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CAROLINE, OR CHANGE Previews- Page 6


16 Years Later
Posted: 10/21/21 at 10:52am

Do we know for sure if Cariani is actually playing clarinet?  I actually played clarinet for Caroline off-off Broadway at Gallery Players and the character part is written into my score book and I can tell you is one of the hardest shows I've ever played, those klezmer solos are insane.  When I saw this revival, I highly doubted he was playing just based on my experience having it in the orchestra book, and how difficult it is, but if he is, great for him, he must be really good at it.

And yes his father is a clarinet (hence all the clarinet solos) and his mother was a sad bassoon (so there's a big bassoon part that sometimes comes in).  The orchestrations are appropriate and truly lovely.  

Being a part of the production truly gave me an appreciation of the show that I doubt I would have had if I only saw it.  There's been great discussion and I'll add just one of my favorite moments from the show.  At the end when Caroline's last lines are admitting she misses sharing the cigarette.  I believe this is the only time in the show she directly acknowledges caring and having any kind of affection for Noah "directly" to him.  

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
Posted: 10/21/21 at 10:56am

^ That’s amazing! I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on the music in the show.

And yes I believe you’re right. “You bet I do, Noah. You bet.” are the only “kind” words she says to Noah and they’re not even said directly to him. I’ve always thought that moment along with grabbing Emmie for the hug before church, showed her “change”.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
Posted: 10/21/21 at 10:57am

Posted: 10/21/21 at 10:58am

16 Years Later said: "Do we know for sure if Cariani is actually playing clarinet?"

I assumed he was because I think he played the clarinet in The Band's Visit and I couldn't spy anyone playing the clarinet for him (not that I had a great view of the musicians). 


musikman Profile Photo
Posted: 10/21/21 at 12:22pm

Jordan Catalano said: "Love what you said there, Kad.

and are: that moment with Stu and Rose, Rose’s lyrics here -

“Look, see Rose’s husband,
gone stiff in mid-air,
the heartbroke musician
who froze on the stair.
Oh Stu do you love me?
The question’s unfair:
How can you be loved by
someone who’s not there?”

Has always been one of my favorite moments in the show. I remember when I first heard those words they really hit me like a punch to the stomach and almost left more of an impact on me than anything else.

Heading back to NYC right now and I can’t WAIT to start seeing this show as many times as I possibl can.

Even the way that phrase is written and orchestrated .  It’s a cappella, then the bassoon comes in. Just perfect.

Anyway, I can’t wait till you get to see this.  Just like the original production, it has stayed with since I saw the first preview and can’t wait to go back.   

-There's the muddle in the middle. There's the puddle where the poodle did the piddle."

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
Posted: 10/21/21 at 12:37pm

Quick question for those that have been in Studio 54 for this show, are there any noticeable differences to the venue/auditorium? I saw a lot of crews in and out of there over the summer, but I couldn't tell what works they were doing. 

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

Shoshana BeanieBaby
Posted: 10/22/21 at 12:56pm

That was brilliant.  

I kept waiting for something big to happen but by the end realized that everything little that was happening was adding up to one of the most emotional endings I've ever felt at a musical.  The last half of act two got me GOOD.  The scene with (soon-to-be-Tony-nominee for sure) Tamika Lawrence and (its in the bag) Sharon before Lots Wife had no right to be THAT powerful.  And it sets off an emotional avalanche.  I spent a lot of the show thinking, 'this is good' and by the end thought 'that was genius'.  I have a feeling it will stay with me for a while too.  Part of me wishes they used the Good Morning America ending of Salty Teardrops though.  Only because I think the audience wants to go nuts at that point.  Lots Wife ends on a quieter note and we're waiting for a giant release.  Anyone else have thoughts on that?

As many have said, its not going to be everyone's cup of tea.  There are no poppy production numbers or spectacular moments.  Even though the singing is some of the best on Broadway the songs themselves aren't stand alone pieces made for piano bars and voice recitals. but for those looking for something powerful thought provoking. and relevant it is a must-see.

Updated On: 10/22/21 at 12:56 PM

Posted: 10/22/21 at 1:15pm

Shoshana BeanieBaby said: "As many have said, its not going to be everyone's cup of tea. There are no poppy production numbers or spectacular moments. Even though the singing is some of the best on Broadway the songs themselves aren't stand alone pieces made for piano bars and voice recitals. but for those looking for something powerful thought provoking. and relevant it is a must-see."

My brain is trying its best to turn Lot's Wife into a hummable melody. I keep getting phrases of it stuck in my head.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
Posted: 10/22/21 at 1:23pm

I love seeing so many mew people discover this show and all its layers. Makes me think of after I first saw it and was still wrapping my head around it and told someone how I couldn’t believe Caroline told a kid he was going to hell and my friend said “No. she told him his Mother was burning in Hell.” And that just blew my mind. That had never even occurred to me and there’s more than a few moments like that.

Square Peg2
Posted: 10/22/21 at 2:44pm

(Just here to quietly say that this thread is everything I hope BWW threads will be and then they turn out to just be complaining this this or that show is not going to make money and I leave disappointed. This is filling my heart! Can't wait to see the show next week.)

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/22/21 at 2:48pm

All of these reviews and discussion has me beyond excited to see this next month! This will be my first exposure to the show and material.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

Posted: 10/22/21 at 3:34pm

Does anyone know if they follow a set schedule for the actors playing Noah? I've seen two of the three so far.

Shoshana BeanieBaby
Posted: 10/22/21 at 5:47pm

As far as I know, any show with rotating kids never publishes their performance schedule to keep away any weirdos. 

Posted: 10/22/21 at 6:09pm

VintageSnarker said: "16 Years Later said: "Do we know for sure if Cariani is actually playing clarinet?"

I assumed he was because I think he played the clarinet in The Band's Visit and I couldn't spy anyone playing the clarinet for him (not that I had a great view of the musicians).


I was underwhelmed by Cariani but i thought the clarinet was GORGEOUSLY played, and in a really heartfelt fashion. Klezmer isnt easy, but neither is really emoting via that instrument, and I sorta assumed he was (expertly) miming. What an all around talent he is. 

Posted: 10/22/21 at 6:27pm

A fair amount of complaining today over on the other site about the lighting and sound design. Do those here who saw the show this week have similar complaints?

Posted: 10/22/21 at 7:00pm

JasonC3 said: "A fair amount of complaining today over on the other site about the lighting and sound design. Do those here who saw the show this week have similar complaints?"

I didn't take any issue with the lighting, but I did find myself having to concentrate hard to hear the lyrics throughout the show, especially when multiple actors were singing at once. I definitely plan on going back and sitting in a better seat, so I'm curious if I'll notice a difference then.

Posted: 10/22/21 at 11:23pm

Jordan Catalano said: "I love seeing so many mew people discover this show and all its layers. Makes me think of after I first saw it and was still wrapping my head around it and told someone how I couldn’t believe Caroline told a kid he was going to hell and my friend said “No. she told him his Mother was burning in Hell.” And that just blew my mind. That had never even occurred to me and there’s more than a few moments like that. "

OMG. Mind blown! That's exactly what she did!

Posted: 10/22/21 at 11:33pm

I saw the show this past weekend and enjoyed it, although my inability to make out a decent chunk of the lyrics stopped me short of really loving it.  I'd like to come back and see it again after having a chance to study the cast album a bit.

Does anyone happen to know what Sharon D. Clarke's attendance was like in London?  I'd love to see Sharon Catherine Brown as Caroline.

Alexander Lamar
Posted: 10/23/21 at 8:14am

Fosse76 said: "Jordan Catalano said: "I love seeing so many mew people discover this show and all its layers. Makes me think of after I first saw it and was still wrapping my head around it and told someone how I couldn’t believe Caroline told a kid he was going to hell and my friend said “No. she told him his Mother was burning in Hell.” And that just blew my mind. That had never even occurred to me and there’s more than a few moments like that. "

OMG. Mind blown! That's exactly what she did!

Ummm WOW  Thank you for this Jordan because it’s never occurred to me either!


BJR Profile Photo
Posted: 10/23/21 at 8:16am

Has anyone done the digital rush for this, or any other Studio 54/Roundabout show? I just fear that mezzanine, which is treacherous.

Posted: 10/23/21 at 5:47pm

Saw it today. Loved it, even better than was in London.

Some things that I “heard” for the first time even though I know it all so well:

Emmie’s lines about Caroline salting the earth so nothing grows too close. WOOF.

And the symbolism of the washer becoming the statue.

Just so many lovely things.

The moon didn’t fly today, not sure why, but it didn’t really affect my experience.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

Posted: 10/23/21 at 6:18pm

iluvtheatertrash said: 

"The moon didn’t fly today, not sure why, but it didn’t really affect my experience."

That's odd... I really liked that part of the show.

Alexander Lamar
Posted: 10/23/21 at 8:01pm

BJR said: "Has anyone done the digital rush for this, or any other Studio 54/Roundabout show? I just fear that mezzanine, which is treacherous."

I was there today - I didn't rush but I heard people who did - the entire side section of the front mezzanine was rush. Not sure if its both sides or not.

Alexander Lamar
Posted: 10/23/21 at 8:06pm

BCfitasafiddle said: "iluvtheatertrash said:

"The moon didn’t fly today, not sure why, but it didn’t really affect my experience."

That's odd... I really liked that part of the show.

It was odd, especially since during intermission it flew out - so I thought they would use it in Act 2.

There was a delay getting into the house and I wonder if it had to do with this. It clearly was not something they were totally prepared for as the the lights were still programmed for flying, so in a couple numbers she was singing in total darkness while the lights were pointed to where she would have been.

Kad Profile Photo
Posted: 10/23/21 at 11:33pm

I saw this tonight and I am way more conflicted than I had hoped or wanted to be.

On one hand, I am so happy this show is back on Broadway. The material has only become better and, unfortunately, more relevant in the nearly 20 years since it debuted, and it shines here, despite...

Despite, well, the efforts of the director and the design to stymie everything.

It is one of the worst-designed musicals I have seen at this professional level. The set truly looks collegiate, and the costumes are unbelievably cheap and tacky looking. The wigs on the Radio girls look like shake-and-go bagged affairs from Ricky's, while the less said about the unfortunate Washing Machine, the better. The Moon's flown-in entrances drew noticeable snickers. The attempts at whimsy for the inanimate objects will get most of the flack, but, frankly, the costumes across the board all seemed off to me. The fits, the styles, the lack of a sense of "wear" to them... they all read as costumes, not clothing these people wear in life.

And the direction seems to be pushing the performers to go bigger and broader, and to aimlessly wander (or revolve, on a turntable) around the stage, filling the space with unnecessary business. The first act plays like light comedy, losing the pervasive sorrow and confinement of the characters. Not to say this show be a dour drama, but it certainly isn't something that should be pushed so much. And unnecessarily distracting flourishes abound.

Sharon Clarke is great- her Caroline is far more restrained than Pinkins', and it's certainly a far more sustainable performance... but it sort of loses that truly fully committed power that Pinkins achieved by pouring herself so fully into the part.

The MVP for me was Tamika Lawrence as Dotty, who was pitch-perfect throughout.

There were clear places for applause after Lot's Wife and Salty Teardrops. I would not be surprised if Roundabout has pushed for more overtly audience pleasing changes to the production, such as those breaks or the louder/faster/funnier tone, to be honest.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Updated On: 10/23/21 at 11:33 PM
