I can only assume that Captain Vest was Enjolras, since he's got a shiny red vest and hordes of fangirls. Not to mention they ambushed Victor Wallace, who was playing Enjolras, when he came out, giggled at him, got photos, and left.
Girls behind me sitting onstage:
As the cast members who sit onstage come up with their tickets acting like they're just audience members get shown to their seats:
Girl 1: Oh my god look, it's one of them...
Girl 2: It's so funny how they dress in normal clothes and pretend....
Girl1: I know it's so obvious
Girl 2: yea i know
um yeah right...i'm soo sure that they could tell
Overheard at the office:
Worker #1: I'm going to see "Moon for the Misbegotten" on Tuesday night.
Worker #2: Is that a musical?
Oh, and then Worker #2 asked: Who wrote that?
Worker #1: I don't know.
Now THAT's funny.
Updated On: 4/27/07 at 07:57 AM
My ex who is currently 19 tried to convince me that he saw the original cast of POTO.
He also walked into my room while "Send in the Clowns" was playing Him: That doesn't sound like Streisand
Me: It's not
Him: But didn't she sing this
Me: Not originally, lots of people have sung it
After the closing performance of The Producers, there was this incredibly obnoxious man who would not shut up standing behind my friends and I. He kept reeling off "facts" that were 100% incorrect. One of the St. James ushers walks out of the stagedoor and he points at her and goes "Oh, her. She's an understudy for Hold-Me-Touch-Me!". I turn around and say "No. That's (insert name). She's an usher!" And he wanted to fight me on it. I said, "Listen, man. I've seen this show a freakish amount of times and I know all the ushers here.. and she's one of them."
So I turned around to mind my own business. John Treacy Egan comes out of the stage door and the guy screams in my ear "Oh, that's John Treacy! He was the original Max Bialystock on Broadway!" I turned to face him in disbelief. I said "You're kidding right?" He's like "Kidding about what? Him being the original Max? He was! He was great." I said, "Yes, he was great. And I think he's the best Bialystock. But NATHAN LANE was the original Max." Then he fought me on that.
Mind you, I was laughing hysterically in this guy's face. I'll spare you the rest of the "facts" he had, but you get the picture. I don't know. It might not be that funny if you're not big on The Producers, but I thought it might make someone laugh a little. Unless incorrect fact boy is here.. in which case, I'm glad I'm making fun of him. I wish I knew his name. I'd use it. lol.
After the closing performance of The Producers, there was this incredibly obnoxious man who would not shut up standing behind my friends and I. He kept reeling off "facts" that were 100% incorrect. One of the St. James ushers walks out of the stagedoor and he points at her and goes "Oh, her. She's an understudy for Hold-Me-Touch-Me!". I turn around and say "No. That's (insert name). She's an usher!" And he wanted to fight me on it. I said, "Listen, man. I've seen this show a freakish amount of times and I know all the ushers here.. and she's one of them."
So I turned around to mind my own business. John Treacy Egan comes out of the stage door and the guy screams in my ear "Oh, that's John Treacy! He was the original Max Bialystock on Broadway!" I turned to face him in disbelief. I said "You're kidding right?" He's like "Kidding about what? Him being the original Max? He was! He was great." I said, "Yes, he was great. And I think he's the best Bialystock. But NATHAN LANE was the original Max." Then he fought me on that.
Mind you, I was laughing hysterically in this guy's face. I'll spare you the rest of the "facts" he had, but you get the picture. I don't know. It might not be that funny if you're not big on The Producers, but I thought it might make someone laugh a little. Unless incorrect fact boy is here.. in which case, I'm glad I'm making fun of him. I wish I knew his name. I'd use it. lol.
Whoops. Sorry. Double post.
Yesterday morning (Tuesday, May 1) an elderly American woman in Brussels airport, on the phone with her daughter while waiting to board a flight to New York:
"No, honey, we're coming home today. We're in Belgium, well, actually we're in Brussels, which is different from Belgium...yes it is, dear, I ought to know I'm there right now."
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/8/07
When I saw Wicked, there was an older lady in Minnesota at the snack bar venting about nobody believed her that she saw Rue McClanahan on TV on Star Trek in some role. It was so bipolar because she went from extremely angry to really upset and then asked me for a hug!
When I saw Beauty and the Beast with a group, we were the only people left in mezzaine which was hardly filled to begin with. Three ushers thought we didn't understand how to exit the theatre, so they began talking us through the process. Our group leader has seen like a million shows and was trying to talk to him rationally. In the meantime, an old lady pops out of nowhere and makes a comment going down the aisle "I hope he's bigger in the pants than he is in the head!"
When I saw Spamalot, there were two annoying kids sitting next to me and bopping up and down in their seat the entire time. Well, at intermission the older man in front of me turned around and told them to cut it out. Needless to say, they continued and it got worse. Well, the older man turned around during Always Look on the Bright Side of Life and said "You're adopted f#$kface!" They were probably like 10 and 12 years old. Their facial expressions were PRICELESS and they didn't act up the rest of the show.
"'No, honey, we're coming home today. We're in Belgium, well, actually we're in Brussels, which is different from Belgium...yes it is, dear, I ought to know I'm there right now.'"
Oh, OUCH!!!! *shudders* That's as bad as the woman who told a West Virginia resident that there was no such state...
There were two that I have witnessed first hand. One broadway related one not.
The first one is the non broadway related one. A father with her daughter who was about 16-17, was giving her this whole long lecture. He was going on about how she WILL get pickpocketed and she WILL get robbed ect ect while walking around times square. I was walking by them and was starting to crack up because it could not be farther from the truth.
There was a mother and her daughters who were teens and clearly knew a thing or two about theatre. . They passed the Les Miserables poster in Shubert Alley. The girls asked who it was on the poster. They contomplated who it could be going through all the different characters it could be. The mother then siad " I am pretty sure it's Eponine."
This wasn't exactly hilarious, but I was in a play and my dad told me at intermission (where we projected the word "Intermission" onto a big screen) one girl asked another girl if the show was over. The girl said no, it was intermission. The other girl said "What's that?"
Leading Actor Joined: 3/18/06
"I hope he's bigger in the pants than he is in the head!"
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
"When I saw Spamalot, there were two annoying kids sitting next to me and bopping up and down in their seat the entire time. Well, at intermission the older man in front of me turned around and told them to cut it out. Needless to say, they continued and it got worse. Well, the older man turned around during Always Look on the Bright Side of Life and said "You're adopted f#$kface!" They were probably like 10 and 12 years old. Their facial expressions were PRICELESS and they didn't act up the rest of the show."
That one made me laugh out loud! HAHA!
Two weeks ago at Grey Gardens, an elderly woman pointed at Christine Ebersole's picture and said, "Now she plays Jackie Kennedy, right?"
I tried not to laugh too hard.
Today at The Wild Party at New Rep in Boston.
Old Woman 1: I thought this was the show with the kids from Germany who have sex.
Because clearly, The Wild Party and Spring Awakening are so similar.
From Overheard in NY, love this:
Theater fan: What would you say about a person who saw The Rocky Horror Picture Show only once and didn't feel any need to see it again?
Tim Curry: I'd say that was a person who was in full possession of their senses.
--Actor's Fund event, 52nd & Broadway
Of Course, If He'd Said That about Clue I'd Have to Club Him
A couple overheard today at 110...
"There's a big crowd. It MUST be a good show!" (before the show started)
(at intermission, regarding Audra) "She has a very operatic kind of voice."
My friend told me a couple she'd heard last week at Coram Boy...
(at intermission) "This is NOT Hairspray!"
(also at intermission) "Did you know there really WAS a Thomas Coram? And a guy named Handel who wrote music?"
On the same note: I overheard a girl to her bf at the Coram Boy ticket line:
"This must be a good show. There's that big crowd at stage door." (She was referring to the Deuce stage-door crowd at the Music Box waiting for Angela Lansbury.)
I didn't have the heart to correct her, hopefully she and her bf enjoyed Coram Boy.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/18/07
On van shuttle from Newark Airport into Manhattan - girl behind me - "I think that's downtown New Jersey!"
At Camelot in Chicago some guy asked me the classic "do you know how they remember all those lines and the words to the songs?"
On van shuttle from Newark Airport into Manhattan - girl behind me - "I think that's downtown New Jersey!"
As Jersey girl, I have to say, that is priceless...
i didnt actually hear this one but a friend told me and its definitely one of my favorites.
At the tour of RENT
girl - My favorite song was connection, do you know which that was?
guy - um no.
girl - it was the one where everyone was under the blanket
guy - cool
girl - do you even know what it was about?
guy - um i dont know
girl - it was Maureen's second protest.