Okay, so I'm sitting there, second row center, at the Barrymore on the evening of the 16th (last night of previews for NOVEMBER). There are these 2 couples seated behind me. One of the males is this loud-mouthed yuppie fella (or at least, that's how he came off - y'know, the ones with the fakest laugh ever? yeah, that kind!) This is one of those prime examples of 'WHEN TO SHUT THE HELL UP WHEN YOU THINK YOU KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT THEATRE 101" - Anyways, the conversation went a little something like this:
GUY: "These seats are fantastic, huh?"
GIRL: "Yeah, really!"
GUY: "I hear this is good, real good!"
GIRL: "Yeah?"
GUY: "Well, it's Mamet and Lane, how could it not be?"
GIRL: *giggles* "Yeah, really!"
"...What's this thing called again?"
GUY: "...It should say it on the playbill."
( L M A O )
I almost died.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/1/08
Funny you mention the whole "on line" vs "in line" thing. Growing up in Chicago, I always said "waiting in line" and "going online" as in the internet. Then when I moved here to NYC, all cashiers say "next on line! next on line!" and people would say things like "excuse me are you on line?" It was sooo confusing.
Even at Great Adventure in NJ, I'd hear people say things like "but we're already on line for the ride! I dont want to get off the line now!" Now that's annoying. But even more annoying is at fast food places where instead of saying "for here or to go" they say "to stay or to go" When I first moved here I was always like "i'm sorry what?" and they'd always roll their eyes and grunt out "to stay or to go" again and I'd finally realize they meant "for here or to go"
Speaking of dumbasses..... Why do so many people say "on line" when they mean "in line". I defy anyone to "stand on line".
New Yorkers say "on line" as opposed to "in line." I don't know if other places use it as well.
We dumbasses were saying "on line" before there was an Internet! Definitely New York patois.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/7/06
From a classmate: "They shut down 'Jersey Boys' while they found a replacement for John Lloyd Young. Yeah, It was closed for a few weeks." Now, why didn't I hear about that?
At Sunday in the Park...
Friend's girlfriend: This sort of has an Into the Woods feel to it.
Okay, so maybe it's not that funny, but this girl thinks she knows everything about theatre. And I pretty much had a discussion about Sondheim's career with her the night before. And I mentioned Lapine several times....
Leaving SALTIMBANCO (one of Cirque du Soleil's touring shows) last night:
Man: That was good! You know, I think Cirque du Soleil has another show...
Woman: Oh really? There are two? I wonder what the other one's like!
(Inlcuding both resident and touring shows, Cirque has 14 currently playing productions)
Standing in front of the Helen Hayes the other day.
Elderly woman #1: What is this? Is this a hotel?
Elderly woman #2: Yeah, I think so.
Well, last night at Wicked my friend and I, who were very excited to see Annaleigh, gave her a loud applause on her entrance from the bubble. The lady next to us said, "Oh, is she your sister? That's so exciting for you! Tell her I said great job!" I never even responded to anything and she assumed.
"Speaking of dumbasses..... Why do so many people say "on line" when they mean "in line". I defy anyone to "stand on line"."
postergirl - I am a native New are/were many generations of my ancestors...some of them immigrants who came to this country through Ellis Island. I was told by relatives that New Yorkers stand "on line" because the immigrants who passed through Ellis Island literally had to stand "on line" during various stages of their processing...actual lines painted on the floor. Perhaps it's an urban legend, but it sounds like a reasonable explanation to me. I'm just saying...
Lady at Phantom (intermission): Is the Phantom the guy in the mask?
I'm serious.
When I was in high school, we saw POTO on Broadway, and it was right after the movie came out. Everyone on the trip knew that I was the Broadway girl, and basically the only person who went on the NY trip for Broadway, not 5th Ave. So everyone was asking me their incredibly stupid questions, including the one about there being more than one theatre on Broadway. My favorites were when one guy asked me how would he know when the show was over (um...when they bow?),one girl whined that Christine didn't wave back to her (DURING Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again). But the weirdest moment was when the girl next to me looked at the headshot for whoever was playing the Phantom and said "Gross. He's wicked ugly. The Phantom's supposed to be hot."
I have another one. This one wasn't so much funny as really obnoxious. At the Sunday stagedoor the other night, I said something to my friend about hoping Jenna Russell stuck around (I was really impressed with her performance and wanted to say as much). All of a sudden I found myself getting lectured about letting her be with her friends, and how she had done two shows that day and only gets one day a week off. When it became apparent she was not sticking around, my friend and I left without so much as a word. The lecturer, on the other hand, stopped Jenna to talk.
Stand-by Joined: 9/19/06
""They shut down 'Jersey Boys' while they found a replacement for John Lloyd Young. Yeah, It was closed for a few weeks." Now, why didn't I hear about that?"
Actually, while the reason the show closed for 3 weeks was the was closed from Nov 10-Nov 26...and that was during the turnover period.
Ok, at a show in NY I was behind a little old man that shuffled up to the urinal. He started trying to work his zipper, shifted a little, kept trying and then finally zipped down..but then he could not find his he kept shifting seconds turning into minutes while we all waited behind that he turned around and looked at us and said, "you'll have problems finding it too, when you get as old as I am!" "But I know it's here somewhere!" We all laughed out loud!.
I did standing room at Little Mermaid yesterday, and in the two rows in front of me were some very annoying mothers with loads of kids, anyways at intermission one of them asked where the clock countdown was to tell her how long until the 2nd act started like at sporting event.
When she found out they dont have them at theatres, she was visibly upset, and wondered outloud how she would know to be back in her seat.
Walking by the Majestic, where Phantom is playing, during intermission:
There's a couple and another woman smoking outside and the lights start flashing (we all know what that means!). One woman turns to the man and says, "They really should check the electricity at these old theaters. The lights are flashing!
Broadway Star Joined: 9/21/07
I feel like people just started saying online...I've been saying in line forever and I feel like now everyone says online.
Stand-by Joined: 12/27/07
haha I wasn't actually there for this but I witnessed it
*Homer Simpson reading playbill for Stab a lot*
Homer: "Hey it says here the book was written by Tom Stopper. This isn't a book, it's a play. hahaha.... book"
I know at my school we say "on line" because the kids are literally walking on a white line down the middle of the hallway. :)
People didn't just start saying "on line," jake. I spent my childhood in New York and that's the expression we the 1960s. Can't vouch for whether it was used prior to that.
In the bathroom at Wicked... "the shows okay but it's no Cats!"
Swing Joined: 1/3/07
I have a pretty funny one.
not exactly ON broadway, but about it.
in my drama program at school there is this one girl, sierra who thinks shes a total broadway "no it all".
so we had this one project where we had to pick a famous theatre person (stephen sondheim, james lapine, etc.)
this is the conversation that went down with her and my friend.
SIERRA: Oh, whoever got andrew loyd webber is so lucky!
MY FRIEND: oh you know who webber is?
SIERRA: duh, he made Phantom of The Opera.
MY FRIEND: he made alot more than phantom.
SIERRA: like what?
MY FRIEND: like Cats, Joseph, Jesus Christ Superstar, (etc.)
SIERRA: any from this century?
we nearly died of laughter.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/04
Um, technically this is another century. Of course, she probably was just being dumb, but you never know. Maybe she wanted to know his contemporary work.