Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
jkcohen626 said: "Wait wait wait, you can give Katrina Lenk another shot, but not Beanie? Make that make sense.
I get that Fanny is a much more vocally centric and demanding role than Bobbie, but I don't understand why the ability for growth should be treated differently for the two. What was your thinking there? (I'm honestly just curious, not trying to go for a gotcha of some kind)."
Not saying I wouldn’t give Beanie another shot at all. I just don’t think her voice is going to drastically approve into some powerhouse beltress during previews. She’d serving what she’s serving. But that said, same with Lenk. Lenk has also had 2 years since I saw her to work on the material so I’d assume she’s gotten somewhat stronger? But I just loved that production so would see it again regardless.
But I’d love to hear about the actual production? How was Lynch?? Did it improve upon the London staging?
Featured Actor Joined: 5/4/13
jkcohen626 said: "Wait wait wait, you can give Katrina Lenk another shot, but not Beanie? Make that make sense.
I get that Fanny is a much more vocally centric and demanding role than Bobbie, but I don't understand why the ability for growth should be treated differently for the two. What was your thinking there? (I'm honestly just curious, not trying to go for a gotcha of some kind)."
Not that it should. But that is what we have for now. It is what it is. My guess is that with Beanie it is not so much that she would have ability for her voice to grow. Minnie Mouse will not sound like Daisy Duck in a few months.
n2nbaby said: "I’ve heard MUCH worse performances on Broadway (Nik Dodani in Waitress comes to mind)"
How is that even in the realm of comparison?
No one else was available who would sing the score as is? Guess they didnt have Daddy/Brother/BFF connections. Ah well.
Tag said: "n2nbaby said: "I’ve heard MUCH worse performances on Broadway (Nik Dodani in Waitress comes to mind)"
How is that even in the realm of comparison?
I wasn’t comparing performances? I haven’t seen Funny Girl yet - I was simply saying I’ve seen MUCH worse vocal performances than the little sound clip going around twitter.
Wait, remember Lillias White’s rendition of “Parade” at the Actor’s Fund concert in, was it 2002?
east side story said: "Wait, remember Lillias White’s rendition of “Parade” at the Actor’s Fund concert in, was it 2002?
Did someone say Lillias White's rendition? WOW - here:
You know Lea Michele is enjoying the BIGGEST slice of cake today.
Would have loved to see Lea in this. Yup, I said what I said.
Swing Joined: 5/4/18
Faye Dunaway was fired for less.
When I saw that curtain call “where is she!” bit, I thought they might fly her in from above.
Then I realized there isn’t a counterweight system in the land that could make that happen.
KingOfThePigPeople said: "Faye Dunaway was fired for less.
When I saw that curtain call “where is she!” bit, I thought they might fly her in from above.
Then I realized there isn’t a counterweight system in the land that could make that happen."
We can talk about Beanie's performance all we want, but making jokes about her weight are beyond tacky and immature. (Even for these boards!)
On that note, does anyone have much to say about anything else of the show? I get it's a big role and big moment, but there have only been quick mentions of design, performances, or staging and I'd love to hear more if anyone has thoughts.
For the record, I don’t hear “hate” or “nastiness” in these posts. I read discernment, evaluation, and experience backed appraisal. What people have been sharing here since 2003 when I joined. This is a place where opinions are contrasted, where reactions are catalogued. Previews are not a sacrosanct blackout period when responses should be withheld. It’s why I asked specific questions. I learn from the answers. We had comparable discussion after the start of Flying Over Sunset. Debate, even argument. But it’s how we nail down wether we like what we see. I welcome honesty.
“and to Beanie, those of you saying “give her time.” She’s been announced for how long? Probably running this show at least twice a day during rehearsals. It’s not like it’s just sprang on her. These are the vocals. They aren’t changing."
And now that’s she’s performing full out to an audience that voice aint getting any better. It’s all downhill from here.
I really don’t like when actors are cast in demanding singing roles and it’s labeled as a reinvention or a revelation. Cast someone who can sing the damn score as written. Who pays to hear songs sung poorly or dumbed down?
I was there last night. It was a very exciting and electric evening. If you haven't watched the curtain speech, Sonia Friedman said something like "2 or 3 days ago we didn't think this was going to happen" and also it was their first time running the show. They prepped us for possible stops, but there was only one hiccup with an offstage costume change in Act 2 after Rat-Tat-Tat-Tat (which she lost her mustache halfway through and chucked it into the pit lol). Jane was left onstage to ad-lib/start the scene with Beanie offstage, but she eventually entered.
I actually liked the design- some may find the central tower that opens and closes, revealing different locations, a bit constricting but I thought it worked. However, if you're off to the side like I was, you're distracted by the crew setting and resetting a lot when the tower is closed. Also, those spiral staircases on each side are a sightline nightmare. Overall though it was effective, creative, expensive- the big estate window was gorgeous!
I thought Jane Lynch was a surprise standout. I'm not super familiar with the original book, but I feel like Harvey gave her a lot more to do. She gets some really tender moments with Fanny. I was a little unsure of Ramin in Act One, but he won me over by the end of the show (and no, not just because of his shirtless moment). He sounds delicious and you watch his charm melt into angry desperation. He stopped the show with Temporary Arrangement which felt very Guys and Dolls- but maybe a little out of place... Once again, not a FG expert, but I feel like Henry Street & Sadie, Sadie were expanded and are now ensemble dance numbers which I really enjoyed.
Last thing I'll say... it was SO HOT in there last night. For god's sake Jujamcyn, crank the AC. I understand they've been teching the show and the lights have been on all day, but I was BOILING. Wear a tank top underneath your winter coat, otherwise you'll be schvitzing for 3 hours!!!
Highland Guy said: "This is Beanie Feldstein ten-ish years ago. Has her voice matured or improved since then?”
This is the first time I’ve seen and heard her doing “Meadowlark” - thanks for this! I’m very encouraged to hear what she can do with this song, both vocally and as an actress. I look forward to seeing the show on April 21!
For all the people lecturing others on how “hateful” and “negative” people are being… honey don’t make me bump the Women On the Verge Previews Thread. You don’t know what “hateful” is.
60'splayoff said: "I was there last night. It was a very exciting and electric evening. If you haven't watched the curtain speech, Sonia Friedman said something like "2 or 3 days ago we didn't think this was going to happen" and also it was their first time running the show. They prepped us for possible stops, but there was only one hiccup with an offstage costume change in Act 2 after Rat-Tat-Tat-Tat (which she lost her mustache halfway through and chucked it into the pit lol). Jane was left onstage to ad-lib/start the scene with Beanie offstage, but she eventually entered.
I actually liked the design- some may find the central tower that opens and closes, revealing different locations, a bit constricting but I thought it worked. However, if you're off to the side like I was, you're distracted by the crew setting and resetting a lot when the tower is closed. Also, those spiral staircases on each side are a sightline nightmare. Overall though it was effective, creative, expensive- the big estate window was gorgeous!
I thought Jane Lynch was a surprise standout. I'm not super familiar with the original book, but I feel like Harvey gave her a lot more to do. She gets some really tender moments with Fanny. I was a little unsure of Ramin in Act One, but he won me over by the end of the show (and no, not just because of his shirtless moment). He sounds delicious and you watch his charm melt into angry desperation. He stopped the show with Temporary Arrangement which felt very Guys and Dolls- but maybe a little out of place... Once again, not a FG expert, but I feel like Henry Street & Sadie, Sadie were expanded and are now ensemble dance numbers which I really enjoyed.
Last thing I'll say... it was SO HOT in there last night. For god's sake Jujamcyn, crank the AC. I understand they've been teching the show and the lights have been on all day, but I was BOILING. Wear a tank top underneath your winter coat, otherwise you'll be schvitzing for 3 hours!!!"
Thanks for sharing but no Beanie or Jared mentions?
I don't think anyone is being rude or nasty about Beanie here. I don't think she gives a bad performance at all. In fact I like her acting and I like her look as Fanny a lot. It's just that the singing just does not work. Is it just me or was she basically mixing the whole score? I don't think that's really the right approach to the music here.
I really think this should've been a total unknown. They definitely could've found a funny Jewish girl who could blow the roof off the theater, which is really what the role requires. Could've been a huge star-making turn.
Robbie2 said:
Thanks for sharing but no Beanie or Jared mentions?"
Jared's tapping is beyond thrilling. He gets 2 moments to really shine and the audience eats both of em up!
I hesitate to contribute to the Beanie of it all (I'm scared!!!)- pretty much everything's already been said and I wanted to shine some light on the other aspects of the production.
For the people who are comparing Katrina and Beanie: Katrina Lenk is a Tony award winner. She is automatically held at a different standard than Beanie Feldstein. It looks a lot different for her when people say she can’t do a role. But, then again- not every role is meant for every actor.
I’m excited to check this show out with an open mind. After previews, though
Her daddy and brother are producers on the show, so that should explain it….
Thank you, was honestly wondering for months what was going on. I was pmed a solid theory about a silent producer with tons of pull on Broadway too. So, it all makes perfect sense now.
Her understudy and alternate, however, will blow the roof off the place. Trust.
east side story said: "You know Lea Michele is enjoying the BIGGEST slice of cake today."
Nah, she’s right here posting from all her sock puppet accounts!
(kidding, btw.)
60'splayoff said: "Robbie2 said:
Thanks for sharing but no Beanie or Jared mentions?"
Jared's tapping is beyond thrilling. He gets 2 moments to really shine and the audience eats both of em up!
I hesitate to contribute to the Beanie of it all (I'm scared!!!)- pretty much everything's already been said and I wanted to shine some light on the other aspects of the production."
How much of the show takes place at the top of those staircases? I'm in Orch Row X and a bit nervous I'm gonna miss a bunch of stuff!
60'splayoff said: "Robbie2 said:
Thanks for sharing but no Beanie or Jared mentions?"
Jared's tapping is beyond thrilling. He gets 2 moments to really shine and the audience eats both of em up!
I hesitate to contribute to the Beanie of it all (I'm scared!!!)- pretty much everything's already been said and I wanted to shine some light on the other aspects of the production."
Understandable, and ty
60'splayoff said:
"I actually liked the design- some may find the central tower that opens and closes, revealing different locations, a bit constricting but I thought it worked. However, if you're off to the side like I was, you're distracted by the crew setting and resetting a lot when the tower is closed. Also, those spiral staircases on each side are a sightline nightmare. Overall though it was effective, creative, expensive- the big estate window was gorgeous!"
If you could add your insight to the seating thread, I'm sure it would be much appreciated!