She seems fine, but there is no dazzle. Looks like a high schooler trying hard
Ouch. That was rough. You can see the affected acting. She’s saying the dialogue and not feeling one word she’s saying. Pamela Anderson made the dialogue organic and felt like a real conversation between her and the audience. Not once didn’t you believe a word she was saying. It truly was a Master Class on how the “Roxie” monologue needs to be done. Emma is performing, not acting. Poor girl.
WldKingdomHM said: "She seems fine, but there is no dazzle. Looks like a high schooler trying hard"
Yeah, it was fine. Nothing special. Loved her energy. She's young, inexperienced & making her Broadway debut. Probably why she's only doing two weeks. Let's see if she's brought back or does the tour soon.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/9/21
She seems okay to me. I think it's just the nerves of a Broadway debut. Someone on the board stated earlier that the producers might be searching for a new "in-between" Roxie for between stunt-casting, and I completely agree. I don't think D'Amboise is comfortable in the role anymore and it also seems like Marroquin might move to the "in-between" Velma, as she is a veteran and AFW seems to be done with the show (and a little stale in the role). It looks like Emma could be returning to the Ambassador in a little while.
Updated On: 6/8/22 at 08:12 PM
I enjoyed it. If it was her first time, she was probably nervous and she may have just needed this first performance to get those butterflies out. I loved here comedic timing. I don't follow the show as closely as a lot of people here do, but I would see her in the role. JMO
The key isn't doing her any favors –– it's too low in her voice. She is also visibly very jittery/nervous in that video.
But Roxie is also one of those roles (like Cassie in A Chorus Line) where the actress has to have LIVED a life. It's evident that she, a 20something person coming out of a BFA program, does not bring that kind of lived experience to the part, even if she may be giving a technically proficient performance. (And for that reason I'm not sure why they cast her in the first place when there were hundreds of contestants.)
Emma Pittman (thru June 19)
Lana Gordon (thru September 11)
Ryan Silverman (thru July 31)
Jennifer Holiday (thru September 11)
Evan Harrington (thru September 11)
R. Lowe (thru September 11)
I wonder who'll replace Emma Pittman and Lana Gordon? There are plenty of Roxie's to choose from, but very few available Velmas.
If they don’t stunt/star cast Roxie at the same level they did with Pamela Anderson, they’re going to use up all the profits they made during Pamela’s run. The show will go back to 50% capacity whereas with Pamela they were doing 100% by showtime her entire run.
I thought Emma was pretty good, actually. She has a comfort and a familiarity with the role, and sang and danced it quite fine. I think the one thing that video continues to show, is that the younger they go in casting the role, the less of a fit it is with the character. Similar to what Ermengarde says, it's a lived in role. It's not meant to be played by an ingenue. Emma is typical of what happens when they go young, the Roxie monologue is chirpy and light, when for example Pamela, she was able to channel a whole lot into that moment.
As for Emma, she'll be a fine in-between and tour Roxie.
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "The key isn't doing her any favors –– it's too low in her voice. She is also visibly very jittery/nervous in that video.
But Roxie is also one of those roles (like Cassie inA Chorus Line) where the actress has to haveLIVEDa life. It's evident that she, a 20something person coming out of a BFA program, does not bring that kind of lived experience to the part, even if she may be giving a technically proficient performance. (And for that reason I'm not sure why they cast her in the first place when there were hundreds of contestants.)"
I think it’s this exactly. She’s very charming but simply too young, playing at a jadedness she couldn’t possibly have. And, yeah, the key’s too low.
Bianca Marroquín returns as Roxie Hart June 21!
And… we’re going backwards again. At least CHICAGO was able to enjoy its brief “event show” moment when Pamela Anderson took her residency at the Ambassador Theatre. Now we’re back to point zero… again. Geez.
Boring. Maybe they have a name lined up for the Fall.
BrodyFosse123 said: "And… we’re going backwards again. At least CHICAGO was able to enjoy its brief “event show” moment when Pamela Anderson took her residency at the Ambassador Theatre. Now we’re back to point zero… again. Geez."
One would think with the love and acclaim Pamela got, more names would be expressing interest, especially those in a similar age range and lack of theatre background. I mean aside from a panto, she hasn't even acted since the 90s.
I feel like it's a usual refrain: "Maybe they have a name lined up..." but really, before Pam, when was the last time they had one?
A little clip of Miss Jennifer Holiday singing as Mama.
BrodyFosse123 said: "And… we’re going backwards again. At least CHICAGO was able to enjoy its brief “event show” moment when Pamela Anderson took her residency at the Ambassador Theatre. Now we’re back to point zero… again. Geez. "
Bianca Marroquin is one of the best Roxies. One could only wish for more point zeroes.
Bianca is fantastic. But she’s been doing this show for decades and outside of Broadway and Mexico, she’s unknown. Those nightly crowds after each performance. The sold out performances. The cheering and enthusiastic audiences. None of that happens when Bianca performs. CHICAGO was truly magical between April 12 to June 5, 2022. It was glorious seeing crowds outside the Ambassador Theatre daily. Now W. 49th Street will return to its previous ghost town form. There’s more to being a great talent. An artist needs that special spark. Pamela Anderson proved she has it and put CHICAGO back on people’s radar. It’s all over now.
I love when a Roxie plays up the southern part during the courtroom scene. I’m curious did Pam?
i would of seen Pam if I could but I fractured my foot, needed surgery and have been housebound for months and no friends that saw her, who I’d bet my life came away with something, have been kind enough to share.
yay Jenn’s back as Mama. Did anyone get to see Holliday as Mama with Donna Marie as Velma?
I've been hoping for another exciting "stunt" casting for the summer. I haven't seen Chicago since maybe 1999. Was considering it for the Sunday evening of my trip at the end of July, but now I probably will choose something else.
EDIT: After looking through Show-Score I learned about the Classical Theatre of Harlem's free production of Twelth Night at Marcus Garvey Park this summer, & registered through Event Brite for a ticket to a Sunday evening performance.
Back to about Chicago: I wish they would refresh this show by doing something like bringing back the costumes from the original production, even if they kept the current staging. All the black & white now looks dated - like watching a rerun of Who Wants to be a Millionaire with Regis in a metallic coloured neck tie.
Anderson now Holliday then who's the next star for the fall?
Surprised to see Bianca back, even as Roxie. Wasn't she dealing with injuries while playing Velma? Sounds like they're running out of vets to bring back to the show. Charlotte appears done performing. Dylis is doing DANCIN', Terra has tapped out of Chicago. Maybe Emma returns in the Fall? Their Velmas seem like slim pickings after Lana leaves in September. Probably gonna go with AFW unfortunately again.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/25/20
Why aren't they casting new Velma's? There are Broadway triple threats all over. Not like any of the regular Velma's are draws anyway. Cast new people!
Yeah, I don't understand the lack of new casting for Velma. When was the last time they had a brand new Velma?
someone brand new?
Luba way way back?
Mya almost happened.
Bianca was kinda a new Velma.
Amy Spanger, a fav Roxie, was a Velma standby once - never went on - would of LOVED to seen her take on Velma.
It’s honestly been Amra, Brenda, Terra and some Lana forever.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/17/07
I finally saw the show tonight for the first time since February 2020. I certainly had forgotten how much I missed it. The new CHICAGO backdrops look so sharp!
The only blocking difference I noticed was Roxie's first entrance is now from stage right instead of upstage center? And I felt like perhaps a few of the moves before All That Jazz were different. I distinctly remember 3 ensemble men entering from stage right with bowler hats about halfway through the Overture, and now there are only two.
Emma Pittman was an excellent Roxie, even though she definitely missed some of the humor in the Roxie monologue, especially the "older than I ever intended to be" line. But otherwise she was great; I always appreciate any Roxie that doesn't need diluted version of Me and My Baby.
The ensemble! So many new faces in the ensemble! They were on fire Saturday night. I did sit in the front row, so I got to see every wink and eyebrow raise and lip pursing that they did. I wonder if people who sit further back don't see those subtle things and that's why they think the ensemble is bored sometimes? My favorite new addition is Jeff Gorti. And Celina Nightingale.
I realize Jennifer Holliday is a legend, but the women who normally play Mama Morton are much stronger singers and funnier in the role. She was a sweetheart Morton.
Congrats to Evan Harrington who lost a ton of weight over the pandemic. I didn't even recognize him as Piangi from Phantom or Brian from Avenue Q anymore.
I know the former conductor, Leslie Stifleman, was embroiled in controversy, but I liked the way she kept the audience in their seats for the post show play off and got everybody to kind of jam along. Rob Bowman does not do that, and when I stayed to the end of the orchestra's playing, there were ushers yelling "time to go home! show's over! thanks for coming!" as there were just a handful of us who stayed. My how times have changed.