CATSNYrevival said: "I’m just glad she’s not calling for an industry that matches her work ethic."
Tone deaf.
CATSNYrevival said: "I’m just glad she’s not calling for an industry that matches her work ethic."
and I oop
Bettyboy72 said: "The Distinctive Baritone said: "Bettyboy72 said: "It’s not lost on me that she posts her disbelief and anger that the industry is in denial and not addressing important issues and some of the first responses are tone deaf."
No one is being “tone deaf.” Get off your high horse."
Rich coming from someone who seems to be able to read her mind and her motivations and is just taking the opportunity to shred her. By all means, carry on."
She’s shredding many of her Broadway colleagues, so I’m sure she can withstand a little criticism from a nobody regional theatre actor like me.
I’m not going to say any more, since everyone would rather applaud her virtue signaling than actually admit how pointless and frankly a little obnoxious it is. She has NOTHING to lose by quitting the show and has a cushy job in academia to fall back on. Now she also gets to position herself as morally superior to all of Broadway. I’m jealous! May we all be so fortunate.
I still question how she got that Tony in West Side Story. No loss in my opinion, I'm sure her replacement will be better.
For more nuance:
Wasn't Natalie Cortez her standby in Boston? Maybe they can bring her in?
Again, Ashley Loren was on for her basically all of February 2020, so I'm sure she'll be offered the job.
I think it would have been more interesting if she voiced her opinion but stayed in the show. Would love to see how the producers would have responded.
I'm sure she's taking notes on all the advice you all have provided.
Huss417 said: "I think it would have been more interesting if she voiced her opinion but stayed in the show. Would love to see how the producers would have responded."
I actually thought she was going to do that.
This is still a theater message board where people are going to write out opinions on theater related stories, this being one of them.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
This is actually the THIRD time she's stormed away from Broadway forever -- never to return again! I wish her well in her future endeavors.
Jordan Catalano said: "This is still a theater message board where people are going to write out opinions on theater related stories, this being one of them. "
Broadway Star Joined: 2/16/16
Does working to change something “from the inside” ever really work?
To people who have never had the balls to stand up against oppression and exploitation it's a very potent fantasy.
I'm with you, BettyBoy. These responses are so out of touch it's ridiculous.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/19
1. I dont doubt Scott Rudin is a monster- im not in the theater/entertainment industry, and I can assure you in mine, there are monsters in positions of power and i applaud any effort to root them out. Broadway should be all over that.
2. PLEASE forgive me if I am missing something, but... is Rudin a producer at Moulin Rouge? If not, then she's angry that the producers of her production didnt....condemn another producer for being horrible? Apply this standard to any other industry and you see how patently bizarre this is.
3. Karen Olivo has incredible stage presence and I am sorry I won't get to see her Satine.
4. Karen Olivo has "left Broadway" at least twice before. (She came out of retirement for Hamilton, I think?)
5. Working to change something from the inside can work- as can protesting and demanding change from the outside. A Tony Award winner with years of good work under her belt can afford to storm off like this but the vast majority of performers cannot, so lets cool it on the notion that the way to change Broadway is to shut it down coming off this crisis?
Working for change from the inside = Going to Equity = A Complete Waste of Time
And can we please do away with the whole "there are monsters in all walks of life" propaganda? How many bosses do you know who have gotten away with sending their employees to the hospital?
It's not about the money...until she gets her next big Broadway offer. She's cried wolf too many times for anyone to take her retirement threats/rants seriously.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/19
Borstalboy said: "Working for change from the inside = Going to Equity = A Complete Waste of Time
And can we please do away with the whole "there are monsters in all walks of life" propaganda? How many bosses do you know who have gotten away with sending their employees to the hospital?"
I am not defending Rudin in any way shape or form. I would love for charges to be pressed, a trial to be had, and his reign to be over (assuming this is all true, which i don't really doubt).
I do not think for one second that this problem is much worse on Broadway than it is elsewhere. I can only speak to the industries I've been in, but there are Rudins everywhere. I had a stapler thrown at my head at my first job. Im not defending that, I handled it, no one deserves it. And if I am wrong, and Karen Olivo leaving Moulin Rouge somehow "takes down" Scott Rudin- kudos to her.
but come on.
4. Karen Olivo has "left Broadway" at least twice before. (She came out of retirement for Hamilton, I think?)
Nope. Chicago and City Center aren't Broadway. She came back to Broadway for Moulin Rouge!
Stand-by Joined: 11/27/09
Yet a director with a reputation like Arthur Laurents in WSS gets a pass?
First off, she’s not quitting Moulin Rouge to stick it to Rudin. She is aware he has nothing to do with the show. She has been doing activism about issues facing BIPOC in the industry for some time now. She’s been teaming with other folks in the industry to address this issue since NONE OF THE ACTUAL GOVERNING BODIES of theater and stage are touching it. She’s actually doing a program tomorrow with Eden Espinosa to talk about this issue.
EQUITY is not responding to members concerns about reopening. She is addressing the national issue that the industry leaders are silent. She is using her privilege, which so many of you keep pointing out she has, to leave a show and send a message. It’s what people with privilege with a moral compass do. She never said she’ll be destitute. She knows she will be fine so she is calling out hypocrisy in the industry. It got her many, many headlines whereas the Rudin issue, racism in theater and Equity issues have gone untouched.
But by all means let’s make this about her attendance in West Side Story and her leaving Broadway before. Let’s funnel our discomfort and lack of support into a crucifixion of an actress speaking her mind. God forbid.
***For the record she never actually says she is leaving Broadway, she says maybe it is time for performers to walk and create their own theater, new theater. Harness their power.
And we wonder why she said she wants to get ahead of “the spin.”
Broadway Star Joined: 6/5/03
Who the comment about "your concert career" aimed at? I didn't understand that reference.
LizzieCurry said: "I'm sure she's taking notes on all the advice you all have provided."
Ah yes, a person bitching about other people's bitching on a board she's on literally 24 hours a day. And needs to remind us that the BLOCK FEATURE SURE DOES WORK just as much. Even though you read all my posts.
Lolz. Hilarious.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/19
Sutton Ross said: "4. Karen Olivo has "left Broadway" at least twice before. (She came out of retirement for Hamilton, I think?)
Nope. Chicago and City Center aren't Broadway. She came backto Broadway for Moulin Rouge!"
Fair point re her "coming back to Broadway" but to be fair, her prior "retirements" were from performing in general, not Broadway specifically, and it was like a "thing" when she "re-emerged" to do TTB and then Hamilton. I think its fair to compare her prior departures to this one.
I just can't believe anyone thinks Scott Rudin's behavior changes (or hes legally disentangled from the projects he worked on) because Moulin Rouge re-opens with a different actress at its helm, Olivo was not bringing in the $$ there, the show was.