Today my Chorus teacher asked us what musicals we had seen. I heard a lot of Mamma Mia Wicked, and Hairspray. Mainly I head just Hairspray and Mamma Mia. The only other different musical I heard out of one girl was Chicago. One girl said "Mamma Mia was so good!" Then others were said "Oh yeah it was cool." Then the same girl goes "I'm just telling you New York's show are soooo much better than Las Vegas." Then my Chorus teacher looks at her weird for a moment.
And someone above mentioned geishas... Like I said, they thought that it took place in China. So they were just apparently putting (what wasn't there) two and two together. And getting the wrong answer.
Geishas? In China. Huh. Apparently YOU haven't been paying attention either.
Excuse me, I'm going to go get some of that delicious Mumbai chow mein.
Duh, Lizzie. Didn't you see Memoirs of a Geisha?
Swing Joined: 12/12/06
When I went to see Phantom of the Opera a few years ago, I stayed in my seat during intermission and heard the following conversation between the two girls in front of me:
Girl 1: So what was with that thing that fell out of the mirror after the song that guy sang? Was it like, a dead body?
Girl 2: Yeah, I think it was. That was totally weird.
Girl 1: I know! Like, why would you keep dead bodies in your mirror anyway? Couldn't you find a better place to put them?
Bumping because I'm one of those people who love this thread!
And YES! I do Speech! We've not even got to go to one competition, though. It's my first year. I'm doing Broadcasting and Solo Acting. I refuse to triple. =o) [/threadjack]
" OK here is one I overheard this weekend while looking at the tree at Rockefeller, A couple passed by and.....
Woman: Isn't the tree pretty this year. I think it came from Connecticut.
Man: Wow I thought it grew there!"
The tree came from my town! Borin ol' Ridgefield, Ct.
Leading Actor Joined: 7/27/05
Overheard during intermission at Wicked, by a girl not much older than me:
"This is scary! It's really scary! I was surprised!"
Later on, after March of the Witch Hunters, when I heard Dorothy's crying I thought it was the above person crying cause of the scariness and sadness cause they were going to kill Elphaba.
Then I remembered it was Dorothy and felt really silly.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
"Girl 1: So what was with that thing that fell out of the mirror after the song that guy sang? Was it like, a dead body?
Girl 2: Yeah, I think it was. That was totally weird.
Girl 1: I know! Like, why would you keep dead bodies in your mirror anyway? Couldn't you find a better place to put them?"
You mean like a pie or something? I love this thread so much.
Swing Joined: 12/12/06
>You mean like a pie or something? I love this thread so much.
Yeah, I was thinking that too...but I had a feeling they wouldn't appreciate it. :)
At Chicago on Saturday:
"Who else is in it? Richard Gere??"
Stand-by Joined: 11/27/06
Haha these are so funny.
Well this isn't about anyone in the show.
But I was at the Stagedoor for Mary Poppins and the lady goes. Oh! Can I have your autograph? You were wonderful! And I was like. Oh, I wasn't in the show.
Haha she thought I was Kathryn Faughnan.
And then at Les Miz, I told Norm Lewis I saw the show in it's first run and he goes. You were actually alive before it closed? I was like. Yeah, I'm 12. And he goes. Oh whoops I thought you were like, 8.
I guess it just shows what a shortie I am.
And I was at "Wicked" once and the couple behind me thought they were going to see Idina.
Woman: Where's Idina? She won the Tony, you know.
Man: I thought she left!
Woman: No look, here she is-Adinah, but I thought it was spelled different.
Adinah Alexander was the woman they were talking about, she's in the ensemble.
Bumps for love.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
"But I was at the Stagedoor for Mary Poppins and the lady goes. Oh! Can I have your autograph? You were wonderful! And I was like. Oh, I wasn't in the show."
Oh my.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
at chorus line, this ignorant man and woman behind me who wouldn't shut up were swearing up and down that they had seen smokey joe's cafe AND mamma mia.. in the schoenfld. "This is where it was!!!"
haha at Company last friday at intermission these two elderly women behind me were talking about Raul
First Woman: "Well I think he's great...what do you think?'
Second Woman: "Oh He's superb...he should be in Jersey Boys"
I don't know why but I thought that it was soo funny
As I watched the crowds filing into the CHICAGO 10 Performance.
Woman 1: Who are all those people in line?
Woman 2: Oh! Those are all the actresses and actors who have played the leads over the last 10 years.
Woman 1: Wow, thats a lot of actors!
Woman 2: Yeah, generally on Broadway, actors switch parts every 6 weeks, then they take a new part.
Woman 1: How Impressive!
I was dying to butt in, but I didnt want to seem snobby
ok I know I've totally said this, but then again so have a few other people on here too I am sure... from OverheardInNewYork today:
Woman: Yeah, but just because you can play a dying crackwhore in Rent, that doesn't mean that you can play a dying crackwhore in Les Mis -- they're two different kinds of whores!
--Broadhurst Theatre
OiNY link
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
"Woman 1: Who are all those people in line?
Woman 2: Oh! Those are all the actresses and actors who have played the leads over the last 10 years.
Woman 1: Wow, thats a lot of actors!
Woman 2: Yeah, generally on Broadway, actors switch parts every 6 weeks, then they take a new part.
Woman 1: How Impressive!"
What are these people smoking?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
At The Boy From Oz:
1: Where's Hugh Jackman?
2: He's over there.
1: But where are his claws? And where's Halle Berry?
2: This isn't X-MEN that we're seeing. We're seeing a show about a gay guy who was married to Liza Minelli and had AIDS but still got to ride an elephant on a stage.
1: Wow. But where's the elephant.
Walking up 8th Ave earlier tonight, and the mom and young child in front of me-
kid: (reading the marquee across the street) "The Wedding Singer? Like the movie?"
Mom: "Yep, they turned the movie into a show."
kid: "Oh please let Adam Sandler be in it."
Mom: "No, of course he's not in it."
kid: "But why not- it's The Wedding Singer? And he was in the first one?"
mom: "He was in the first MOVIE. This is a SHOW. Just because he's good enough to be in the movie, that doesn't mean he's good enough to be in the show."
Immediately after a matinee performance of BOMBAY DREAMS, an elderly woman sitting a few rows ahead of me got up, turned around and in a loud voice addressed anyone who would listen:
"Well I just loved it! I loved it as much as MAMMA MIA. I loved it as much as THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE. I loved it as much as ASSASSINS"
That just killed me! Still laughing two years later.
On the subway a few years ago, a couple of women who had been to a matinee of THE PRODUCERS and dinner after. (This was about a month after Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick had completed their second run in the show.)
Woman 1: I liked it, but I didn't think Nathan Lane was as good as they say he is. He looked much taller than I thought he was.
Woman 2: I know. I liked it. I'm glad we saw them though. Why did you have profiteroles for dessert? You never have profiteroles.
Woman 1: I don't know, I just felt like it after that song in the show.
Woman 2: What song? I don't remember any songs about profiteroles.
Woman 1: That song. At the end. You know, in the jail? (singing) Profiteroles in love, profiteroles in love...
Woman 2: Oh, is that what they were singing? Why would they be singing about horny profiteroles? It makes no sense!
Woman 1: I don't know - the whole show was so silly, I just went with it.
I had to get off the train I was laughing so hard.
Swing Joined: 11/9/06
This was right outside the theatre after a Spring Awakening matinee:
very young boy: Mommy, mom that was awesome!
distracted mother: where's the car?
very young boy: mom, I'm totally f***** mommy (giggles) I'm totally f***** (proceeds to jump around and dance)
distracted mother: yes dear, ok, where's your playbill.
What was really funny were the shocked and confused faces of everyone around!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
Taken from today's
Woman #1 after Wicked raffle: Ugh, I can't believe we didn't win. It really sucks.
Woman #2: I know, I'm totally bummed out.
Woman #1: Well, that one woman, like, really deserved to win because it was her birthday.
Woman #2: And the rest of them were pretty good-looking, too.
Woman #1: Well, just as long as none of them were, like, ugly. I guess then it's okay.
Woman #2: Yeah, most of them were pretty hot. I'd do them.
--50th & Broadway