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Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!- Page 3

Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!

JBroadway Profile Photo
#50Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/14/21 at 10:29pm

^As several people have pointed out already, Olivo doesn't seem to think that leaving Moulin Rouge will directly take down Rudin. They seem to be doing this for their own moral principles, and to encourage further dialogue on the topic by making their public statement. 

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#51Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/14/21 at 10:34pm

I just can't believe anyone thinks Scott Rudin's behavior changes (or hes legally disentangled from the projects he worked on) because Moulin Rouge re-opens with a different actress at its helm, Olivo was not bringing in the $$ there, the show was.

Good point but I think it is a start.

#52Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/14/21 at 10:37pm

Alexander Lamar said: "Does working to change something “from the inside” ever really work?"

Better than from the outside, that's for sure. Why do you think more of the millennial generation is running for public office? Activism isn't to be underestimated, but "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" is a timeless phrase for a reason. Gotta join the system to change it from within sometimes. 

I also appreciate the more nuanced responses in this thread. I applaud her decision, but she has next to nothing to lose, and indeed she's cried wolf just a few too many times for me to want to take this more seriously. Her quitting isn't going to do anything, but I can only hope it's one of a great many things that'll help in the end. And "monsters in every walk of life" isn't propaganda, it's just true. Just because you don't hear about other "Rudins" doesn't mean they don't exist, because they absolutely do. 

#53Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/14/21 at 11:14pm

Not sure what to make of this at all.

I’m half feeling good for you and also Get over yourself. How lucky to be in a position where you don’t need the work. I’m not sure what exactly this will achieve.

It’s hardly going to create any interest beyond a bit of Broadway chatter on social media for a day.

Let’s hope the new Satine actually has some chemistry with Aaron Tveit when it resumes performances.

#54Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/14/21 at 11:39pm

Dolly80 said: "Not sure what to make of this at all.

I’m half feeling good for you and also Get over yourself. How lucky to be in a position where you don’t need the work. I’m not sure what exactly this will achieve.

It’s hardly going to create any interest beyond a bit of Broadway chatter on social media for a day.

Let’s hope the new Satine actually has some chemistry with Aaron Tveit when it resumes performances.

She still has to work. She's making a stand by quitting this high profile job of hers. It's not consequence-free. She's taking a risk because she believes in what's right and wants to make a change. I'm sure she's aware of her not-so-stellar work history, so I think she actually has a lot more to lose from this. 

But above all, she's doing this because no one else is. And for her, that was the tipping point. It's getting a lot of press, so if anything, it should start helping others in the industry speak up. 

#55Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/14/21 at 11:48pm

Is she known for missing lots of shows or something? Lots of comments on her not so great work ethic.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#56Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 12:15am

Jordan Catalano said: "No joke - she immediately popped in my mind when I heard the news!"

Honestly.... she'd probably be better.

#57Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 12:27am

I am going to re-state what everyone else has said: I honestly can't tell if she is doing this because she is legitimately virtuous, or if she's doing it because she wanted to quit anyway and needed a way to avoid the reputational damage of publicly quitting Broadway twice. I can't tell! Both seem plausible!

I will assume good faith, but I think it's always going to nag me that it might be the other thing.

#58Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 12:32am

For what it’s worth, there’s been a ton of controversy over how Equity has handled Covid and a lot of their shady mishandling has come to light to Union members and she and Eden have been at the forefront. So I respect her decision! But sadly the show won’t be harmed by her leaving. But it’s not her fault. Who can have chemistry with a brick wall.

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#59Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 12:37am

SouthernCakes said: "For what it’s worth, there’s been a ton of controversy over how Equity has handled Covid and a lot of their shady mishandling has come to light to Union members and she and Eden have been at the forefront. So I respect her decision! But sadly the show won’t be harmed by her leaving. But it’s not her fault. Who can have chemistry with a brick wall."

It's the way the show's written that there's no chemistry between the leads. The show creatives decided to take all the heart out of the movie and put in a bunch of flash and splash.

BJR Profile Photo
#60Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 12:38am

Whew! This thread.

There's a lot of jealousy going around. All the attacks on her privilege and career and work ethic. Y'all just telling on yourself.

Why not just believe her? It lines up with things she's said about the industry and with the work she's done in activism. The moment felt clarifying to her that the industry seems more interested in money than people.

Will her protest matter? Who knows. That's what you can say about every protest, always. You do it because you must. I, for one, think it moved the issue back into the headlines, where it was already fading because people were scared to hurt their careers.

Ms Olivo just hurt hers, as evidenced by the bratty jealousy on this board. But Bway stardom is not her North Star. One, she achieved it. Two, it ain't worth much if you can't be a full citizen and stand up for others.

Niles Silvers
#61Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 12:45am

It just seems a strange thing to fall on your sword for.  I hope she's right about not worrying about money in her pockets, pickins are slim out there right now. 

#62Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 1:24am

I've heard from someone associated with the show that they were considering not resigning her contract because of poor attendance. She quit before she got fired. 

#63Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 1:29am

ctorres23 said: "I am going to re-state what everyone else has said: I honestly can't tell if she is doing this because she is legitimately virtuous, or if she's doing it because she wanted to quit anyway and needed a way to avoid the reputational damage of publicly quitting Broadway twice. I can't tell! Both seem plausible!

I will assume good faith, but I think it's always going to nag me that it might be the other thing.

I think there can be elements of both - I'm inclined to think that she really believes in what she's doing, but also that it's probably easier for her to make this sacrifice given her apparent ambivalence about performing on Broadway.

Philly Theater Girl
#64Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 7:15am

Finally got a chance to watch her IG video. Is she really implying the choice is binary - I can care about my pocketbook or I can care about humanity?? Maybe she has the luxury of not worrying about money but if you are in the majority of people who have to pay rent, put food on the table, pay for healthcare you have no choice but to care about your pocketbook! 

She can't be so naive as to not understand why people are afraid to speak out.

I applaud her for taking a stand (although I'm not really sure what the goal is here) but she seems to be trying to shame others for not taking the same approach.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#65Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 7:16am

This thread is one of the biggest garbage fires I’ve seen on this board since I joined, and that’s saying a lot because some of you have been looking foolish forever.

I respect the hell out of Karen Olivo for doing this. One person may not make a wave, but it does create a ripple, and I genuinely hope it gets bigger.

BJR Profile Photo
#66Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 7:46am

sassylash3s said: "..but also that it's probably easier for her to make this sacrifice given her apparent ambivalence about performing on Broadway."

Yes, and *why* has she been ambivalent about Broadway? When she left the first time she said it was because she felt she wasn't giving back enough. When she then discovered teaching, she says it fulfills that need for her.

If anyone thnks starring on Bway isn't bigger money than teaching, you've never taught. And her original ambivalence is further proof that she seems less interested in stardom and stars than y'all are.

PS We all know Rudin has folks on this board, when he isn't allegedly throwing objects at them and sending them to the ER. So, expect some spin coming from those corners, too.

Updated On: 4/15/21 at 07:46 AM

Philly Theater Girl
#67Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 8:27am

Dolly80 said: "Is she known for missing lots of shows or something? Lots of comments on her not so great work ethic."

I can't speak to anything other than Moulin Rouge but yes, she was out quite a bit during MR. it could just be that she is ill frequently and has nothing to do with work ethic.

#68Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 8:49am

From the things I’ve heard from people working on the show, no ones gonna be devastated that she isn’t returning.

Tag Profile Photo
#69Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 8:58am

Leadingplayer said: "I've heard from someone associated with the show that they were considering not resigningher contract because of poor attendance. She quit before she got fired."


#70Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 9:02am

Dolly80 said: "From the things I’ve heard from people working on the show, no ones gonna be devastated that she isn’t returning."

well, it has always been thus (going back to her time in Rent). not exactly the most popular among those who work with her.

BUT thats beside the point, as is the substance of Rudin's behavior, which no one here is defending. She wants "Broadway" to "speak up" and have "integrity" and that sounds great but in practical terms means nothing. if she wanted to give back and teach rather than earn a Broadway paycheck, more power to her, but shes making a Statement here that isnt Stating much, other than setting up a tension between Those Who Are Just! and Those Who Are Willing to Be Less Just By...Working Integrity-Free On Broadway!  

its childish. every single one of us works in industries that reward or ignore bad behavior to a degree. identifying, shaming, PROSECUTING, those bad actors is loooong overdue. this isnt that.

#71Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 9:17am

"But sadly the show won’t be harmed by her leaving. But it’s not her fault. Who can have chemistry with a brick wall."

Wow !! Aaron Tveit is not only good looking but has very good voice. I have seen him sing several times with Laura Osnes for example and they seem to have a nice chemistry with each other. He gave a haunting performance in "Next To Normal" and in the words of Ben Brantley in his review of "Catch Me If You Can", he has an intense presence so this does not sound like actor who is a "brick wall". I don't know why they did not have any chemistry but don't think it is fair to blame just blame Aaron Tveit.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#72Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 9:40am

ColorTheHours048 said: "This thread is one of the biggest garbage fires I’ve seen on this board since I joined, and that’s saying a lot because some of you have been looking foolish forever.


Olivo's decision has obviously gotten under a lot of people's skin and they can't deal. Her reasons for leaving don't sit well with them because they don't want to face the reality so they are creating a false narrative to justify how they feel. But, it's not your reality, it's Olivo's, so y'all seriously need to find another bag to punch. 

Updated On: 4/15/21 at 09:40 AM

#73Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 10:08am

CarlosAlberto said: "ColorTheHours048 said: "This thread is one of the biggest garbage fires I’ve seen on this board since I joined, and that’s saying a lot because some of you have been looking foolish forever.


Olivo's decision has obviously gotten under a lot of people's skin and they can't deal. Her reasons for leaving don't sit well with them because they don't want to face the reality so they are creating a false narrative to justify how they feel. But, it's not your reality, it's Olivo's, so y'all seriously need to find another bag to punch.


I don't think it's a false narrative to acknowledge that the stakes for Olivo quitting are much lower than most other people in the industry. She didn't really want to be there, she has a fallback career, and has money in the bank from years of being a lead.

This analogy is a little bit of a stretch, but it reminds me of how a handful of Republican senators only became vocally anti-Trump once it was clear they were not going to be re-elected (looking at you, Jeff Flake). Don't get me wrong, a principled stand is excellent, but it cheapens it when you only take the stand when you essentially have nothing else to lose.

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#74Karen Olivo not returning to MOULIN ROUGE!
Posted: 4/15/21 at 10:19am

Yeah, this thread is pure trash.

Why can’t we just take her for her word? Didn’t she say she wanted to get ahead of it so people won’t spin reasons why she quit? Are any of you aware of her activism work? Are any of you aware of the disaster Equity has been over the last year and that actors are literally taking it to the streets to protest paying their dues because there’s no transparency where their money goes? Does no one realize that Broadway is not the job she wants, and maybe they CAN do better work from the outside through teaching and activism, not belting for your applause?

Anyway, phew, this thread is exhausting. Nice job piling on the woman of color making a stand. If Aaron Tveit did this, you’d all be praising him.
