I liked the organization of an online lotto, but, this will probably narrow down the pool of people by quite a lot.
Oh come on. There are going to be at least 2000 people there. This is New York City. Think of all the queens in all 5 boroughs, all the college students from anywhere on the east coast, all the housewives, the hardcore rentheads flying in from the west coast. This is going to be HUGE.
Do you honestly think people will fly in to take that big of a chance? The kids will be in school. People have to work. I think a lot of people are overestimating AND underestimating.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/04
emcee-- I considered it, don't count people out! lol
Seriously, they should do this online. They are just asking for trouble using this method.
I REALLY don't think people will fly in for this.
If it had been an online lotto and they had won, then yes.
But to come stand on the street, with as you said, 2,000 other crazy people, I highly doubt it.
Ha! Girlfriend, where have you been for the last 10 years?
Before WICKED, we had this phenomenon called RENT.
It hasn't stopped.
This is going to be like 30 minute World Pride in NYC.
I think in order to enter the lotto, you have to have a ticket stub from the first year the show was on Broadway. Only original rentheads allowed!
(and I know, you all are going to say that we original rentheads already saw the OBC, but I don't really care :) )
I have to wonder, though, how many of the original Rentheads are going to be DYING to go to this; you hear a lot of stories of people who were die-hard Rentheads in '96 and then got grips on the real world and can't stand the show anymore. And now it seems like so many of the hardcore fans are fairly young -- they'll be in school and like... need their parents permission and whatnot. I don't want to say the phenomenon is gone, because it's not, but it's different.
Yeah, it's going to be crazy, but be a little practical. I think it'll be headache-inducing, but hardly the mob scene some people seem to think it'll be.
*pouts at liotte* I want my chance, too!
Leading Actor Joined: 2/21/05
oh there will be the "hardcore" tweens that would have suckered their parents into not letting them go to school and try lotto to see their precious Idina.
The hardcore Rentheads did the 5th anniversary benefit. hehe
There'll be some, I'm sure, of both. I don't mean to make generalizations, just observations.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/28/06
I want to go so bad, but I probably won't get to.
Stand-by Joined: 9/6/05
I think having the lotto online would have been...easier. To say the least.
Stand-by Joined: 12/7/05
"I REALLY don't think people will fly in for this.
If it had been an online lotto and they had won, then yes."
Yes, like me, lol. I was going to try for an online lotto, but not going to spend money gto fly down there on the VERY off chance, I might get a tiket. Good lluck you guys. I wasn't exactly origional, but I first saw Rent in 98, and have loved it since.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/29/04
I think some of you are underestimating hardcore Rentheads AND the crazy newbies. There are lots of fans who fly across the country to see the end of a non-Equity tour, let alone the chance to see the OBC onstage again.
Makes me grateful that I just walk literally a couple blocks from work to put my name in.
I'm one of the "older" ilk and um... you'll probably see me there. This is one girl who isn't "over" the whole Rent thing.
I know why it is at that time/day and it makes sense, but selfishly I wish it were on a day where all the other Broadway shows were playing so it would be so easy if I didn't win the lotto to just go to another show. Maybe I'll catch one of the few on Monday, or visit some friends.
*jealous of Liotte*
I'll have the convenience of being a short subway ride away next year :-P
Stand-by Joined: 10/20/05
Maybe I am the onyl person who doesn't think it should be a lottery? Sure it would have been less chaotic, but I feel like the whole point of the rush is to reward people for showing up. I dono....
And It prob is on a Monday to cause the least comflict. Cause I am sure that most of the alumni will be invited to it...
Broadway Star Joined: 2/12/06
I'm so hoping that the people who speculate that the fact that it's an "in-person" lotto will lessen the competition are RIGHT.
I have played the lotto a whopping FOURTEEN times and never won. Both times I've seen it I had to pay. Never with the original cast.
Here's hoping...:)
WOW! Do they know what they're getting themselves into?
30 minute window for 300000000 crazed fans? DAMN! DAAAAMMMN! Someone have your camera rolling in case a riot breaks out! Could get you on Buzz Line!
Broadway Star Joined: 2/12/06
I don't think they have ANY idea what they're getting into.
And I can't believe that I'm going to subject myself to this madness.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
I am so 100% jealous of everyone in NYC right now. I can't stand it. Maybe they should have some sort of screening system. Like you have to know more about it than Idina Menzel.
Do you think people are going to dress up?
1. While the online lottery may have been less of a commitment (and I prob would have asked everyone in my family to enter) I think that this is fair in the sense that it will curb the cheating by a lot.
2. It does suck, though, for everyone not in the NYC area. Yeah kids will come from LI, NJ, etc but now people who would have flown for the benefit from SF or Chicago or something like that can't. I remember seeing on Craigslist some people from the west coast that really wanted to come to the World Premiere. Now if they can't afford the $1000+ ticket they have no shot.
3. I highly doubt they'll have standing room and even though my only shot is lottery, I don't think they should. If standing room seats were added to the lottery pool, okay. But if SR seats were ones you had to wait for the day of, then that would be the original rush "wait outside like hobos" deal and so everyone standing would be dirty and smelly. NOT a good idea when everyone with gala tix will be dressed in their finest wares.
4. I think maybe 1000 will come out. Tops. For Symphony Space only maybe 30 showed for the 30 tix and I know that's different, but all the original rentheads that eventually went on to the corporate world, etc would rather be guaranteed a $1000 ticket, which they can now afford, than leave work and try their luck at the lottery. Or so I'd guess. There are only so many spoiled brats whose parents cave... I'd say prob the same 500 that were at B&N. And then us college kids who can afford to leave internships/jobs/class for a small chance at seeing this. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
WOW I feel old.
I'm an original Renthead from back in '96. I'm definitely not old but these posts make me feel like I am. Moved on to the corporate world and no longer identify with or like the show? Able to afford $1000 tickets? I understand comments like these comments in various posts aren't referring to *all* original Rentheads. But I really think there are very few able to pop on a tux and drop a grand on a ticket!
Many may have moved on - a decade will do that to a person - but we showed up in full force for the 5 year anniversary and I think many of us will be back for the 10 year! Lotto is going to be nuts. But I'll be there.