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Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?

Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?

#1Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 9:26am

So, I went to see the opening night of the first preview of The Band's Visit. I actually didn't know that Tony Shalhoub was in it at first, because when I bought tickets, I bought tickets because I have The Band's Visit film on DVD and it's a fantastic movie. I saw it years ago and fell in love with it.

The stage door was a bit of a zoo. There were people on both sides of the barricades, forming a large crowd on both sides. I was the first person on my side of the stage door barricade so he came over and signed my playbill first after finishing with the other side.

This is how the conversation went, and I'm not exaggerating:

Me: Hello!

Tony Shalhoub: (says nothing)

Me: I had no idea you were even in this show! I am a huge fan of the movie "The Band's Visit", it's one of my favorites.

Tony Shalhoub: (says nothing)

Me: I'm getting this playbill signed for my mother. She loves your acting. She watches Monk all the time. She'll be so thrilled.

Tony Shalhoub: (says nothing)

Then, I said to my husband, who was right by me: "Hey, I'm starving, let's go across the street to The Russian Vodka Room to get some food after this."

Me (to Tony): Thank you so much. You've made my mom very happy!

Tony Shalhoub: (says nothing)

So yeah, he didn't say a single word to me. But it was okay. I called my mom, talked to some of the people around me about the show, and then we headed across the street towards the Russian Vodka Room.

Tony Shalhoub must have stopped signing autographs at some point because as we were walking towards the Russian Vodka Room, Tony Shalhoub was crossing the street towards the same street that we were on, but a few feet ahead.

I didn't point him out, or pay him any mind, or anything. We were hungry and going to get food. Tony was surrounded by body guards and he was walking at a normal pace towards a restaurant by ours, and he looked over and saw us, and just darted into the restaurant, as though to avoid us, as soon as he saw us. But we weren't even going to bother him or anything, we were just a few steps away from being at the Russian Vodka Room entrance.

Anyway, I know it's silly, but now every time Monk comes on, it just doesn't feel the same anymore. I wasn't expecting much, really, but I've never had someone at a stage door just say... nothing to me, like that. Not even a hello.

Updated On: 4/18/18 at 09:26 AM

#2Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 9:29am

So he had the audacity to listen to your story and sign your playbill? What a monster.

#3Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 9:38am

You wait six months to share this story and you do it two weeks before Tony nominations are announced? Are you the press agent for another leading actor contender by any chance?


Actors owe you NOTHING but to put on the show you paid to see. And if I had been in his shoes I would have darted away too. How does he know you're not some creepy stalker who's following him after the show. He doesn't know where you're going to eat (and if you think he heard you say it to your husband I can almost guarantee that between noise and his lack of interest he didn't).

#4Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 9:46am

Last year I went to Stars in the Alley. Michael Xavier got up to sing Sunset Boulevard. I didn’t know anything about the show but it really moved me, so I bought a ticket to the show! I looooooved it. Texted my coworker right away that she needed to see it (side note, she ended up taking her mom the following week), and I thought it would be nice to tell him that him taking the time at Stars to sing that song made an impression (as I assume they don’t get paid extra or much to do these promo things?!).
Anyways, so I tell him I really enjoyed the show and I bought my ticket because of his performance at Stars.
He says “Oh good. We sold one ticket that day.” Totally sarcastic. And that was that.
Womp womp.
I don’t really stage door, but if I do, I’ve found a simple “thank you” is all that is needed.

#5Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 9:52am

Hey, he didn't even have to come out at all. Everything you described just about right - not by any means rude.

Also, just as a side note, the stage door for The Band's Visit was the most pleasant one I've ever waited at. Everyone - including the audience members - was sweet and patient. Everyone had lovely things to say. Tony Shalhoub was very quiet then as well, and kindly listened to what everyone had to say. (Not unlike your experience.)

The calmer the stage door, the more time performers are willing to take, I've found. Sounds like you went on a crazy night anyway. I get why he didn't hang around, let alone risk another extended fan interaction at a restaurant.

Updated On: 4/18/18 at 09:52 AM

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
Lot666 Profile Photo
#7Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 10:03am

greenifyme2 said: "He says “Oh good. We sold one ticket that day.” Totally sarcastic. And that was that."

Michael Xavier is British and he has an offbeat sense of humor. Brits tend to be more reserved in their reactions to things, while Americans are often much more effusive by comparison. He intentionally posts a lot of groan-inducing jokes on social media. I met him at the stage door for Sunset Boulevard and he was very nice; I doubt he intended to offend.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

BalconyClub Profile Photo
#8Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 10:05am

I can no longer walk past The Russian Vodka Room without thinking of your fascinating story.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#9Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 10:12am

The rude people at the stage door tend to be the ones seeking the autographs, not signing them.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#10Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 10:16am

Lot666 said: "greenifyme2 said: "He says “Oh good. We sold one ticket that day.” Totally sarcastic. And that was that."

Michael Xavier is British and he has anoffbeat sense of humor. Brits tend to be more reserved in their reactions to things, whileAmericans are often much more effusive by comparison. He intentionally posts a lot of groan-inducing jokes on social media. I met him at the stage door for Sunset Boulevard and he was very nice; I doubt he intended to offend.

 I was going to say in my post that it wasn’t necessarily rude, but you know what... it was!  I want actors to keep doing these promo things like Stars, it helps them sell tickets sure, but it also is nice for those of us who can attend these things in the middle of a Friday or Tuesday or whenever. Not that my one ticket isn’t a drop in the bucket but it has to add up, right. There’s know way for anyone to know what marketing works and doesn’t. 

Anyways, despite having a couple of fine experiences, I’ve found stage dooring to not be my cup of tea. Better to pay for my ticket, applaud them at the show, and end the experience there :)


Updated On: 4/18/18 at 10:16 AM

#11Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 10:24am

LunaEstelle said: 

Anyway, I know it's silly, but now every time Monk comes on, it just doesn't feel the same anymore. I wasn't expecting much, really, but I've never had someone at a stage door just say... nothing to me, like that. Not even a hello."

We met him after  an off-Broadway show he was in several years ago. He was very charming and funny. My 10 yr old nephew was a big Monk fan and I had a book from the series that Tony graciously signed for him. I mentioned my nephew's age and he said it was a good thing we didn't bring him to that show - it would have been "Mr. Monk Gets Laid". Everyone was hysterical. My nephew did get to meet him years later when we saw Lend Me a Tenor and he posed for a photo with him. Please don't judge someone by the actions on any particular night. Everyone has an off day and I am sure he didn't avoid you crossing the street but maybe after your experience it just felt that way. Just remember that actors are not obligated to stop and sign. Many don't - he did take the time so give him credit for that.

#12Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 10:27am

LizzieCurry said: "The rude people at the stage door tend to be the ones seeking the autographs, not signing them."


NievesG Profile Photo
#13Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 10:54am

LizzieCurry said: "The rude people at the stage door tend to be the ones seeking the autographs, not signing them."

I'll cosign this! People can get really aggressive when we are all there for the same thing. 

Never encountered a rude actor, perhaps quiet, but they just finished working.. I don't expect them to be all "on" at the stagedoor.

TheGingerBreadMan Profile Photo
#14Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 11:01am

There's nothing rude about what Mr. Shalhoub did. Perhaps he was on vocal rest/had a cold, perhaps he was tired, perhaps he was in a rush to get to an event after the show and didn't have time to make conversation with every single fan at the stage door. He doesn't owe you a thing. You paid for a ticket to the show, not for a meet and greet with the cast. Signing autographs and listening to fan's stories is more than he has to do, yet he generously takes time out of his day to do it.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#15Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 11:11am

To quote the great Elsa: "Let... it...go!" 

Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?

haterobics Profile Photo
#16Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 11:16am

LunaEstelle said: "I wasn't expecting much, really, but I've never had someone at a stage door just say... nothing to me, like that. Not even a hello."

Ever hear of vocal rest? Where he has to protect his voice so he can keep doing the show 8x a week? And saying he can't talk because he's on vocal rest is something he can't do on vocal rest?

greensgreens Profile Photo
#17Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 12:05pm

It always makes me sad to read about (and see) how stage dooring has become so much of an "event" and an expected "extension of the show" for many. It is no longer even safe for the crowds or the actors! I remember my first trip to NYC, I got to meet the whole casts of Kiss of the Spider Woman, The Goodbye Girl, Carousel, and Tommy; nobody came out "alternate doors" or anything. There were maybe two or three other people waiting at the busiest of those. In fact, the leading trio of Kiss was visibly shocked anyone was even waiting for them (and this was after the Tony sweep). Chita even sang happy birthday to me, as the trip was a present from my parents. It makes me sad that no one is able to even have much of an experience beyond an autograph because of how out of control stagedooring has become. Those experiences taught me how to interact calmly and positively with people I "fanboy" around, which was an incredibly valuable experience for my current career!

mikem Profile Photo
#18Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 12:34pm

I've seen Tony Shalhoub at the stage door several times over the years, and he'd be very, very far down on my list of people who were rude at the stage door.  He was the only actor who came out the stage door consistently at The Price, and he spent a lot of time with the large number of fans there.  I've always found him to be polite and respectful.

I am kind of confused about what exactly happened.  Usually, if there are a lot of people at the stage door, the actors are focused on signing as many Playbills as possible and moving along quickly.  Did he spend the whole time looking at you and listening (which is all you can ask for), or did he sign ten other people's Playbills while you were talking (in which case he may not have realized that you were talking to him)?

He could well have been on vocal rest.  He may have thought that it was announced but it wasn't.  That happens sometimes.  Or he could have had something else on his mind, but he still took the time to come out the stage door.  That may be what was happening if he was "surrounded by bodyguards."  I've never seen him with anyone at the stage door.  If he really had multiple bodyguards, perhaps something happened that caused his mind to be elsewhere.

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

quizking101 Profile Photo
#19Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 12:35pm

Lot666 said: "greenifyme2 said: "He says “Oh good. We sold one ticket that day.” Totally sarcastic. And that was that."

Michael Xavier is British and he has anoffbeat sense of humor. Brits tend to be more reserved in their reactions to things, whileAmericans are often much more effusive by comparison. He intentionally posts a lot of groan-inducing jokes on social media. I met him at the stage door for Sunset Boulevard and he was very nice; I doubt he intended to offend.

THIS! He is so incredibly charming in a dry-Rupert Everett type of way. Even after PRINCE OF BROADWAY, he remembered me because, and I quote, “I don’t ever see many people that are much taller than me”.

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!

morosco Profile Photo
#20Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 12:41pm

The whole stage door thing has become just plain creepy.

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#21Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 1:15pm

Yes, I have seen people be rude at a stage door. Anyone who feels entitled to an autograph and picture with their favorite performer, and thinks that their ticket includes personal interactions with cast members at the stage door.

Anakela Profile Photo
#22Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 1:31pm

you told him:
- hey, I didn't even know you were in this! but I like the movie this show is based on.
- I'm getting this Playbill signed for someone who didn't even see your performance.
- my mom loved your tv show that ended (10?) years ago.
- you said nothing to him about his actual performance in the actual show.
- then you mentioned again you're getting this Playbill signed for someone who didn't see the show.
But he's the rude one? ok.

Alex M Profile Photo
Alex M
#23Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 1:38pm

I agree with all of you that actors never have to stage door and it was nice enough of him to come out but I agree with the original poster that it was a little "rude" or at least I would say odd that he said absolutely nothing to them. I know it was already very nice of him to come out and sign but if he's going to do that the least he could do is say thank you or something to his fans. Just my opinion! 

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#24Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 1:41pm

Alex M said: "I agree with all of you that actors never have to stage door and it was nice enough of him to come out but I agree with the original poster that it was a little "rude" or at least I would say odd that he said absolutely nothing to them. I know it was already very nice of him to come out and sign but if he's going to do that the least he could do is say thank you or something to his fans. Just my opinion!"

He might've been on vocal rest, though.

Alex M Profile Photo
Alex M
#25Ever have someone be rude at a stage door?
Posted: 4/18/18 at 1:45pm

BroadwayRox3588 said: "Alex M said: "I agree with all of you that actors never have to stage door and it was nice enough of him to come out but I agree with the original poster that it was a little "rude" or at least I would say odd that he said absolutely nothing to them. I know it was already very nice of him to come out and sign but if he's going to do that the least he could do is say thank you or something to his fans. Just my opinion!"

He might've been on vocal rest, though.

Very true! In that case I completely understand!
