical success, the show itself helped sell tickets. When they pick an adult musical it alienates entire families looking to see a musical together. It can have an effect on the length of the run.

#60CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 1:06pm

UWS10023 said: "I think it is great when LCT can pick a show that appeals to a wide audience of all ages. The King and I was a show you could bring the kids to and appealed to folks from all over the world. On top of its critical success, the show itself helped sell tickets. When they pick an adult musical it alienates entire families looking to see a musical together. It can have an effect on the length of the run."

This is a principal reason why I think The Sound of Music would be a smash hit.

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#61CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 1:09pm

inception said: "Wikipedia says Burnap has already filmed the Disney live actionSnow Whiteset for release next March. If that hits it may be a long time before he is back on Broadway."

I'd like to think he'll continue returning to the stage regardless of what happens with his screen career. I don't expect playing second-banana to Rachel Zegler would catapult him to Hollywood Leading Man status; what he does after that will be key.

The frustrating thing with this CAMELOT is there's so much good stuff there. He, Donica, and Soo are great, as is the rest of the cast. Unfortunately they were saddled with a book and direction/design that nobody involved was able to make sense of.

Voter Profile Photo
#62CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 1:14pm

BroadwayNYC2 said: "“Someone like Sammi Cannold”

you must really hate theatre.

Absolutely anyone else. Literally, anyone.

There are like 3 other people called Voter on here, FYI. Deleted comment count: 12

jagman1062 Profile Photo
#63CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 1:18pm

Owen22 said: "Auggie27 said: "I don't think LTC's marketing was the issue. The show had no identifiable word of mouth, meh reviews, and without stars and only the branded title from another age, it wasn't likely to pull ahead. I don't know anyone who said "You must see this!" The convos here were mostly respectful with well-parsed reservations. All astutely argued. For the record, I was there this very afternoon. Three stars all in, Burnap leaving it all on the floor (to me, the best of the trio, a fully worked out characterization that carries the story to its resolution), Donica singing his heart out, but the show just doesn't generate enough theatrical thrills. It's long, talky, the songs no longer organic to their textual cues, and thus afflicted with a distancing factor: you can't marry the score to the scenes that contain many of the numbers. You find yourself wondering why that moment -- "Lusty Month of May" "Fie on Goodness" - was musicalized to begin with. An imperfect show still, well, palpably imperfect."

Yes to all of this. I'm really sick of original-book wholesale rewrites. Except for the gay, seen-it-all-ready-to-die Merlin whom I found truly hysterically funny, yes, the comic lines that still worked best were Lerner's. Plus the engine of the play had been removed. Well, not removed...well, maybe replaced with a faux engine...It turns out Genny and Arthur had been in love all this time?? That this was a love story between Arthur and Guenevere???Then what was she doing with poor Lance??? They screwed up a beautiful political ideal for nought? Because Arthur decided to spend the night at the home of the mother of his problem child??? I understand why they gave "I Loved You Once in Silence" (probably my favorite ballad in the show) to Lancelot, because apparently Guenevere never really loved him, in silence or otherwise!! And it so spoiled Lancelot's arc after starting off so well (loved Jordan Donica's first two scenes and whenever he sang). To me, the the book was actually subpar Sorkin (I actually really enjoyed his Mockingbird re-write) and there was a lot that disturbed me, such as stating that Camelot was in The Middle Ages. No, Camelot is a myth out of time...and even if it wasn't ... did the people IN the Middle Ages know they were in or CALLED it the Middle Ages.. Anyway when "C'est Moi" is you're favorite thing in a production of Camelot (though Su's "Take Me To the Fair" was pretty wonderful too) this probably, in my opinion, is not a successful production.

I agree with you completely. What I found difficult was that at the performance I saw late in previews, there was no sexual chemistry between Genny and Arthur, or between Genny and Lancelot. That chemistry is necessary to really make a love story work, especially a complex one, and when all three actors exude sex appeal! To me, it was a hollow love story. And yes, the removal of the mystical elements of the story literally removed whatever magic existed and resulted in a story that desperately needed it. Still, I'm glad I saw the show and that it provided an opportunity for Jordan to move closer to leading man status.


ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#64CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 1:35pm

UWS10023 said: "I think it is great when LCT can pick a show that appeals to a wide audience of all ages. The King and I was a show you could bring the kids to and appealed to folks from all over the world. On top of its critical success, the show itself helped sell tickets. When they pick an adult musical it alienates entire families looking to see a musical together. It can have an effect on the length of the run."

Ad agency data actually tells us that since Disney (and more family-specific shows) has come onto the scene, it's not worth it to pitch "show that you could bring a kid to" to family audiences. That's the category of shows like Dolly, Music Man, Godspell, Fiddler, My Fair Lady, Little Women, Oliver, King & I, Bye Bye Birdie, Les Mis, West Side Story, etc. Attempting to appeal to audiences from 8-98 is not a worthy goal when there's Wicked, Potter, two Disney shows, and usually a smattering of others on and Off Bway –– certainly not early in a run. And, if you advertise a show as "fun for the whole family!" that can alienate grownups. You have to sustainably reach the full-priced adult buyer first before broadening. It's similarly foolish to try to appeal to international tourists in Year 1 of a show.

Titles like Annie and Sound of Music and Joseph are a wholly different scenario because over the years they have become branded as child-friendly. But those shows haven't had successful Broadway revivals in this century.

LCT's whole mission the past 15 years is to replicate their greatest musical success, which was a serious musical revival for grownups (South Pacific). King and I and My Fair Lady each ran a little more than a year, and they struggled to get that far.

Updated On: 6/29/23 at 01:35 PM

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#65CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 1:44pm

Wasn’t aware Cannold was that hated on here, was just rambling. Who would you all suggest for the LCT resident director position?

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#66CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 1:52pm

Call_me_jorge said: "Who would you all suggest for the LCT resident director position?"

Abolish it. No theatre needs a resident director. Cycle through new people. Select a show, then hire the best people around that show.

(Though, worth noting, that Liliana Blaine-Cruz is also a Resident Director at LCT, though I doubt her goal is big musical revivals of classic shows)

BJR Profile Photo
#67CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 2:11pm

Liliana is a fantastic resident, for one.

#68CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 2:33pm

blaxx said: "Jordan Catalano said: "Man, I'd love for "Man of La Mancha" to come to LCT. Maybe with Audra as Aldonza. And hell, just get Stokes again, too."

Aldonza's mom?

Joan Diener played the role when she was 62. Aldonza's range can vary and I honestly think there's a better argument for an older Aldonza - it makes the Dulcinea illusion even more beautiful, her story sadder, makes her bitterness, tiredness, and resignation make sense, and her arc way more interesting, I think. For the muleteers she's just an object/body and for Don Quixote he is seeing something beautiful and idealized no matter what she actually looks like/how old she is. I feel the impact less when Aldonza is younger and especially when she is conventionally "hot." Anyway, sorry for the tangent, this just stuck out to me because I love the show and am always interested in the casting of this particular part. 


Updated On: 6/29/23 at 02:33 PM

#69CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 2:40pm

somecheapfrenchthing said: "blaxx said: "Jordan Catalano said: "Man, I'd love for "Man of La Mancha" to come to LCT. Maybe with Audra as Aldonza. And hell, just get Stokes again, too."

Aldonza's mom?

Joan Diener played the role when she was 62. Aldonza's range can vary and I honestly think there's a better argument for an older Aldonza - it makes the Dulcinea illusion even more beautiful, her story sadder, and her arc way more interesting, I think. For the muleteers she's just an object/body and for Don Quixote he is seeing something beautiful and idealized no matter what she actually looks like/how old she is. I feel the impact less when Aldonza is young and especially when she is conventionally "hot." Anyway, sorry for the tangent, this just stuck out to me because I love the show and am always interested in the casting of this particular part.


Joan Diener played the part through her 60's because her husband directed and co-owned the right to the show.  


#70CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 2:46pm

JSquared2 said: "somecheapfrenchthing said: "blaxx said: "Jordan Catalano said: "Man, I'd love for "Man of La Mancha" to come to LCT. Maybe with Audra as Aldonza. And hell, just get Stokes again, too."

Aldonza's mom?

Joan Diener played the role when she was 62. Aldonza's range can vary and I honestly think there's a better argument for an older Aldonza - it makes the Dulcinea illusion even more beautiful, her story sadder, and her arc way more interesting, I think. For the muleteers she's just an object/body and for Don Quixote he is seeing something beautiful and idealized no matter what she actually looks like/how old she is. I feel the impact less when Aldonza is young and especially when she is conventionally "hot." Anyway, sorry for the tangent, this just stuck out to me because I love the show and am always interested in the casting of this particular part.


Joan Diener played the part through her 60's because her husband directed and co-owned the right to the show.

That's interesting to me but also I don't think it invalidates the point I'm making. If that's how she managed to play it for so long, cool. I maintain it's more interesting and especially that Audra isn't too old for it. 


Dylan Smith4 Profile Photo
Dylan Smith4
#71CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 2:49pm

Mr. Wormwood said: "Do we think there will ever be another Broadway revival of Camelot? Feels like it could be something someone else tries to tackle in 20+ years but they don't come around very often..."

Of course, there will! Hopefully, though, in 20 years or so, there will be someone who can get the book right. It's a hard piece to work with, but the score is simply beautiful! 

The idea is to work and to experiment. Some things will be creatively successful, some things will succeed at the box office, and some things will only - which is the biggest only - teach you things that see the future. And they're probably as valuable as any of your successes. -Harold Prince

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#72CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 2:56pm

Joan Diener (of all people) doing something does not mean ANYONE else should follow in her footsteps. Especially since she was married to the director :)

I’d like to hear how the MOLM book works in 2023. And I also expect that, like the current EVITA, it would be done with a cast of people of Latin or Spanish origin.

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#73CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 3:01pm

The book didn't sit right tonally, the production design was more sparse than anticipated, and CAMELOT is not the most exciting piece to work with to begin with. That being said, it's such a talented ensemble and that orchestra was gorgeous. I am bummed it can't finish out its early September date, but maybe they have a good tenant for the fall!

My dream? RAGTIME, directed by Lileana Blane-Cruz, choreographed by Camille A. Brown. Or the revival of AMADEUS that Anthony Ramos was talking about.

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

#74CAMELOT to close in July
Posted: 6/29/23 at 3:25pm

ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "Joan Diener (of all people) doing something does not mean ANYONE else should follow in her footsteps. Especially since she was married to the director :)

I’d like to hear how the MOLM book works in 2023. And I also expect that, like the current EVITA, it would be done with a cast of people of Latin or Spanish origin.


All I mean to say is that I find the part and the show as a whole more compelling when Aldonza is hardened and played anywhere 40ish-60ish, JD aside. Just me. I’ve always wished I could see Sara Ramirez give it a try. 

