ilysespieces said: "I am so beyond excited to see this show tonight! This work day better fly by."
I'm happy to know that someone else is wishing the same thing. I keep inadvertently bouncing up and down from sheer excitement
That would be great, thanks!
broadfan327 said: "Would I be able to follow what is going on if I never read the books nor seen the movies?"
I haven't seen this play, but I have read all of the books and seen all of the movies multiple times. From the plot description of the play on Wikipedia, I expect you would be fairly lost for most of the time. These characters and stories were created in their own unique "canon", and there will be innumerable references that will mean nothing to you.
Stand-by Joined: 5/1/16
A user on instagram has a photo of the inside of the lyric. The auditorium. It really looks beautiful! They’ve done such a good job! You can look for it;
User; nancybonyc
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
DrewJoseph said: "A user on instagram has a photo of the inside of the lyric. The auditorium. It really looks beautiful! They’ve done such a good job! You can look for it;
User; nancybonyc"
Although I haven't been in that theater in a very long time, it doesn't "look" like anything special had been done to it (it is definitely a wider theater than the Palace in London). I would have thought that they would have tried to blend it in more with the show, but then again maybe the picture just isn't picking up on it.
I can't tell ... is this from Dress Circle or Balcony?
This has to be from balcony, it seems. There’s no way there would be another tier above what is shown in the photo.
^Same. It’s like if Hogwarts had an auditorium.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/12/15
It looks INCREDIBLE and I cannot wait to go!!
Can someone going tonight please give us a seat report? Are they actually NEW seats -- as in -- are they 2018-human-sized and not 1910s-human-sized? Legroom? I'm in DC row A and sometimes those rows can be knee-killers. Tnx! :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/24/14
This was a magical moment one year ago back in London.
I hope you all enjoy it!
Also, soooo anxious to hear what you guys think of Boyle and Parker!
pdjennings, If you look towards the left side of the first photo of Concierge's post, you can see the space legroom looks plentiful (in the case of Broadway houses, that is). I'm in Row F all the way to the side in the right Orchestra. A little worried, but the stage is very open so that puts me at ease.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
LesWickedly said: "pdjennings, If you look towardsthe left side of the first photo of Concierge's post, you can see the space legroom looks plentiful (in the case of Broadway houses, that is). I'm in Row F all the way to the side in the right Orchestra. A little worried, but the stage is very open so that puts me at ease."
It's not like they could "narrow the auditorium, so normal-sized seats and a wider set is really the least they could have done if their intent was to shrink the number of seats. Especially considering they added rows to the mezzanine, something that would not have been needed if they only removed seats. So they will hopefully be roomy and comfortable!
However, I still think they should have put this in the Shubert or Hirschfeld.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
The stage looks higher than in London. Anyone have any sightline issues?
Wow. They did a TON. The show’s official Instagram has a much better picture. The cieling alone...
Stand-by Joined: 4/7/16
The Lyric is now owned by the Ambassador group from London. Sonia Freidman has had a long relationship with them. Major concessions were made between them so this was a better arrangement for all parties. They are settling in for a looooooong run.
Stand-by Joined: 5/1/16
Actually, they did narrow the theatre. There was a post on instagram where you could see a giant metal frame inside the already existing auditorium. And they lowered the ceiling as well.
HIGHLY doubt they will but how great would it be if they served Butter Beer at concessions.
If anyone would be so kind, I’m sure we’d all appreciate the standard reports on merch, Playbill billing, etc. Also love to know who’s playing some of the...unlisted characters. Thanks in advance!
Cast board and what appears to be the lobby ceiling at this Instagram link
Updated On: 3/16/18 at 07:51 PM
As a former employee in that theatre, I can tell you just based on a few pictures alone, the changes are incredibly extensive, and gasp-inducing gorgeous. You can easily see the new ceiling in the auditorium, the addition of the extra rows to the front of the dress circle, and a complete restructuring of the boxes (they're so British in style now).
Wait, so they've removed the proscenium and dome, which had been retained from the original Lyric and Apollo theatres?
They’ve covered it. They basically built a smaller theater inside the frame of the existing larger theater.
Intermission should be right about now! Any reports?