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Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy- Page 5

Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy

#100Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 12:46pm

poisonivy2 said: "Also the Hamilton OBC was an amazing array of talent but they were a marriage of convenience. I think I read about Leslie Odom Jr. and Lin Manuel Miranda having a rather ugly falling-out over Leslie's contract. So maybe Oak's expectations about what relationships with colleagues are supposed to be are very different from the expectations of the Great Comet "family." (I use that term because that's what they call themselves.)"

Eh, some of them. Leslie and Lin were always a relationship where it was clear they had huge respect for each other but were never close personally - there was also an interview where Leslie called Lin cliquey, though obviously in much nicer and professional language. But the three Schuyler Sisters all got close, for example, and their freestyling together was the inspiration for the changes to The Schuyler Sisters. Any time you have a cast of 20+ people you're going to have some that become best friends, some that are cool, and some that don't really get along. I was referring more to the energy the director brings, the overall tenor of the show. Hamilton was a vastly more relaxed, do whatever you want as long as you make magic happen on the stage environment. Comet, simply by virtue of their show, can't have that

#101Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 12:53pm

No sane producer would hire Poison Oak. He name will always be associated with this catastrophe and be very likely partially held responsible for it's closing. He does not seem like a good team player. 

#102Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 12:55pm

Lots of people bailed on Frozen during the workshops because it was a hot awful mess. 


Oak didn't make any friends at Comet because he came incompletely unprepared and with a huge chip on his shoulder. He then had the nerve to ask the company to publicly speak out against Kagan in exchange for giving his "blessing" to Mandy. So yeah, no warm send-off for him. 

#103Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 12:59pm

trpguyy I didn't see that! I thought the nytimes article said that the cast wanted Oak to say something about saving the show, which he refused to do. I didn't see that he asked them to trash Kagan (although honestly, from what I've heard, I wouldn't put anything past Oak and his minions at this point). 

Updated On: 8/30/17 at 12:59 PM

Sondheimite Profile Photo
#104Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 1:00pm

I doubt we'll be seeing much from Oak, which is more than deserved.  How long before he's begging to go back to Hamilton?  How long before he's doing dinner theatre in the catskins? 

Broadway World's Fireman.

BJR Profile Photo
#105Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 1:04pm

I know it's not popular, but it seems clear more than one person can be to blame for more than one aspect of this.

The show was not financed well and was probably not going to recoup. But it was probably not going to close Sept 3. From the reporting, it seems Oak knew it wasn't a good situation and was going to go with the flow being pushed out until he saw an option he could ride to save face. Errivo has nothing to do with this and should mind her business. The issue of race is real and touches everything in our society, but falsely accusing people of making racist decisions hurts the cause and makes people think the entire struggle is overreaction.

It was going to close but it didn't have to close like this. And different people are to blame for different parts of it.

hmph Profile Photo
#106Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 1:10pm

Eliza2 said: "theater_tech said: "Ingrid seems to get along with the cast very well."

Exactly. There was a cute video of much of the cast gathered in Ingrid's dressing room before her last performance singing a version of her song "Everybody" with modified lyrics directed towards her "everybody everybody loves you lots, everybody everybody loves you Ingrid" etc.

I was also at that final performance for her and Oak. I wasn't expecting any speeches or anything special since it was the final performance for two actors who had only been with the show for a short time. But I was struck by the social media presence of the cast - I saw many posts with love and goodbyes for Ingrid, none for Oak. That spoke volumes.

Ingrid seemed to have jelled really well and really quickly for someone coming in to replace a beloved original cast member. I think there's a longer version floating around somewhere, but here's what Ingrid posted to her Instagram:

I've also seen really cute videos of the karaoke party Ingrid hosted her last day that really made me love the cast even more. 

I think Oak got the standard "goodbye my gypsy lover" sendoff with Ingrid and an Instagram sendoff from Denée. Azudi also mentioned they had known each other for 12 years and spoke well of working with him. But nothing like what Ingrid got. Don't want to read too much into it, because everyone is different and all that, but I have to admit that I find the cast/Ingrid interactions adorable. 

Updated On: 8/30/17 at 01:10 PM

#107Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 1:12pm

PaulWom said: "trpguyy I didn't see that! I thought the nytimes article said that the cast wanted Oak to say something about saving the show, which he refused to do.Ididn't see that he asked them to trash Kagan (although honestly, from what I've heard, I wouldn't put anything past Oak and his minions at this point)."

It's not in the article. Mandy was willing to do the show with Oak's blessing, which he would have given with A) an apology from Kagan (for...?) and/or B) the cast publicly denouncing Kagan. 

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#108Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 1:14pm

irishgator1 said: "I just remain baffled why Casal and Erivo are doubling down, rather than admitting they misspoke or jumped the gun in their condemnation. While it's clear that they are not the sole reason Comet is closing prematurely, their involvement and the resulting explosion certainly scared away any potential replacements who could've taken the show to a dignified end. A simple "We spoke before we had all the facts and we are so sorry for what impact this has had" would be the honorable and correct course of action."

Pride can be a very toxic entity. Both Erivo and Casal are immensely proud individuals. However, when your pride gets in the way of reason and decency, that is when it can become a major problem. I genuinely think it is very possible that Erivo and Casal do not believe they played any part in the show's premature closing.

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#109Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 1:15pm

Rainah said: "
Eh, some of them. Leslie and Lin were always a relationship where it was clear they had huge respect for each other but were never close personally - there was also an interview where Leslie called Lin cliquey, though obviously in much nicer and professional language. But the three Schuyler Sisters all got close, for example, and their freestyling together was the inspiration for the changes to The Schuyler Sisters. Any time you have a cast of 20+ people you're going to have some that become best friends, some that are cool, and some that don't really get along. I was referring more to the energy the director brings, the overall tenor of the show. Hamilton was a vastly more relaxed, do whatever you want as long as you make magic happen on the stage environment. Comet, simply by virtue of their show, can't have that"

True. Every time I watch TGC I'm amazed at all the different hats every performer needs to wear: throwing pierogies, dancing up and down aisles and stairs, playing instruments, quick-change costumes, etc. The amoung of space they need to cover in one show -- really all of them make the rounds of the entire theater. 

I do hope though that this sour, sudden end doesn't take away from the amazing journey this show had. I mean how many shows start off in a tiny downtown nightclub and make it all the way to Broadway with multiple Tony nominations? How many shows can say the year 1, day 1 people were still the people who 5 years later are with the show? How many shows called for such a diverse range of talents AND had such racial and ethnic diversity? 


#110Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 1:18pm

I was at Comet in the banquettes a few days after Ingrid's run ended. She was there in the celebrity seats with Will Chase. It must have been her first time seeing the show after having been in it herself. The ensemble obviously adored her. They were clinking glasses with her, winking at her while they were dancing, etc. It was clear that they were thrilled to see her.

#111Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 1:34pm

trpguyy said: "Lots of people bailed on Frozen during the workshops because it was a hot awful mess.

Oak didn't make any friends at Comet because he came incompletely unprepared and with a huge chip on his shoulder. He then had the nerve to ask the company to publicly speak out against Kagan in exchange for giving his "blessing" to Mandy. So yeah, no warm send-off for him.

Could you elaborate on Frozen? Is that why Betsy is no longer involved? And also why some of the early reports aren't good LOL

HogansHero Profile Photo
#112Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 1:39pm

@bdn223 "It is somewhat hypocritical on here for everyone to argue that its Kagan's plan of relying on the Best Musical Tony to make the production financially viable. "  There is of course some hypocrisy in what's been posted, but let's zero in on what constitutes good and bad producing for a minute. Producing 101 says that you don't budget on the assumption that you are going to be a blockbuster hit. And yet when you drill through the numbers for Comet, it's obvious that that is what they did, because there was no other way to ever recoup in a timely manner. Inside or outside the theatre, it is basic management that you don't get ahead of your own numbers because of your own enthusiasm.

#113Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 1:58pm

qolbinau said: "This unfortunate situation is a direct result of what our ultra-PC, 'post-truth' hysterical activism culture is doing to us. While always with good intentions, there appears to be a large fraction of our society who get so emotionally charged around issues towards race, gender and sexuality that they are blind to the truth (we aren't ALWAYS victims of our demographics in every situation, such as this one). While ironically ignoring the devastating way some of these demographics are treated in religious circles within Western countries and world-wide.

We are going too far, and we need to calm down before this madness continues.


YES YES YES. I'm as liberal as they come, but this ultra-PC stuff goes wayyyy too far. People whose intentions are more diversity end up alienating their own allies. This wasn't about race when a black actor replaced a white actor and it wasn't about race when the inverse happened. Some people make EVERYTHING about race and it hurts the cause.

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#114Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 2:17pm

coreman009 said: "qolbinau said: "This unfortunate situation is a direct result of what our ultra-PC, 'post-truth' hysterical activism culture is doing to us. While always with good intentions, there appears to be a large fraction of our society who get so emotionally charged around issues towards race, gender and sexuality that they are blind to the truth (we aren't ALWAYS victims of our demographics in every situation, such as this one). While ironically ignoring the devastating way some of these demographics are treated in religious circles within Western countries and world-wide.

We are going too far, and we need to calm down before this madness continues.


YES YES YES. I'm as liberal as they come, but this ultra-PC stuff goes wayyyy too far. People whose intentions are more diversity end up alienating their own allies. This wasn't about race when a black actor replaced a white actor and it wasn't about race when the inverse happened. Some people make EVERYTHING about race and it hurts the cause.

I'm not inherently against PC (I, too, am very liberal), however it must be kept within reason. If more people had just taken a second to think before they started pointing fingers, this backlash never would've occurred. PC mixed with reason can make the world a better place. But if you take away reason and accountability, you end up with this:

Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy

#115Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 2:24pm

I can also corroborate what Rainah and Trpguyy are true-

The Hamilton leads (including Oak) were allowed to get away with a lot, late to rehearsal etc. Oak came into Comet expecting this, not realizing Rachel runs a tight ship, and as most people know now came into rehearsals completely unprepared.

The producers and creative team expected a Heather Headly/Color Purple situation, where a semi name would come into the show and completely kill, elevating the show to a new level. This is what started a lot of the friction in the first place, as they thought Oak to understood that he was replacing a box office draw and that he needed to bring his A game. Oak had a huge chip on his shoulder and expected the show to revolve around his needs, not the other way around.

Oak agreed to the cast change and then turned his back on the cast, and told them they needed to denounce Kagan before he agreed to sign the joint press release with Mandy/Oak.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#116Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 2:25pm

'He does not seem like a good team player.'

Why on earth should he have been a 'good team player' in this situation.  No matter what, his reputation was going to take a big hit no matter how this played out, so what does he owe to either the producers or the production as a whole?  Unlike Brittain Ashford, who has had a a very long relationship with this piece and, I imagine, a sense of ownership and responsibility to the whole, Onaodowan was simply a replacement.  I won't defend his alleged lack of preparation (had I been give the role, I would have started working with a piano/accordion teacher immediately), nor will I defend any of the Twitter bullsh*t that happened.  But this idea that he should have played nice and just been an obedient, humble servant about the whole thing?  I say good for him for not taking that route.  He owed them absolutely nothing at that point.  

CorkySt.Clair Profile Photo
#117Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 2:28pm

I'm not gonna comment on the drama itself, but I do really like Chavkin's quote that ended the article. It's crazy in some ways that Comet made it to Broadway in the first place, and in less than a year they've ushered in a new standard of diversity, gotten thousands of adoring fans, and made War and Peace accessible     (in scrolling through their Twitter, it seems that the show has inspired many to pick up the novel!). I love this show with every fiber of my being, and, though heartbroken at all that's befallen it, I feel so grateful it was on Broadway and I was able to experience it. I wish everyone involved the best. 

(PS I know that in the closing notice it mentioned that there were plans for a national tour. Is this going to happen? I haven't read enough such notices to see if they all say that and then plans fall through.)

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#118Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 2:30pm

^with the audit I'd be surprised to see a tour come about. Hopefully we get regional sit down productions, though....

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

Kad Profile Photo
#119Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 2:36pm

While I think Kagan's (mis)management ultimately led to the sinking of Comet, the "controversy" and those who egged it on just made sure the ship was burning while it was going down. The show and its cast deserve much better than what they got- from Kagan, from Oak, and from the shoot-first, question-never social media brigade.

The production offered a truly modern musical theatre experience with an incredibly talented, vibrant cast made up largely of Broadway newcomers and it shone brightly for that. I hope that's what gets remembered, and not the lousy way it flopped.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

raddersons Profile Photo
#120Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 2:44pm

SonofRobbieJ said: "'No matter what, his reputation was going to take a big hit no matter how this played out, so what does he owe to either the producers or the production as a whole?"

Agreed he does not owe them anything, but they were paying him to not work. Listening to a producer isn't being a humble obedient servant, it's called doing your job. As soon as the twitter nonsense started if he had told people to back down, there would have been no controversy. His reputation would have never been tarnished in the first place. Mandy would have gone on, and the show wouldn't be closing this week. He made an agreement with the production team and cast, and stabbed them in the back -- and in the process, brought down a show and ruined his own career.

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#121Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 2:46pm

Kad said: "While I think Kagan's (mis)management ultimately led to the sinking of Comet, the "controversy" and those who egged it on just made sure the ship was burning while it was going down. The show and its cast deserve much better than what they got- from Kagan, from Oak, and from the shoot-first, question-never social media brigade.

The production offered a truly modern musical theatre experience with an incredibly talented, vibrant cast made up largely ofBroadway newcomersand it shone brightly for that. I hope that's what gets remembered, and not the lousy way it flopped.

This. 100%. This.

Cape Twirl of Doom Profile Photo
Cape Twirl of Doom
#122Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 2:47pm

Anakela said: "From the NYT article, re: Patinkin.

"They also thought he could be persuaded to extend his run, juggling “Great Comet” and “Homeland” after Labor Day."

I don't watch Homeland, but I do know that it does not film in NY. Again, I don't watch, but - I was under the impression that Patinkin is the second lead of Homeland, after Danes? So how was he going to extend, and 'juggle' being in Comet with filming a show that he's a lead in that doesn't film in NY?


The previous season of Homeland was entirely set in NYC.

"It's Phantom meets Hamlet... Phamlet!"

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#123Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 2:53pm

I really hope we get a statement from the cast on this. I know we have this expose, but it's really not enough. I just want read their complete thoughts. 

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

#124Paulson expose On Great Comet controversy
Posted: 8/30/17 at 2:58pm

Call_me_jorge , it would be foolish to expect a statement from the cast. Paulson even explains why in the article, although it shouldn't need explaining. Let's say even one of them publically comes out and tells Oak to go screw himself- the Bway twitter community will attack them (see: Joey Cassata). If they make false statements about how this was handled (remember, cast members aren't necessarily privy to private discussions with other actors), the industry will remember. And at this point, with everything that is being revealed about Oak, the cast members would be wise to not put their name on anything- that's why you see them being credited anonymously in the press.

Updated On: 8/30/17 at 02:58 PM
