Broadway Star Joined: 2/25/06
I was sitting in class the other day...and I always sit by this one girl, Jessica who lives in the same dorms as me.
She was listening to her iPod, and I noticed that she was playing Wicked. I made a comment about listening to Wicked and if she had seen the show and whatnot.
Her: Yeah, I love the show. Actually, I saw it in New York.
Me: Really? Wow. Cool. When did you see it?
Her: Umm...about a year ago.
Me: Who was playing Elphaba when you saw it?
Her: Who?
Me: Elphaba, the main witch...the green (cut-off)
Her: OOohhh. You mean Eye-dina Menzel's part?
Me: Yeah. Who played/(interrupted by her)
Her: Oh, no, no. Idina wasn't in it.
Me: Yeah. Yeah. I know. Do you know who was?
Her: I forgot.
So, you love Wicked, yet don't even know the name of the main character the story is based around? Oh man.
At The Times They Are A-Changing Saturday night the group of people next to me were talking. One of the men was talking about seeing Sweeney Todd. They spent about 20 minutes saying the woman's role in the show was originally played on broadway by Angie Dickenson and then finally decided that it was Agatha Christie. (Angela Lansbury... I mean come on! Although they did know that it was the "Murder She Wrote" lady... hahaha)
Not a tourist or audience member comment but still funny.. I was at yoga class and I was wearing my Jersey Boys shirt and my instructor said "I used to be one of those"
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
i have 2 not so funny ones:
first one, is in english class, my english teacher was like, "okay, name some shakespeare plays", and some kid in my class said "THE KING AND I", and my english teacher was like "no, that is a Hemerstein play", i was like...what the? :P
second one, is my sister's class went and saw the tour of DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS in Atlanta, and hated it. one person said "some dude humped this other guy, and thats all i remember"
:P wow, i hate them, haha
However, the humping is a highlight of the show. Especially when it involves Norbert. Except there's so much more that should be remembered.
DRS, how I miss thee
This past Sat. night at DROWSY, pre-curtain banter:
Scary Tony Soprano-type sitting two seats over to my right and his wife , a cheerful lady with an awful faux fur on her lap:
IRKSOME MAN: "What the HELL is this thing we're seein'? You know I hate this s _ _ _. And why are there so many fruits in sitting way down there in 'da front?" (To me, obviously not comprehending that I am clearly there with my partner, Bob:) Hey, buddy, you believe all the FRUITS in this place? Wow, I guess we're safe back here, huh?"
WIFE: "This show is a 1920's musical. Relax, you'll have a good tiiiime"
IRKSOME MAN: "1920's? Ahhh, jeeeeeeeeeeeez."
WIFE: "Don't START. You neva take me ANYWHERE, it's my boithday and anyways, this was up for a TONY."
IRKSOME MAN: "Hanh?? A wha-?"
WIFE: "Don't show your ignorance, Dom. Just read your program."
(Pause, as he looks at the 2 empty seats between he and I.)
IRKSOME MAN: "These seats got NO leg room. Jeeeeez. I tell ya, if two people come and sit in dese seats ovah here, I'm outta here. I can hang out in a bar."
WIFE: "You're gonna walk out on MY BOITHDAY? Well, fine, I don't care. You ain't spoilin' MY good time. Do whatcha want. I'm gonna enjoy it."
(Minutes pass, he seems to be mellowing out and relaxing. Then 2 young ladies come and take their seats between us. He pops up, dramatically grabbing his pleather coat:)
IRKSOME MAN: "Upp! That's it, I'm OUT." (He begins to leave without a word to his wife, as they 2 women look at him very confused.)
ME w/a huge smile to the IRKSOME MAN: "Have a great evening, sir. Oh, and by the way, this is my partner, Bob."
He continued scooting out and never sat again. I saw him later in the lobby after bows. He was all smiles, humming TOLEDO SURPRISE from the show. Oy. His wife had a grand time...God BLESS her.
i keep reading this and hoping there is nothing that sounds like something i'd say :)
... although the "who plays Leo" from titanic .... that wasnt as funny. I bet if you asked 90% of the people who watch that movie they'd have no clue the charactrs name it. thats a legit question
not that funnny just more nervous
was at the ballet with my sister who has taken ballet for 15 years
it was a modern piece, and damn confusing
me> Umm so did you get what they were doing or about
sis> No not really.
me> Thank god, i thought i was the only dumb one :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
My choir teacher calls Dreamgirls "THE Dreamgirls." There was even a form passed out to volunteer as an usher for the upcoming Massasoit Community College production and on the form, Dreamgirls is written as two words.
I was standing online at the TKTS booth in time square and the lady (with her friend about 70,southern)infront of me asked for Cats, 1776 and Annie get your gun. Needless to say she didn;t get any of them. But she did settle for the Color Purple (Its the OPRAH SHOW she exclaimed to her friend) When asked what theatre it was at she was told it was at the "Broadway theatre"
"Which one is that?" (Picture "Who's on first?" for like 10 minutes)
"I thought all the Broadway shows were in the same theatre. Like a multi-plex" (she said to the teller)
I was at my schools production of Urinetown. The girls behind me were asking about Wicked tickets. One girl said "Oh, that's the one that's going to be taken off soon." I replied, saying, " No. You may be thinking of The Wedding Singer or The Times They Are a-Changing." She replied, "No! I'm sure it was Wicked." I let her think what she wanted.
Okay, the first one I found really funny...
Someone coming out of The Times....: Man, that SUCKED!
Someone I overheard talking: Yeah, I hear that Phantom of the Opera is pretty good. Shakespeare wrote it, so its a legend!
^^ I was just sitting there in shock!
I have yet another one. I was sitting with my best friend looking at the listing of what out school will be putting on this year. On the list is Cabaret 2 (We have 2 cabaret-style shows a year). My friend says, "Oh, look! The sequel to Cabaret." I told her that no such thing exists and that it's just a Cabaret style show. Her response was, "Well, it must be a lot like the Original Cabaret if they're using Cabaret in the name." I explained again, she disagreed, and I gave up.
As a Shakespeare lover, the Phantom of the Opera being written by Shakespeare made me die a little.
Swing Joined: 11/11/06
I just went to see Les Mis, 'cause it is finally back! It was the second day, so of course they did hav a few mess ups, but during Red & Black, I was in the 3rd row, and almost died of laughter. One of the students was making fun of Marius, and he had to stand up on a chair with one foot on the table. When he put his foot up, he knocked over the wine bottle, which had water in it for the actors. It fell over and spilled all over the guy sitting in the chair across the table. They second guy jumped up and started brushing all the water off as the scene kept going. It was so funny 'cause the guy who knocked the water immediantly broke character and exclaimed "Oh SH*T!" really loud, so all of us in the front heard him. It was hilarious.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
Last night waiting outside Jay Johnson this 13 to 15 year old was with his grandma and I heard him say a few things
"Cats Is the longest running show on broadway now!"
"Yeah that's Les Miz...where's History Boys? I saw that. It was very sad."
"Is this a musical?"
i have to say that i love this thread :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
Oh! I forgot one!
I was outside waiting for Jay to come out the door and this Italian guy with his wife and friends said
"Is this the guy from Soap?"
they responded yes and they stoped and started talking about what shows they had seen. So the Italian guy says
"Yeah, I saw RENT...I didn't like it many faggots(sp?)"
I couldn't believe what I had heard. I don't even know how to respond to that except by saying he's a prick.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/29/04
NLS, that's hilarious?
On a lighter note, I got a kick out of an older couple when I saw a regional production of ACL a while ago.
Immediately after "Music and the Mirror":
Older Man: Is that the woman from Grey's Anatomy? The Asian one?
Just cracked me up, especially since Cassie was totally (and obviously) white.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
No. Just a comment overheard that was said by someone who didn't know $#!% about theatre.
This past summer, I was working on Menopause, The Musical. One day, they were short ushers so I went out to hand out programs. At 10 minutes before curtian, I turned to one of the other ushers and said, "I have to run back and throw on a wig" meaning I had to put a wig on one of the girls. An audience member heard me, and said, "Oh, are you in the show"?
Now, you have to know that it's a show with only 4 women in it, no men at all.
I looked right at her and said, "Yes, I play the Soap Star. Enjoy the show!"
She said back, "Break A Leg!"
I said, "Cheer for me" and I left doubled over with laughter.
About two months ago at Wicked there was a group of middle aged ladies sitting behind us looking at their playbills.
Lady 1: You know I really think these little books they give us are so stupid. It's like a magazine but it has nothing to do with the show.
Lady 2: I know. I wish that they would put something in here that tells us what songs are gonna be in the show.
Lady 1: Yeah that'd be nice.
I then opened up my playbill to the center and held it next to head, hoping that the ladies would notice that Playbills DID contain information about the show. I don't think they noticed. Poor things.
Understudy Joined: 7/15/06
My mom has made me laugh several times the past several days...
ME [explaining tick, tick... BOOM!]: It was written by Jonathan Larson, who wrote RENT. It only has three characters.
MOM: Tick, Tick, and Boom?
MOM [to the tune of Defying Gravity]: No matter how I know I know, I'm doomed to die before I know...
ME: ... You don't know the words.
MOM: Close enough.
My desktop picture is the promotional shot from the RENT movie, with the backs of all the actors on the stage where they sing Seasons of Love. My mom walks in and sees it and goes, "Oh, that's RENT. For a second I thought it was the Backstreet Boys."
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
"Yeah, I saw RENT...I didn't like it many faggots(sp?)"
That was basically my grandfather's reaction to La Cage when he saw a production of it. He's a very conservative man.
And here's something that just surfaced today:
virgil--that sounds like dialogue from BORN YESTERDAY--priceless!