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La La Land

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#50La La Land
Posted: 12/12/16 at 4:33pm

After reading the ridiculousness you've written in this thread, it doesn't surprise me why you don't understand what I wrote. 

#51La La Land
Posted: 12/12/16 at 4:34pm

I actually haven't wrote anything ridiculous in this thread but okay.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#52La La Land
Posted: 12/12/16 at 4:37pm

Ok, snowflake. Ok.

#53La La Land
Posted: 12/12/16 at 4:37pm

For those who've seen the movie or listen to the music...who will win the oscar for best song? A song from this film or Lin Manuel for Moana? 

#54La La Land
Posted: 12/12/16 at 4:40pm

La La Land being the Best Picture frontrunner means that it will probably win original song. However, if two songs from the movie get nominated then they could split the votes in which case a song from Moana would win.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#55La La Land
Posted: 12/12/16 at 4:40pm

With all the blind devotion to Lin this year, I can't believe it wouldn't go to him. 

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#56La La Land
Posted: 12/12/16 at 4:40pm

The Moana songs may not be as sophisticated as Miranda's shows, but they are much more memorable/hummable. 

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#57La La Land
Posted: 12/14/16 at 9:19am

Here's to ones who dream, is a beautiful song and has been stuck in my head since I saw it a week ago 

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

Ado Annie D'Ysquith Profile Photo
Ado Annie D'Ysquith
#58La La Land
Posted: 12/14/16 at 10:13am

Lawd yes scarywarhol, Lin-Manuel (or as I like to call him, the luckiest dude on the planet) can write an earworm like nobody's business! I've had "We Know the Way" stuck in my head for a full day...

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#59La La Land
Posted: 12/14/16 at 10:38am

"The Fools Who Dream" is such a gorgeous song. I've had it on repeat since I saw the film.

slumdogdelaware Profile Photo
#60La La Land
Posted: 12/14/16 at 10:40am

I saw La La Land on Monday and wow, what a gorgeous film. The colors, the music, the dancing - I'm in love. Can't wait until it comes out on DVD so I can watch it over and over again. The soundtrack is on Spotify and I've had it on repeat ever since. Go see it if you have the chance!

BwayGeek2 Profile Photo
#61La La Land
Posted: 12/14/16 at 1:52pm

I've had Another Day in the Sun stuck in my head since the album came out. It's ridiculous how good it is. 

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#62La La Land
Posted: 12/14/16 at 7:57pm

Jordan Catalano said: ""The Fools Who Dream" is such a gorgeous song. I've had it on repeat since I saw the film.



Whoops thanks Jordan , that's what it called :/

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

macnyc Profile Photo
#63La La Land
Posted: 12/18/16 at 8:12pm

I guess I didn't get this movie, and I would appreciate any help.


******************* MILD *SPOILERS***************


My friend and I left the theater sad about the ending and not clear what the point of it was. 


When Mia goes to the club with her husband and sees Sebastian on stage, she relives their love affair in her mind with key differences and a totally different ending. 


Was the movie saying that if Seb hadn't been on tour, and he had gone with her to Paris, they would have ended up together?


Or was it saying that there is no such thing as one right person? That we can be happy with any of a number of people?


Was it saying they just didn't try hard enough?





Updated On: 12/18/16 at 08:12 PM

DramaTeach Profile Photo
#64La La Land
Posted: 12/18/16 at 9:52pm

What a gorgeous movie, but this will not be everyone's cup of tea.  I loved the performances of both leads and won't comment on the supporting actors because they didn't have a lot to do.  The songs were tuneful, although the singers' volume was a bit too soft on the opening number.  Ryan's piano playing and dancing melted my heart, and Emma Stone made me tear up at the sight of her own tears.  Beautiful.


**SPOILERS** I took the ending as Sebastian playing the song that he wrote about their love.  It was epic and full of joy.  It moved Mia to hear him play the song and be reminded of their time together, but she had moved on.  She gave him a smile on her way out as if to say, "I'll always love you," and that was enough for him.

#65La La Land
Posted: 12/18/16 at 10:08pm

My interpretation of the ending was that

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they couldn't both achieve their dreams while together. In the "alternate" end, Mia is famous and they're in the jazz club, but Seb doesn't own the club, which was his dream. 

However, the person I saw it with didn't have this same interpretation, so it might not have been Chazelle's intention.

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#66La La Land
Posted: 12/18/16 at 11:37pm

Finally saw it this afternoon. I interpreted the end montage as a "what could have been" moment. Their success was not attainable as a couple, but the powers that be had them meet as if to push each other and remind themselves what their dreams were and what they came here to do. They didn't end up together, but they ended up achieving their dreams and happy nonetheless. They took cliches and tossed them out the window here. And I loved every minute of it. 

A gorgeous film through and through. What a beauty. 

#67La La Land
Posted: 12/19/16 at 12:23pm

The ending is the very definition of a "bittersweet" moment . Yes, they will not have the happy-ever-after but they'll always have those sweet moments - the first dance looking for her Prius, that first kiss watching Rebel Without A Cause, duet on the piano for  City of Stars, and that sweet gorgeous gravity-defying dance at the observatory.Oh what could have been! I can totally relate.

Beautiful movie if a bit overhyped. Is it just me or is Ryan Gosling's singing flat and out of tune? And Emma Stone's lisp I found distracting. I kept thinking if only these film actors can sing and enunciate like their Broadway counterparts.

Updated On: 12/19/16 at 12:23 PM

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#68La La Land
Posted: 12/19/16 at 3:01pm

kofler22 said: "For those who've seen the movie or listen to the music...who will win the oscar for best song? A song from this film or Lin Manuel for Moana? 



Personally, I'd vote for neither. I would give it to "Drive It Like You Stole It" from Sing Street, or "I'm Still Here" from Miss Sharon Jones! 


"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

MCfan2 Profile Photo
#69La La Land
Posted: 12/19/16 at 4:27pm

While I can't help wishing it had ended differently, I loved the movie. The music is gorgeous. I really hope "City of Stars" wins the Oscar (and I'd love to see a Best Picture Oscar here, too!).

Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#70La La Land
Posted: 12/21/16 at 5:51pm

Here's what Grace Randolph has to say about the film...

Updated On: 12/21/16 at 05:51 PM

#71La La Land
Posted: 12/21/16 at 6:31pm

Is there really any need to call a woman a bitch because she doesn't like a movie?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#72La La Land
Posted: 12/21/16 at 6:40pm

La La Land

#73La La Land
Posted: 12/21/16 at 6:40pm

Call me a bitch, too - I thought it was okay - I wasn't entranced as most of you were by the music, which I found repetitious with the same chord progression in mostly every song.  Michel Legrand this composer isn't, although Legrand is clearly his role model, just as the entire reason for this film's existence are the films Legrand wrote for Jacques Demy - they've admitted as such in interviews - but neither ARE Jacques Demy and while this film clearly apes so many aspects of Umbrellas of Cherbourg AND Young Girls of Rochefort, it doesn't work as well for me - mostly because they are copying a style, whereas Demy was creating one.  Of course, kids don't know that, so there's that.  This is just the "it" film this year - there's one every year.  

#74La La Land
Posted: 12/21/16 at 6:42pm

Jordan Catalano said: "La La Land"

Mature as always!
