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steven22 Profile Photo
#475SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 9:45am

I saw the show last night and was mesmerized. I saw the Glenn Close production in 2017 and liked it but wasn’t in love with it. 

The four leads last night, and understudies for Joe (Diego) and Betty (Sydney) were incredible. I’d like to go back to see Mandy, Tom, and Grace before it closes. 

quizking101 Profile Photo
#476SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 9:45am

Huss417 said: "Since Tuesday I haven’t watched the news have avoided all talk about the election results.

last night I was blown awayby the show and performances.

sad to wake up to this news this morning.

Tom Francis and David Thaxton are reason enough to see this. You already bought the ticket and they got their money. Go in and see if you can find the diamonds in the rough.

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#477SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 9:50am

You don’t owe anybody anything. Tom Francis is fantastic. Maybe if you’re able to, swap for Mandy’s show if you want to see this but not with Nicole, right now. 

I don’t like “cancel culture” and I’ve said many times before I don’t think it’s even a real thing. It’s all arbitrary. If cancel culture was a real thing and people who out themselves as bad people (not saying this about Nicole) or who are discovered to be bad people can either have their careers upended or make a triumphant return to the stage in a musical “they were born to do”. Theres no rhyme or reason to it.

This production has a very small window of time to try to put this fire out and i can’t imagine how much money is being spent on PR firms today, to figure it out.  

But as for today, this week especially when nerves are so raw, it’s not unreasonable to not want to spend your time and money supporting someone who (seemingly) took a step in helping to harm you or your community. 


#478SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 9:59am

Jordan Catalano said: "You don’t owe anybody anything. Tom Francis is fantastic. Maybe if you’re able to, swap for Mandy’s show if you want to see this but not with Nicole, right now.

I don’t like “cancel culture” and I’ve said many times before I don’t think it’s even a real thing. It’s all arbitrary. If cancel culture was a real thing and people who out themselves as bad people (not saying this about Nicole) or who are discovered to be bad people can either have their careers upended or make a triumphant return to the stage in a musical “they were born to do”. Theres no rhyme or reason to it.

This production has a very small window of time to try to put this fire out and i can’t imagine how much money is being spent on PR firms today, to figure it out.

But as for today, this week especially when nerves are so raw, it’s not unreasonable to not want to spend your time and money supporting someone who (seemingly) took a step in helping to harm you or your community.

QFT. Yes, all of this. Perfectly said.

#479SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 9:59am

Some of us didn’t think she deserved the Tony in the first place, so that amendment seems a bit over the top. 

Thankfully, this indiscreet peek into her quiet political machinations has allowed the several many of us who did NOT enjoy her work as much as others in SB to have space to express our thoughts. I hate raining on people’s parades when they enjoy a show, and if something truly excites folks, energizes others, I stay mum.. but since she is being hung out to dry and her Broadway honeymoon has quickly been snuffed out in this harsh light…

Her Norma felt like an insincere clown show with stellar vocals. Like a drag queen poking fun at Norma with a SUNSET tribute mashup— with all the knowing campiness of “those famous lines” etc. I didn’t believe her outside of the songs. Why the ridiculous stage gymnastics and splits? It was all as if the director and star wanted to telegraph that they thought this role, woman and material was ridiculous. So why bother? She is a talented pop vocalist, sure, but character and true storytelling is not happening here. It’s all extremely studied vocal dynamics and calculated emotional affectations in the songs—supported by a very talented sound design team. Not powered by the truth of a real actor like the likes of Glenn, Patti, Betty, etc. I think she betrays herself by telling us she thinks she’s ridiculous/campy, so we can never trust her to protect Norma’s heart going forward. Not the work of a serious actress.

Hope to see Mandy’s take.  


#480SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 10:00am

Jordan Catalano said: "Is it Audrey or Aubrey? Also it’s 8:30am - pace yourself. Theres enough gin to last the rest of the day, I’m sure."

Coffee spewed. Thanks for a much needed palate cleanser of a little levity.

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#481SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 10:05am

To everyone considering selling their tickets now, you’ll miss Tom Francis in his boxer briefs, which is quite the sight. :)

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

#482SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 10:14am

EDSOSLO858 said: "To everyone considering selling their tickets now, you’ll miss Tom Francis in his boxer briefs, which is quite the sight. :)"

Are they organic and made in a factory that pays fair wages?  If not, I simply cannot support him. :)


dearalanaaaa Profile Photo
#483SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 10:18am

EDSOSLO858 said: "To everyone considering selling their tickets now, you’ll miss Tom Francis in his boxer briefs, which is quite the sight. :)"

And you can even see it on a Tuesday night where you'll be supporting Mandy Gonzalez AND Tom in his boxer briefs. And producers might see demand increased on those nights, and the moment having Nicole Make "Jesus" Great Again Scherzinger in the cast harms their wallets but Mandy doesn't maybe we'll see some change!

I think this was horrendous timing for her to come out with this, genuinely. It feels like the entire land area of NYC is in grief to some level and she's surrounded by POC and queer voices but doesn't realize how important it is to protect them. I'm not even very political but her comment is in such poor taste.

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#484SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 10:26am

I'm sure the cast has been told to remain quiet on their socials about this. But it must be very tense backstage at the St. James this week. 

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

#485SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 10:33am


Make Norma's House Great Again!

WldKingdomHM Profile Photo
#486SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 10:36am

EDSOSLO858 said: "To everyone considering selling their tickets now, you’ll miss Tom Francis in his boxer briefs, which is quite the sight. :)"

Don’t worry it’s only padding lol

#487SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 10:36am

dearalanaaaa said: "EDSOSLO858 said: "To everyone considering selling their tickets now, you’ll miss Tom Francis in his boxer briefs, which is quite the sight. :)"

And you can even see it on a Tuesday night where you'll be supporting Mandy Gonzalez AND Tom in his boxer briefs. And producers might see demand increased on those nights, and the moment having Nicole Make "Jesus" Great Again Scherzinger in the cast harms their wallets but Mandy doesn't maybe we'll see some change!

I think this was horrendous timing for her to come out with this, genuinely. It feels like the entire land area of NYC is in grief to some level and she's surrounded by POC and queer voices but doesn't realize how important it is to protect them. I'm not even very political but her comment is in such poor taste.

The 786,294 residents of NYC who voted for Trump are not in grief. Politics is about shades of grey and the art of the possible. The more liberals react like this to people who prioritize things differently than they do (even if they hold the same views on most issues) the more elections will slip through their fingers. A lot of pro-choice people voted for Trump. It's doesn't mean they support choice any less than you do, it just means that their calculations were different from yours.

#488SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 10:37am

Bwaygurl2 said: "Audrey wants Tony #7 worse than ANYTHING, mind you. She heard y'all making noise over Nicole and she knew she had to act. Y'all really think a soprano Mama Rose has a chance in hell when Nicole was out here belting her a-s-s off? I'm not saying I can PROVE Aubrey hacked Nicole but stranger things have happened. If it turns out subterfuge and tomfoolery are at work Audrey McDonald should be disqualified at the Tonies and Schlesinger should win."

I just want to say thank you. Things have been so heavy and sad this week, and are so tense on the board, that this laugh was just what I needed. Sitting here thinking about Aubrey Audrey spending meticulous hours trying to guess Nicole's Instagram password (or buying it from a hacker who she met in a dark alley? Or trolling the dark web to find it?) so she could hack Nicole's account and make her look like she supports Trump and Brand. Then sitting back to watch the chaos once her work is done like a Bond villain (or Ellis from Smash?). Hilarious.


GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#489SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 10:37am

People seem to conveniently forget that Nicole herself has been open about have a deep & strong religious beliefs and considers herself to be conservative. Why this is a shock to anyone is beyond me.

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

#490SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 10:42am

GiantsInTheSky2 said: "People seem to conveniently forget that Nicole herself has been open about have a deep & strong religious beliefs and considers herself to be conservative. Why this is a shock to anyone is beyond me."

Or plenty of people didn't know much about the personal life or opinions of a B-level celebrity?

The Scorpion
#491SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 10:44am

yahyahyah said: "Some of us didn’t think she deserved the Tony in the first place, so that amendment seems a bit over the top.

Thankfully, this indiscreet peek into her quiet political machinations has allowed the several many of us who did NOT enjoy her work as much as othersin SB to have space to express our thoughts. I hate raining on people’s parades when they enjoy a show, and if something truly excites folks, energizes others, I stay mum.. but since she is being hung out to dry and her Broadway honeymoon has quickly been snuffed out in this harsh light…

Her Norma felt like an insincere clown show with stellar vocals. Like a drag queen poking fun at Norma with a SUNSET tribute mashup—with all the knowingcampiness of “those famous lines” etc. I didn’t believe her outside of the songs. Why the ridiculous stage gymnastics and splits? It was all as if the director and star wanted to telegraph that they thought this role, woman and material was ridiculous. So why bother? She is a talented pop vocalist, sure, but character and true storytelling is not happening here. It’s all extremely studied vocal dynamics and calculated emotional affectations in the songs—supported by a very talented sound design team. Not powered by the truth of a real actor like the likes of Glenn, Patti, Betty, etc. I think she betrays herself by telling us she thinks she’s ridiculous/campy, so we can never trust her to protect Norma’s heartgoing forward. Not the work of a serious actress.

Hope to see Mandy’s take.


Thank GOD someone else said it. I thought I was the only one. She can't act, the line delivery is atrocious, and all she does is play a parody of herself ("TODAAAAAAH IS THE DAAAH OF CLOSAAAAST CONJUNCSHAAAN"). The pop vocals are fine for something like WICKED but not for this. It is not a Tony-worth performance.

#492SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 10:51am

It's as simple as she has a diverse LGBT cast and crew supporting her 8 shows a week and she's still shilling for their civil rights to be taken away.


#493SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 10:58am

As someone said over on All That Chat, this is less Sunset Boulevard and more A Pussycat's Doll House (inspired by Sunset Boulevard).  That's on Lloyd and his vision and direction as much as it is on Scherzinger's performance since she presumably is giving what he wanted.

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#494SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 11:02am

But as for today, this week especially when nerves are so raw, it’s not unreasonable to not want to spend your time and money supporting someone who (seemingly) took a step in helping to harm you or your community.

I fully agree. I don't think anyone serves the fraught, unsettling, and justifiably angering moment by tone policing those who want to take a stand, as consumers and citizens. It isn't just routine partisanship; we didn't elect Mitt Romney. Everyone knows what this new regime represents - and it is a regime. 


"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#495SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 11:04am

I think some of the Broadway community would be shocked to discover how many people in the industry are Republicans.  

Many of the producers are, much of the investors are, most of the stage unions are.  This idea that everyone on stage needs to either subscribe to the most liberal beliefs of the community or be completely destroyed and permanently removed isn't going to hold weight when 2/3 of the country voted for the Republican candidate.  Nicole Sherzinger (maybe, possibly) liked a tweet. That doesn't mean she is automatically a traitor to everyone on Broadway. It doesn't mean she can't still support and stand up for the people in the community. I'm curious to see how she responds (I don't honestly think she needs to) and I very highly doubt this will impact sales of her show.   And if the Broadway community shuns her she will receive enormous press and good will from news outlets that will use this as another example that the entertainment community is over-reactionary, out of touch and guilty of all the things we have accused Republicans of being. 

Btw Kristin Chenoweth has also liked many posts on her social media that are similarly Trump adjacent. 

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#496SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 11:04am

I swear Aubrey Audrey is the drag persona of some gay queen from Brooklyn

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#497SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 11:12am

Kristin was exceedingly clear though on her support for Harris and Biden before. There’s no discussion of that. 

Updated On: 11/8/24 at 11:12 AM

Huss417 Profile Photo
#498SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 11:20am

quizking101 said: "Huss417 said: "Since Tuesday I haven’t watched the news have avoided all talk about the election results.

last night I was blown awayby the show and performances.

sad to wake up to this news this morning.

Tom Francis and David Thaxton are reason enough to see this. You already bought the ticket and they got their money. Go in and see if you can find the diamonds in the rough.

That is why I mentioned I saw the show last night.

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#499SUNSET BLVD. Reviews
Posted: 11/8/24 at 11:28am

songanddanceman2 said: "America is to blame for the fact he's there, not hers"

The garbage individuals who voted for Trump are to blame. Period.
