Swing Joined: 8/8/19
so I can only afford to get one ticket either Hamilton or Harry Potter and the cursed child which one should I get ? or which one is more of a must see ?
1. You have to buy TWO tickets to Harry Potter to see the whole thing.
2. How big od a HP fan are you?
3. I much prefer Hamilton.
I love Hamilton. Harry Potter has never appealed to me as I never watched the movies or read the books. Dramamama is right. HP requires 2 tickets and sitting for 7 or 8 hours (not a detractor for me, but you should know what you’re getting yourself into). HP certainly has its fans, but some people I know say it was good but was 1 play spread into 2 plays. Even people who may not love Hamilton would probably agree you should see it at least once because it is such a cultural phenomenon and an important part of Broadway/musical theater history. (I’m seeing it again tonight on tour via winning the lottery).
Updated On: 8/11/19 at 10:35 AMBroadway Legend Joined: 3/31/18
I liked HP very much, but I preferred Hamilton.
However I would NEVER pay New York prices to see it. But then I wouldn't pay New York prices for a meet and greet with Jesus.
I've seen it 3 times in London for less than half the price of New York tickets.
Harry Potter, no question. Hamilton is simply not worth it at the exorbitant prices when the cast album is just as wonderful an experience.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/31/18
VotePeron said: "Harry Potter, no question. Hamilton is simply not worth it at the exorbitant prices when the cast album is just as wonderful an experience."
If I'd have based my decision to see Hamilton or not based on tv performances or from the listening to the cast album, I'd have never seen it.
Impossible2 said: "I liked HP very much, but Ipreferred Hamilton.
HoweverI wouldNEVER pay New York prices to see it. But then I wouldn't pay New York prices for a meet and greet with Jesus.
I've seen it 3 times in London for less than half the price of New York tickets."
I've seen the show in NYC 4 1/2 times, and I've never paid more than $40 per part. These days, seats for $69.50 per part are readily available, with $40 ones popping up from time to time.
Understudy Joined: 12/21/15
Saw Harry Potter (part 1 and part 2) on Broadway in June.
Saw Hamilton on tour (Angelica tour) last week.
Really enjoyed myself for both.
I am a Harry Potter fan but, in my opinion, Hamilton is by far the better piece of creative work.
I find that the story of the Harry Potter play is just ok but it is very well executed on stage and it has some particularly really cool scenes.
At the same time, the Hamilton ticket prices are so high in NYC, if you are able to catch it on tour then maybe you could consider seeing Hamilton on tour and seeing Harry Potter on Broadway? Though I cannot say if there are any significant differences between Hamilton on Broadway and on tour that makes it it more interesting to catch it on Broadway.
So no matter which one you choose i think you would have a great time at the theatre!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/31/18
CT2NYC said: "Impossible2 said: "I liked HP very much, but Ipreferred Hamilton.
HoweverI wouldNEVER pay New York prices to see it. But then I wouldn't pay New York prices for a meet and greet with Jesus.
I've seen it 3 times in London for less than half the price of New York tickets."
I've seen the show in NYC 4 1/2 times, and I've never paid more than $40 per part. These days, seats for $69.50 per part are readily available, with $40 ones popping up from time to time."
I was talking about Hamilton.
I paid around $300 I think for both Parts of HP in NYC, but have won the lottery twice in London (40 quid for both parts), so I guess in the end it all evened across the 3 visits.
Hamilton I paid 50 quid for a pretty bad seat (the whole upper platform wasn't visible) and then 75 quid for front row seats twice. Still less than the price of one NYC ticket which were $400 every time I ever went for returns at the BO.
Impossible2 said: "CT2NYC said: "Impossible2 said: "I liked HP very much, but Ipreferred Hamilton.
HoweverI wouldNEVER pay New York prices to see it. But then I wouldn't pay New York prices for a meet and greet with Jesus.
I've seen it 3 times in London for less than half the price of New York tickets."
I've seen the show in NYC 4 1/2 times, and I've never paid more than $40 per part. These days, seats for $69.50 per part are readily available, with $40 ones popping up from time to time."
I was talking about Hamilton.
I paid around $300 I think for both Parts of HP in NYC, but have won the lottery twice in London (40 quid for both parts), so I guess in the end it all evened across the 3 visits.
Hamilton I paid 50 quid for a pretty bad seat (the whole upper platform wasn't visible)and then 75 quid for front row seats twice. Still less than the price of one NYC ticket which were $400 every time I ever went for returns at the BO."
Ah, that makes sense, sorry.
I’ve seen the Hamilton tour twice (Angelica and Philip) as well as HP: Parts One and Two on Broadway. I’ve never been a big Harry Potter fan but really enjoyed the last several movies of that series. Haven’t read any of the books. I really enjoyed Harry Potter at the Lyric Theatre, especially some of the magic and special effects were pretty amazing. But I do agree that Hamilton is by far the greater piece of creative artistry of the two options.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/10/18
That is very hard but I would say Harry Potter and here is why. I saw Hamilton on tour and it was great but I paid more for the tour ticket than I will be paying to see Harry Potter in the front row over Labor Day weekend. The prices for Hamilton are insane and that wasn’t even in New York. Yes it was good and unique and different but the prices take a little out of it. And I’m New York prices would be even worse. Harry Potter has become very affordable. They sell tickets for 69 per part so about 130 total and if it gets closer to the date those prices could also drop to 40 per part which isn’t bad either. Also you can try the lottery and if you win those tickets are 20 per part which is a steal. And I don’t know why everyone is saying this but the show is no angels in America it’s not 8 hours, it’s 5 1/2. There are two parts and it’s two shows. Also the whole show is a experience. It’s amazing, the magic, the environment, I have never experienced anything like it. It’s amazing.
While Hamilton is undoubtedly a better-written show, I agree with the person above who said that listening to cast album is basically just as good, if not better (I find the the production to be wildly over-choreographed, and otherwise just a vehicle for the music/lyrics to take centerstage).
Harry Potter is more of a theatrical experience, and it's something you can only get from seeing it live.
Also, while both shows will be around for years to come, Hamilton will get easier and easier to see in cities all around the country and around the world. Harry Potter is beginning to plan multiple productions too, but it will always be limited by the scope of the production. Plus, they have invested a lot into making the entire Lyric theatre part of the Harry Potter experience. I haven't gotten to see it on Broadway yet (only in London), but I've had tons of friends describe it to me, and it seems like a really fun, special event to see what they've done with the whole building. That will be harder to replicate in other sit-down/tour productions. Whereas Hamilton will essentially be the same experience no matter what theatre it's in.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/31/18
JBroadway said: "While Hamilton is undoubtedly a better-written show, I agree with the person above who said that listening to cast album is basically just as good, if not better (I find the the production to be wildly over-choreographed, and otherwise just a vehicle for the music/lyrics to take centerstage).
Harry Potter is more of a theatrical experience, and it's something you can only get from seeing it live.
Also, while both shows will be around for years to come, Hamilton will get easier and easier to see in cities all around the country and around the world. Harry Potter is beginning to plan multiple productions too, but it will always be limited by the scope of the production. Plus, they have invested a lot into making the entire Lyrictheatre part of the Harry Potterexperience. I haven't gotten to see it on Broadway yet (only in London), but I've had tons of friends describe it to me, and it seems like a really fun, special event to see what they've done with the whole building.That will be harder to replicate in other sit-down/tour productions. Whereas Hamilton will essentially be the same experience no matter what theatre it's in."
Yes the Potter theatre on Broadway is STUNNING!
It doesn't feel like they did anything in London, but the Lyric feels like you're walking into Hogwarts.
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
After seeing Hamilton I also realized just listening to the cast recording would have been fine, for me. I wasn't as taken with it as so many others were/are. I don't listen to it nearly as much as I did In The Heights.
Also, if you are in or near a touring city, wait for Hamilton to come through your city. It is bound to at some point.
Experience Harry Potter on Broadway. Even if you get a cheap balcony seat, you will be able to see everything. I sat up there in row F, I think, and didn't miss a thing. You also get to see what they did to the theater and lobby. I did the one day marathon and plan to do it again. It's pretty thrilling! JMO
I thought this was about the Broadway Show League softball games, and I'd go with Hamilton there. Much better athletes
Swing Joined: 7/16/19
I am a huge Harry Potter fan. I’ve read through all of the books at least five times except the last one I’ve only read twice and I have also listened l to the whole series on audiobook. I was Lucky enough to win the Friday 40 when i was in London. It was definitely the coolest play experience I’ve ever had and for sure one of my top theatrical experiences. I have also huge Hamilton fan. I have been lucky enough to see it six times now over a period of three years. Twice standing room in London once in Chicago, once in DC, and twice through the cancellation line on Broadway. I would recommend seeing Hamilton if you are already a big fan of the music over harry potter. It would likely be cheaper than trying to buy the two tickets for Harry Potter. However if you’re not a fan of the music I would go with Harry Potter. If you have the time, I think the cancellation line is a great way to get tickets. Read the thread on that. I don’t know if the Friday 40 is set up the same way in New York as it is in London but I would recommend trying to do the Friday 40 ahead of time to see what is like without the actual intention of buying. My mom and I actually got into the place where you can buy tickets for the Friday 40 twice but the first time we weren’t fast enough in entering information.
Well, just to add my two cents... I waited four years to see Hamilton after I finally won the lottery two months ago. It was wonderful and I'm glad I finally got to see it. However, I'm also glad I didn't impulse buy at those prices to see this at any point.
HP was an even which I paid an arm and a leg for and I had a wonderful time. Now, it helped to go in knowing some background, especially regarding the Goblet of Fire. The experience of the Lyric was also worth the price of admission. I was second row and I'm still amazed at some of the stuff I saw that day.
In conclusion, I am pining to see HP again at some point. Hamilton, not so much.
Hamilton now is a great show. Hamilton THEN was an amazing show. I'm glad you have seen it, but if you had seen it with the original cast I think you would have felt differently about it.
The first time I saw Hamilton, it was with the original cast and yes, it was amazing. However, Wednesday night in OKC will mark my 6th time seeing the show and I still find it amazing. Just my opinion, of course.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
One ticket to Hamilton costs more than both parts to Harry Potter, particularly if you wait until a couple days before the performances to purchase tickets (and that's for the excellent seats).
Harry Potter is definitely a more theatrical experience, one which cannot be easily replicated. Hamilton is pretty basic, no real stagecraft to speak of.
There are several companies of Hamilton throughout the United States, so if you live outside of New York, there is a likelihood that one of the replica tours will pass through your area. Harry Potter likely will have to settle for long runs in large markets; who knows what a tour would actually look like
Neither show has its original cast, so whether or not either is seen on Broadway doesn't have that factor in its favor (not to say replacement cast can't/aren't as good).
Even if you're a casual Harry Potter fan, Cursed Child (for all its weaknesses) is an unrivaled theatrical event. Hamilton is ubiquitous. But if you aren't a fan of Harry Potter, it might not be worth it, though most people would agree that the stagecraft alone is worth seeing the play.
I didn't want to start a new threat, but I'm wondering people's thoughts/opinions on the current 'Cursed Child' cast and just overall state of the show.? I've never seen the show, and am thinking of going soon, but I've had a few experiences where I feel like I saw some shows far into their runs and the 'energy' had long worn off.
If I’m not mistaken the Year 2 principle cast and most of the ensemble members of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts One and Two just began performances back in late March?
Anyhoo, I saw the show for my birthday back in July, my review is in Post 58 here:
Enjoy the show! :)
Thank you! Also what would be considered the best seats for this show?
I had Balcony Center seat A113 and thought the view was fine. If you can afford more, get closer, either front row Mezzanine or Orchestra center.
This website can give you an idea of how various locations look and what if any obstructions are involved...
...and some of the pictures I took...