...alright, enough of this crap. The oracle guy not only admits when he's wrong, but he's also right more often than not if anyone has actually bothered to check. In this particular instance, he has not committed at all to any specific speculation as to where Cabaret is going and has only even mentioned the Majestic as a possible rumor. If someone watched his stuff instead of joining the bashing bandwagon, they would know. Can we cut it out, please?
Featured Actor Joined: 8/30/18
g.d.e.l.g.i. said: "...alright, enough of this crap. The oracle guy not only admits when he's wrong, but he's also right more often than not if anyone has actually bothered to check. In this particular instance, he has not committed at all to any specific speculation as to whereCabaretis going and has only even mentioned the Majestic as a possible rumor. If someone watched his stuff instead of joining the bashing bandwagon, they would know. Can we cut it out, please?"
HAHHAHA he literally has made a thousand videos detailing where Cabaret is going and each one with a different theater. His most recent prediction was the majestic
Do I have to link to the video where he says he's hearing so many different rumors about where Cabaret is going that he is not committing to any of them? 'Cause that's more honesty in reporting than we even see from BWW, and that is his most recent report -- again -- if you actually watch his content.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
g.d.e.l.g.i. said: "...alright, enough of this crap. The oracle guy not only admits when he's wrong, but he's also right more often than not if anyone has actually bothered to check. In this particular instance, he has not committed at all to any specific speculation as to whereCabaretis going and has only even mentioned the Majestic as a possible rumor. If someone watched his stuff instead of joining the bashing bandwagon, they would know. Can we cut it out, please?"
Gladly, if you'll take the stick out of yours.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/30/18
g.d.e.l.g.i. said: "Do I have to link to the video where he says he's hearing so many different rumors about where Cabaretis going that he is not committing to any of them? 'Cause that's more honesty in reporting than we even see from BWW, and that is his most recent report -- again -- if you actuallywatch his content."
I’m sorry I don’t want to watch a minute of him blabbing about his sweaty sock fetish before he eventually gets to broadway news
There's this revolutionary concept -- it came into play, oh, around the time the VCR first premiered. It's called fast-forwarding. In the case of the Internet, you place your cursor, or on a mobile device you stab at it with your finger, until you get past the part you don't like so you can skip to the part you do. What will they think of next!
Can we get an update on the standing room? They only sell when it's sold out, correct? Are all the performances sold out?
Broadway Flash said: "standing room? They only sell when it's sold out, correct? Are all the performances sold out?"
Yes, and no.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/25/20
Dylan Smith4 said: "I just don’t know why bring POTO back so soon. It’s closing after a record breaking 35 year run. It will remain the longest running musical on Broadway history for a long long time (unless Chicago runs another 8-9 years). I think people should just enjoy the time and experiences that they had with the show over the years and just move on. Maybe bring it back in like 10 years or so. Give it some time. To close the last ever running Hal Prince production and just immediately replace it with a scaled down cheaper version is just an insult to Prince and all the hard work he and the rest of the OG creative team put through with this show. Call me ridiculous but it just doesn’t make sense."
If Barry and Fran have to get God to come out of heaven and play Billy Flynn, they'll do it to make sure Chicago passes Phantom
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Just went again tonight (3/21), Julia Udine was on for Christine (not her usual schedule) and Ted Keegan was on for Piangi. It was lovely to see Julia again, and I think she's only improved since I saw her just over a month ago, though I was also sitting closer this time and able to make out more of the small acting touches. Paul Adam Schaefer was fine as Raoul, but seemed to pale in comparison after seeing John Riddle in the role. Something about his performance just made him seem less genuine, almost more conniving, and I didn't quite believe that he was swept up in love for Christine as much. Though the way that their romance was played on stage, it seemed like they were both using each other in a way; him in idealizing the idea of a relationship with her, and her in using him as a way out of the Phantom's web, so I guess it worked in a way.
Unfortunately, Ben Crawford seems to have only gotten worse. I thought maybe I was nitpicking based on what this board has said about his voice deteriorating, but there were definite moments that I remembered him being quite strong on in September where he sounded thin/shaky today. I actually felt bad because it didn't sound like he was phoning it in, more that his voice had lost the power it once had. A lot of the stuff he sings in head voice can still be fairly lovely, but I think when he tries to really project and create that huge presence is when he suffers. His short segment of All I Ask of You right before the Final Lair I thought was fine, but the Down Once More portion seemed weak, and he really seemed to struggle during the last "It's over now, the music of the night", so I wonder if he's straining his voice from being in the role too long or if something else is going on.
It seemed like a lot of the audience today were new to the show, a good number of gasps when Phantom came out of the angel/tombstone and very appreciative applause for the chandelier and Masquerade staircase. So I'm happy to see that people are still getting a chance to experience this show as it is before it ends.
There was a BCEFA speech after the show, for a $40 donation you can receive a prop "note to the manager", though not one that's actually used in the show, and for $300 you can receive a signed poster. The mugs they have now are different from last time, and I think they say 35th Anniversary on them (though I wish they still had the old mugs, as I meant to get one before and never did).
Broadway Star Joined: 2/24/18
chrishuyen said: "Just went again tonight (3/21), Julia Udine was on for Christine (not her usual schedule) and Ted Keegan was on for Piangi. It was lovely to see Julia again, and I think she's only improved since I saw her just over a month ago, though I was also sitting closer this time and able to make out more of the small acting touches. Paul Adam Schaefer was fine as Raoul, but seemed to pale in comparison after seeing John Riddle in the role. Something about his performance just made him seem less genuine, almost more conniving, and I didn't quite believe that he was swept up in love for Christine as much. Though the way that their romance was played on stage, it seemed like they werebothusing each other in a way; him in idealizing the idea of a relationship with her, and her in using him as a way out of the Phantom's web, so I guess it worked in a way.
Many of us Phantom followers see Raoul in this way - if you didn't believe he was swept up in love with Christine, it's probably because he chose to play it that way. You either love Raoul or hate him (the character). Sounds like you prefer the honorable Raoul. I suspect I would have thought Paul Adam Schaefer's Raoul was spot on. In the book, he's a bit of a jerk - even Christine thinks so. :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Penna2 said: "Many of us Phantom followers see Raoul in this way - if you didn't believe he was swept up in love with Christine, it's probably because he chose to play it that way. You either love Raoul or hate him (the character). Sounds like you prefer the honorable Raoul. I suspect I would have thought Paul Adam Schaefer's Raoul was spot on. In the book, he's a bit of a jerk - even Christine thinks so. :)"
That's true! As I was writing out my message I was kind of like "huh, that actually works". I just honestly never cared about Raoul at all before (like he was just there to be an alternative to Phantom but I never really considered his/Christine's relationship in depth), and I think John Riddle made me actually care about him since he seemed like a good guy, so I definitely noticed the difference in interpretation now (and I suppose jerky Raoul lines up more with Love Never Dies Raoul as well, so there's that).
Thanks for the recent performance impressions. We have front mezz tickets for Saturday’s matinee and I’ll post my thoughts afterwards. It’s been 35 years since I’ve seen this show on Broadway. It was my first Broadway show ever and I was so in love with the material. I remember very little of that experience other than being in tears afterwards. Looking forward to revisiting the show and memories of my awkward early teens!
Stand-by Joined: 1/6/23
Penna2 said: "Many of us Phantom followers see Raoul in this way - if you didn't believe he was swept up in love with Christine, it's probably because he chose to play it that way. You either love Raoul or hate him (the character). Sounds like you prefer the honorable Raoul. I suspect I would have thought Paul Adam Schaefer's Raoul was spot on. In the book, he's a bit of a jerk - even Christine thinks so. :)"
At least book Raoul had youth and naivety on his side. Can you imagine Paul’s Raoul hiding in Christine’s closet? (Now I want to see it!)
Stand-by Joined: 6/5/03
Broadway Flash said: "Can we get an update on the standing room? They only sell when it's sold out, correct? Are all the performances sold out?"
There is no definite answer. A future performance can be sold out at one time, and then tickets open up. Sold out again, another ticket opens up. Usually by the day of the performance, it will sell out. I think standard policy is that the performance has to be sold out before any SRO tickets can be sold. However, some days if there's just one or two tickets left, agents will start selling SRO tickets at box office opening.
As for talks how Raoul is performed - yes, it seems Paul plays Raoul by the book. But I've always said I enjoy an actor who tries to work against that or brings a part of their vulnerability to the role. When John Riddle is Raoul, yes he still gaslights Christine by saying lines in the rooftop scene that make it seem it's all in her head. But John says it in a way like he's almost trying to comfort her by telling her a little white lie. To try to calm her down. Not to shout at her insinuating she's crazy. The same goes for the Phantom. An actor can play up his anger and insanity, but if he doesn't show any compassion or remorse by the end, then the audience is not rooting for him. Pretty much both men are not good for Christine in today's standards, but if an actor can work against just playing their role one note, it helps (at least for me).
Phantom was losing a lot of money, which was evident from the weekly box office reports.
They announce the closure and that ignites people to go and see if for one last time. if they hadn't announced the show was closing, then it would continue to make a loss every week.
After 35 years, the audience just isnt there anymore. Even the tourists are tired of it now.
What would be the point of closing this production and spending a lot of money replacing it with a 'new' one? If it does come back, i don't think it will be for a few years.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/24/18
Well, after 35 years since last seeing Phantom on Broadway, we stopped in for yesterday’s matinee. I loved it. Julie was our Christine and Janinah was on as Carlotta. I had forgotten just how magical this production is. Highlights for us included the act one transformation of the proscenium and chandelier, the descent into the Phantom’s lair, the costumes - particularly the ball scene and, oh the score performed by a top notch cast and orchestra!
Ben sounded pretty good. As others have mentioned, his vowels are odd in places and he, surprisingly, was slightly flat at the ends of phrases when sustaining notes in his mid range. His lower register was full and the high notes, particularly the floaty ones were lovely. Crawford’s take on the Phantom is angrier and less pitiable than I’d prefer, but I respect the choices,
Julie was great. Beautiful voice. Classic Christine. She struck the Don’t Cry for Me Argentina pose quite a lot in this performance. Is Christine always blocked to do that? Like I said, it’s been a bit since I last saw this show.
Paul was a very good Raoul. Again a classic take that totally worked for me.
Holy hell, Janinah is good! Is it bad when Carlotta was everyone in our group’s favorite performance? Janinah’s voice is incredible. Her Carlotta is less of a ridiculous, undeserved diva and more of a totally legit opera star. It almost made it tough to transition from Carlotta’s Think of Me to Christine’s. Janinah just reminds me how profoundly talented folks on these stages are.
Thirty-five years ago, I was a kid in love with this score, going to my first Broadway show at the Majestic with my mom. In a blink of an eye, it’s yesterday. I’m a grown-ass man and an absolute mess as the Phantom creeps over to the music box to whisper “Christine, I love you.” Thanks to everyone involved in this production, those still with us and not.
Piparoo said: "Julie...struck the Don’t Cry for Me Argentina pose quite a lot in this performance. Is Christine always blocked to do that?"
The only part where I specifically recall that pose occurring predictably is at the end of "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again", and it really should be more of an aggressive opening out of her arms as if to embrace her father. A variation of that gesture should also occur whenever the Phantom sings "I am your angel of music, come to me angel of music".
Piparoo said: "Holy hell, Janinah is good! Is it bad when Carlotta was everyone in our group’s favorite performance? Janinah’s voice is incredible. Her Carlotta is less of a ridiculous, undeserved diva and more of a totally legit opera star. It almost made it tough to transition from Carlotta’s Think of Me to Christine’s. Janinah just reminds me how profoundly talented folks on these stages are."
You got lucky! Patricia Phillips was similar, but she departed for Sweeney Todd. At the end of the 35th anniversary performance, I spoke with a former Broadway Carlotta who commented on how Raquel plays the role quite heavily for comedy. This is not how it was directed by Hal Prince, so it's either a personal choice or the fault of Seth Sklar-Heyn.
Glad you enjoyed the show!
Stand-by Joined: 6/5/03
Lot666 said: "You got lucky! Patricia Phillips was similar, but she departed for Sweeney Todd. At the end of the 35th anniversary performance, I spoke with a former Broadway Carlotta who commented on how Raquel plays the role quite heavily for comedy. This is not how it was directed by Hal Prince, so it's either a personal choice or the fault of Seth Sklar-Heyn.
Glad you enjoyed the show!"
It's interesting to see how different Carlotta can be played. Raquel definitely plays up the humor, some performances more than others, but I feel she has some serious and sincere moments too so she's not a caricature. Trista Moldovan definitely plays the role more serious, but I enjoy her version as well. I wish I could see Janinah - I keep missing her by a performance. I've heard clips of her voice and it's gorgeous. Probably one of the best voices I've heard of a Carlotta.
Wish we could get more of a heads up on Janinah’s performances, it seems like even she gets relatively short notice (like within days). Hoping to catch her before closing!
Swing Joined: 4/12/20
So I’ve delved back into my Phantom obsession from years ago and have been seeing it way too much prior to closing. Have been thrilled to see all the Phantoms and Christines (except Kanisha boo) and lots of other great understudies. Loved Jeremy’s last performance Monday with the boat mishap. I can’t believe they didn’t stop the show. Excited to have finally seen a boat malfunction and can scratch that off my Phantom bingo card.
But wanted to comment since I went to the show last night, and to my shock, opened my playbill to see Ted on as the Phantom! I saw him on 2/13 and will be going back to his final show on 4/3, but what a surprise treat! I keep going back and forth on how I feel about current Phantoms, and which is my favorite, and usually the one I see last gets a boost, but I really think Ted is my favorite current Phantom. The emotion and passion he puts forth in Final Lair is just unmatched. I think I might be a bit of a mess on 4/3, especially with it being John’s first performance back -- he is really really missed! Both times I got to see Ted and Emilie, and they’re just a wonderful pair and I love their final lair. (I rhymed!) And the Ted, Emilie, John trio from 2/13 was brilliant!
I heard from others (who admittedly are not Ben fans) that he was pretty bad during the matinee and sounded sick and were not surprised that he did not go on at night. So I’m surprised but glad that Piparoo thought he sounded pretty good. When I hear that I always think how sad that is for everyone -- for the performer and the audience, but different people experience different things and I’m really glad Piparoo enjoyed. The flat notes may have come from possibly being sick. (For the record, the last Ben performance I attended he was pretty good! Better than he’s been in others...)
It was my first time seeing Janinah and I loved her! Though I’m also a Raquel fan -- I love the comedy and that she does something different every performance, but Janinah was also as good -- had such a great voice, and aced the comedy as well -- so many expressions!
Also just adding in how much I love Nehal as Andre -- I always find something new to adore and laugh at in his performance, and the one time I was very upset by an understudy was when he was out. He just adds so much to every performance with his infectious energy.
I wish Greg’s last performance as Phantom tomorrow wasn’t the same time as the Ragtime reunion concert but alas, it is, and I won’t be able to see it. Glad I got to see him 2/27 -- he’s definitely up there as one of my favorite current Phantoms -- also got to see him go on as Phantom and Raoul in the same week, that was pretty special -- and hopefully the boat behaves!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/2/15
Has anyone as of recently been to the theatre and seen the merch tables? Do they still have window cards or t shirts or anything or are they just selling out and that’s it? I’m supposed to see in the last week and hoping they still have some stuff. If someone could post a photo that would be great. Thanks.