Just wanted to know if this was still happening. The last news about it that I'm aware of is from January.
Does someone know? Have a missed something? Because it sure seems to take a long time for them to release it... I'm kind of losing hope.
I really want this to happen.
I was thinking about this the other day but I have kind of lost hope.
That's what I thought... looks like it will never amount to anything. I hate having my hopes crushed.
I'll be so sad if this doesn't happen. I can't believe they wouldn't at least show it on PBS. The cast was so superb and I think someone like Stephen Colbert would draw in even non-musical fans curious to see him perform in this show.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/12/07
Looks like its still happening
Updated On: 7/11/12 at 04:45 PM
Thank God, the more I see the Doyle production (at least on DVD), the more I wish *any* other production was on DVD. I was worried this was tied up in some rights issues the way some stage performances have had theatrical showings but not been allowed to get a DVD release.
Glad to hear it!
It was a great concert to see live, and I can't wait to see the dvd!
I'm so excited!! It feels like I've been waiting for this forever!!!!!!!
Emcee is gonna piss her pants when she sees this.
Thank God! This is the only production I've been able to stand of Company.
This is such great news. I want a release date now!
Chorus Member Joined: 7/1/12
Can't wait to purchase this!
And I can't wait for the people who say they're going to purchase it to start begging for a link to download it because they just can't wait for the copy the never ordered to arrive in the mail.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
I just hope they exhibit good sense in editing the DVD. The version I saw in the movie theater contained some objectionable language and I wouldn't want to bring anything like that into my home.
"Long Live God!"
Does BroadwayWorld traditionally use message board threads for news tips? I've been noticing a trend lately.
All the time. Saves them hiring staff.
HUZZAH!!!!! I need to own this (hopefully on Blu-ray!!)
Saw it live, and I want to relive it.
WOO HOO!!!!!!!! {{{happy dance}}}
It's about damn time! Can not wait!
Was front row that Friday night and have the stained tie by LuPone's drink to prove it- can not wait for this to come out!!!
Update on Playbill: DVD Hits stores November 13, 2012.
I'm excited to be able to watch Patti's Joanne whenever I want.
My pants are, in full disclosure, dry, but this is exciting. Of course, after all the back-and-forth I'll only fully believe it when that disc is playing on my TV.
I look forward to the pouty glaring duels that will take place between Raul-Bobby and NPH-Bobby on my DVD shelf.