Broadway Legend Joined: 7/1/05
Oh. My. God.
just when I thought that I had heard everything...
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
"(Of course then one of the girls weith him opened hers and said "'s some girl named Audra McDonald."
Oh, they just committed the ultimate blasphemy!!!!!
^ Mmmhmm!! That earned them a glare.
this was said by an old lady last night during company about Raul.. "he is holding his manly bossum" um ok..
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Stand-by Joined: 10/21/06
Last night (6/14) at Pirate Queen's night performance, one of the ladies sitting behind my mother and myself had an interesting reason for why the show was closing:
"Did you see how large the cast was? That's why it's closing--they can't pay all of them!"
My mother and I looked at each other, held in our laughter until we were out of the theatre and on the 1 train.
"Did you see how large the cast was? That's why it's closing--they can't pay all of them!"
Ok, kid you not, the guy behind me at IN THE HEIGHTS last night said pretty much the exact same thing while flipping through his Playbill- "...and it has a cast of 43 or something, and they can't afford to pay everyone anymore, so they're closing."
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/06
Well, that's not wholly unreasonable... isn't that why many people say Coram Boy closed when it did?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/27/07
I found this on and didn't know whether to laugh or be greatly disturbed:
Gay teen: I told her that while she's over there she has to find me a German boyfriend.
Girl: Why?
Gay teen: So he can dress up like a Nazi and we can play concentration camp fetish games.
Girl: Oh, right.
What does that have to do with Broadway?
When I was waiting at the Wicked stage door a few weeks ago for Julia Murney to come out I was listening to these 2 friends talking about why it was taking so long for her to come out.
Girl 1: Well, She has to paint her WHOLE BODY green. Then she has to wash it all off, so that's why she's taking so long.
Girl 2: Her whole body? Wow that's gotta take a while. What could they possibly use to get her whole body green every night?
Girl 1: I think it's like a finger-paint. I heard Crayola made it specially for Wicked. I think Crayola's one of their sponsers.
Girl 2: Oh, that makes sense.
Maybe I just found that funny cause I know so much about Wicked, but I'm NOT kidding. She actually said it was fingerpaint from Crayola. Plus the fact that she said her whole body had to be painted struck me as funny too.
40 year old woman sitting next to my brother and I at SPRING AWAKENING (right when the intermission started): "You know, I just don't think I could be friends with anyone who didn't like this show."
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/07
this was said by an old lady last night during company about Raul.. "he is holding his manly bossum" um ok..
lol! what the hell...what part did she say that during?
After seeing Spring Awakening:
Older Woman: Mabey, Wicked would hve been a better choice...
Older Man: (Nods) Yup.
This was so funny. This was also the same night I saw the elderly woman covering her ears, shaking her head, and crossing her arms while she was sitting front row center.
I must say these stories make may day!! keep them coming!!
Laurhearts SA, that's very funny.
Since Spring Awakening won so many Tonys, I wonder how many people will see it without knowing what it's about and be shocked?
This is my favorite of all time-at the wicked stage door a couple of weeks ago..
Sebastin Arcelus is signing playbills and a girl goes "Thank you, congrats on your engagement! When are you and Stephen getting married?" He paused for a second. Looked around and said "Her name is Stephanie" and you can tell who the real broadway fans were because we were laughing.
Updated On: 6/16/07 at 09:16 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/13/05
In front of Mary Poppins, a guy stood in front of the theatre, grabbed his crotch, and danced back and forth, mockingly singing "Chim-Chim-Cheree".
It was priceless...though a bit strange for the younger folk.
My friend Rachel went on a New York Trip and she told me this story.
Rachel: So we're walking past this place called company. There are all these people standing around yelling "PAUL, PAUL!!!"
Me: They we're stage dooring, his name is "Raul" and the musical is called "Company".
Rachel: RAUL!!!That's ridiculous Shut up, his name was Paul.
Me: No.
Rachel: How would you know, you weren't even there.
Me: ...
At the summer stock theatre on Long Beach Island, New Jersey called the Surflight Theatre, on line for a production of Man of la Mancha:
Old Lady #1: I heard this is a good show.
Old Lady #2: But probably not as good as Cats.
OL #1: NOTHING'S as good as Cats
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
Well, maybe if Don Quixote's dead body rose up to heaven on a giant tire, it would be ALMOST as good as Cats.
LittleWing, that is positively hilarious. (waaay back on page 1)
This thread totally is making my day!
a girl sitting next to me at Spring Awakening in the front row after intermission---
", that main guy's ass!"
"I know, have you ever seen such a pale ass?"
"Haha, NO! They should make him tan or something"
ok that made me die laughing...
This comment isn’t hilarious, it’s just sad.
After I saw Spelling Bee is Los Angeles I heard a women saying, “Well it just doesn’t seem fair. I mean they should put them in booths or something and give them all the same word!”
Say wha…?
Swing Joined: 2/24/07
I was on my way to the restroom during intermission at Company yesterday and as I stood in the isle I heard a woman sitting in her seat talking to another audience member.
"Isn't this a revival of Sweeney Todd?"
"No, this is Company."
"But isn't it a revival of something?"
"Yes, Company"
The person answering the questions seemed confused by the woman’s stupidity. And rightfully so.
I was also lucky enough to get to listen to some of the worst Spring Awakening fangirl conversations (and that is saying alot!) before the show, during intermission and on the way out of the theater from the two girls next to me.
Oh my god, that Sebastian story is hilarious! I can totally picture the look he gave that girl.
Imagine, Sebastian getting married to Stephen Schwartz. I'd laugh like a mother.