Broadway Star Joined: 6/16/17
No response on their social media either.
Okay I am having same issues. It won't let me complete my purchase. Im pissed too because I got row J in Mezz CTR then I went to check out and it said it could not be completed. My code works, and when I press "Find tickets" its searching for over 10 min. I have tried several dates as well so its not just a one date issue
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16
I hadn't actually read their FAQ until now but here's what it says about seats for the fan presale:
Tickets are only available for select seats during our fan presale. Please check back for additional seating during our Mastercard presale beginning at 10 a.m. EST on November 23, or the general onsale beginning at 10 a.m. EST on December 3. Please note that cabaret seating is not available at this time. More information regarding release date, number of cabaret seats, cost and more will be announced at a later date.
So I don't think any of us missed out on good seats. Hopefully the MasterCard people will not have access to better and leave some for the rest of us on Dec. 3 though given this mess, that should be loads of fun. I have to cancel something important to try to get seats so I better come away with something decent! Like many of you, I'm willing to spend on this one, so this was really disappointing.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/16/17
Private message from their twitter account
Hey there — we're sorry you're all experiencing this. We've tried our best to work with Ticketmaster to make this as seamless as possible. Unfortunately, Ticketmaster seems to have encountered some errors across the board. There will be plenty of tickets, plus the ability to choose one's seats, available during the Mastercard Presale and General Onsale. We also recommend you keep trying; there are still Fan Presale tickets available on Ticketmaster. Is there a specific greivance we can help you with?
Pre-sales are a scam. Will wait till option to choose seat is available
Gizmo6 said: "Private message from their twitter account
Hey there — we're sorry you're all experiencing this. We've tried our best to work with Ticketmaster to make this as seamless as possible. Unfortunately, Ticketmaster seems to have encountered some errors across the board. There will be plenty of tickets, plus the ability to choose one's seats, available during the Mastercard Presale and General Onsale. We also recommend you keep trying; there are still Fan Presale tickets available on Ticketmaster. Is there a specific greivance we can help you with?
Pre-sales are a scam. Will wait till option to choose seat is available"
A scam? Not at all. Ineffective at times, sure .
Broadway Star Joined: 6/16/17
dramamama611 said: "Gizmo6 said: "Private message from their twitter account
Hey there — we're sorry you're all experiencing this. We've tried our best to work with Ticketmaster to make this as seamless as possible. Unfortunately, Ticketmaster seems to have encountered some errors across the board. There will be plenty of tickets, plus the ability to choose one's seats, available during the Mastercard Presale and General Onsale. We also recommend you keep trying; there are still Fan Presale tickets available on Ticketmaster. Is there a specific greivance we can help you with?
Pre-sales are a scam. Will wait till option to choose seat is available"
A scam? Not at all. Ineffective at times, sure ."
Here's the definition for you pet.
a dishonest scheme; a fraud.
Not openly advertising that select seats are unavailable is dishonest. It's a dishonest scheme to build hype and get rid of less desirable seats by removing choice from the consumer.
I know we originated the language but I'm sure you can keep up
Ive never done a MasterCard or AMEX pre sale so Im not sure how they work. Do I literally just need my MC to get access to tix or is there a code I need to sign up for? Doesn't seem like its going to work for me today, bit disappointing.
I randomly got a $99 dead center rear mezzanine seat for 7/31. Not the date I wanted, but I picked it up just in case.
Chorus Member Joined: 8/20/07
I was able to grab tickets after trying many dates for the $99 price range in October. Not nearly the ideal date I was looking for. If Im able to get tickets in the ideal range on the next presale or General sale dates I will sell the October tickets to help someone else see the know at extremely jacked up rates of course. NO im kidding face value all the way scalpers make me want to vomit and I wouldn't give two squirrel farts if all the scalpers on the planet disappeared overnight.
Their pricing structure is ridiculous however from what I could tell for those who couldn't get in to look.
Finally got my seats!
PRO TIP: type in the number "1" after the "www" in your Ticketmaster link once you're on the page for the performance you want to go to (so it reads "https://www1.ticketmaster...). It won't show you the seats individually, but it'll give you more options than they're trying to!
It seems more tickets are appearing.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16
For those willing to pay premium prices who were unhappy with the earlier selections, I just figured out how to access them. Instead of selecting "fan presale" from the dropdown, select one of the "premium" options. It will still ask you to put in your code. When I did that at the $299 price (for the last preview) I got Orch E seats 1 and 3. I'd rather fork over the cash at this point than take my chances later or have to deal with resale prices.
Good luck!
Broadway Star Joined: 6/16/17
Another twitter message:
Some seats and dates may already be sold out for the Fan Presale. If that isn't the case, it probably is still an issue with Ticketmaster. Again, we really apologize, and the team here at Moulin Rouge! The Musical have tried our best to be as prepared as we possibly could be.
There will be plenty of seats during the general onsale. We promise you'll be able to get tickets.
Gizmo6 said: "dramamama611 said: "Gizmo6 said: "Private message from their twitter account
Hey there — we're sorry you're all experiencing this. We've tried our best to work with Ticketmaster to make this as seamless as possible. Unfortunately, Ticketmaster seems to have encountered some errors across the board. There will be plenty of tickets, plus the ability to choose one's seats, available during the Mastercard Presale and General Onsale. We also recommend you keep trying; there are still Fan Presale tickets available on Ticketmaster. Is there a specific greivance we can help you with?
Pre-sales are a scam. Will wait till option to choose seat is available"
A scam? Not at all. Ineffective at times, sure ."
Here's the definition for you pet.
Not openly advertising that select seats are unavailable is dishonest. It's a dishonest scheme to build hype and get rid of less desirable seats by removing choice from the consumer.
I know we originated the language but I'm sure you can keep up "
Hm I understood that not all tickets would be made available. You might not LIKE the way they are doing it (and I don't either) but it still isn't fraudulent. MY email clearly states, "Limited number of tickets available."
Those prices thou ....
Swing Joined: 5/28/18
This is typical for a pre-sale. They only put a select number of seats on sale available to either fans or credit card holders. They are usually not very good seats but it does allow you to purchase a ticket and be assured to see the event it works better when it’s a one time event Like a concert rather than a continuing performance like a Broadway play.
I managed to get a right mezz seat for about $150 (but with Ticketmaster fees it was $170) for a matinee in early July. Had to refresh the page a few times to find a mezz seat that wasn’t more expensive, since some of them were in the $200 or $300 range and I didn’t want to pay that much.
Excited to see Tveit and Olivo though! I’ve been a fan of Aaron for about five years but have never gotten the opportunity to see him on the stage. Saw Karen as Angelica in Hamilton in 2017 and she was fantastic.
Leading Actor Joined: 10/13/15
BroadwayConcierge, thanks for the pro tip. That was a big help.
Was finally able to get $99 seats for first preview on 6/28. I thought the prices in Boston was ridiculous, but $400 for seats in the mezzanine is outrageous.
CT2NYC said: "I randomly got a $99 dead center rear mezzanine seat for 7/31. Not the date I wanted, but I picked it up just in case."
So, I got a second code, and was able to get the same seat for the date I originally wanted. If anyone is interested in the first $99 seat I got, let me know. It's mezzanine row S, seat 108, dead center, on Wednesday 7/31 at 7 p.m. With fees, it came out to $112.70. I'm able to transfer it on Ticketmaster, and I can accept payment through Venmo, PayPal, or Apple Pay Cash. Thanks!
Finally got through! Got one of the row S center mezz tickets for July 6!
Broadway Star Joined: 6/15/17
Got through after a few false starts (same “can’t complete on this device” note others were getting) and got the seats and date I wanted for Labor Day weekend. Second set of tickets my friend needed proved to be a bigger issue - was able to secure seats but either it kept pinwheeling on the “securing your ticket” page with no results, or kicked out on the payment page saying she’d exceeded the number of tickets for the presale (she hadn’t). Finally another friend went in and was able to secure those seats for the date she wanted.
All in all it worked fine in the end, but it was unnecessarily stressful. And agree that the pricing structure for this seems nuts - I shudder to think what the table seating will end up costing at this rate.
Well, spent $400 for Mezz Left row L. Ridiculous prices but I mean there goes my money so they got me. Looks like I'll be rushing the other show on my trip!
One heart-stopping glitch when my internet dropped on my laptop, but everything else was an absolute breeze por moi here on the left coast at 9am pacific time. Snapped up the first mid-priced ticket offer and - having seen the Boston production - am very happy with my mezzanine, row J, aisle seats 1 and 3 location.
Visiting DC on 7/16 for Bat Out Of Hell, then Amtrak to NYC for the 7/17 Rouge performance. Staying thru 7/21 and will be adding additional shows. Perhaps Girl From The North County again - if it has a Broadway engagement during my visit.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/10/14
I guess I am willing to fork over 600-plus for really good tickets in the orchestra- but I have dealt with Ticketmaster enough times to know that their scalpers will get all the tickets and jack them up to 700- and more per ticket. This is what Ticketmaster does- and it is absolutely unethical. A ticket should on Ticketmaster should go face value- and a scalper site should offer the rip offs. I checked Lady Gaga in Vegas- and this was before ASIBorn- and all of the good tickets were 500- more/per ticket. I am not getting caught up in the hype- I decided I will miss this one if the prices are too high- and I don't see shows unless I have great seats. - otherwise would rather go to movie or read a book- not watching a show where I can barely see the actors faces and have to strain to hear the dialogue- not fun for me.
BWAY Baby2 said: "I guess I am willing to fork over 600-plus for really good tickets in the orchestra- but I have dealt with Ticketmaster enough times to know that their scalpers will get all the tickets and jack them up to 700- and more per ticket. This is what Ticketmaster does- and it is absolutely unethical. A ticket should on Ticketmaster should go face value- and a scalper site should offer the rip offs. I checked Lady Gaga in Vegas- and this was before ASIBorn- and all of the good tickets were 500- more/per ticket. I am not getting caught up in the hype- I decided I will miss this one if the prices are too high- and I don't see shows unless I have great seats. - otherwise would rather go to movie or read a book- not watching a show where I can barely see the actors faces and have to strain to hear the dialogue- not fun for me."
I promise you the mezzanine here isn't far away. The mezzanine hangs over most the orchestra so it's rather close to the stage actually. Still expensive but it's less than orchestra for sure, about half id say