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HenryTDobson Profile Photo
#175HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/5/15 at 2:29pm

^I never heard of Runaways, I'll have to do some research! It's a shame she walked away empty handed that Tony night. Reminds me of when Kenneth Posner was nominated three times for the lighting of three different shows and then ended up losing to Hugh Vanstone of Matilda - the odds are in their favor and yet, nothing.

Thanks bruce for the info!

Updated On: 2/5/15 at 02:29 PM

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#176HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/5/15 at 2:46pm

I'm with you on this one, RippedMan. I'm also a generally young guy, and don't see the appeal in this. I can handle rapping in musicals, if it's done well. But the story just seems so - blah. Hope I'm proven wrong!

#177HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/5/15 at 2:51pm

"I can handle rapping in musicals, if it's done well. "

It's done well.

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#178HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/5/15 at 2:58pm

I'm not doubting that, neonlights. Clearly this show has "it" from all the praise. I still just haven't been hooked yet.

#179HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/5/15 at 3:01pm

I hope you'll go see it and give it a chance.

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#180HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/5/15 at 3:04pm

I plan on it!

macnyc Profile Photo
#181HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/5/15 at 3:18pm

It does seem like a highly unlikely idea for a musical. I wasn't eager to go, and the only reason I bought a ticket is that I am a member and the price was reasonable. I ended up really loving it, and I just bought a much more expensive ticket to see it again during the extension!

I hope there's a cast album in the works, even though with a Broadway transfer likely, it might be logical to just wait for that. Although I wish they would record Brian's take on King George right now!

Updated On: 2/5/15 at 03:18 PM

brucebossa Profile Photo
#182HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/5/15 at 3:38pm

HenryTDobson - check out the RUNAWAYS CD link below

And back to topic... Yes, it would be great if Lin Manuel got a ton of nominations and won several!
Runaways CD

#183HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/5/15 at 3:41pm

The whole show is also far from "blah"

Someday Profile Photo
#184HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/6/15 at 11:22am

Anyone know exactly when Brian D'arcy James' last performance is?

brucebossa Profile Photo
#185HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/6/15 at 11:38am

Saw HAMILTON last night. All I can say is WOW. Yes, it was almost 3 hours long and I would like it to be 15 minutes shorter but I can’t imagine what could be cut - every song and scene builds character and story. In order to understand all the personal and political events in the life of Alexander Hamilton, the musical, as now stands, gives you a pretty comprehensive and understandable view of some pretty complicated historical events. To cut much would lessen the impact of the historical story. I guess a tiny trim here or there... but I never once flagged in my attention. If anything, I want the CD issued soon so I can delve into the plot and character more.

Some of the intricate rap scenes were so clever in word play that they zoomed by, with much audience reaction, and then zoomed on to something even more clever. Who could remember this lightning paced wordplay?

I also might say that the “anti-rap” comments made by people who have not seen the show... well, they should see it and judge for themselves. My audience last night was a healthy mix but I know there was a benefit that evening for some really wealthy East Side types - the ones you would think would cringe at rap. But they stood at a moments notice at the end. Immediately. Cheering. I guess they realized the rap and the modern take and the history was something they really liked. It certainly isn’t a dry historical take. And, as others point out, it’s not JUST rap - it’s some gorgeous and moving songs. My husband said at intermission that, theatrically, it invents a whole new language.

As for moving to Broadway, I say GO. And I wouldn’t mind it this season. I think it would slaughter any other competition including FUN HOME. Yes, it needs that trim and tightening but it is really a fantastic piece as is.

I do think I would be hard pressed to nominate people from the show - I mean WHO WOULD I LEAVE OUT!!??? Lin-Manuel Miranda - well, he’s just fantastic and the fact that it’s all his own words. YIKES! Supporting players for nominations? Leslie Odom, Jr. (Actually he would probably be a lead); Renee Elise Goldsberry (brilliant); Brian D’Arcy James (more brilliant - although it’s only 3 short scenes with one continuing song) and is he leaving for SOMETHING’S ROTTEN? I almost wish he would stay with HAMILTON because he is so great - but perhaps a lead in a Broadway musical would appeal more to him! My personal favorite of the evening was Daveed Diggs as Lafayette and Jefferson. If I voted for the Tonys, he would be the box I would check. Just astounding in his command of the stage, humor and movement.

Beforehand, I worried that I thought I would be falling asleep during it. It was a long workday, then dinner at a party reception with drinks. But from the first scene to the last, I was hooked. Special commendation for the gorgeous set that works so well with the piece, the lighting and Andy B’s perfect choreography and movement.

This is the best thing (musical wise) I’ve seen all season... maybe in a few seasons.

Updated On: 2/6/15 at 11:38 AM

macnyc Profile Photo
#186HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/6/15 at 11:54am

I love Daveed Diggs too. He's a standout in a cast full of them. Renee Elise Goldsberry is wonderful too. I can't wait for the cast album! Please let there be one!

Heck, Les Miz is three hours. Why can't Hamilton be three hours?

tazber Profile Photo
#187HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/6/15 at 8:50pm

I didn't realize what a hot show this was until I read this WSJ article.

“Just seen #Hamilton; it raises & changes the bar for musicals. Brilliant lyrics, staging, cast. Creator/lead @Lin_Manuel is special. ALW.” tweeted Andrew Lloyd Webber

“THIS IS AMAZING. @Lin_Manuel and his crew took it to another level SEE IT AND KNOW,” tweeted “The Avengers” writer and director Joss Whedon Monday morning. Helen Mirren attended a recent performance, as did Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson

...which quotes Stephen Sondheim as saying, “I was knocked out—I thought it was wonderful,” after listening to an early sampling of “Hamilton” songs. “They seemed so fresh and meticulous and theatrical.”

....but the world goes 'round

MadonnaMusical Profile Photo
#188HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/7/15 at 12:41am

Just had a thought... since so many people are concerned that this show wouldn't make any money on Broadway... why not stunt cast the King role?

I'd like to see Neil Patrick Harris in that role. He's box-office gold on Broadway and friends with Lin Manuel...

#189HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/7/15 at 1:06pm

Just called the box office. The whole run is now SOLD OUT!

Play  Esq. Profile Photo
Play Esq.
#191HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/8/15 at 10:20am

Piece of genius!

I have to echo the praise said by others here and add that this is one of the most unique shows I have ever seen. The incorporation of hip-hop (not merely "rap") in a show about the most American of subjects in the most American of entertainment mediums (musical theater) simply blew my mind. True, this is not the first time rap has been used in a musical, but to my knowledge, the first time hip-hop has been so seamlessly incorporated into what would otherwise be traditional musical numbers (I include In the Heights in this assessment). That those otherwise traditional numbers happen to be melodic, enchanting and yes, hummable only make this achievement that much more remarkable. Heretofore I have only been marginally impressed by Mr. Miranda's work: I am now officially a devotee and look forward to seeing his remarkable show again!

#192HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/8/15 at 1:42pm

I've read many comments on this show and after seeing it yesterday I think most of them are not quite right.

Hamilton is so good they should have an intermission every 5 minutes so the audience can compose themselves before the next devastatingly brilliant number begins !

This show is so special and unique and original and stunning it's impossible to even describe with words.

starcatchers Profile Photo
#193HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/8/15 at 7:42pm

Someday - His last performance will be Sunday, March 1st.

This was a show that I went in not sure I would enjoy it, and have had it on my mind since. Completely blown away by it.

the artist formerly known as dancingthrulife04 Check out my Etsy shop: And please consider donating to my Ride to Remember, benefitting the Alzheimer's Association:

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#194HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/8/15 at 7:51pm

^ Thanks for the info about Brian!

JBroadway Profile Photo
#195HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/8/15 at 8:25pm

Ok I saw the show this weekend (my friend won the in-person lotto!), and I really loved it a lot. I didn't like it QUITE as much as I liked In the Heights, but that's not saying much since I'm a huge fan of In the Heights.

Because it's in previews, I was thinking while I was watching the show: what should/might be cut? And honestly, nothing really screamed out to me. I wasn't a huge fan of Jefferson's number at the beginning of act 2, but I thought it worked well, and it's necessary to introduce the character. There were a few other sections where I thought "this is good, but the show would work without it," but as I watched the show, I realized that every one of those moments sets up some big emotional payoff later on.

I thought the entire cast gave outstanding performances, particularly Leslie Odom Jr., Phillipa Soo, Rene Elise Goldsberry and of course, Brian d'Arcy James. Overall I think it was a work of genius, and I can't wait to see it again! I bought a student ticket for a performance in April.

Has anyone heard any rumors about who might replace BDJ as the King? Any predictions/hopes? I'm glad I got to see it with him it in, but I'm sure they'll cast someone great to replace him.

oncemorewithfeeling2 Profile Photo
#196HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/8/15 at 9:16pm

After I saw the show and reading other opinions, I've come to th conclusion that it simply may be a long show. There's little bits of tightenng that can be done, but not enough to bring the show down substantially.

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#197HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/8/15 at 10:44pm

I hear BDJ will be back in Hamilton when it moves to Broadway possibly in the fall

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

macnyc Profile Photo
#198HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/9/15 at 12:04am

^^^ That's great news!

I heard that 12 minutes has been cut since I saw the show two weeks ago.

#199HAMILTON Previews...
Posted: 2/9/15 at 8:58am

I was fortunate enough to catch yesterday's matinee. Javier Munoz was on again and was absolutely incredible. There is something about his portrayal that makes you root for him from the start (I remember thinking the same thing when catching his Usnavi in In The Heights). It's been a pleasure catching both Lin and Javier in the role. The show soars with either of these men in the driver seat.

From what I could remember, it didn't seem to me that anything major was cut. The show let out around the same time, maybe 5 minutes earlier or so (at about 4:50). If anything was cut it must have been little snippets here or there but all the major elements are safe and sound (and getting better and better).
