Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
My parents and I were listening to Rent at breakfast (I like to put on music during meals.) We get to La Vie Boheme. Mark sings, "Dearly beloved, we gather here to say our goodbyes, etc." And Mom asks, "Are they at a funeral?" And she has seen the show AND the movie and should know damn well that they're at a restaurant. I was shocked that she would forget such a thing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
I was in the city 3 days ago. And right outside of the Drowsy Chaperone Marquee a couple was trying to figure out if they were "in Broadway yet".
Updated On: 10/28/06 at 09:25 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Not really anything to do with Broadway but:
I was in a Barnes and Noble a few years ago. This woman is reading Rapunzel to her kids. But she pronounces it RAP-un-zel as opposed to Ra-PUNZ-el. I wanted to just grab that woman and say, "That's not how it's pronounced." Either this woman was really stupid or just had a really deprived childhood.
At a Rent tour right before the show started:
Elderly woman: George, are you sure this is the correct show?
George: Of course it is. We want to see La Boheme. This show is based on the opera, La Boheme. Relax.
Elderly woman: But...I just saw someone with purple hair! And there is someone onstage with a guitar!
George: :starts flipping through playbill: See here-- it says it's based on La Boheme
Elderly woman: shhhh its starting
They left immediately after Mark sang "see if anything comes of it, instead of my old sh*t"
walking by the shubert the other day just as spamalot was getting out.. a middle aged woman turns to her husband and says "they really should turn this into a movie!"
i looked at her and said "...are you serious?"
she's like "of course. don't you think it would make a great film?!"
i pointed to the door clearly labeled 'lovingly ripped off from the holy grail' and walked away.
she made me sad.
and yet.. oh so happy with laughter at the same time. lol
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
ok, so this isn't like a stupid-clueless-turist comment, but i thought it was funny. My dad and I went to see Les Misérables last weekend, and he doesn't really have an ear for music, but he could figure out that Daphne absolutly massacred the role Fantine, so he tells me at intermission that he was so glad when she died because there would be no more of her in the show. I neglected to tell him about her re-apearence in the finale. So, when daphne returns he wispers to me "Oy, not her again...Did you know about this?!?!"
So, when daphne returns he wispers to me "Oy, not her again...Did you know about this?!?!"
If that was Friday night I was totally sitting near your dad. :) Seriously, I'd never heard so many 'ugh-not again' in the theatre before as I did during that part of the finale. And, I love the fact that you didn't tell him she re-appears!
Understudy Joined: 3/30/06
a couple behind us last night at time's they are a changin':
husband: i'm so excited about seeing Bob Dylan. when does he come out?
wife: i think in the second half
husband: i think he comes out with Twyla
(same couple later)
husband: we'll let's see... they have a great set... great lights... big sound system... an upper deck...
Stand-by Joined: 10/21/06
Spelling Bee, 10/27...
Woman Behind Me: Is this a comedy? (Turns to person she's with) Ask her (I'm guessing the teen girl they were also with) if it's a comedy. I hope it is. I don't want to see a show about emotionally scarred children...
Her Friend: It's a I guess it's a comedy.
Woman: Good.
The "emotionally scarred children" did it for me.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/14/06
AT the Jonathan Larson Tribute concert, My sister and I were sitting next to two elderly folks who were complaining about their seats (We were in the back row, however, it was only like 16 rows back, and it was stadium style, and you could see the stage perfectly)
SO as we're sitting there, mind you, this is a tribute to Jonathan Larson, and an abundance of friends and family were mixed in the crowd
Man: So, Lets see here, what did Jonathan Larson write?
Woman: I don't like these seats. We should try and move.
Man: I don't know any of these songs. I thought he was a famous composer.
Woman: Well I wonder which one is him.. (points to the band, the original Rent band, who is onstage warming up)
Man: I think he died, it says so on the playbill.
Woman: Well then why does it say hes performing a song on the playbill if hes dead?
Man: I don't know. Maybe he died recently and they want to show us a vide or something.
Woman: Well I want to be able to hear better when it starts, lets move.
The man and the woman are evicted 5 times before finding seats no one actually had tickets for. ::smacks head:: I was SO glad they moved, I would have gladly found seats for them. lol
I would like to see a movie. Are you suggesting that Mel Brooks shouldn't have made "The Producers" musical movie, because the original non-musical already exists.
"Middle-aged man: (looking at the "Best of The Four Seasons" CD and the Jersey Boys OBCR at the souvenir stand) What's the difference?"
And this is why jukebox musicals should not be produced, nor be made into cast albums. Yes Bryan, they shouldn't.
Leading Actor Joined: 10/19/04
At the COMPANY revival:
"Oh, I know what this is about. They drink."
"They DRINK."
(An old Jewish lady to her husband re: the bar at the back of the set. She also kept going "OH MY GOD" during Barcelona...)
Stand-by Joined: 4/12/06
When I worked crew for a less-than-perfect production of Baby, i overheard one elderly woman in the audience say to another at intermission "I don't think ANY of those men will be fathering a child anytime soon." (all 4 male cast members had serious issues playing straight. You gotta love community theatre)
Broadway Star Joined: 2/25/06
I was sitting in class the other day...and I always sit by this one girl, Jessica who lives in the same dorms as me.
She was listening to her iPod, and I noticed that she was playing Wicked. I made a comment about listening to Wicked and if she had seen the show and whatnot.
Her: Yeah, I love the show. Actually, I saw it in New York.
Me: Really? Wow. Cool. When did you see it?
Her: Umm...about a year ago.
Me: Who was playing Elphaba when you saw it?
Her: Who?
Me: Elphaba, the main witch...the green (cut-off)
Her: OOohhh. You mean Eye-dina Menzel's part?
Me: Yeah. Who played/(interrupted by her)
Her: Oh, no, no. Idina wasn't in it.
Me: Yeah. Yeah. I know. Do you know who was?
Her: I forgot.
So, you love Wicked, yet don't even know the name of the main character the story is based around? Oh man.
At The Times They Are A-Changing Saturday night the group of people next to me were talking. One of the men was talking about seeing Sweeney Todd. They spent about 20 minutes saying the woman's role in the show was originally played on broadway by Angie Dickenson and then finally decided that it was Agatha Christie. (Angela Lansbury... I mean come on! Although they did know that it was the "Murder She Wrote" lady... hahaha)
Not a tourist or audience member comment but still funny.. I was at yoga class and I was wearing my Jersey Boys shirt and my instructor said "I used to be one of those"