That one section of the trailer when she's on a hill kind of reminded me of the opening scene in TSOM, even Emma's costume looked like it belonged to Maria.
I thought that too and it made me a bit nauseous imagining that if THE SOUND OF MUSIC were made today it would likely look just that tacky and digitally altered.
Call_me_jorge said: "That one section of the trailer when she's on a hill kind of reminded me of the opening scene in TSOM, even Emma's costume looked like it belonged to Maria.
That scene in the original 1991 film was inspired by TSOM, after all.
That is a truly and deeply embarrassing vocal performance.
Sigh... I've been trying to be optimistic about this film, but that sound does kinda suck. I wouldn't much mind if Emma Watson's voice itself was just above adequate, but I agree that whatever they've done to it sounds very unnatural. (Surely her natural voice can't be so bad that it needs to be hidden *that* much?)
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/13
God help this thread if Dan Stevens doesn't sound spectacular.
Emma is exactly the best singer, but i think she does pretty well with the BELLE REPRISE and SOMETHING THERE scenes (that we have heard so far) considering she was really nervous doing the singing (as she states in the following video interview)...
I love love LOVE the dance "dip" between her and beast. i think the chemistry between her and Dan is going to be off the charts.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
She's an awful actress and singer. Should stick to humanitarian work which she is good at.
aaaaaa15 said: "She's an awful actress and singer. Should stick to humanitarian work which she is good at."
Well if that was the case, Bill wouldn't have chosen her for the part and i have no doubt that Dan will do a fantastic job.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
Please. They chose her for the part because she's a big name.
well we have 67 days left until the film comes out in cinemas to find out. none of us know what she is going to be like in the part until we see it all for ourselves when the film hits the big screen.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
Sure. But in my opinion all of her line readings in the trailer are bad and her singing is ridiculously overprocessed. I also haven't thought she was good in any other role. So it would be shocking for me if she impressed me.
clearly they should have gotten Anna Kendrick for the role.
aaaaaa15 said: "Please. They chose her for the part because she's a big name.
They wanted Hermione, a intelligent and witty character, to play Belle, a intelligent and witty character. End. No real thought put out to it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
As to those saying that the Golden age era of movie musicals used dubbing, I'm of course well aware of that, it did happen, but it's not like it ran rampant. Most of them did their own singing with some exceptions.
Now that is double edged sword...sort of. Back then, we didn't have info at our fingertips within 10 seconds. People didn't know that Deborah Kerr and Audrey Hepburn were being dubbed by Marni Nixon, queen of Hollywood vintage musicals. You had ttosearch far and wide to find out if someone was being dubbed and search even further for WHO that voice was. The voice doing the dubbing was always kept under wraps as much as possible. This is a day and age where this is not possible nor practical thanks to the tech age of finding info you need in seconds flat.
To dub singing voices in live action movie musicals would absolutely not be tolerated or accepted today, it'd be stupid to try, but for the love of the Muses...cast someone who can sing then! Not that La La Land was impressive at all, but there's no way that movie would have survived without those two. No they're not singers but it would have flopped otherwise. Though I still wish they cast actual singers and dancers.
But this the Disney B and the B for crying out say it needed star power, at inane. It would have made a ton of money no matter who was cast, but Disney knows they can make a "billion" rather than a decent "million" by casting Emma and add some Downtown peeps, Olaf, the other Emma, and actual MT stars to surround Emma with. Why make only a million when a billion can be made? This is what pisses me off. It's nothing but a money grab at best by casting Emma. Yes, I know the argument of why this movie is existing at all also stands, but this is one I don't mind at all, I'm still enthused to see it, but dammit...why couldn't they just cast someone who could do this role it's proper justice and cast bigger names around her? Hairspray did this, and it turned out just fine and that was when the world of musicals hadn't come back into popularity again yet, so why do studios still feel the need to pull casting like this when musicals have come back into popularity, and more than they've ever been? Now that musicals are the 'cool thing' again, I don't see why stunt casting is still felt to be necessary. If Hairspray could cast correctly when musicals weren't at its peak, then so can others.
Ill repeat, I love Emma dearly, and she's a decent actress in her own way, but
of course this leaves out separating speaking and singing voices for animated musicals, which is more acceptable to do in that medium but I thank Lasseter quite a lot lately for being absolutely insistent on finding voices who can do both unless they truly can't find what they need in a voice actor. Only separate singing voice from speaking in this modern era that I can think of is Chris Jackson in Moana. Everyone did their own singing in I really don't think there's an excuse for not casting someone who can do both anymore.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
Good grief, I hate typing on my phone...
Anyways, glad to see everyone here is pretty much In agreement about this.
LA LA LAND is a totally different beast and shouldn't be a comparison point here-- the music in that film exists completely in the realm of fantasy, and they clearly wanted the singing to naturalistic , delicate and unpolished - since thats who the characters are. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is an adaptation of a musical movie that featured one of the, at-the-time, best Broadway voices singing the role of Belle.
At any rate, Emma Stone is still a better singer than Emma Watson. Maybe she should have played Belle.
RW3 said: "God help this thread if Dan Stevens doesn't sound spectacular.
I mean, the Beast sings only 5 seconds in the movie, so I can care less how Dan does.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/13
disneybroadwayfan22 said: "RW3 said: "God help this thread if Dan Stevens doesn't sound spectacular.
I mean, the Beast sings only 5 seconds in the movie, so I can care less how Dan does.
I highly doubt "For Evermore" is going to last 5 seconds.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
QueenAlice said: "LA LA LAND is a totally different beast and shouldn't be a comparison point here-- the music in that film exists completely in the realm of fantasy, and they clearly wanted the singing to naturalistic , delicate and unpolished - since thats who the characters are. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is an adaptation of a musical movie that featured one of the, at-the-time, best Broadway voices singing the role of Belle.
At any rate, Emma Stone is still a better singer than Emma Watson. Maybe she should have played Belle.
Perfectly fair explanation, but I guess I just would love to see a story about that world in which they ARE polished and still TRULY struggling to get by. Basically an Ivy Lynn arc but without the bitch aspect.
And as for Emma S doing Belle...hilariously enough, I've heard that Emma and...Emma (that in itself is hilarious) were each considered for the other 'Emma's' role...I don't remember at all where I read this however, otherwise I'd link it.
aaaaaa15 said: "Please. They chose her for the part because she's a big name."
I don't know if Emma Watson is really that big of a star. She hasn't really had the chance to star in a big movie since the last Harry Potter film. She's only been able to have small supporting roles in My Week with Marilyn, This is The End, and Noah. When she has starred, it's usually been in smaller films such as The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Bling Ring, Colonia, and Regression.
Isn't it funny how SMASH only lived for two seasons, and yet we theatrefolk still make references to it? It knew its demographic, by God.
I agree that showing the human forms on the poster was a mistake. Part of the fun of the animated film's final scene was the surprise re: what the enchanted objects looked like as humans.
Yes - Emma Watson and Miles Teller were originally slated to be the leads in LA LA LAND. Emma Watson dropped out to do BATB and Teller was dropped when Ryan Gosling became available.
Based on the looks of the new Belle doll, maybe it was Justin Bieber who did all the vocals.
Beauty & the Beebs
JennH said: "Not that La La Land was impressive at all, but there's no way that movie would have survived without those two. No they're not singers but it would have flopped otherwise. Though I still wish they cast actual singers and dancers."
Highly disagree, I thought La La Land was very impressive and among the best movies i've seen in years. They did a great job at the dancing and their singing was perfect for their characters.