...and the lyrics,
So I hope that you will tell this tale tomorrow
It will help your heart remember and relive
It will help you feel the anger and the sorrow
And forgive
I'm not sure how this verse was staged in the original production, but in this production Ti Moune makes her entrance on that last line; with how everything is staged, that moment hit me like a punch in the gut. It kind of re-framed the whole show for me, in that the focus is not on the love story, or even in her sacrifice, but on Ti Moune's choice to keep herself open to those who have done terrible things to her. Her refusal to let past pain, both her personal pain and the historical pain in the island's history, dictate her response makes that moment one of immense strength, and one that arises purely out of her own personal choice.
I think it also greatly helps that Powell makes a very young Daniel. It doesn't excuse his actions (or really, inaction), but it does soften the character a bit - instead of callousness, his treatment of Ti Moune reads more as the unthinking actions of a teen boy, who doesn't really understand the harm he is inflicting. Even at the end, his denial of Ti Moune comes across more with a sense of helplessness than malice.