Oh my gosh, finaldestination, those were hilarious!! It EATS the witch?! How do people come up with these random facts? And a pornographic musical? Bahahaha, yes, Spelling Bee was SO filthy.
I found this funny. I was walking in Times Square and I overheard these 17 or so year olds talking about movie musicals. They said "Ohh, well Mamma Mia is next and then then they have to make Wicked. In October, it will have been running on Broadway for five years, which is of course the limit before a a movie is made!"
I was cracking up
This is more a comment on society than a comment I overheard, but anyway, at the Lyceum tonight, a very well dressed woman with great hair and a beautiful face-lift was flossing her teeth in the lobby before the show in full view of all the ticket holders coming to the show. FLOSSING HER TEETH!! This went on for about 10 minutes.
That is so disgusting, mattonstage. I would've gagged.
I have a good one!
At Legally Blonde one night, there were two teenage girls behind me and one said:
"Yea, some of the cast was picked on a reality show. Some girl named Laura won...Sandy? I think that was it."
Her friend replied:
"Wierd. I don't remember anyone with that name from the movie. Maybe they cut her out of the movie when they adapted it from Broadway."
I almost died laughed. No joke.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
I was checking out this girl's Facebook photos (we used to be friends) and she had a picture of her outside the Palace Theatre and the caption said that she couldn't see Legally Blonde because of the Writer's Strike.
Little Boy outside of legally blonde: Wait, what does delta nu stand for again?
Some stoner-looking hippie behind me the last time I caught the current Ted Neeley tour of JCS (may be a spoiler, as Jesus flies off the cross at the end): "I didn't know Jesus could fly!"
This girl wrote a review of Legally Blonde for our school paper. First of all, she said it was the best musical ever so I should've stopped reading then. Then she goes on to say that "Legally Blonde is doing better than ever since the Broadway Writer's Strike ended."
Honestly, there are two different strikes. Figure it out. And if writers on Broadway were on strike, the shows would still be running.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Oh, good Lord.
"I found this funny. I was walking in Times Square and I overheard these 17 or so year olds talking about movie musicals. They said "Ohh, well Mamma Mia is next and then then they have to make Wicked. In October, it will have been running on Broadway for five years, which is of course the limit before a a movie is made!"
I was cracking up"
Well, it looks like Evita, Chicago, Phantom, Rent, Dreamgirls and Sweeney Todd missed THEIR due dates.
Understudy Joined: 11/24/07
This was told to me by an old dresser at the lunt fontanne. they said they were working a show with Carol Channing and she was over heard in her bathroom saying " Corn i dont remember eating corn". dont know if its true but its funny
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
That story is older than Richard Gere and the gerbil.
Older than Rod Stewart's stomach getting pumped.
Older than the Pia Zadora as Anne Frank "She's in the attic!" story.
Little Boy outside of legally blonde: Wait, what does delta nu stand for again?
Today at Spring Awakening there were like 5 understudies on (including ones for both Melchior and Wendla) and someone went up the box office and said "I think I deserve a refund. I here these two parts are the leads, and I want to see the normals!"
The box office man kindly explained since their names weren't above the title of the show there was nothing he could do.
The woman responded that if he didn't give her a refund she would call his manager. The box office man loudly yelled "NEXT!" and ignored the woman and begun working for the next person in line.
When my chorus went to see Wicked last April......
Girlfriend to Boyfriend: I'm so excited to see this!
Boyfriend to Girlfriend: I know! I'm just excited to see Maureen.
Me: Who?
Boyfriend to me: You know, Maureen from RENT!
Me: Ummmmm.........she's not in this anymore. She left a couple of years ago.
(Girlfriend glares at boyfriend)
I was cracking up inside!
Leading Actor Joined: 11/14/07
I thank you all for making this thread!
It gave me 2 hours of non-boredom today!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/14/07
when My cousin went to see the lion King she said that there was a group of high school kids sitting next to her and they were asking when is the movie going to start.Not even knowing they were at a broadway
Updated On: 7/11/08 at 11:47 PM
well, maybe he parents ust told her "we're going to see the The Lion King" and she assumed it was going to be the movie, especially if she was a really little girl...
ETA: grammar
This is the dumbest thing I ever heard-
I was managing an off broadway theater. It was almost time for curtain. I was making my rounds in the mezzanine. A woman in the back row asked me if she could move to the row in front of her if no one showed up to take those seats. I told her that she could, but to make sure the show had already started. She said this-"How will I know when the show has already started?"
SO FUNNY! I am from the Midwest but know enough about musicals to get these! This actually reminded me of some...
Me and my sister were in the car coming back from Borders. I had just bought the OBCR of Rent. My sister, who while not a fan enjoyed the movie and, to my knowledge has seen it quite some times, was "singing" "Light My Candle";
Sister: "Will you light my candle? Your shivering. They call me, Mimi!"
This continues for a little bit.
Me: You know, that isn't how the lyrics go at all?
Sister: I know... (Continues)
Another one happened while at Rent. The people next to me and my friend were looking through the program.
Person 1; Oh! La Vie Boheme is in here!
Person 2;(Excitedly) Really! Where?
Once I was watching the Phantom of the Opera movie with a group of friends, and when you see his little Christine shrine, one of them said, "Pervy Phantom!"
Last, when me and my family saw the Sweeney Todd movie, we all were closing our eyes during the killings and during Pretty Women(the first time), I was trying to tell my mom it was okay to look, but she wouldn't... She did get that Lucy=Begger Women before Sweeney does, which is pretty good for her first time seeing any adaptation of it...
I am going to see Wicked in Chicago next month, so I will have to keep my ears open!
On my way out from Wicked London a girl near me suddenly exclaimed "I hate Dorothy's guts".
(It actually took me a second to work out that she must have been referring to her stealing Nessa's shoes.)
"How will I know when the show has already started?"
Oh boy ...
Updated On: 1/20/08 at 05:18 PM
I have another one! An example of people thinking they know more then they do. I found this on Overheard in NY...
Woman, about Hairspray: Harold, except for the finale number, I thought it wasn't anything special. All the screaming and the jumping and the music...
Man: You're right, Doris.
Woman: You know what was the golden era of the Broadway? The really good shows, Harold?
Man: What were they, Doris?
Woman: The Cats, The Les Mis, The Phantoms... That was the zenith, Harold. This one -- I don't know what it is.
Man: Me neither, Doris. Me neither.
I love Phantom of the Opera, and think the other two are okay, but they would hardly constitute Broadway's best or most classic shows...
Years ago there was a revival of Fiddler at the Gershwin. Topol was in it. Whatever. Anyway during intermission a middle-aged man was speaking to two women in the lobby.
"Can you believe it? Acting, singing and dancing!"
At that point he executed his smoothest dance move.
When I saw Wicked, there was a young girl, probably about 5, in the row in front of me. During the part where Elphaba is screaming off stage to Dorothy, the girl whispers to her dad "Who's she talking to?" and her dad said "Dorothy." The girl hesitates for a second, and asks, "Dori? The fish?"
It was very cute.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/13/07
Speaking of dumbasses..... Why do so many people say "on line" when they mean "in line". I defy anyone to "stand on line".