Understudy Joined: 10/9/05
while collecting for broadway cares at movin' out, nov 05...
Dancer: Donations for Broadway Cares! No amount is too small!
Woman to her Daughter, Passing By with a Look on her Face that Suggests she Just Smelled Doggy Poopies: Broadway does NOT care..... trust me.
At A Chorus Line last Saturday while Deidre Goodwin is collection donations...
My aunt: Did anyone ever tell you that you look like Omarosa?
Deidre: Yes, I get that a lot.
(Deidre smiles through the exchange, but her tone politely says that she gets that a lot. Bless her.)
I was in a show, and I was supposed to kiss a 45 year old man (I was 1, and an older woman in the front row gasped and then said loudly that "that man is much too old for her, someone ought to tell her mother." it was a little awkward for everybody.
Swing Joined: 4/21/06
"wicked4good2, that's terrible. These people seem totally ignorant. They didn't know that this was during the Vietnamese War? Sheesh"
The people behind me? Yes! And I don't see why people don't understand the FLASHBACK part! I had my shw shirt on and people kept asking me! I was like, "Do you know understand the "Remember" part?"
But yea! They wouldn't shut up the whole time!
But uhm, I was in Philadelphia one day and we're on (what my friends and I call) Theatre lane, and we're OUT FRONT of the Merriam Thestre and someone comes up to me and says,
"do you know where the Merriam Theatre is?"
I told her and she said:
"No it's not! I've been to the Merriam theatre before! I think I know my city well, thank you. I live in New York and I know the theatre street well here."
Why she was in Philly to see a musical, I have no idea...
alright if any of you guys were at the November 11th 2pm performance of The Producers you wouldve heard this:
after Ulla sings When youve got it flaunt it and asks Max and Leo "okey dokey well you like it?" some guy in the audience yelled "OH YOU KNOW I LIKED IT"..the audience started laughing and then John Treacy Egan (Max) pointed to the guy and said "This guy pays 100 bucks for a ticket and he thinks he's funnier than Mel Brooks"
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Oh crap, did I call it the Vietnamese War? Sorry, I meant Vietnam.
My favorite of this holiday weekend while working at Lion King was a woman and her child. They were walking around the Minskoff and the mother said "Wow! They have really done alot to this theater since we saw Lion King, 2 years ago, it looks really different". I laughed for a good amount of time then I pointed out to her that Lion King had just moved to this theater and that she must have seen Lion King at the New Amsterdam.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
My school put on a production of Miss Saigon
[At the end of the show:]
Man: So, the girls in the beginning, what were they supposed to be?
Woman: I think Geisha's getting dressed...
Man: Oh, ok, I was wondering why they had nothing on...
I find that VERY hard to believe that a school would put on a performance where there was nudity.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
i think a lot of this used to be original, but lately i have heard a lot of the same stuff supposedly said but in a different situation or different words...
oh well, i enjoy reading this thread, anyways :)
Swing Joined: 4/21/06
My school put on a production of Miss Saigon
[At the end of the show:]
Man: So, the girls in the beginning, what were they supposed to be?
Woman: I think Geisha's getting dressed...
Man: Oh, ok, I was wondering why they had nothing on...
I find that VERY hard to believe that a school would put on a performance where there was nudity.
There wasn't nudity! Ew, I atend a Catholic school - I think he meant that they were wearing, like, nothing... All they had on were tank tops, mini skirts and fish nets. They weren't nude... ew?
I'd take more issue with the fact that they said geishas, but never mind...
My cousin went to NYC on a field trip, and the school was taking the kids to see BatB, my cousin tell me what shes seeing BatB, this was the begining of the year 2006.
Cousin: Hey im going to see BatB
Me: Oh yeah? You will like it i saw it twice.
Cousin: Yes i think im lucky, being that its playing the SAME day we will be there.
MEtrying not to laugh) Oh... Well most shows play about 8 performances a week.
Cousin: REALLY? Arent there like 20 plus shows on broadway?
Me: Yes?
Cousin: That must be dificult having 20 shows trying to share the same theatre.
I walked away
Near A Chorus Line Stage Door.
Girl: Okay wait where did that hot Jewish guy go?
Guy: You mean the one over there?
Girl: Yeah why is he behind the fence?
Guy: You realize he's part of that show.
Girl: Damnit.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
There wasn't nudity! Ew, I atend a Catholic school - I think he meant that they were wearing, like, nothing... All they had on were tank tops, mini skirts and fish nets. They weren't nude... ew?
I still find it hard to belive that a Catholic School would allow that.
In fact I think your whole story is bogus
Woman in Forbidden broadway talking about Mandy Patinkin... lady in front of us turning around to ask "mandy patinkin? who's she?"
I have to threadjack, because neddy, Catholic schools certainly would allow that. In our production of Joseph, the girls wore the equivalent of bras and booty shorts. It happens.
My friend and I were talking about random musicals at Speech practice, and I love the kid now. Here's the conversation we had:
Him: "So what's that musical about the Jewish girl?"
Me: "Uhm...Fiddler on the Roof?"
Him: "Noooo...not that-"
Me: "The Diary of Anne Frank is a play..."
Him: "It's not that either. Uhm, Less Miserab-"
Me: "Les Miz? Sweetie, that takes place in France. Unless they're secretly Jews, there's no Jewish girl."
Him: "Oh. I didn't know that."
Me: "Yeah, hun. It's just a buncha miserable French people during the Revolution."
Him: "Well, our class still might go see it. Or Wicked."
Me: "Yeah, I've heard Les Miz is really good. And Wicked is fantabulous!"
I give bad summaries. And probably bad advice. But oh well, he's still one of my bestest friends.
Swing Joined: 4/21/06
"I still find it hard to belive that a Catholic School would allow that.
In fact I think your whole story is bogus "
Neddy: Actually, they do allow it. My story is not bogus and you can believe it or not, that's your decision, not mine. And someone above mentioned geishas... Like I said, they thought that it took place in China. So they were just apparently putting (what wasn't there) two and two together. And getting the wrong answer.
For the link, it's my school's webpage. Go ahead, look. IT has the mention of the tickets on sale, and if you go to the drama section it has all the cast list.
But also, thank you, JustAGirl2!
But I'm just gonna let this get on track and again... This isn't Broadway-related, but it is Musical Movie related. My friend, who happens to be a dumb blonde said:
Friend: Why do they call [in the Wizard of Oz] the Emerald City the Emerald City if it's green?
School Website
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
"Friend: Why do they call [in the Wizard of Oz] the Emerald City the Emerald City if it's green?"
HEADDESK to the tenth power!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK here is one I overheard this weekend while looking at the tree at Rockefeller, A couple passed by and.....
Woman: Isn't the tree pretty this year. I think it came from Connecticut.
Man: Wow I thought it grew there!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
i imagine a lot of people are going to be having this same experience @ COMPANY.
the ladies in the row behind me were reading their PLAYBILLS aloud & suddenly one of them squeals "THE LADIES WHO LUNCH! Hey, thats us!!!" & they all had a good laugh & seemed very pleased.
Total threadjack, but broadwaychae, you do speech? Me too! I had a tournament yesterday. Just had to share. Okay I'm done.