"Are they actually singing?" - geriatric lady to geriatric husband at Jersey Boys during "Silhouettes"
Of course, he didn't hear her, so she repeated herself. "DO YOU THINK IT'S RECORDED?!"
Here's a LoveMusik story.
I was in the rear orchestra and this couple behind me thought the show was a sing-a-long. It was dreadful. They sang (off key) along with the actors when they knew a piece. They also put their feet up on my chair and the one next to me. They really were rude. Although, their lousy singing was really funny. (They were AWFUL.) I did shush them.
Last Fri. at GG-An obviously tourist couple is next to me. Now, the show starts and the man sitting next to me pokes me in the arm and says, "Which one is Christine? Which one?" I shushed him, to which he turned to his wife and said, "she doesn't know, either, I guess, or she's really rude. (I don't know which one she is?! Haha!) I only want to know which one Christine is." I can't believe he didn't read the playbill in the ten minutes before the show started.
Then, he proceeded to rifle through the playbill (we were way up front in the orchestra, mind you) and ask which song we were on. I was thoroughly annoyed.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/07
The people behind me last week at Company were looking through their playbill at intermission and going through which shows they'd seen already. The woman goes, "I REFUSE to see Rent...that is just WAYYYYYY too depressing for me."
I wanted to tell her what an emotional blow she'd be in for in the second half of Company, lol
At the Pirate Queen stage door on Thursday, there was a mother there with her daughter and some of her daughter's friends. This woman was seriously the loudest and most effusive (bordering on obnoxious) mother/woman I have ever encountered. She was more annoying than the daughters, who were, mind you, annoying. But more about them later.
Everytime an actor would come out the woman would loudly compliment them, and when the little boy playing Eoin came out, she simply couldn't contain herself.
Woman: OH. MY. GAWD! You are SO ADORABLE!! Whatta ya gonna do afta the show ends? Are ya gonna go to the Bahamas and have beautiful ladies in bikini soyve (serve) ya drinks?!
Boy playing Eoin: Um....
Me and my sister:....WTF? *silent laughter*
The daughter and her friends decided that Hadley Fraser is HOTT, and they decided to tell him so. So, they ran up to him and told him, flat out, that he was hot, among other thing. I didn't catch what he said to them, but his face after they walked away was priceless. My sister and I were speechless.
Swing Joined: 4/18/06
"Grey Gardens" the other night:
"Jackie Kennedy should sue these people. They're portraying her in a bad light."
Um.....okay...besides the fact that Jackie is sadly no longer with us, how does the show portray her badly? Did I miss something?!?
In the audience at DRS in Boston. Two elderly woman looking through the Broadway Across America season and their date books.
First elderly woman: What show do we have next?
Second elderly woman: Well, next we have Chiquita Rivera.
And there it was, written down clearly in her date book as "Chiquita"...
CT-I actually heard something worse-I was walking from 49th to 46th for dinner and this (white-you need to know this to understand why this is so awful) woman was walking down the street with her son who must have been three or four, singing "Hominy Grits" to him. I heard the chorus ("All God's chillun love hominy, hominy, all God's chillun love hominy grits".) as I was walking up the street. I was like, "Oh my gawd". I couldn't believe I was hearing this! (Somehow I doubted she'd seen the show to understand the context and why it was so inappropriate-she probably listened to the OBCR.) But, regardless, it was soooo weird. And she walked right on singing it.
I love the show, but even I won't sing that song in public. Geez.
This is a while ago at the Drowsy Chaperone, but anyway, you have to understand that in the playbill it says next to Bob Martin's name "Man in Chair", "Book". and at the end of the show, a woman walked up to me and said, "did you ever see that man (points to Marin's headshot) play a book on stage," i said "no", and she said, "see, i told my daughter there are always errors in these playbills"
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/6/05
My best friend's very proper and conservative mom was watching the Tony's and said,
"I'd really like to see that Spring Awakening... it must be very good."
So, I asked, "Do you know what it's about?"
And she answered, "No but it seems good"
I just left it at "Okay, I hope you like it!"
If she actually sees it, I'll pay to see her reaction.
Ugh. I've seen it 4 times and have yet to see a reaction like that. I really want to! Though last time I finally spotted the (not so) elusive fangirl! It was pretty exciting to see one in its natural habitat.
This was chick behind me at Chicago last week:
she was explaining shows she's seen and when RENT came up she said "I didn't like it. I guess I'm not into that melodramatic gay crap" (meanwhile she wasn't whispering and I think the whole theater scowled at her), her friend Shhh'd her, and she was like "What, even all my gay friends think it's too gay". You could see a bunch of people in my section just rolling their eyes.
This was just one of the many things she said that made me want to find another seat!
I love the show, but even I won't sing that song in public.
I sing it in public. O_o But then, I sing many inappropriate songs in public because it makes slow days go that little bit faster, and also it's a CATCHY mother! My co-workers are used to me singing showtunes so don't really care if I'm singing something a tad offensive, they just assume there's some plot-based reason behind it that they're not aware of or something. XD
i was at legally blonde yesterday (LOVED it, in case anyone cares ) -
there was a family sitting behind me and they were obviously from out of town and/or had never seen anything in a theatre before. as they were settling into their seats, they were confused about the seat numbers (you know how there is usually an even side and an odd side of the orchestra). the daughter says to the mom 'new york city must be really superstitious - they don't have any 13's here'.
i was trying so hard not to laugh. and as it turns out, they were in the completely wrong seats anyway!
Yes-but I wouldn't walk around Manhattan singing that song. (It might get you in trouble in certain neighborhoods.)
*After seeing Spring Awakening's Tony performance*
"I don't get it...Are they Amish?"
at spring awakening 2 weeks ago i was seated next to an elderly couple (im assuming they're married) and during intermission the husband asked the wife what that "dark i know well" song was about and the wife replied "well.. (as she points to her forearm)..the young lady is dark"
At Company on Saturday, at intermission, this one lady said "Is this the revival of Sweeney Todd?"
I heard the lady beside me whisper to her companion this comment when Bruiser Woods runs out on stage during Legally Blonde: "Is that a real dog?"
Tonight at Altar Boys during Rythem in Me, when Mark goes "put it in me" and everyone laughed the lady in front of me (she looked about in her 50s) whispered to her friend "wait, I don't get it. Why is that funny?" and then the friend had to try to explain it. It was amusing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/05
"Legally Blonde won the best musical at the Tonys!!"
- one of my classmates in my theatre class...
This woman was seriously the loudest and most effusive (bordering on obnoxious) mother/woman I have ever encountered. She was more annoying than the daughters, who were, mind you, annoying.
Eep. Sounds like this lady and her daughter at A Chorus Line. They both ran up screaming every time a cast member came out.
"The Pirate Queen looks like it sucks. I'm not into that "medieval times" stuff. Their performance on the Tonys was terrible."
-my friend
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
All witnessed at Wicked last night:
Teen Boy: Isn't Phantom of the Opera closing so Grease can go in its theatre?
His Mom: No, isn't it going where Beauty and the Beast is?
Boy: No, that's closing for Little Mermaid. I'm pretty sure Grease is going where Phantom is.
Pair of teen boys:
Boy 1: Where is Miss Saigon playing? Hey, it's not in the playbill!
Boy 2: Hmm... this theatre is a lot smaller than the RENT theatre.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
A newbie on our English staff came up to me earlier this year. He asked if I knew anything about theater (and the rest of the English Dep't just rolled their eyes!) I explained that I had a good working knowledge of the theater. He then held up an A-B-C directory of current theater offeringa and wanted to know where WEST SIDE STORY was playing. I explained that there weren't any revivals planned for that show in the near future. He then asked, "What's a 'revival'?"
It seems that he'd just finished teaching ROMEO AND JULIET and had promised to take his class to see WSS on Broadway. I talked him into showing the movie.
-someone behind me at "Company" (and I spelled Sondheim wrong on purpose)
Today at Company, some old lady looking at a poster of Raul, reading a review blurb: It says he's the best Bobby ever. Oh! He's playing Bobby Kennedy!