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Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love- Page 2

Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love

#25re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/26/06 at 10:14am

Laurie Beechman joyously blasting out "NYC!" on the Annie OBCR. Magic.

Mandi Moo Profile Photo
Mandi Moo
#26re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/26/06 at 10:20am

On the new ACL recording during 'At the Ballet' when Mara Davi sings "That I was born to help their marriage and when..."

On the Sweeney Revival recording, during 'Poor Thing' when Mrs. Lovett sings "He had this wife you see..." I just love the piano right then, it's so pretty.

parislover87 Profile Photo
#27re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/26/06 at 10:27am

"no witness... no weakness-- through end of song" how did we come to this... lippa's wild party

It's the music and I'm its hapless victim

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#28re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/26/06 at 10:32am

This is cheesy, but I just love the opening chords for "Seasons of Love." I think it's one of the most hauntingly beautiful songs out there, and the intro is just perfect.

Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."

Kitzarina Profile Photo
#29re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/26/06 at 11:10am

On the Complete Symphonic Recording of Les Miserables when Anthony Warlow as Enjolras sings "Let others RISE to take our place until the earth is FREE!!!!"

Woof. I'm getting tingly just typing about it re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love

"You're the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!" --Family Guy

"Shut up! It's been 29 years!!!" --the incomparable Patti LuPone in her MUCH DESERVED Tony acceptance speech for Gypsy.

Kitzy's Avatar du Jour: Kitzy as Little Red Ridinghood in her college's production of "Into the Woods"

MotorTink Profile Photo
#30re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/26/06 at 11:24am

probably completely silly but I love Roger's singing during "Goodbye Love" (the whole "But who mark are you........part). I also have this strange fascination with how the word different is sang in Tarzan's "Different".

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

#31re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/26/06 at 11:40am

Elphaba3: Depends on what high note you mean in "Aiutami"; Patti hits a D6 during the "Bravi" but at the end Sarah hits an E6 (that's probably what you were referring to, right?)

Anyway, I have soooo many of these! Here are a few I can think of offhand:
- "No One Has Ever Loved Me" in the Passion OBC, at the instrumental part near the end when he carries her to the bed, she seems to weak, then she suddenly gets a burst of strength, pulls him down to her, and the orchestra just SWELLS. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard.
- "If I Didn't Believe in You" on the L5Y recording: "I wouldn't be standing here nooow" when the piano and strings pick up. Also "The Next Ten Minutes"--"And if you, in turn, agree..." and "I Can Do Better Than That" when it goes to the "You don't have to get a haircut," part.
- The Secret Garden OBC - "Wick": "You clear away the dead parts" etc when the pace picks up and "Winter's on the Wing": "Spring, I say!" Also "The Girl in the Valley" near the end when Mandy and Rebecca sing together with the high notes and the harmony... just BEAUTIFUL.
- Floyd Collins OOBC - also "How Glory Goes" but a different part: "I can see soooo faaaaar" when the orchestra picks up. OMG. Also "The Riddle Song" when they reminisce and the music becomes very face-paced. I can't stop from dancing. re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
- Parade OBC - "All the Wasted Time" - the beginning and the end: "I never knew anything at aaaall!" when the music just swells and then eventually dims down to that gorgeous little piano. Also "The Old Red Hills of Home" - "Praaay on this daaay, as I journey beyond them." And the fiddling at the beginning of "People of Atlanta" with the chorus joining in. And the end of "Come Up to My Office" where the factory girls come in and the two parts--Leo's and the girls'--just meld together PERFECTLY. Maybe I should just say all of Parade. re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
- Les Mis OBC "There are ways that a people can fight! We shall overcome their power!" That's actually the only time I prefer that Enjolras. re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
- The Light in the Piazza OBC - the vocalizing at the end of "Say It Somehow." Also the strings at the beginning of the title song (and the overture, I suppose.)
- Sweeney Todd OBC - "And my Lucy lies in ashes!" with the strings. And "Ladies in Their Sensitivities": "I loved you ever since I saw you, even as it does matter that I still don't know your name"

... and I'll stop now because this is getting bad. re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
Updated On: 10/26/06 at 11:40 AM

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
#32re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/26/06 at 12:40pm

I am always highly amused by the "Hey baby, you look hot!" line they inserted for Richard Blake during "Pop" on TWS cast recording. It isn't in the show and is very random and funny.

I also love the "Whoa-oh-oh" during "I Wish I could Go Back to College" on the "Avenue Q recording that John does.

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

#33re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/26/06 at 12:54pm

The string plucks during "Poor Thing" on the Sweeney revival recording.

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#34re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/26/06 at 12:57pm

I love when JLY enters and starts singing "Silhouette" in Jersey Boys.

Other favorites:
"Long ago you might have lit up my heart..." line from Another Day in Rent
The Someday reprise from the Wedding Singer
The last note in Defying Gravity
Marylin's "Now get out there bitch and sing" line from Taboo
Idina Menzel's "Life of the Party" from The Wild Party

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe

Mandi Moo Profile Photo
Mandi Moo
#35re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/26/06 at 1:01pm

On the Taboo OBCR when Raul sings "The sweet boys they crumble, the wicked ones rise and survive." during Stranger in this World.

#36re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/26/06 at 1:11pm

caryme, I LOVE that part too! It always makes me crack up. It's so Glen.

"I'll cut you, Tracee Beazer!!!! ...Just kidding. I'd never cut anyone." -Tina Maddigan, 9/30/06, WS stage door
Avatar: JULIE "EFFING" WHITE, 2007 TONY WINNER. Thank God. I'm thinking about legally changing my name to Lizzie Curry...

jess20882 Profile Photo
#37re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/26/06 at 1:31pm

I love the hidden track on the Hairspray OBC soundtrack. It has nothing to do with the show but it makes me smile every time I hear it re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love

keatonbynumbers Profile Photo
#38re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/26/06 at 3:01pm

So, Jesus Christ Superstar, "Gethsemane", Ian Gillan sings, "I will drink your CUP of poison. Nail me to your cross and break me," and I totally and completely die every time. EVERY TIME.

And while I'm not really in love with the 1993 LA cast of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat? I have been listening to it a lot lately and have become very charmed with Kelli Rabke's little, "So!" in the beginning of "The Brothers Come to Egypt". I just kept starting the song over and over again to listen to that little piece of adorable.

And now I seem like a really big ALW fan. Right on.

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#39re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/26/06 at 5:33pm

On the Titanic OBCR, during Barrett's Song.
All of those money notes, yay d'Arcy!

HeidiPuck Profile Photo
#40re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/26/06 at 5:34pm

Assassins Revival - the whispered "Oh my G-d" during "Something Just Broke"

#41re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/26/06 at 5:39pm

When Audra McDonald and Brian Stokes Mitchell sings, "Beyond that road," in Wheels of a Dream from Ragtime.

"Hey, you! You're the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!" -Family Guy

Sillyism Profile Photo
#42re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/27/06 at 4:40pm

In Wicked, I LOVE in Defying Gravity when Elphaba and Glinda are singing together " I really hope you get it, and you don't live to regeret it." AH! It gives me chills.

I also chuckle when Rod is singing "My Girlfried, who lives in Canada" in Avenue Q when Rod goes "...And sucks like a hoover" and he does that little laugh. LOVE IT.

Kay: You might want to be careful about wearing that. Steven doesn't like things that are quite so obvious. Crystal: When Steven doesn't like what I wear, I take it off! -The Opposite Sex

#43re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/27/06 at 4:55pm

Mine are:
Ragtime- Back to Before and Make them Hear You both give me an amazing amount of chills

Last 5 Years- Nobody Needs to Know, the modulation in that song just rips me apart

Assassins- Unworthy of Your Love, and Novemember 22, 1963, also chill me to the bone.

Act4ever Profile Photo
#44re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/27/06 at 4:55pm

any recording of Godspell during the a capella part in "Save the People"

KillsTwiceADay Profile Photo
#45re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/27/06 at 6:39pm

Make Me Happy(Lippa's TWP)- when all three sing together starting with "In my hands the future is crying...." Gives me chills every time- the first time I heard it, I literally replayed those 15-20 seconds about 7 times.
Also from TWP, in Two of a Kind when Jennifer Cody does the little squeal after "show em your muscles!"

I Wish I Could Go Back to College(Ave.Q)- "sitting in the computer lab...." that whole part I love.

I have a lot more, but I'll spare you from having to read a 17 page long post.

#46re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/27/06 at 7:10pm

The moment when Nessarose on the WICKED cast recording sings: "'s because I'm in this chair and you felt sorry for me". I don't know why but I love it!

All the best performers bring to their role something more, something different than what the author put on paper. That's what makes theatre live. That's why it persists. - Stephen Sondheim

#47re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/27/06 at 7:20pm

- ACL revival: "they dont have bobsleds in San Juan!" just the way she says san juan is SO CUTE! haha, I love it. I really love all of Nothing. Natalie Cortez is amazing.
-Last 5 Years: well, soooooo many little things on that recording are just PERFECT. but ummm, particularly in Still Hurting, "like its simple.. like its right" and See I'm Smiling, the whole end part. Basically, Sherie is one of the greatest actresses EVER. And then oh god, there are SO MANY amazing norbert moments.. end of Schmuel, for one. And I wont even go into all the rest, but basiclly all of If I Didn't Believe in You and Nobody Needs to Know haha
-Wicked "please, elphaba try to understand" "I dooooo" I dont know why exactly, idina just sounds SO PRETTY durring that part! in Wonderful too, the "it does sound wonderful!" part
-Les Mis 10th Anniversary Recording: the last "2-4-6-0-1" in Who Am I. And the last "home" in bring him home. OMG.

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

#48re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/27/06 at 7:21pm

I know I have tons but the few I can remember are on the OBC of Sweet Charity:

- You can hear the "good times" from Big Spender echoing if you listen close enough.
- In There's Gotta Be Something Better Than This, you can hear Thelma Oliver give a little gasp after Helen Gallgher says "coffee breaks".

They are a little odd but I love them.

Tick Tock

#49re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
Posted: 10/27/06 at 7:58pm

Yes, Sarah U.B.'s high F6 (not E6) gives me chills. I don't know how she hits it so perfectly.
All of "Sunday in the Park...", but most of all:
-"Sunday" the C over an Ab to a Bb over an Anat to an Anat over a Bb (the last three piano notes), and the pause right after that.
