I miss this thread. I read this on Facebook today--
Girl #1: I think Will Swenson should have won the Tony for HAIR.
Girl #2: Yeah he's beautiful...but gay. Sad day.
Girl #1: Yep. He was amazing and heartbreaking though!
A woman I sat next to recently at a show informed me that she saw Kristin Chenoweth as Glinda in the First National tour of "Wicked." I had a nice little chuckle.
Also, a man informed me at dinner the other night that Monty Python's Spamalot was finally going on tour after being in New York for 20 years.
I overheard this two months ago at Hair. As soon as the lights went up for intermission, the woman next to me turned to her daughter and said, "You lied to me." It was great.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
Okay, I'm gonna totally bust my mom for this one.
We go to see Aida in 2001, I believe. We're sitting in the 4th row, dead center. So, it's the beginning after Radames kidnaps Aida and he's going to make her give him a wipe down. Adam Pascal takes off his shirt and - I kid you not - my mom sits up straight in her chair and literally shouts out loud, "HOLY SH*T!" Like she's never seen a man naked from the chest up before.
I wanted to die. But now we laugh about it LOL
I was so very proud of her when she didn't make a peep at the end of Act 1 of HAIR!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
"I tend to like dark musicals, ya know. I like the REAL dark stuff: Sweeney Todd, Les Miz...Wicked."
-A 'Die-Hard' theatre fan from my theatre class.
"Its amazing how good they always sound when they sing. They must be really good at lip syncing". I heard this waiting in line to see 'West Side Story'
Oh, and during Friday's performance of August, as soon as the lights came up on John Cullum, the old man next to me exclaimed, "OH! He's somebody famous!"
And I will never forget, after a performance of Sunday in the Park With George, I asked my mother what she thought of it and she replied, "It was good but it was too much with the painting." Clearly she missed the entire point.
After the Tony's...
1: "Did you like the Tony's?"
2: "No they had too much of that new stuff in there, I don't even understand it all."
1: "I know what you mean what happened to shows like Les Mis?"
2: "I was so shocked to see that Andrew Lloyd Webber's new show didn't get any Tony nominations..."
1: "Wow I didn't even know he had a show this season..."
2: "It closed really shortly, apparently the New Yorkers didn't like his views on --" (I forget what was said here something ridicolous)
2: "It was based off a really good old book - A Tale of Two Cities!"
1: "I love what he did with Phantom of the Opera, I can only imagine what his Tale of Two Cities was like!!"
I suppose that's good news for Jill Santoriello!
During the intermission of RENT, a young couple came up to me and the woman said:
W: "Can I ask you a question....why are they all singing?"
Me: "I beg your pardon?
W: "At first I thought it was just the 'One Song' but now they're all doing it."
Me: "That's because it's a musical."
W: "A musical....what do you mean?"
Me: "A show with music and characters who express themselves in song."
W: "Well, music's okay....but it doesn't make sense to have them all singing....they should just speak like normal people."
Me: "But that's what makes it a musical."
W: "Well, I'm not liking this at all....are they gonna start singing again after the intermission?
Updated On: 6/25/09 at 05:15 AM
Is this about queen?
No cause their dead
BUMPing for love!
I'm sorry I don't really have any of my own stories to add.
A couple next to me at "In the Heights" thought the bridge in the scenery was the Brooklyn Bridge. They saw the 169th street subway thing and said they didn't know that street was near the Brooklyn Bridge.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
This is from a girl that, I must confess, I'm absolutely ashamed to know, who only got interested in Next to Normal in the first place because Aaron Tveit, who, as we all know, is a Wicked alumni (and of course, that's her favorite musical), is in the show and she had this to say about the Tony Awards:
And Billy Elliot got 15 noms. I'm sorry but who wants to see a musical about a boy training to become a ballerina.
And then a friend of mine told me about this girl who asked her this about Billy Elliot's Tony performance:
Billy's dancing. Why isn't he singing?
It was something along those lines.
And this is from a couple of years back. I was a CIT at a theater camp and we have theme days every day. So Broadway Day rolls around and the directors ask these questions and if you guess right, you win a prize. Anyway, to make a long story short, one of the questions they ask is "Name three musicals that take place in New York". One girl raised her hand and one of the musicals she listed was Wicked. Apparently, she did not know the difference between "playing in New York" and "taking place in New York".
Stand-by Joined: 12/27/07
At Sister Act last night, the woman behind me says to her husband "Is this based on a true story?" And the husband responds with "No way! It's based on the Stephen King novel."
Swing Joined: 5/1/09
Haha, this is a really funny thread.
At Next to Normal during previews, the people sitting behind me were talking before the show. One of them goes, "Aaron T... - wow, that's a different name." I laughed to myself and was tempted to correct them - and if I had known then, said, "Just think of the number eight and you're golden" - but I didn't. Not really ignorant or anything, just thought it was funny =)
Today, I saw Phantom with my theater camp. This was as we were leaving the theater:
Girl: This wasn't a musical; it was an opera.
I figure since my thread is so popular, I'll add another amusing contribution.
The recent 42nd STREET revival. Myself, my parents, and my sister are in the front row orch on the stage left side. During one of the numbers, the chorus girls go to the very apron of the stage and lay down on their stomachs, placing their elbows on the floor and putting their chins propped up on their folded hands.
My parents are asleep. My dad is snoring. I'm loving it. My sister wished she was seeing a movie instead.
One of the chorus girls noticed my parents. She totally forgot where she was in the choreography and began to stand up to early. She quickly got back down on the floor and I mouthed "sorry" to her.
As we were leaving the theater after the show, I overhear from another audience member: "did you see those people sleeping in the front row? an usher should have kicked them out and brought them over to see CATS! THAT'S a show they can sleep at!" Her friend replies to her, "CATS closed, Norma..." and her response was "Oh, really? That's a shame!! You know that show was under-appreciated."
i went to see Hair at the end of June and was waiting by the stagedoor after the show. Will Swenson had come out and was really sweet, talking to everybody, taking pictures. About 10 minutes after he passed our section and was down at the end of the barricades, some 70 year old woman comes barreling her way up to the front of the barricades in her hot pink dress, pink bubble gum colored lipstick, and straggly blond hair and shouts in my ear "I'M JUST HER TO SEE WILL BENSON!!!" after i controlled my urge to laugh in her face, i said to her "if you"re going to chase after him, at least get his name right. it's will swenson. and......you're too late. he's already left." she disappeared so fast, it was like she wasn't even there to begin with.
I work for a company that produces and manages a lot of big Broadway shows, so you would think the people who work in the office would be knowledgeable about various shows. But...
I was faxing something and this woman is talking to my (very knowledgeable) coordinator about West Side Story.
Woman: So I saw West Side Story last night and I must say I really didn't like it.
Coordinator: Why? It's a classic!
Woman: Well I've never seen the movie or whatever, but I mean what girl has sex with a dude that JUST killed her brother?!
Coordinator: It's like Romeo and Juliet, it's a love story.
Woman: It's just not realistic though. And the dancing wasn't realistic either. Gangsters don't dance!
Coordinator: Right....
One of my best friends (I love her) asked me such a funny question I just had to laugh in her face.
Her: How were the Tonys?
Me: Oh, you didn't watch them? They were good, but Billy won EVERYTHING.
Her: Oh yeah I heard, did Avenue Q win any Tonys?
And I just need to share these comments on youtube videos.
"have falen completely for N2N but this song has the strongest pull on me...just the lyrics alone, and then Bobby singing it. Its up league with Wicked, Spring Awakening and new and ground breaking musicals like that"
^So nice to see that George Bush's "no child left behind" act is really making a difference.
(About the youtube post, not you, CS)
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
"So nice to see that George Bush's "no child left behind" act is really making a difference."
I once came across a video of Norbert Leo Butz in L5Y on youtube and someone had left a comment like, "Your vocals are but I'd like to see more passion when you're singing." As if Norbert were a HS student posting his videos to show off.
I was at The Color Purple during the summer of 2007, I think it was. Fantasia Barrino was playing Celie and during intermission, I overheard a conversation behind me:
Woman: This is such a great show, isn't it?
Man: Yeah! I am having a great time! That lead girl is amazing!
Woman: Yeah! (flips through Playbill) Fantazzzzia, it says.
Man: Fantazzzzia?
Woman: That's what this says! Did you know she was on American Idol!
Man: Really? Wow...I guess she didn't win if she's on Broadway.
Woman: Guess not...oh, well.
Hahaha! I almost fell out of my seat, it was hilarious!
Chorus Member Joined: 9/26/04
This isn't really a conversation that I heard, more of seeing a reaction. But just as funny.
I was going to the bathroom during intermission at Hair and the look on this 11-12 year olds face was just PRICELESS. She looked terrified and confused and like she didn't know what to say. Her mom behind her, needless to say, looked just as scared.