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Fredi's on....

Broadway_Baby Profile Photo
#1000Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:40am

Ah Drawn Together is on! Who's watching?

Honey, I don't produce theater. I am theater.
Updated On: 12/1/05 at 12:40 AM

Fantabulous428 Profile Photo
#1001Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:40am

1,000 posts on this thread - WOW!

I recognize the addiction to being alive.

Violet Tree
#1002Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:41am

I adore Drawn Together. I need to get that dvd set.

camerangel Profile Photo
#1003Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:41am

What Draen Together is on.. **runs to check**

Damn.. time difference.. **pouts**

"All work and no smut makes Cammy lose her edge." ~DG

"Someday I'm going to have a baby and I'm gonna name her L'il Mimi Marquez and I and will sing to her every day and when she's a toddler I will say "L'il Mimi Marquez, clad only in a bubble diaper, will perform her famous play pen handcuff dance to the sounds of breast milk being pumped!" ~Kringas

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#1004Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:41am

ROTFL...Shub, I'm friends w/ a broadway dresser, a couple of weeks ago we were discussing ppl he's dressed and amusing stories and who's been his favorites, etc.

He named Cheyenne as one of his favs...said he's a doll, very cute, and has an even cuter boyfriend

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

Broadway_Baby Profile Photo
#1005Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:41am

I was the 1000th post!

*feels special*

Honey, I don't produce theater. I am theater.

#1006Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:41am

ya know, i think i'm the only OBCer who isn't making an album
Feeling Electric

"Stupidity should be PAINFUL!" - Cam "Yeah - painful for the STUPID not the rest of us!" OMDB

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#1007Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:41am

Love Drawn Together!

"I'm on a never-ending quest to save my boyfriend!"

EMCEE! No more posting for you- finish reading Feeling Electric

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#1008Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:41am

David Gray - Babylon. Amazing song! Love that guy!!!!

I'm sure this has been asked millions of times, but did you guys ever have even the smallest notion that Rent would be as successful as it is?
Do you think it would still be as successful if Jonathan was still around hammering out other plays dealing w/ such important critical issues?

Whiteboy Spice
#1009Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:41am

Sorry, I must go to bed after reading my pms... Night, it was fun. Talk soon, Fredi!

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#1010Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:41am

Fredi, didn't you used to dress for Cats?
Who have been you're favourite folks to dress (any reason is valid Feeling Electric)
Thanks for stopping by Anthony!! Feeling Electric
Updated On: 12/1/05 at 12:41 AM

#1011Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:42am

Anthony - yeah, I've liked David Gray for a few years now, but got to see him for the first time a month or two ago at Radio City...he was absolutely mind-blowing. Amazing musician. Also, I'd like to recommend Mike Doughty...he's a bit different, but also very talented. He used to be the frontman of Soul Coughing. Not sure if you were into them, he's gone solo now and is doing fairly well with his new album, "Haughty Melodic." Check it out sometime!

"I would rather take a flawed movie that has as much heart and passion and life and joy and energy and truth in it as this film does over any film that is completely perfectly presented and perfectly constructed but has none of that heart and life." -Anthony Rapp

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#1012Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:42am

wickedrent - Holy crap, that's my iPod. How scary. 90 percent is showtunes.

Fredi - Exactly. Who does research in books anymore?

Anthony, that's great. I'll definitely catch a few since I've never had the pleasure of meeting or seeing you in person.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#1013Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:42am

wrq, no, not insomnia. Trust me, I'm *trying* to get on a normal schedule again.

I'm finishing this book tonight. I am.

Goodnight, Anthony! Feeling Electric

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 12/1/05 at 12:42 AM

#1014Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:42am to say we are all grateful you thought commuting sucks!
best to you in all of your future journeys.
everyone try to go see A Wonderful Life benefit on DEC 12th In NYC if you can-I did the first workshop in NJ with Sheldon Harnick 13 yrs ago - GREAT STUFF!!!...for a great cause. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Fantabulous428 Profile Photo
#1015Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:42am

gnite Anthony! Thanks for chatting!

I recognize the addiction to being alive.

#1016Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:42am


if you had to pick, whats your true passion

singing, acting, writing, directing?

MUNKY Profile Photo
#1017Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:42am

Munky and others -- Open House is a very very very silly movie. Just warning you.

But of course! I'm all about silliness, no drama here. Ha! Would it be somewhat like the Annette Benning side of American Beauty?

"Now I may not have much, but I have more determination than any man you're likely to meet." - Big Fish
"Misdirection. What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes." - Swordfish

DivaBrigader Profile Photo
#1018Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:42am

Fredi and Anthony, have you ever sat through an entire performance of the Broadway production? What is like seeing other people do those roles?

I hope you both have good Thanksgivings and ate lots of delicious food.

Idinarocks2 Profile Photo
#1019Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:42am

Anthony, do you think you will ever do workshops at colleges again? I had the best experience with you at a workshop/AIDS week in Ohio. I'll never forget it!

Lara2 Profile Photo
#1020Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:42am

You really should make a cd Fredi. You have an amazing voice.!

What happens at Rent stays at Rent - Fredi Walker-Browne

#1021Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:42am

ya know, i think i'm the only OBCer who isn't making an album

You could always put out a double disc CD set and call it "The Hulk Twins" Feeling Electric

camerangel Profile Photo
#1022Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:43am

Night Anthony..

"All work and no smut makes Cammy lose her edge." ~DG

"Someday I'm going to have a baby and I'm gonna name her L'il Mimi Marquez and I and will sing to her every day and when she's a toddler I will say "L'il Mimi Marquez, clad only in a bubble diaper, will perform her famous play pen handcuff dance to the sounds of breast milk being pumped!" ~Kringas

staticradar Profile Photo
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:43am

Well I'm moving closer to the city this spring, hopefully I'll be able to check you guys out! Sounds interesting. Look Around is one of my favorite albums and I'm excited to know that you're doing gigs again.

You're always sorry, You're always grateful, You hold her, thinking: "I'm not alone." You're still alone.
-"Sorry-Grateful" Company

#1024Feeling Electric
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:43am

Thanks for chatting with us, Anthony!! You are amazing. And Fredi, you are a diva. You two are just the best. Feeling Electric

"I would rather take a flawed movie that has as much heart and passion and life and joy and energy and truth in it as this film does over any film that is completely perfectly presented and perfectly constructed but has none of that heart and life." -Anthony Rapp
