bwayphreak234 said: "TBone said: "Was there any new merchandise?"
There is new merchandise. It is available online."
Oh gosh! Thanks for your help!
TBone said: "bwayphreak234 said: "TBone said: "Was there any new merchandise?"
There is new merchandise. It is available online."
Oh gosh! Thanks for your help!"
No problem :)
Very glad to hear the warm reception!
Stand-by Joined: 10/25/15
Matinee was good. About a 3/4 standing ovation at the top and about half after the title number. Gavin and Kate have really amped up their performances... Kate was on fire and the audience loved her. She has come to life!!!! Gavin rocked per usual....And Charlie was darling. I agree with Whizzers comments last night. Victor was better in act 2 although he came out too early for Penny? I’m not sure how that happened doesn’t somebody cue him? Kinda amateur. He has it in him to be an amazing Horace but he needs a little more rehearsal. Be sure does look the part. On to Bernadette. She’s a generous performer so now many of the secondary cast are able to really shine. I have to say I miss some of Bette’s electricity and yet I felt I got way more into the story with Bernadette’s interpretation. She was a little hoarse today but still very good vocally. But, and this was a first in all the times I’ve seen her on stage....she was off key in the beginning of the hat shop...I mean really off key....which is so strange for Bernadette??? She got back on but she knew she was off. She nailed Parade and so long dearie. She takes parade to a whole new level frankly. My guess...I bet she’s just tired leading up to the opening of previews and a days rest will do her voice some good.You can tell the cast loves playing with her and there’s an honesty to her portrayal. I felt for her at times. By the time this opens in late February the show, Bernadette and Victor should be firing on all cylinders. I suspect her portrayal will be well received. Come on Victor you got this!!!! And Kate keep doing what you’re doing!!!!
So glad to hear such positive reviews for Peters and the rest of the cast. I loved Murphy in the show, and now I want to see Peters on my next trip to NYC.
Stand-by Joined: 6/2/17
Reading these reviews in total envy. Not going to be able to see her until June! I've never seen her on stage and am beyond excited.
Now here is to hoping some of these grosses improve.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/8/16
Went this afternoon and found the performance underwhelming. Maybe I'm being harsh but there were simply too many moments that felt like a rehearsal and not a performance. Peters did seem to be off key during the hat shop. Even so, she faired better than Garber. There were times he seemed lost out there. Watching him this afternoon reminded me just how excellent DHP was in the role.
I imagine it will get better as time goes on, as soon as Peters and Garber feel more comfortable with the material.
On the positive front, Creel and Baldwin really help anchor the proceedings. Charlie Stemp is excellent. His Barnaby is spot on.
The crowd was eating Peters up.
Just heard a couple of Tumblr bootlegs and the audience reaction is just as wild, if not wilder, as it was for Bette. I LOVE hearing the mild sobs and pure laughter from the audience. Hopefully I can see her in this sooner than later else I'll go mad lol
BTW - TODAY TIX has some Hello Dolly tickets for $39.
Skip23 said: "BTW - TODAY TIX has some Hello Dolly tickets for $39."
Isn't $39 always the lowest discounted price you can get anytime you want with a code?
Featured Actor Joined: 5/4/13
Valentina3 said: "Just heard a couple of Tumblr bootlegs and the audience reaction is just as wild, if not wilder, as it was for Bette. I LOVE hearing the mild sobs and pure laughter from the audience. Hopefully I can see her in this sooner than later else I'll go mad lol"
Which ones? The ones I have found don’t sound that good. Mostly sounds like a audience that is trying too hard. Lots of Wooooo Woooo!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
Papa2013 wrote: "Mostly sounds like a audience that is trying too hard. Lots of Wooooo Woooo!"
I guess that's the norm nowadays when it comes to an "event." It now seems as much a phenomenon of will as it is of spontaneous joy.
At least that's how I felt at Saturday evening's performance. Yes, indeed, it was wonderful to have wonderful Bernadette Peters back where she belongs. And there were certainly moments where she shone. In the main, I had a good time at this great show. Yet I must confess disappointment that the rough spots made the evening less than I had hoped it would be. Perhaps it was unreasonable of me to expect a smoother performance, and, yet, that's what I would have liked. Doubtless the performance will improve over time.
10086sunset said that too many moments seemed more like a rehearsal than a performance. Maybe there should have been a two-week gap instead of one if more rehearsal time was needed.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/10/14
I can understand waiting for a star after a show to say congratulations- great job- loved the show- but asking them to write their name? For what, for who? What are we- 14 year olds who need to prove they really met someone famous- I never understood the need to get somebody famous to write their name- and if they don't sign- exclaim how rude they are. I think the whole concept of - write your name for me- is absurd- and a real downer for the performer to have to do since fans expect them to do it.
Updated On: 1/22/18 at 06:49 AM
Let me start by saying autographs (or stage door for that matter) is not for me.
Autograph hounds have been around since FOREVER. It's a momento of the what? And to imply that anyone writing their name is a huge imposition is ridiculous. It's a sign of success to be asked for an autograph. It's not for you, that's fine, but no need to disparage those that do.
A little history
Featured Actor Joined: 6/26/16
After Eight said: "Papa2013 wrote: "Mostly sounds like a audience that is trying too hard. Lotsof Wooooo Woooo!"
I guess that'sthe norm nowadays when it comes to an "event." It nowseems as much a phenomenon of will as it is of spontaneous joy.
At least that's how I felt at Saturday evening's performance. Yes, indeed, it was wonderful to have wonderful Bernadette Peters back where she belongs. And there were certainly moments whereshe shone. Inthe main, I had a good time at this great show.YetI must confess disappointment thatthe rough spotsmade the eveningless than I had hoped it would be. Perhaps it was unreasonable of me to expecta smootherperformance, and, yet, that's what I would have liked. Doubtless the performance will improveover time.
10086sunset said that too many moments seemed more like a rehearsal than a performance. Maybe there should have been a two-week gap instead of one if more rehearsal time was needed.
Can you elaborate on the 'rough spots?' I'm curious what lines in particular she went up on.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
The performance is over and done with, so I'd rather not dwell on specific slip-ups. I'm sure they are being improved.
My caveat was not simply about those, though. I think the entire production needs to be tightened up a bit.
I remember at least three slip-ups, one was in one of the early shop scenes with Garber. I don't recall the exact line but she seemed a bit confused, stopped - re-positioned herself and said the line again. During "Before The Parade Passes By" it took her a few seconds to remember the "crowd" lyric, so it sounded a bit like "look a that.........crowd" Another during what I think was the dinner scene with Garber there were just several issues here. A lot of tentativeness as she remembered lines, and at one point a line being called from backstage.
Drawing attention to them like this makes it sound like it disrupted the show more than it did though. I guess After Eight is suggesting it bothered him quite a lot, but although it did take me out of the moment briefly, things got back on track quite quickly and I didn't dwell on it. I suppose I see it as part of the risk of attending an early preview - the first, no less.
After Eight said: "I must confess disappointment thatthe rough spotsmade the eveningless than I had hoped it would be. Perhaps it was unreasonable of me to expecta smootherperformance, and, yet, that's what I would have liked. Doubtless the performance will improveover time."
If you want smooth performances, why do you always attend first previews?! Seems a bit masochistic/unnecessary.
I honestly think there is a good chance After Eight is genuinely a masochist. He seems to dislike almost everything he sees yet continues to attend the theatre on what seems like a daily basis. He knows more about the shows he complains about (including detailed lyrics and songs) than fans. I bet he could recite Hamilton, Fun Home or Sunday in the Park with George line by line - and he has probably seen each more than “Once” - pun absolutely intended. I don’t quite understand him sometimes.
Just heard audio of Bernadette's numbers and what a treat. Simply delicious hearing her sing these legendary songs and hearing her "Bernadette Peters" nuances in the dialogue scenes. Another perfect fit. Her "Song Long, Dearie" stands alone as does her "Hello, Dolly!" ad-libs/embellishments. Can't wait to see the show again with her and Garber.
After Eight said: "The performance is over and done with, so I'd rather not dwell on specific slip-ups. I'm sure they are being improved."
As TotallyEffed once said - I LOVE it when you're kind. You watch your shows as you want, A8. Don't let no one bring you dowwwwn.
qolbinau said: "I honestly think there is a good chance After Eight is genuinely a masochist."
His ongoing activity on BWW would seem to provide enough evidence of that...
Was there Saturday night and I can second many of these accounts. The good will from the crowd was tremendous, the standing ovations multiple and extended. Her goofs have been noted and were eaten up by the crowd. It felt like her first night in and there's a reason it's not being reviewed for a while. In addition to just getting all the lines and business in her body, and the new comedic bits perfected with a crowd, I think she's still building her performance. Bette was a fast-talking Dolly who would barely let anyone get a word in. And Bernadette's Dolly is charming and quirky, but it seems she's not yet out-thinking everyone around her yet, simply because she's still getting the role under her. But she sounds wonderful and it's great to see her doing so much musical comedy again, up there were she belongs.
Garber, as others have noted, feels further off. His Horace feels less than commanding. Most notably, his comedic bits and timing aren't yet landing. He's a pro, so I imagine he'll get there (with the help of Zaks, who I'm sure in there through these first few weeks).
And watching the show that night, it made me really hope her run goes well because it could be such a treat to see other Broadway dames come through and put their stamp on Dolly. It's such a thrilling vehicle to pay homage to a beloved career.
And watching the show that night, it made me really hope her run goes well because it could be such a treat to see other Broadway dames come through and put their stamp on Dolly. It's such a thrilling vehicle to pay homage to a beloved career.
I fully hope so as well. Bette and now Bernadette infused Dolly with their persona nuances so each replacement Dolly will do the same -- each Dolly will be completely different, which is what makes exciting theater experiences: you're seeing a famous personality playing an iconic role their way.
It will be interesting to see how it goes once a real audience full of tourists and out of the fanatical broadway base starts attending.