Broadway Legend Joined: 4/26/16
While reading people's comments on Moulin Rouge!, there were many people (usually fans of the film) who didn't care for the ending. And it got me thinking about shows I've seen in recent years that end not just on a high note, but in a way that made me more impressed with the entire work. A satisfying conclusion can make me think a good show is great, or a decent one is better than I thought.
SPOILER ALERT! They're light spoilers, but if you haven't seen the shows and plan to do so, I'd skip my little summaries.
Here are a few I thought of:
- Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812: Aside from ending with a gorgeous visual and a lovely song, Dave Malloy's wildly entertaining musical grows more serious once the party is over and main characters are picking up the pieces. I know the musical isn't everyone's favorite, but the hopeful but quiet conclusion left me feeling as joyous as Pierre.
- Vietgone: Qui Nguyen's play (with a few songs) about the playwright's Vietnamese-American parents ends with two scenes that transform what had been a hilarious, clever comedy to a magical journey into the present. It doesn't feel like it should work, and the special effects were minimal in the performance I saw in San Francisco, but the audience - with a few simple directorial moves and some great acting - suddenly sees the playwright's father as he really is, turning a conceit of the play into something profound and moving.
- Hedwig and the Angry Inch: I can't entirely explain why the last scenes work so well. The musical is less interested in making literal sense, but by the end, Hedwig falls apart and then acts selflessly with his partner Yitzhak. I've seen the show twice (once on tour with Darren Criss and Lena Hall and again at an excellent regional production at the San Jose Stage) and for all of its absurdities, the ending gets me every time.
- Hadestown: OK, it's another Rachel Chavkin-directed musical. It was the ending I should have seen coming but didn't. Andre De Shields, who holds the audience in the palm of his hand as Hermes from the start, completes the show's circular journey in a way that feels surprisingly uplifting and emphasizes the power and importance of storytelling.
Any other shows with endings that made you like the entire shows a lot better?
It's already an elevated piece in my mind, but the final moment of Fiddler on the Roof sticks with me in every production. Yente's heartbreaking monologue to Golde about finding her way to Jerusalem, the last moment and the smallest reconciliation between Tevye and Chava, the rotation of the stage (or the actors walking in a circle) to represent the journey outwards from Anatevke, and the way Tevye beckons the titular fiddler to follow them all drive home that despite the intense tragedy of what has been witnessed, community isn't defined solely by geography.
Not in the writing of the show specifically, but I felt this way about the revival of Oklahoma! The way the ending was played kind of got me on board, even though I wasn't really into the production until that point. I felt like that was the first "edgy" choice I saw validity in, the rest of the production felt like edgy-for-edgy's sake. Even though the ending wasn't perfect in my mind (I think Jud should've just fallen when he was shot like a normal death and stayed dead for the remainder of the show), Mary Testa's eerie performance and RBJ's fear and confusion stuck with me as actually poignant. The rest was nonsense. Fun, but nonsense.
Certainly FOLLIES must be mentioned here! I love the entire show, but I found myself literally holding my breath through much of the "Loveland" sequence.
Also GYPSY, where "Rose's Turn" both elevates our understanding and regains our sympathy for a mother who shortly before had horrified us by pushing her shy daughter onto the burlesque stage.
The Ferryman. The whole play is great, but that powder keg of an ending really sealed the deal for me.
Well, you know what "they" say: give 'em a great beginning and a great ending and they'll forget the stuff in between.
The ending of Light in the Piazza - the song "Fable," essentially - elevates an already great show to "top five" status for me. I can't think of many other musicals that end with a song that's brand new and as substantial and beautiful as this one.
Another great work that's pushed even higher by its ending is Angels in America. Somehow, by concluding on such an intimate note, the final scene makes everything that came before even more epic and universal.
Understudy Joined: 12/26/18
The ending to Next to Normal. The final song is of course beautiful (spoilers ahead), but when the audience finds out that Dan has had his son in his head the entire musical too, not only is it a crazy plot twist, it puts everything else in the show in a different perspective. You can go back and listen to the recording, and all of a sudden you question who some lines are sung to in the music! It's amazing.
My favorite kind of ending!
I feel like I’ve seen a lot of these over the years, in both plays and musicals. But the quintessential one for me is Sunday in the Park With George.
I think there's a good argument to be made that "You Can't Stop the Beat" is the final touch that makes Hairspray work like gangbusters. Yes, the rest of the show is great, but that finale is just such an explosion of joy and such a catchy song that you can't help walking out of the theater on cloud 9.
The very last line of Fun Home (which is already full of great moments) - "Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him". It wraps up the show so stunningly, and truly resolves the question the lead character has been haunted with through the course of the show - "am I just like you?"
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Blood Brothers - it's funny because the show obviously hits you over the head with the class theme. But they spend so much time diverting your attention, making you focus on the superstition and everything else, that you don't really think about it until the narrator actually asks you. And then it hits like a gut punch.
Passion and Cabaret - both incredible shows, but the endings just raise it to a whole new level for me
Floyd Collins - one of the most impactful endings I know of. "How Glory Goes" is just an incredible song and then when he finally walks out at the end after being trapped for so long...
The ending of Ragtime re: Mother.
The ending of Cabaret.
I could list so many shows here because my favorite pieces of theater usually have endings that stay with me, but I'll list four:
Long Day's Journey Into Night (especially the 2003 revival with Vanessa Redgrave and Brian Dennehy)
Children of a Lesser God (final moment from the original production still stays with me)
Cyrano de Bergerac (1984 Royal Shakespeare Company with Derek Jacobi)
Caroline, or Change (the final moment makes you realize what a journey you've been through with this character)
I have doubts. I have such doubts!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/08
I definitely agree about Hairspray.
Not sure if these count since it’s technically after bows but Mamma Mia. I know it wasn’t popular on these boards but the mega mix at the end was so energetic and just so fun. Really made me smile; always left grinning ear to ear. Also - Hair revival. 2009. The show ended so sadly but inviting the audiencd up on stage to dance at the end of each show really shifted the mood.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/17
Hello Dolly with its curtain call finale with the whole cast attending Dolly and Horace's wedding
On Your Feet with Coming Out of the Dark and final medley! Gloria's emotional journey at an end with her as the legend she grew up to be.
White Christmas with the title song finale and the encore medley. Perfect for the holidays
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
All below are great shows to begin with, but the endings elevate the entire show.
— Company...such a cold show until ‘Being Alive’ and what we learn so much more about Bobby
— Gypsy...already a great show, but ‘Rose’s Turn’ is incredible
— LDJIN...when Mary Tyrone wanders back into the scene
— Streetcar...probably the most shattering ending ever
— The Ferryman... nothing will ever be the same for the family we have come to care so much about.
— The endings of every Cyrano I have ever seen, exactly two. Derek Jacobi and Christopher Plummer gave two of the greatest performances I have seen l.
— The Great White Hope... when Jack Jefferson carries Eleanor’s body across the stage.
— The ending of the original production of Cabaret and of the 1998 production
— Sunday in the Park. How do you top Move On followed by Sunday? Not sure you do (although I have always gotten a little bored in Act 1)
— The entire Loveland sequence of Follies (original production), culminating with Ben’s breakdown and the chaos that immediately follows. Great ending to IMO a great, slightly flawed masterpiece
— Man of La Mancha...if properly staged, which the original production was, the ending is an emotional powderkeg
The Mystery of Edwin Drood comes to mind. The whole show is a great bit of fun, but the end really is fantastic. Seeing the performers elected as Dick Datchery and the murderer getting their own time shine is just wonderful. And of course shortly after you get to hilariously pair off the lovers and then hear Writing on the Wall, one of the best songs in the show.
The 'new' ending to Pippin is just the cherry on top. The finale completely subverts the entire play and is stunning in itself - I'm just talking about until the part the Leading Player leaves the stage. I remember when I was watching the 2013 revival, my first exposure to the musical, as soon as Pippin and Catherine walked out the stage but Theo remained, I thought to myself: "No, they aren't going to do what I think they're going to do. It would be too perfect'. They did. It made me rethink the entire play and made it all the more sad in its last 30 seconds.
Updated On: 7/23/19 at 03:51 PMSwing Joined: 12/28/18
victoriafr said: "The ending to Next to Normal. The final song is of course beautiful (spoilers ahead), but when the audience finds out that Dan has had his son in his head the entire musical too, not only is it a crazy plot twist, it puts everything else in the show in a different perspective. You can go back and listen to the recording, and all of a sudden you question who some lines are sung to in the music! It's amazing."
I came here to say this as well. There are several endings I love, but I can’t think of any that make me reevaluate the show in the same way this one does. The reprise of I Am the One is one of my favorite moments in musical theatre. It adds such depth to Dan’s character, Gabe’s motivations, and the show as a whole.
helvizz said: "The 'new' ending to Pippin is just the cherry on top. The finale completely subverts the entire play and is stunning in itself - I'm just talking about until the part the Leading Player leaves the stage. I remember when I was watching the 2013 revival,my first exposure to the musical, as soon as Pippin and Catherine walked out the stage but Theo remained, I thought to myself: "No, they aren't going to do what I think they're going to do. It would be too perfect'. They did. It made me rethink the entire play and made it all the more sad in its last 30 seconds."
This is so true. I was gutted at that ending. My partner and I could hardly speak to each other after that performance, we were both so emotional. We had been overjoyed during the entire performance, but that ending took it to an entirely different level.
I definitely agree about the Ferryman. That was such a thrilling ending.
Updated On: 7/23/19 at 06:47 PM
Kad said: "I think there's a good argument to be made that "You Can't Stop the Beat" is the final touch that makes Hairspray work like gangbusters. Yes, the rest of the show is great, but that finale is just such an explosion of joy and such a catchy song that you can't help walking out of the theater on cloud 9."
I definitely second that!
I second the Hair revival! When I saw it, the audience was having such a fun time, and then when flesh failures happened, it was like a bomb went off (pun intended? yikes). I'll never forget it.