As a fund-raiser in December, the theater is planning a one-night reunion concert of its Tony-winning 2008 revival of “South Pacific.”
Holy ****!!! Anyone have any further intel on this, specifically a date?
Featured Actor Joined: 6/18/16
I’ve never heard of this musical. Ever.
But I know Collins was a spelunker so it makes sense for it go into the cavernous Beaumont stage.
Play Esq. said: "As a fund-raiser in December, the theater is planning a one-night reunion concert of its Tony-winning 2008 revival of “South Pacific.”
Holy ****!!! Anyone have any further intel on this, specifically a date?"
December 9th
Steve Pasquale doing Midnight in the Garden at the Goodman would not conflict, since the show is happening now…and there’s no guarantee it will transfer to Broadway anyway.
Yeah, I’m not seeing how Pasquale not doing Midnight means he is doing this. Initial casting for the Midnight principals was announced months ago, before this would’ve been finalized. Pasquale was part of a reading last year, but quite a number of folks involved in that reading aren’t part of the Goodman cast.
I also have to imagine that if there was finalized lead casting for Collins, it would’ve been announced.
I don't know anything about MIDNIGHT's intentions or FLOYD's casting process, but if MIDNIGHT is aiming for Broadway in Spring 2024 then they may have only wanted to cast people in the Chicago run who are also available next Spring.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "I don't know anything aboutMIDNIGHT's intentions or FLOYD's casting process, but if MIDNIGHT is aiming for Broadway in Spring 2024 then they may have only wanted to cast people in the Chicago run who are also available next Spring."
As was stated earlier in the thread, no one knows what the future would hold for the Midnight post Chicago run. Sure, it may aim for Broadway but not make it. It may aim for Broadway and end up making it there. We just don’t know. But, the thing to add on to what was said earlier is this. Remember, it’s two different contracts for Midnight. One for the Chicago run, and then a totally new one if they do in fact take the show to Broadway. Pasquale, should he be offered the role in Floyd Collins, would then have to make a choice.
I’m drawing a blank, but didn’t a similar thing happen this season with an actor who was in both out of town runs of The Notebook and Water for Elephants? I am forgetting who it was but I believe they decided to go to Broadway with The Notebook instead of Water for Elephants.
Islander_fan said: "ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "I don't know anything aboutMIDNIGHT's intentions or FLOYD's casting process, but if MIDNIGHT is aiming for Broadway in Spring 2024 then they may have only wanted to cast people in the Chicago run who are also available next Spring."
As was stated earlier in the thread, no one knows what the future would hold for the Midnight post Chicago run. Sure, it may aim for Broadway but not make it. It may aim for Broadway and end up making it there. We just don’t know. But, the thing to add on to what was said earlier is this. Remember, it’s two different contracts for Midnight. One for the Chicago run, and then a totally new one if they do in fact take the show to Broadway.Pasquale, should he be offered the role in Floyd Collins, would then have to make a choice.
I’m drawing a blank, but didn’t a similar thing happen this season with an actor who was in both out of town runs of The Notebook and Water for Elephants? I am forgetting who it was but I believe they decided to go to Broadway with The Notebook instead of Water for Elephants."
They're technically two different contracts but in the case of MIDNIGHT and most other pre-Broadway engagements at a nonprofit, everything was set up by the commercial producer. So yes they're on a Goodman Theatre contract, but an actor of Pasquale or JHG's stature is going to have a not-unsubstantial Right Of First Refusal agreement + probably a little extra money from the commercial side to offset a regional theatre scale salary.
You're thinking of Ryan Vasquez, who did the out of towns of The Outsiders, The Notebook, and Water for Elephants. He chose to stick with Notebook. That stuff happens. Sometimes a show has a clear trajectory and timeline for Broadway, sometimes it does not. Sometimes it THINKS it does and then they realize it's worse off than they think :)
Regardless, it's a waste of all our time to speculate when nothing has been announced.
In 2014 a small company here in Vancouver put on a production of Floyd Collins. Guettel even came to Vancouverto help promote it, and did a concert here himself. I looked up this review I remembered, by the most insightful local theatre writer, who really nails the problems with the book of this show.
Yes it has a few nice tunes, but ultimately it's a pretty tedious show to sit through.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/5/10
In 2020, Landau said during a virtual reunion on Stars in The House that she and Guettel had been re-working the show and were planning a major New York production with a revised book.
You can hear her talk about it at 1:32
Also, the character of Floyd Collins is a young man, and his parents are characters in the show. Floyd died at 37, I don’t think anyone over 40 would work in this role.
Pasquale is 47, but looks younger…I mean he recently played Booth in Assasins, who was 27. If it wasn’t for Google, I’d guess Pasquale is in his mid-late thirties. If the rumor is true, he’ll be fine.
Featured Actor Joined: 12/28/21
This is my number one favorite show that I've never seen a production of. I'M SO EXCITED!
I remember purchasing the cast recording at the Virgin Megastore and just could not get into this score at all. Granted I am aging myself with this tidbit, but maybe seeing this staged will change my mind.
bigbelterbaby said: "In 2020, Landau said during a virtual reunion on Stars in The House that she and Guettel had been re-working the show and were planning a major New York production with a revised book.
You can hear her talk about it at 1:32
Also, the character of Floyd Collins is a young man, and his parents are characters in the show. Floyd died at 37, I don’t think anyone over 40 would work in this role.
This is the theatre, darling.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/5/10
Excited to hear the female casting of this too, the character of Nellie Collins (his sister) and Miss Jane (his step-mother) both sing a duet and have solos.
Just saw Mike Faist's name mentioned for Floyd.
TaffyDavenport said: "Just saw Mike Faist's name mentioned for Floyd."
He would certainly be a good fit- and a good draw, coming off of his newfound fame. Even though they're a nonprofit, they still need to fill the Beaumont, and they can't count on this title alone doing so.
LCT certainly needs a win after two back-to-back musical productions that weren't just flops but rather embarrassing ones.
Chorus Member Joined: 9/20/22
sppunk said: "I’ve never heard of this musical. Ever.
But I know Collinswas a spelunker so it makes sense for it go into the cavernous Beaumont stage."
Crazy word choice!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
For those unfamiliar with the show, the version Will Blum did in his apartment during the pandemic by building a cave out of cardboard boxes was an impressive feat:
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
I want Will Blum cast as Floyd just because of that video, lol.
I might have to trek out to NYC to see this! Or is there any chance it could tour, do you think?
SporkGoddess said: "I want Will Blum cast as Floyd just because of that video, lol.
I might have to trek out to NYC to see this! Or is there any chance it could tour, do you think?"
Will Blum is a severely underrated performer. Hope he gets a role that shows his full talent someday. His comedic and dramatic range is crazy: Floyd Collins, George Seraut, Beetlejuice, Mozart (in Amadeus), Arnold Beckoff understudy (Torch Song), Dewy Finn (SoR), Elder Cunningham, Buddy the Elf, David (Company tour), Seymour (LSOH).
I doubt it would tour unless it wins Best Revival and/or becomes something of a phenomenon, but crazier things have happened!
Stand-by Joined: 9/25/22
Any updates / murmurs on casting for this? I know it's a while away.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/26/19
halfhourcheckwithmerman said: "Any updates / murmurs on casting for this? I know it's a while away."
Ed Helms
I can’t tell if the Ed Helms comment is serious…wasn’t Steven Pasquale rumored for this?
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/25/05
halfhourcheckwithmerman said: "Any updates / murmurs on casting for this? I know it's a while away."
The title character will be played by a Broadway performer with a great resume and huge fan base.