Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Yikes. Way to show support for your kid.
Two days ago, we were at this restaurant my parents and I "frequent" (in other words, we're there a lot) and my dad's tight with one of the managers. My dad and I had plans to see a friend of mine in her high school production of The Secret Garden and the guy asks, "Doesn't it take place in Atlanta?" I corrected him but still...Atlanta?
Stand-by Joined: 11/16/07
When I saw WICKED
Before the show
MAN: Who is playing the witch?
WIFE: Who do you think? The actor who played her in the movie! Duh!
MAN: Wow, she has aged well.
WICKED later on (three days later with SJB)
WOMEN: (After reading SJB's bio) HEY!! LIZA MINELLI'S IN THIS!!!
Apprently she thought since SJB was in Boy From Oz she thought Liza would be in WICKED.
Walking around this evening before seeing November... I was at 49th and 8th, and these girls behind me said "We're already at 49th? We were JUST at 48th!" It took everything I had to not turn around and say "I know! They're only, like, a block apart!" But I resisted.
Then there was the last seated next to me for the first act who before the show was talking about some candidate (I didn't get the name, I think it was a more local election or something) who was "Oh he's totally on the Right. In favor of all these gay rights and that kind of thing." Her husband tried to correct her, but she kept insisting that meant he was on the Right. Finally I think her daughter convinced her otherwise. This woman was the primary reason I moved at intermission. SO annoying.
Swing Joined: 10/3/07
At Little Mermaid, a merchandise salesperson was holding up a windowcard, and some woman walked by:
Woman: What is that you're holding?
Salesperson: A poster.
Woman: Oh!! Wow!! (with a lot of perplexity and excitement)
"Apparently she thought since SJB was in Boy From Oz she thought Liza would be in WICKED."
Maybe she saw Boy from Oz and incidentally referred to SJB as "Liza Minelli" because that was how she thought of her from that performance onward.
Understudy Joined: 3/16/05
The day after I show my dad the article I wrote on why I didn't like Andrew Lloyd Webber and how people think he wrote anything thats on in the West End
Me: Ooh, I hope Rosie gets me tickets for Les Miserables, I've wanted to see that for ages
Dad: But why would you want to see that, you said you hated Andrew Lloyd Webber
Me: Argh*Starts off on ALW rant*
Dad: Well I guess he won't be sending you a Christmas card
At the Schoenfeld before the matinee of A Chorus Line.
Woman sitting behind me: I saw Rent in this theatre when I was much younger.
HEr daughter: Does A Chorus Line always play here now?
Woman: No, I don't think so.
In a movie theater before Sweeney Todd:
My Mom: What movie are we seeing? Are we seeing "Todd's Sweeney"?
Me: Well, I don't think we're actually gonna get to see his Sweeney...but oh well.
Stand-by Joined: 2/26/06
Not specifically B'way and cannot tell if they were tourists, but.....
Years ago (early 80s) I was in the audience of a NYCOpera production of Carmen. At intermission the young girl sitting in front of me turned to her mother and asked what I thought was a perceptive question for a little kid: "Mommy, if the show is taking place in Spain, why are they singing in French?"
Her mother's reply made me sad; "Honey, they're not singing in French, it's Italian. Everybody knows that all operas are written in Italian."
sigh -
Just yesterday I had to run something over to Radio City and as I left, I got stuck in the massive crowds near Rock Ctr.
Two teen girls behind me had just caught site of the Tree and the first said:
"Hey, it's after Christmas! Why is the tree still up?"
The other girl said: "They probably leave it up for Chanukah."
This happened in the 90's. My friend and I were visiting NYC. He had never been before and was very excited. We were crossing a street in Midtown.
My friend: Wouldn't it be great if we saw a real Broadway star on the street? You Ethel Merman.
Me: Ethel Merman's dead.
My friend: Nobody called me.
This wasn't from a tourist, but I did think it was kind of funny:
I was in drama class one day and we had a list of plays that my teacher had discussed with us recently and he asked which play was an example of non-fiction. Someone yelled out "Little Shop of Horrors"! and I turned to the guy next to me and sarcastically said, "Oh yeah, Little Shop of Horrors is totally based on a true story!" Well, he apparently didn't catch the sarcasm in my voice because he raised his hand and yelled out "LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS WAS BASED ON A TRUE STORY!"
I was cracking up.
Mine's not from a tourist either, but it's still funny. My sister and I were talking last night about musicals that could work as movies. This is how our conversation went:
My sister: I think that The Lion King would make a good movie
Me: Um...Allie
My sister: *silence for a minute* Oh my God!
I was at Jersey Boys last week and a very annoying middle age couple came walking up the stairs(you could so tell the husband had had WAY to many drinks at dinner). So after the finally made there way to theser seats(after claiming to know everyone in the theatre I might add) they opened up there playbills and started reading Micheal Longoria's bio....
WOMEN: OH he's so cute!! He should've won the Tony.
MAN: GEEZ, they dont give out Tony's for being cute. Even I know that. Oh my Gosh....he looks exactly like Franki Valli! He should've won the Tony!
Then during the intermission they had this conversation:
MAN: GEEZ this is the best GD play I've ever seen. This whole play should've won the Tony.
WOMEN: Sweetie, they did.
MAN: No way! They couldn't have....they gave it to RENT.
Understudy Joined: 9/23/07
At Spring Awakening:
Grandmother to teenage grandaughter after Act 1: This Wendla (pronounced Veen-duh-lah) reminds me so much of my self when I was her age. You know, I was pretty frisky...
I was almost doubled over in laughter.
I have two said at the same theatre but years apart.
The Aida tour was coming to SF and a couple behind me said, "Hey, we should see Aida," but pronounced it ay-da.
The other time an older man was complimenting an actor who had played Radames a few years ago but was now in another show. But then the guy told him, "You were the best Aida!" and was totally serious. He didn't even correct himself, so I don't know what he was thinking...
I hope to God this guy was a tourist and not just insane or drunk...
Tonight on my way to The Homecoming, I was on the corner of 48th and Broadway waiting to be able to cross. This guy asks "Excuse me, can you tell me where 48th is?" I looked at him, then at the TWO signs we could see that said 48th St. and looked back at him in disbelief, motioning towards the signs. He repeated his question (let me note he did NOT have any kind of helper dog or cane with him to indicate he was visually impaired). I again motioned towards the signs and said "You're on it right now."
I guess he didn't believe me because he asked someone else.
I love this thread! And I have a few...
My mom and I were at the Hairspray tour last month, and just after intermission, the overature had started but the curtain hadn't yet come up, and the fire alarm went off. They continued the music for a minute, and then stopped and brought the house lights back up. Everyone was sitting there unsure of what to do, and an older man behind me said "Oh, I've seen this before, it's part of the show!" Right...
A girl who was about my age (maybe 14 or 15) in front of us decided, "It's probably from all the smoke they use. You know, the hairspray and stuff."
We did have to evacuate, but it wasn't anything serious, so they finished up the show, with lot's of added lines such as "You're on fire tonight!' (You're Timeless to Me) and "Hey, evacuees, let's dance!" (You Can't Stop the Beat) It was very funny!
Ok, so this was overheard in my head, but it was still quite... stupid. When we were in NY over the summer, we were walking past the Eugine O'Neil, and a girl walks by me and I think "Gee, she looks like Lea Michelle! ... ... wait, that was Lea Michelle."
I was at Wicked and Saycon Sengbloh was the stand by for Elphaba and she was on.
The man behind me said, "Oh, man, we have the black girl."
I turned and said, "Actually she's green."
I'm sure they thought I was stoned but it had to be said. I think that man might have learned something from the show. I doubt it, but I hope.
This isn't really 'funny', but more-so 'touching': I was doing a performance of ZOMBIE PROM at WBT this psat May, and we were doing the scene where 'Eddie' (me) and 'Jo(h)nny' are in the televison studio before "Come Join Us", there was this fella in the front row who was mentally challenged, and I improvised a line at one point - garnering a decent pop from the crowd - and this one guy turns to his buddy smiling and says, "I like him!" and having caught what he said ... I was moved a great deal. It's one of those instances where you're performing for the sake of performing, where unbeknownst to you, folks in the house could very well be experiencing their very first theatrical moments with you and your show... It stayed with me. I dunno, I just thought I'd share that with you guys.
I hope to God this guy was a tourist and not just insane or drunk...
Tonight on my way to The Homecoming, I was on the corner of 48th and Broadway waiting to be able to cross. This guy asks "Excuse me, can you tell me where 48th is?" I looked at him, then at the TWO signs we could see that said 48th St. and looked back at him in disbelief, motioning towards the signs. He repeated his question (let me note he did NOT have any kind of helper dog or cane with him to indicate he was visually impaired). I again motioned towards the signs and said "You're on it right now."
I guess he didn't believe me because he asked someone else.
This reminds me of another one I had.
This was during the strike. I was walking to the train station and stopped ont he corner of 44th and Broadway. These two women were standing there asking two police officers where the theatre is where Les Miz is playing. The officers had NO IDEA. They kept asking the women for an address. After I got the giggles out, I couldn't help myself. I very politely turned around and told them that the theatre was down the block, and pointed to the marquee. They thanked me and ran off. One of the officers went "You're the BEST!! Thanks you!" The other one (jokingly) yelled at me to stop eavesdropping.
I was waiting outside the stage door at the Hilton after Young Frankenstein and these girls behind me were really hoping to meet Sutton Foster. Eventually this tall woman comes out (wearing a winter coat and a hat with the ear flaps, so it was hard to tell who she was) and she's signing everyone's Playbill and people are taking pictures with her, so I turn to the girls behind me and say, "That might be Sutton up there". As soon as she gets closer, it becomes very clear that this is not Sutton Foster, but a member of the ensemble who also happens to be on the tall side. Of course, it's too late to say anything to the girls behind me, who by now all have their cameras out. They hand her their Playbills and start telling her how great she was. Then they tell her they loved her in The Drowsy Chaperone and that Little Women was the first show they ever saw and the cast member looks at them and says, "Oh...that would be Sutton. I'm Jennifer." (Jennifer Lee Crowl) I felt so bad for telling them it might've been Sutton, but I couldn't see her when I said that, and all the people she was talking to seemed excited...I mean, it wasn't my fault they didn't recognize her up close. I felt even worse for Jennifer, who seemed rather disappointed that they weren't complimenting her on HER performance, but someone else's.
I went back to the stage door that night (still waiting to meet Megan) and Jennifer came out again. This reminded me of what happened earlier and I told the story to the girl next to me that I'd been chatting with. Jennifer passed us just as I got the part of the story where she said "that would be Sutton". Jennifer must've thought I was telling this girl that she was Sutton Foster, because she stopped, turned around and said (with the air of someone who'd said it many times before), "Oh, no. I'm Jennifer." I said, "No, I know! We were talking about...earlier. Something different."
This wasn't technically at a show, but it's still kind of funny, so I'll post it anyway!
I went to see the Sweeney movie tonight, and after it was over I was listening to people's reactions in the ladies room. There were these two middle-aged women with thick New Jersey accents who were absolutely hilarious!
1st woman: "What on earth WAS that?! I had no idea what I was getting into! I thought this would just be another delightful movie with that boy Johnny Depp. Oh, I used to love him. Not so much now."
2nd woman: "Oh dear God, I KNOW! That was awful!! Just awful! I want my money back! I never would have payed for that if I'd have know what it was going to be like! 2 hours of my life, wasted on that gothic garbage."
1st woman: "I hate musicals, I hate gory things. It was like my worst nightmare of a film! I had no idea there was singing involved. Or so much....slitting of body parts. Oh god! AWFUL!"
2nd woman: "You know, my daughter took me to a terrible play once, it was called Bat Kid or Bat Boy...something like that. It was almost as bad as this! I wanted to walk out. But this movie was worse."
1st: "Leave it to that Burton man to think up something as terrible as this. For God's sake, were they EATING people in those damn pies?! Who thinks of something like THAT?! Burton's thought of some terrible things before, but this was just a nightmare."
Oh god, they were hilarious!
Here's a few (all from St. Louis)
In the Fox lobby before Wicked
Woman: What a gorgeous theatre
Woman's Friend: Where's the stage?
Before Spelling Bee
Elderly Man: You said we were seeing a Broadway show. Not a group of SNOT NOSED CHILDREN SPELLINGS WOIDS.
Elderly Woman: It's a musical. Why else would they have a soundtrack? It's based at a Spelling Bee (as she skims through tracklisting on Cast recording). Well, from the looks of it, it's a pornographic musical. "My Unfortunate Erection". I can't believe I payed for this garbage
Elderly Man: I payed!!
Before Wicked
Girl behind me: This is such a beautiful theatre. And what a lovely before show set up.
Guy: What's the dragon got to do with it?
Girl: Supposedly it eats the witch during the song "Defying Gravity".
Stand-by Joined: 8/7/06
Okay, this isn't hilarious but I did laugh. At the Curtains matinee yesterday (5th)I overheard the following conversation...
Woman 1: Oh, David Hyde Pierce is in this!
Woman 2: Who's that?
Woman 1: He was on that T.V. show "Kramer".
Woman 2: I don't remember that show.
Woman 1: Wait, his last name was Crane, it must have been called "Craner"
Woman 2: Yeah, that was a good show.
I wanted to correct them but the conversation was just too funny.