Am I the only one that watched tonight?
I should have taken the above advice and skipped this episode. If next week isn't an improvement, I think I'm done.
Tonight's episode was pretty dull. I don't find the characters or their storylines terribly interesting, and the show is beginning to lose me. I do continue to like Debra Messing, though, and wish to God that she would smack that assistant upside the head.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/28/05
Messing is the best part of SMASH, but tonight's episode was boring, predictable and repeated itself from episodes 1 & 2. Hoping for this show to get better, will watch next week with the hope that this starts going somewhere.
really...Ellis is straight?? Who saw that coming??
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/11
Marilyn's life was a story we all know. It is the source material for the musical. Messing and Borle's characters have read many books about her life and have gone ahead and first musicalized the "hot" moments, as opposed to writing the show linearly. They will go back and fill in book sections between the numbers. Of course things will change as the show is developed, but their musical theatre technical writing style is not terribly unusual.
Although I have watched all 3 episodes of Smash so far, last night's had the feeling liked they skipped an episode. My issues (in random order):
I have always liked the the character of Ellis. It's obvious they're making him the villian as opposed to Derrick. Would never have pegged Ellis as straight though and if this is all part of his intrigue then I'm all for it. His "girlfriend" in the first scene came off like a friend. Their discussion of whether or not he was getting compensated for the Marilyn idea seemed kind of new to them, but if they're involved I think it would have been discussed at length instead of, "gee, let me try to get some proof".
The rehearsal number back and forth to the staged version novelty is quickly wearing off. I felt there was no need to do that to the Marilyn and Joe number.
The Derrick/Ivy Lynn relationship seems like it was thrown together. One minute she's auditioning, next thing they're an item.
Debra Messings character (sorry can't recall her name at the moment) is very distrustful of Ellis, yet spills the beans about her affair without even thinking he might be nearby. I saw that one coming from a mile away.
Will Chase and his wife had way too much screen time. New characters some times have to gradually be introduced. I felt like, "who are these people, and who cares?"
All that being said, I will still tune in next week. But I felt the writing this week was pretty shabby.
Call me oblivious but what exactly could Ellis due?
Tom's statements in the first episode "After all, this was your idea" and "I'm interested in your input" are enough to establish a claim. Ellis could easily hire a copyright lawyer who could ask for a not-insubstantial amount of the authors' 6% weekly royalties.
Even if he ended up getting a fraction of 1%, it could still be considerable. Even if he was awarded nothing, the attendant publicity would be bad for Tom and bad for the show.
It was a stupid, stupid, stupid thing for Christian Borle's character to have done.
SMASH WEEK 3:...the 'MR. AND MRS SMITH' number last night was right out of 'SOMEHERE THAT'S GREEN' from "Little Shop Of Horrors"...and i said i dont like so much sex goings-on...i want to see more musical numbers...they are Broadway to me...and why are we not seeing more of the workshop of the proposed musical...that would really be more fun to watch than who screws who...sorry sex is not that interesting, just obvious
I'm curious about what Ellis saw in the notebook that was so interesting and what relevance does it have to the "angry" comment he made to Julia.
Also, wouldn't stealing the notebook hurt the chances of any legal proceedings started because of the contents? Or does "illegal search & seizure" only count when the govenment does it?
Swing Joined: 7/24/09
Suffice to say that ignoring reality both in terms of how the biz actually works and any actual potential legality to the backstabbing that's getting ready to come is paramount to enjoying this series.
Suspending reality gets easier starting next week when we get to descend into straight soap opera.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/30/08
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
The writing on this show sucks. You have an excellent actress like Anjelica Huston and all you can have her do is throw drinks in her ex-husband's face...three times???? What's next? Jack Davenport smooshing a grapefruit in Megan Hilty's face?