Yes, I know this is the Broadway board, but I feel like this has enough going for it (movie musical, Pasek and Paul, etc) that it shouldn't be in the off-topic board.
Just got out of seeing it and... wow!! Simply walking on air after this movie! It puts you in such a good mood and is the perfect remedy for all the negativity going on in the world around us. Looking like it is one of the front runners for Best Picture and I really hope it can win this one. This is a MUST see!!
Leading Actor Joined: 9/16/13
I think this will be a similar Oscars season to when Chicago released and it has a real shot of some major musical film nominations, my only problem in the film is that it's a musical but Emma Stone can't really sing, her voice is far too breathy and light for musical theatre and jazz, I guess it fits in terms of the film but she has this high airy voice most of the time (aside from the audition scene where she is surprisingly strong in its midsection and this is perhaps crucial to the plot) and although her acting really shines in this and she deserves great recognition it's disappointing that she can't do the wonderful score justice.
Swing Joined: 12/8/16
I also saw this a couple of days ago at a preview screening in Australia and loved every second.
The soundtrack and score are available on Apple Music/Spotify etc, now. In Australia, the John Legend track isn't available on Spotify, not sure if that's the same elsewhere though.
Emma Stone has a lovely voice. She's no Streisand, but she's a good singer. I feel like if she had started on Broadway and then moved into film, no one would be judging her singing so hard.
I'm incredibly excited for this film! It looks stunning!
her eyebrows in the trailers are painful...
still excited for the movie though!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
Saw it two months ago. Loved the movie on the whole but thought the music was mostly unmemorable.
Swing Joined: 12/9/16
Mrtrobz said: "I think this will be a similar Oscars season to when Chicago released and it has a real shot of some major musical film nominations, my only problem in the film is that it's a musical but Emma Stone can't really sing,"
What on earth are you talking about.??? I am so confused
My movie-buff friend, who records reviews on his YouTube channel under MaffmanJones, referred to this as "one of the greatest movies he might see in his lifetime." WOW. He's a tough critic, so coming from him, that is saying something. I can't wait to see it with my S.O.!
I thought it was kind of bad. Ryan and Emma can't sing and the story could not be simpler. And shooting musical numbers all in one take does them no favors, other than letting the director say, "Look at me!"
I am SO obsessed with this movie. It's now my favorite movie of all time. Hands down.
I just listened to the soundtrack and it's a great score. It's up on Spotify.
I keep hearing "this is a musical for people who don't like musicals." Well I do like musicals and I have little patience for what sounds like a mumblecore romcom. I couldn't get through <i/>Once</i> and this sounds similar. Still Ryan Gosling is pretty and my family will want to see something inoffensive over the holidays.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
It's a great movie (although not as good as 'Moonlight' )but it's certainly not a great musical. The musical numbers are impressive because of the visuals that accompany them. I think theatre lovers may judge this more harshly than other audiences. I really did love it though.
MrsSallyAdams, the movie Once isn't a musical. it's a dramatic film about the creation of an album; the material of the songs themselves do not advance the plot.
Stunning, original, purely joyous in places, and the last 30 or so minutes are brilliantly heartfelt. I left on a cloud of whimsy.
Swing Joined: 11/21/16
It's pure movie magic all-around. This is old-school filmmaking at its finest. Stone is exceptional, Chazelle's direction of the final act even more superb.
gypsy101 said: "MrsSallyAdams, the movie Once isn't a musical. it's a dramatic film about the creation of an album; the material of the songs themselves do not advance the plot.
It's a musical that uses the creation of an album as its framework. Songs that advance the plot have never been a prerequisite for a musical.
Two movies spring to mind from the trailer: "Moulin Rouge*," and of course (of course to me, anyway), "New York, New York." Does it share qualities with either? I haven't been able to get to it yet.
*I know, jukebox and pastiche. But still.
I saw LA LA LAND last night at the Dome in Hollywood (followed by a Q&A with director Damien Chazelle, composer Justin Hurwitz, and some guy named Ryan Gosling!)
From first frame to last, I loved every single minute of this film.
It's rapturous, glorious, heartfelt, powerfully moving, visually stunning. It reminds you just how utterly magical, transcendent, and transporting movies can be.
Loved, loved, LOVED IT!
Already have my ticket to see it again tomorrow (this time with Emma Stone in attendance!)
To Auggie27: I'm an admirer of both NEW YORK, NEW YORK and MOULIN ROUGE, and though it shares qualities with each (along with SINGING IN THE RAIN, AN AMERICAN IN PARIS, THE UMBRELLAS OF CHERBOURG, etc., etc.), LA LA LAND is its own unique animal.
I think the teaser trailer captures the film brilliantly: (The longer, official trailer is good, too, but I feel it gives away too much.)
The movie I was most reminded of was Everyone Says I Love You, if it had been made by Paul Thomas Anderson.
I so didn't love the movie.
It is wildly overhyped. Emma and Ryan are beyond charming but again, the original songs lacked quite a bit.
I didn't get all the feels that everyone had been talking about for the past few months
The film reminded me of Everyone Says I Love You - good, bad and indifferent.
I don't think in years to come that folks will think this should be a Best Picture for the Oscars - it lacked a certain something,
Favorite this year still are - Moonlight, Manchester and can't wait for Fences
I agree with you, Vernon. The film is charming enough but didn't come close to matching the hype I've been hearing. Some impressive direction and cinematography and the two leads are committed and talented. I thought it was sweet and entertaining but it felt like the film couldn't decide what it wanted to be. It's a bit of everything thrown together.
Moonlight is vastly superior in every way and I truly hope it wins Best Picture.
Definitely loved this much more than Moonlight. Left La La Land feeling joyous. Left Moonlight feeling confused.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
Moonlight is probably the best movie I've ever seen and I say this as someone who was looking forward to LLL more than any other movie this year.