Swing Joined: 3/27/22
The whole thing was a mess last night. She sounds like a high schooler with no training. This is BROADWAY. There are literally thousands of talented women who can sing and act. I don’t understand the people making up excuses. The tickets are too expensive for this quality.
Stand-by Joined: 4/4/17
The comparisons to Barbra are ridiculous. How many of you actually saw her opening night on Broadway or in out of town performances? All we have is a studio recording and the movie, which I am sure was not done in one take. I am seeing it on Monday and am thrilled to be able to. Quit bashing, if you said you didn’t like it, say it and move on. I rarely comment here because it is generally a bunch of whining brats who can’t accept someone else’s thoughts.
musicalmermaid said: "@BwayMeme on Twitter."
She sounds... Fine! Her voice, while mousy, is well-developed enough to handle that song with skill. All the sounds are "hitting" in the right ways.
I can also understand not liking her voice. It is quite young sounding.
I can't wait to hear how her voice develops into the role over the preview period!
<double post>
Swing Joined: 3/27/22
BentleyB said: "The comparisons to Barbra are ridiculous. How many of you actually saw her opening night on Broadway or in out of town performances? All we have is a studio recording and the movie, which I am sure was not done in one take. I am seeing it on Monday and am thrilled to be able to. Quit bashing, if you said you didn’t like it, say it and move on. I rarely comment here because it is generally a bunch of whining brats who can’t accept someone else’s thoughts."
No actually there’s raw footage of her on Broadway and she is just as good as she was in the film.
Swing Joined: 3/27/22
BentleyB said: "The comparisons to Barbra are ridiculous. How many of you actually saw her opening night on Broadway or in out of town performances? All we have is a studio recording and the movie, which I am sure was not done in one take. I am seeing it on Monday and am thrilled to be able to. Quit bashing, if you said you didn’t like it, say it and move on. I rarely comment here because it is generally a bunch of whining brats who can’t accept someone else’s thoughts."
No actually there’s raw footage of her on Broadway and she is just as good as she was in the film.
Stand-by Joined: 12/30/17
Truly don’t understand the hate and division for Beanie. I just checked out the recording of Parade. Sure there may be moments where the placements in her voice are questionable, but it’s far from bad
musicalmermaid said: "@BwayMeme on Twitter."
thank you - From that clip, Beanie does sound very amateurish in the way she sings (more like a high school production) and not a Broadway revival! She really needs to make it her own as it lacks artistry, passion, styling and drive! It's very boring actually her interpretation it's simply sung. Let's see how she develops during previews and hopefully they will work on it - adjust and give us the best she can deliver as that's not it! We see it in May.
CPannullo said: "Truly don’t understand the hate and division for Beanie. I just checked out the recording of Parade. Sure there may be moments where the placements in her voice are questionable, but it’s far from bad"
It’s not “bad,” but based on the clip alone, it sounds like the High School star who always got the lead role. That isn’t good enough for Broadway. Let’s see how she grows into the role vocally.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
CPannullo said: "Truly don’t understand the hate and division for Beanie. I just checked out the recording of Parade. Sure there may be moments where the placements in her voice are questionable, but it’s far from bad"
“Her voice is questionable”
“it’s far from bad”
“it’s fine”
These are not phrases I want to hear about a leading lady in 2022 on Broadway. We can have both. Stop normalizing bad singing. Especially with the prices people are paying.
I am seeing this in May along with Into the Woods, The Music Man, Plaza Suite, and Take Me Out, and while I am not overly thrilled with the casting of Beanie Feldstein, I am still very much looking forward to this.
Swing Joined: 3/27/22
“Who Are You Now” was a duet in this, that strangely turned into a “people” reprise.
The dialogue in that last scene was just dumb. He’s like “Hey there Funny girl”. Beanie and Ramin look awkward together. They have zero chemistry.
”You are woman, I am man” was sung in a weird breathy voice, almost speaking. Sounded bad.
The end of “music that makes me dance” is a super let down. Normally the song has a huge emotional belty ending and they’ve changed it to pull back and she sings it lightly in head voice. Probably because she can’t belt.
the title song from the film was added.
She played the role cutesy all night. No depth. The role needs an actress with some gravitas. There was no difference between her offstage and onstage persona. It was all the same.
Her vocals are not Broadway quality. This is one of the beltiest, difficult roles in musical theatre. Casting Beanie was a major mistake, and her fans can make up excuses till the cows come home, but there’s just too many talented woman in the business for that.
Reviews are sure to be a bloodbath. Just can’t see it going positively.
SouthernCakes said: "CPannullo said: "Truly don’t understand the hate and division for Beanie. I just checked out the recording of Parade. Sure there may be moments where the placements in her voice are questionable, but it’s far from bad"
“Her voice is questionable”
“it’s far from bad”
“it’s fine”
These are not phrases I want to hear about a leading lady in 2022 on Broadway. We can have both. Stop normalizing bad singing. Especially with the prices people are paying."
Exactly, it is bad singing from an untrained singer.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
Also just for the record, not coming for Beanie. She’s doing what she does. I’m questioning the casting and the producers. Why in this day and age in a major revival would you not give us the vocals we know the show requires? I had the same qualms with Lenk. And the same qualms with My Fair Lady. (And prob her Funny Girl if it ever happened.)
"Stop normalizing bad singing."
Having a Bobbie in Company be a stronger actor than a singer is not a problem, but having a Fanny Brice in Funny Girl be a stronger actor than a singer is a problem.
CPannullo said: "Truly don’t understand the hate and division for Beanie. I just checked out the recording of Parade. Sure there may be moments where the placements in her voice are questionable, but it’s far from bad"
I would call it criticism and that recording of Parade is not good from last night
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
Georgeanddot2 said: "Having a Bobbie in Company be a stronger actor than a singer is not a problem, but having a Fanny Brice in Funny Girl be a stronger actor than a singer is a problem."
I disagree 100%. Bobbie ends each act and therefore each add ends in a “…” rather than a “!” And it stilts the show. But hey if it works for you it works. I just know there’s 100000 other actresses in nyc who could do both.
SouthernCakes said: "Georgeanddot2 said: "Having a Bobbie in Company be a stronger actor than a singer is not a problem, but having a Fanny Brice in Funny Girl be a stronger actor than a singer is a problem."
I disagree 100%. Bobbie ends each act and therefore each add ends in a “…” rather than a “!” And it stilts the show. But hey if it works for you it works. I just know there’s 100000 other actresses in nyc who could do both."
I’m telling you Lenk’s vocals are almost completely different from previews. Give her another shot, or hopefully we’ll get a cast recording to document her growth.
Good GOD! It’s been awhile since I’ve seen such nastiness on here. The (majority) of the people complaining are basing the complaints on a one minute clip. Calm down. It was the first preview and apparently their first full run through. I’ve heard MUCH worse performances on Broadway (Nik Dodani in Waitress comes to mind) and yes, I am sure she will grow in the role. The people saying “this is Broadway! People shouldn’t have to grow in roles!” Do you know what you’re talking about? Performances organically grow the longer you perform them - calm. down.
I would agree with some here that there won't be a Cinderella transformation in her voice where it will suddenly be completely different than it is right, but previews exist for a reason. It takes time for actors to find their voice and characters and a lot of improvement happens between the first preview and opening night (and after opening night too).
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
ljay889 said: "SouthernCakes said: "Georgeanddot2 said: "Having a Bobbie in Company be a stronger actor than a singer is not a problem, but having a Fanny Brice in Funny Girl be a stronger actor than a singer is a problem."
I disagree 100%. Bobbie ends each act and therefore each add ends in a “…” rather than a “!” And it stilts the show. But hey if it works for you it works. I just know there’s 100000 other actresses in nyc who could do both."
I’m telling you Lenk’s vocals are almost completely different from previews. Give her another shot, or hopefully we’ll get a cast recording to document her growth."
Fair. I liked her acting and her charm. And she gives off a very cool downtown vibe so I get why she was chosen. But I don’t get why they couldn’t find a comfortable key for her solos. Like just make the songs suit her voice. Instead of forcing her to make the songs work out of a key she can’t sing in. But for sure. I’d give her a second chance.
and to Beanie, those of you saying “give her time.” She’s been announced for how long? Probably running this show at least twice a day during rehearsals. It’s not like it’s just sprang on her. These are the vocals. They aren’t changing.
ljay889 said:
"I’m telling you Lenk’s vocals are almost completely different from previews. Give her another shot, or hopefully we’ll get a cast recording to document her growth."
A friend of mine who's not a regular theatregoer saw Company mid-February for the first time, and he loved it. When I asked him what he thought of Katrina's voice, though, he texted back, verbatim, "Not the worst not the best. She can't sing." So, regardless of what you think of her progress, there are still people who aren't impressed by her vocals. Fortunately, it doesn't sink the show for most, and they're still able to enjoy it.
Speaking for myself, I prefer Beanie in that short clip to what I heard from Katrina at the first preview in November.
Wait wait wait, you can give Katrina Lenk another shot, but not Beanie? Make that make sense.
I get that Fanny is a much more vocally centric and demanding role than Bobbie, but I don't understand why the ability for growth should be treated differently for the two. What was your thinking there? (I'm honestly just curious, not trying to go for a gotcha of some kind).
This is Beanie Feldstein ten-ish years ago. Has her voice matured or improved since then?