Broadway Legend Joined: 6/13/22
im going in a few weeks, and paid full price for Row O center orchestra, which im hoping isnt too far back.
cant remember the last time a show got this much unanimous rave word of mouth in these parts.
Understudy Joined: 10/16/13
ak72090 said: "Oh no this scares me, I got a ticket to read mezz row E, and looking at available seats now I’d be paying triple to sit row B or closer. Can anyone chime in, is the view that bad that I should look into exchanging? Thank you
update: I exchanged for front mezz row B that brought the ticket from 40 to 120, but I’m really excited for this show so it wasn’t worth the risk I guess"
I had the same ticket and also upgraded to row B, it’s the show I’m most looking forward to when I visit next week. I didn’t want to gamble on an extension, I won’t be back to NYC until late July. I’ll have to cut back elsewhere and hope I can get rush or lotto for the other shows I’d like to see. Thanks to all for these early reviews and seating advice!
Featured Actor Joined: 9/16/13
terrilovesNY said: "ak72090 said: "Oh no this scares me, I got a ticket to read mezz row E, and looking at available seats now I’d be paying triple to sit row B or closer. Can anyone chime in, is the view that bad that I should look into exchanging? Thank you
update: I exchanged for front mezz row B that brought the ticket from 40 to 120, but I’m really excited for this show so it wasn’t worth the risk I guess"
I had the same ticket and also upgraded to row B, it’s the show I’m most looking forward to when I visit next week. I didn’t want to gamble on an extension, I won’t be back to NYC until late July. I’ll have to cut back elsewhere and hope I can get rush or lotto for the other shows I’d like to see. Thanks to all for these early reviews and seating advice!"
How does one upgrade/exchange a ticket?
Another mediocre, tedious outing. I'm amazed that this transferred to Broadway
What a season of duds!
Stand-by Joined: 12/3/13
I biught in TodayTix. They’re very helpful with exchanges. This is the second show this year I’ve done an exchange for while talking to a customer service rep in the TodayTix support chat. They just cancel your tickets and give you a voucher code for the cost of the ticket so you can rebuy through them. Good luck!
Understudy Joined: 10/16/13
I bought my ticket via Telecharge, called customer service, and they were extremely helpful. There were tickets available for the same performance, I chose to buy front mezz at $120, other options were partial view orch or more expensive orch/front mezz. I was informed this would be a final sale. Good luck!
I saw this again last night. I couldn’t get it - or the songs - out of my head, and a week of thinking about it incessantly got to me. Just a very, very special piece of theatre. I’m so happy it exists.
They’re also clearly putting a lot of effort into fine-tuning it for a larger house over the course of previews. I noticed the mics are a bit louder and the lights dim quicker right at the beginning of the show so the audience drops into the show sooner, some of the dead air has been trimmed to pick up the pace a bit without sacrificing a thing, and the performances are all a bit zippier.
Watching this felt like seeing Jerusalem or John or August: Osage County for the first time. It requires and demands your attention to fully take it in. Yes, it’s lengthy. Yes, it’s dense with character and relationship dynamics. No, nothing much “happens” in the traditionally dramatic sense. But its cumulative effect is transfixing and quietly powerful.
Also, some of the writers of this season’s musical scores could learn a thing or two from Will Butler and David Adjmi about the purpose of music in dramatic storytelling.
Featured Actor Joined: 10/16/10
You mentioned some trimming of dead air - Has the 7pm show still been getting out at 10:20pm?
Theater3232 said: "You mentioned some trimming of dead air - Has the 7pm show still been getting out at 10:20pm?"
They haven’t trimmed anything substantial in terms of pauses, so don’t take that bit of my review as Bible. I just observed the play moving at a bit more of a clip.
I honestly don’t check the time when I’m out of a show because I live in Manhattan. It’s still definitely over 3 hours, and since I’ve never once been to a Broadway show that started at curtain on the dot, I think it’s safe to assume a 7:00 curtain will have you out on the street by 10:20.
Answering Spoiler Question: That was my understanding too.
Understudy Joined: 10/21/16
Damn. Dying to see this but it's either those $40 rear mezz seats or $275. Is it really a waste of time to watch from rear mezz?
I am such a sucker for these types of “fly on the wall” theater pieces. I really ate this up. Took a bit of time to adjust to the pacing but it all felt so natural and so real. It felt like watching a tour documentary in real life. Watching the band go from “Your song hit the top 40” to egos so big they can’t record together in a matter of hours… just a delight.
Big shout out to Will Brill, who takes what is arguably the smallest role of the main band and turns in one of the most realistic, funny, and upsetting performances I’ve seen. I can’t get the images of him on the brink of falling over in the recording booth, or screaming about house boats on the couch out of my head.
Stand-by Joined: 8/24/17
dotseurat2 said: "Damn. Dying to see this but it's either those $40 rear mezz seats or $275. Is it really a waste of time to watch from rear mezz?"
I just got a center orchestra seat row N on seatgeek for $80 .. (5% cashback via Chase).
Be sure to check all the resell sites -- I had my eye on this since yesterday and the price was $96 then and went down today.
Understudy Joined: 10/21/16
rachelfran said: "dotseurat2 said: "Damn. Dying to see this but it's either those $40 rear mezz seats or $275. Is it really a waste of time to watch from rear mezz?"
I just got a center orchestra seat row N on seatgeek for $80 .. (5% cashback via Chase).
Be sure to check all the resell sites -- I had my eye on this since yesterday and the price was $96 then and went down today.
Aww man I went straight to telecharge forgetting the chase offer with seatgeek! Boo! I got $99 row B in front mezz. Hoping they're good seats. Super excited!!!
Thanks though!!
Loved this.
Has there ever been a more obvious Tony contender for Best Sound Design? The play is ABOUT sound engineering and ends with that great sequence of mixing the track and putting together all the little pieces we've heard so far! So in a worst-case-scenario they can rest easy that it will win one Tony, for Ryan Rumery.
Would love to hear full versions of all those songs.
No matter what happens in David Adjmi's career now, he's going to have a never-ending stream of offers for musician biopics, jukebox musicals, pieces about the entertainment industry, and historical fiction works. And if we're lucky one of them will be half as good as Stereophonic.
dotseurat2 said: "I got $99 row B in front mezz. Hoping they're good seats."
I think the discourse on seating for this show has been a bit overblown. I sat in front mezz row B both times I saw it and the view is great. The only things to worry about are sitting in the first few rows of the orchestra or the last couple of the rear mezz rows.
Enjoy the show!
This was a massive disappointment - unoriginal and tedious. This is a story we’ve seen many times, in real life bands, and in fiction. Nothing new is presented here, and the fact that nothing new goes on for 3 hours and fifteen minutes is genuinely mind-boggling to me. I guess it’s supposed to be a character study, but these characters didn’t even feel full after all that time with them. The music was the best part of this non-musical, and Will Brill was the bright spot in a dour, dull 3+ hours. My review is a big “ugh.”
Updated On: 4/13/24 at 04:34 PMStand-by Joined: 8/24/17
I guess this is why there are so many options on Broadway... I loved this so much.. lots of laughs in the audience and the music is great. If anything I wish there was more of it. It is completely my vibe so I knew I'd love it.
Caught the matinee today ( from the front row!) based on the incredible recommendations on this board, and I absolutely adored this show!
I only wish there were more songs in the second half, but I could have sat there rapt for another 3 hours at least!
Side note: it's fun to realize that Kendall Roy and his beleaguered assistant Jess are both currently dazzling on the Great White Way!
Stand-by Joined: 8/24/17
Patrick Page was there this afternoon ... he walk past me and I gave him a big smile and said enjoy the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
thirtythirtyninety said: "Caught the matinee today ( from the front row!) based on the incredible recommendations on this board, and I absolutely adored this show!
I only wish there were more songs in the second half, but I could have sat there rapt for another 3 hours at least!
Side note: it's fun to realize that Kendall Roy and his beleaguered assistant Jess are both currently dazzling on the Great White Way!"
Kendall Roy’s ex-wife, Rava, is also on Broadway! Natalie Gold is in Appropriate.
Another Succession star- isn’t Peter Friedman in a play night now?
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
thirtythirtyninety said: "Another Succession star- isn’t Peter Friedman in a play night now?"
I think Job closed in late March, but some suggested there is talk of a transfer. Brian Cox and Sarah Snook are both appearing right now in London though.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/9/11
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "So in a worst-case-scenario they can rest easy that it will winoneTony, for Ryan Rumery."
They're gonna pick up way more than just 1 Tony!
Is stagedooring a thing for this show? I know I’m looking at a late night if I do and would prefer to know beforehand just so I dont accidentally stay for nothing