Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
verywellthensigh said: "Dear Fellow Americans,
Just because you made it through the trauma of Covid does not give you the right to go bugfkkk crazy at the expense of other people.
Thank you."
I wish you could post this everywhere so people everywhere could see it and understand that this is bat**** crazy behavior and should never happen. I wish they would not allow backstage guests right now. It's insane. People can be really stupid. This is why I don't stagedoor anymore. People have absolutely no boundaries or don't respect them.
Stand-by Joined: 9/7/14
Saw this last night. Had a blast. I thought it was stronger than what I remember seeing downtown years ago. I would agree that the book isn’t super strong, but the vine more than makes up for it if you let it.
And as for the concern about being on the floor, that’s where I was and as someone who can get claustrophobic sometimes, I had no real issues whatsoever. Occasionally I felt annoyed because some woman’s little bag kept smacking me, but I got over it.
can’t wait to go back.
verywellthensigh said: "Dear Fellow Americans,
Just because you made it through the trauma of Covid does not give you the right to go bugfkkk crazy at the expense of other people.
Thank you."
This kind of behavior is happening all over the world, unfortunately, and isn’t limited to Americans. Artists everywhere are being disrespected in very strange, invasive ways - from having things hurled at them onstage; to making 911 and SWAT calls on celebrity homes; to clearly invading their private, backstage space. It’s all really unfortunate and scary.
Fwiw, Lea appears to be speaking a mix of Tagalog and English with the interloping fans in the video, so I believe they’re Filipino tourists. But that’s beside the point.
yyys said: "Scary Moment Backstage at Here Lies Love:"
Jesus, wtf is wrong with people?
And how the hell did they all get through security? That’s the one job of having security at the door! To stop people who shouldn’t be there from getting in.
n2nbaby said: "I was actually at the stage door when this happened, though at the time nobody knew it happened. I even mentioned to my friend the HUGE amount of people going through the stage door without security even checking a guest list.
There was a solid crowd waiting, and everyone was super respectful whenever someone came out. By the time Lea came out, the entire cast came and went. The second Lea came out, it was pure madness. People throwing themselves at her, screaming, etc. I would compare it to something like when Daniel Radcliffe was on Equus. She was clearly very upset and uncomfortable and did not stay out for long. Absolutely disgusting."
I was there last Tuesday (her official first night) and the stage door was busy, but not overwhelming. Lea was VERY patient and VERY kind. She took a lot of time to sign and take pictures with whoever wanted.
jkcohen626 said: "n2nbaby said: "I was actually at the stage door when this happened, though at the time nobody knew it happened. I even mentioned to my friend the HUGE amount of people going through the stage door without security even checking a guest list.
There was a solid crowd waiting, and everyone was super respectful whenever someone came out. By the time Lea came out, the entire cast came and went. The second Lea came out, it was pure madness. People throwing themselves at her, screaming, etc. I would compare it to something like when Daniel Radcliffe was on Equus. She was clearly very upset and uncomfortable and did not stay out for long. Absolutely disgusting."
I was there last Tuesday (her official first night) and the stage door was busy, but not overwhelming. Lea was VERY patient and VERY kind. She took a lot of time to sign and take pictures with whoever wanted."
I have heard that is the norm for her! I was just saying I understood why she seemed on edge that day, as what happened in the video literally just happened before she walked out the stage door.
Real fans of anyone respects them and doesn't terrify them. They should be arrested for trespassing and the security team should be fired. Despicable.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
How can anyone think this is okay or acceptable behavior? When you're invited backstage you're told what to do. Maybe these people followed the others thinking since they got to go, they could too? Even so-if they were not invited, they can not do this. I'm so proud that she didn't blow up at them. She was patient but firm.
hearthemsing22 said:
"How can anyone think this is okay or acceptable behavior?"
People are f*cking crazy, that's how.
n2nbaby said: "jkcohen626 said: "n2nbaby said: "I was actually at the stage door when this happened, though at the time nobody knew it happened. I even mentioned to my friend the HUGE amount of people going through the stage door without security even checking a guest list.
There was a solid crowd waiting, and everyone was super respectful whenever someone came out. By the time Lea came out, the entire cast came and went. The second Lea came out, it was pure madness. People throwing themselves at her, screaming, etc. I would compare it to something like when Daniel Radcliffe was on Equus. She was clearly very upset and uncomfortable and did not stay out for long. Absolutely disgusting."
I was there last Tuesday (her official first night) and the stage door was busy, but not overwhelming. Lea was VERY patient and VERY kind. She took a lot of time to sign and take pictures with whoever wanted."
I have heard that is the norm for her! I was just saying I understood why she seemed on edge that day, as what happened in the video literally just happened before she walked out the stage door."
Not my intention at all to contradict you! I'm sure she would have been out of sorts after something like this. Just wanted to provide that she is someone who values and cares about her fans and would have certainly signed and taken pictures for these people if they had just waited like everyone else!
That video was scary. Heads must be rolling in their security department today. Lea handled that so impressively.
When I went last night, the stagedoor was one of the messiest I’ve ever seen since it’s so poorly organized. They had one side for fan and then another barricade for people going backstage. But then they just tossed some random barricades when the crowd grew. It was all very bizarre, but everyone came out and we’re all visibly moved by the support. Lea came out last after about 45-50 minutes and was very kind and patient with everyone so I never suspected there was any problem that happened the night before (although that did explain the presence of some police and the stage door guy being extra assertive).
As for the show, THIS SHOW IS THE MOMENT. I was on the dance floor and moving around to the different stages and platforms was such a unique experience and the staff really have this whole show down to a science so there was no disorganization. The lack of bags and stuff on the dance floor was great and I was even part of Ninoy’s funeral procession where Lea Salonga was belting five feet from my face and, my goodness, I was overcome.
The ending song and how it’s presented GUTTED me, and I will say no more.
This show does deserve to run a long time and I cannot wait to go back. What are you waiting for? The dance floor is calling!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
quizking101 said: "When I went last night, the stagedoor was one of the messiest I’ve ever seen since it’s so poorly organized. They had one side for fan and then another barricade for people going backstage. But then they just tossed some random barricades when the crowd grew. It was all very bizarre, but everyone came out and we’re all visibly moved by the support. Lea came out last after about 45-50 minutes and was very kind and patient with everyone so I never suspected there was any problem that happened the night before (although that did explain the presence of some police and the stage door guy being extra assertive).
As for the show, THIS SHOW IS THE MOMENT. I was on the dance floor and moving around to the different stages and platforms was such a unique experience and the staff really have this whole show down to a science so there was no disorganization. The lack of bags and stuff on the dance floor was great and I was even part of Ninoy’s funeral procession where Lea Salonga was belting five feet from my face and, my goodness, I was overcome.
The ending song and how it’s presented GUTTED me, and I will say no more.
This show does deserve to run a long time and I cannot wait to go back. What are you waiting for? The dance floor is calling!"
Alright I'll go see it when I have the money! You convinced me
Stand-by Joined: 7/2/21
The show is a trip, visually and sonically. When did this chaos with Solanga happe?
n2nbaby said: "jkcohen626 said: "n2nbaby said: "I was actually at the stage door when this happened, though at the time nobody knew it happened. I even mentioned to my friend the HUGE amount of people going through the stage door without security even checking a guest list.
There was a solid crowd waiting, and everyone was super respectful whenever someone came out. By the time Lea came out, the entire cast came and went. The second Lea came out, it was pure madness. People throwing themselves at her, screaming, etc. I would compare it to something like when Daniel Radcliffe was on Equus. She was clearly very upset and uncomfortable and did not stay out for long. Absolutely disgusting."
I was there last Tuesday (her official first night) and the stage door was busy, but not overwhelming. Lea was VERY patient and VERY kind. She took a lot of time to sign and take pictures with whoever wanted."
I have heard that is the norm for her! I was just saying I understood why she seemed on edge that day, as what happened in the video literally just happened before she walked out the stage door.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/24/21
I bet security hadn’t planned for just how crazy stage door would get when Lea started - when I went to see the show in the second week of previews, the stage door was very quiet, maybe twenty people total. They had only one security guard, and he wasn’t doing much in terms of crowd control because he didn’t really need to; he was mostly just observing. It would make sense that if up until now there have only been 20-30 people, they wouldn’t have been prepared for the onslaught coming to see Lea.
Saw HLL this past weekend and just wanted to note that it was the most diverse audience that I have ever been a part of at a Broadway show.
Lea Salonga is a rock star in the Philippines. I've been to her concerts and her fans are obsessed. It's like she is Elvis. She definitely needed more security. She may even need a guard outside her dressing room. When I stage doored for Allegiance the crowd was for her and it was huge. They announced George wasn't coming out and no one left. I'd never seen anything like it. It was like Beatlemania when she came out. People pull at her. It was scary.
Once she was waiting outside to go backstage at American Psycho and two fans bum-rushed her and started taking pics and touching her. She was gracious but assertive and quickly got inside.
She was very calm and gracious in that video. I would have gone off. Maybe she was aware she was being taped and was purposeful in her demeanor. I hope someone's @#$ was handed to them after this. That had to be so scary.
I can't believe the gall of the one woman who name drops friends who are producers and then when Lea asks her to wait by the door she says, "but I've already been waiting a long time." I would have gone postal on that woman and had her removed. How vile. Lea is a saint. God bless her.
It was really scary that none of those people were moving when she asked them to leave. They just stood planted. And then the dude is rejoicing, "WE GOT LEA SALONGA!" I would have had security toss his @#$. I mean, those people learned nothing except if you trespass you are rewarded. Very sad.
pethian said: "Saw HLL this past weekend and just wanted to note that it was the most diverse audience that I have ever been a part of at a Broadway show."
It was awesome! I'm so glad that this is appealing to and resonating with a diverse audience. There were a bunch of Filipina grandmas at the stage door and I found that so funny considering stage dooring is something usually considered a young persons' endeavor. But, they were duking it out with the rest of us for sigs and pics!
They have gotten the Filipino audience to come out, now they just need to figure out how to get everyone else.
Stand-by Joined: 7/2/21
pethian said: "Saw HLL this past weekend and just wanted to note that it was the most diverse audience that I have ever been a part of at a Broadway show."
I can see why, becides the Phillipino audience, let's not forget , David Byrne is a rock n roll hall of famer and people love his music and I'm sure many are there to hear and experience his work, I dig the show, also appreciate the extra artistic touches, like the video history of the Philipinees in the lobby, and the photos Mr Byrne took of the Diorama of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos in the lower lounge, the man is a multi medium artist, from rock n roll to ballet and dance to photography and art, his touches are all over the Broadway theater. I love it
"I can't believe the gall of the one woman who name drops friends who are producers and then when Lea asks her to wait by the door she says, "but I've already been waiting a long time."
Yes I was so shocked by that comment! I think it shows that they really just seem to have no idea what they've done/what's going on. I'm not sure, I hope they are just naive people....but in any case I actually turn the blame again more to security as mentioned earlier. The idea that this can even happen is crazy and not something I'd ever have expected at a Broadway theatre though.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
forfivemoreminutes said: "I bet security hadn’t planned for just how crazy stage door would get when Lea started - when I went to see the show in the second week of previews, the stage door was very quiet, maybe twenty people total. They had only one security guard, and he wasn’t doing much in terms of crowd control because he didn’t really need to; he was mostly just observing. It would make sense that if up until now there have only been 20-30 people, they wouldn’t have been prepared for the onslaught coming to see Lea."
I'm not sure that's an excuse. If they really did get in through the stage door because they weren't checking names that's just basic protocol that wasn't being followed.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
I can't anymore with how entitled people are. Entitled, spoiled, self centered, only caring about themselves and content instead of respecting artists/performers. It's insane. Soon they won't do anything, and it will be the fault of people like this.
Just saw this from Lea:
Apparently someone in their party had tried to rush her right after the show before she could get "offstage" and their party was escorted out of the building. Then they were somehow allowed back in the find her in her dressing room!?!?!
Shocking, horrifying, and I am so glad Lea remained safe. This could have had a horrid outcome, and the team at the theatre should be ashamed of putting Lea in such a situation. How dangerous and irresponsible.
This is exactly why I didn’t want to see this one with Lea.