i didnt actually hear this one but a friend told me and its definitely one of my favorites.
At the tour of RENT
girl - My favorite song was connection, do you know which that was?
guy - um no.
girl - it was the one where everyone was under the blanket
guy - cool
girl - do you even know what it was about?
guy - um i dont know
girl - it was Maureen's second protest.
another great one which a friend overheard
at spring awakening
woman to husband (looking at playbill): Oh look, I didn't know that kristen chenoweth was in this, I love her.
my friend: Oh actually that's just an advertisement for her own show "the apple tree"
woman to husband: Wow, the Kristen is really something doing two shows at once like that.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/2/04
In line for the bathroom during the intermission of LoveMusik I overheard a woman telling her friend that Donna Murphy had taken over for Anne Reinking in Chicago, and that she had done 42nd Street a while back.
I was tempted to tell her how wrong she was but I refrained from doing so.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/6/06
A friend asked me if Stephen Sondheim was The Man in Chair from Drowsy.
Girl behind me to get into the Wadsworth to see Spelling Bee: "Does this show have...singing in it? Because that would make me SOOOO happy!"
Never mind the sign hanging there calling it "A New Musical Comedy"...
Updated On: 6/3/07 at 08:17 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
As I was leaving JOURNEY'S END yesterday afternoon, three female tourists (oh, yeah, their "A's" were as flat as they could be!) were talking about the performance. One of them commented: "To think that this play was written by the same guy who wrote GOODBYE, ME CHIPS!". Now, I'm familiar with James Hilton--who also wrote LOST HORIZON--and I was certain he hadn't written JOURNEY'S END. When I got to the restaurant I checked the Playbill and found that the play's author had written the CHIPS s-c-r-e-e-n-p-l-a-y.
I guess to some people that's as good as writing the original novel.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
A friend asked me if Stephen Sondheim was The Man in Chair from Drowsy.
Oh... wow.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
In the Broadway New York store:
A girl is flipping through the Wicked program. *points to picture of Eden Espinosa* "That's the current cast."
A man flipping through the Wicked program: "Oh, Rue McClanahan. She originated the role."
actually Dolly I'm somewhat impressed that they'd even get that the author was affiliated with Chips.
The woman next to me at The Pirate Queen....
"Is there anyone Irish in the cast?"
Not in NYC, but at the opera in Detroit.
The woman next me noticed there were two empty seats in front of me after intermission. In a voice that could easily be heard for 3 or 4 rows.
Woman: Did they just leave?
Me: No, no one showed up for those seats.
Woman: You're lucky! I have this big head in front of me! (Pointing to a woman's head two rows ahead). And every time she moves I have move my head.
Me: Sshh. (quietly)
Woman(still in loud voice): Well, it is a big head don't you think? You have to agree that is a big head!
Updated On: 6/18/07 at 02:56 PM
Mom's Friend: So, when does that Smitty Byron movie come out?
Me: ...uh...
Friend: You know, the musical!
Me: Uhm, I don't remember...
Friend: The one with Johnny Depp... you were talking about it...
Me: Sweeney Todd?
Friend: YEAH, that's it! I knew Smitty Byron didn't sound right!
Okay, here's a funny one-I was outside GG waiting for Christine Ebersole and these southern tourists were standing around me. When she came out, one looked at me and said, "Are you sure that's her?" to which I replied, "Of course I'm sure." Then, the woman says, "she looks like a brunette in the show and this woman is a blonde". I said, "it's a wig. Trust me-it is Ms. Ebersole."
Then, I quickly got away from them.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/21/06
"Geez Louise it was so loud I couldn't hear it"
If you hadn't said "old lady" I'd swearyou ran into Yogi Berra. That sounds like somethi he would say.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/21/06
"Geez Louise it was so loud I couldn't hear it"
If you hadn't said "old lady" I'd swear you ran into Yogi Berra. That sounds like something he would say.
Elderly Woman to her Husband outside of the JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR TOUR
Woman: What a Great Story, They really must have had a great imagination to think of that
Is it just me or are most of these postings nowhere near funny? Some of them are funny, maybe a few are hilarius ... but I don't think so!
This girl I know at my school was telling me about how she was going to go to the Wicked cancellation line to get tickets because they're always discounted.
Hmm, good luck with that.
This same girl thinks she knows more about theatre than me because she lives in the New York area and I'm just a tourist. Yeah right. I was once talking to her about how I went to see Grey Gardens, Company, Spring Awakening, and a few other shows and she was like, "That's ok. Next time when you go to New York, buy your tickets in advance so you won't get stuck with the bad shows. Rent, Wicked, and Disney shows are really good, I've seen them ten times. But they sell out quickly."
I have a feeling that when I return to school this fall, this girl will be a huge Spring Awakening fangirl who forgot that she ever said it was a show people watched only when they had no choice.
Swing Joined: 3/13/07
ok.....im at intermission of pirate queen
then i hear someone behind me say "i mean its pretty good but they just cant do it like andrew lloyd webber"
i almost started tearing
I've got two:
When seeing Dance of the Vampires, there was a couple behind me that was way too cool for their own good:
Man: Your brother would like this show. He likes that campy stuff.
Woman: Yeah, he'd have wet spots in his pants for weeks after this.
When I saw Dame Edna on broadway there was an older couple next to me that kept whispering to each other after I got to my seat. Before the lights dimmed, the woman touched my arm and asked me if I was Robert Downey, Jr. I politely told her I wasn't. This is what I heard a minute later:
Woman: See. I told you he was too fat to be Robert Downey, Jr.
Some funny similes for Ave Q:
From Overherd In NY
I seem to get a lot of these at 110 In The Shade...
Tonight, these three people climbed up and sat in the last row of the rear mezz across the aisle from me. The guy dlipped his playbill over once he sat down and said...
"Oh cool! I didn't know Halle Berry was in this!"
I bit my tongue to keep from laughing at him.
(Of course then one of the girls with him opened hers and said "Oh...it's some girl named Audra McDonald."
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
When I saw Dame Edna on broadway there was an older couple next to me that kept whispering to each other after I got to my seat. Before the lights dimmed, the woman touched my arm and asked me if I was Robert Downey, Jr. I politely told her I wasn't. This is what I heard a minute later:
Woman: See. I told you he was too fat to be Robert Downey, Jr.
Aw... poor Kyle!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I found this on overheardinnewyork.com and didn't know whether to laugh or be greatly disturbed:
Gay teen: I told her that while she's over there she has to find me a German boyfriend.
Girl: Why?
Gay teen: So he can dress up like a Nazi and we can play concentration camp fetish games.
Girl: Oh, right.
thats a little scary