Broadway Star Joined: 10/11/11
Btw, don't be shocked if she still gets nominated.
Gays for Trump/Gays for themselves are here and they are rich.
binau said: "If you don’t allow room for people who hold different views to your own and won’t allow for an open debate they will just do what they have shown they will do, vote in private. Suppressing political ideas does not change minds."
As you know, I understand your points, and you have a right to say what you want here.
But I really do think it's time to press pause on your repeated lectures to anti-Trump America.
SeanD2 said: "dearalanaaaa said: "EDSOSLO858 said: " Politics is about shades of grey and the art of the possible."
Politics is bad S&M meets Peronism? Talk about a partisan take...
kdogg36 said: "songanddanceman2 said: "America is to blame for the fact he's there, not hers"
The garbage individuals who voted for Trump are to blame. Period."
I’m actually going to disagree with you. The democrats who sat home and didn’t vote are the ones to blame. The Dem numbers were so significantly smaller than they should have been and THAT is why we lost. And that’s a whole discussion about the Party that’s for a totally different concersation.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
If it hasn't been mentioned, someone on Reddit noted they used this link:
to exchange their tickets to a Nicole performance to a Mandy performance.
Jordan Catalano said: "kdogg36 said: "songanddanceman2 said: "America is to blame for the fact he's there, not hers"
The garbage individuals who voted for Trump are to blame. Period."
I’m actually going to disagree with you. The democrats who sat home and didn’t vote are the ones to blame. The Dem numbers were so significantly smaller than they should have been and THAT is why we lost. And that’s a whole discussion about the Party that’s for a totally different concersation."
Maybe the democratic party should've been more concerned in helping the American working class by eliminating federal student loans, establishing socialized medical care for all, codifying Roe v Wade, and they also never should've sent our tax dollars to a foreign government that's gleefully blowing up children. They sank themselves with their own uselessness and the American people are about to pay for it with the American Nazi party that will set us back a hundred years.
See this with Mandy.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
Georgeanddot2 said:
Maybe the democratic party should've been more concerned in helping the American working class by eliminating federal student loans, establishing socialized medical care for all, codifying Roe v Wade, and they also never should've sentour tax dollarsto a foreign government that's gleefully blowing up children. They sank themselves with their own uselessness and the American people are about to pay for it with the American Nazi party that will set us back a hundred years."
They didn't have enough votes for any of these things, since the stupid filibuster rule in the Senate required 60 for anything to pass, and the awful Sinema and Manchin (who were needed just to have a majority) refused to overturn it. (Not that that will stop the Republicans from doing so now.)
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
Here's is the Washington Blade offering a balanced assessment of McCain and gay rights ... just to introduce some facts to go along with all the opinions being expressed.
MemorableUserName said: "Georgeanddot2 said:
Maybe the democratic party should've been more concerned in helping the American working class by eliminating federal student loans, establishing socialized medical care for all, codifying Roe v Wade, and they also never should've sentour tax dollarsto a foreign government that's gleefully blowing up children. They sank themselves with their own uselessness and the American people are about to pay for it with the American Nazi party that will set us back a hundred years."
They didn't have enoughvotes for any of these things, since the stupid filibuster rule in the Senate required 60 for anything to pass, and the awful Sinema and Manchin (who were needed just to have a majority) refused to overturn it. (Not that that will stop the Republicans from doing so now.)"
I'm aware. It just seemed like they weren't trying very hard or making a very big show of it. In fact, I feel that there has been nearly radio silence from the White House since Biden took office (but maybe that's just because Trump had been so effing loud the previous four years). I truly do feel like the Biden administration put up very little fight and really did not attempt to overwhelmingly change this country for the better and apparently a huge number of democrats agreed and didn't even bother to vote. I was willing to give Kamala a chance (what other choice were we given?), but next round, we need a candidate that's running on a radically leftist platform to counteract the damage Trump is about to do.
Seems like ever since the DNC decided to sideline Bernie Sanders in 2016 it's been downhill ever since.
Would anyone happen to know if Tom Francis will be back for the weekend performances? Not sure if anything has been posted.
rattleNwoolypenguin said: "Btw, don't be shocked if she still gets nominated."
She will win.
Yeah, people saying this will impact her Tony chances are delusional. But if she does win, that is going to be a tense acceptance speech and a very awkward atmosphere in the room.
In eight months no one will care because we will have moved on to the newest drama of the week.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/11/11
"It's important now more than ever to come together as ONE.
It's not about differences of opinion, it's about-"
you watch. It's coming.
TotallyEffed said: "In eight months no one will care because we will have moved on to the newest drama of the week."
Actually, that is now on the hands on those she supports. If thinks go downhill, believe that supporters will be brought up again and again.
yahyahyah said: "Her Norma felt like an insincere clown show with stellar vocals. Like a drag queen poking fun at Norma with a SUNSET tribute mashup—with all the knowingcampiness of “those famous lines” etc. I didn’t believe her outside of the songs. Why the ridiculous stage gymnastics and splits? It was all as if the director and star wanted to telegraph that they thought this role, woman and material was ridiculous. So why bother? She is a talented pop vocalist, sure, but character and true storytelling is not happening here. It’s all extremely studied vocal dynamics and calculated emotional affectations in the songs—supported by a very talented sound design team. Not powered by the truth of a real actor like the likes of Glenn, Patti, Betty, etc. I think she betrays herself by telling us she thinks she’s ridiculous/campy, so we can never trust her to protect Norma’s heartgoing forward. Not the work of a serious actress."
I was watching the original Sunset Boulevard last night, and Gloria Swanson was giving one of the biggest, campiest performances I'd ever seen in a mainstream movie. Rather than being a bad actress, I think Nicole Scherzinger just understood the assignment.
In terms of protecting Norma's heart, Sunset Boulevard is fundamentally mean to it's main character. It's punching down, making fun of a group of actresses who used to be famous. Mary Pickford allegedly turned down the role because it was satirizing the stars of her generation. Losing your career to ageism is a grounded in reality problem, yet Norma Desmond is written as delusional and violent.
Desmond being ridiculous and larger than life was always part of the story, the gymnastics and splits are just a new way of showing how she's always performing.
blaxx said: "TotallyEffed said: "In eight months no one will care because we will have moved on to the newest drama of the week."
Actually, that is now on the hands on those she supports. If thinks go downhill, believe that supporters will be brought up again and again."
Exactly right. 8 months is a lifetime in politics. And awards politics.
There's definitely a world in which there's a huge scandal and the currently exhausted left is energized in resistance again, And then, that support would be mentioned constantly.
TotallyEffed said: "In eight months no one will care because we will have moved on to the newest drama of the week."
I’m not saying we will be discussing this for the next 8 months. But this issue has gotten big and viral enough that her being nominated/winning a Tony would certainly rekindle the discussion.
I get that most of you are upset about this, but some of you take things too far. Not all Christians voted for Donald Trump. I am a Christian man, I did NOT vote for Donald Trump.
Stop bashing Christians.
A lot of y’all in this thread need to log off for a few days. For real for real. Like, genuinely get outside and take a breath.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/21/20
Georgeanddot2 said: "Jordan Catalano said: "kdogg36 said: "songanddanceman2 said: "America is to blame for the fact he's there, not hers"
The garbage individuals who voted for Trump are to blame. Period."
I’m actually going to disagree with you. The democrats who sat home and didn’t vote are the ones to blame. The Dem numbers were so significantly smaller than they should have been and THAT is why we lost. And that’s a whole discussion about the Party that’s for a totally different concersation."
Maybe the democratic party should've been more concerned in helping the American working class by eliminating federal student loans, establishing socialized medical care for all, codifying Roe v Wade, and they also never should've sentour tax dollarsto a foreign government that's gleefully blowing up children. They sank themselves with their own uselessness and the American people are about to pay for it with the American Nazi party that will set us back a hundred years.
See this with Mandy."
Joe Biden was the President who has done the most for the working class in generations, with a razor-thin majority and opposed by a hostile judiciary, and the media and electorate responded by moving the goalposts and spitting in his face.
I know everybody thinks their pet issue is the reason why Trump won, but it's almost certainly something bigger. Almost every incumbent government in the world has lost their election post-2021, be they conservative or liberal, and given Harris's margins were significsntly thinner in swing states vs solid states, she probably did as good as could be expected.
And as far as Nicole Scherzinger goes, she can support Trump if she wants. But for a lot of people it's less about politics than it is morality and she should have been able to read the room, especially considering hatred of queer people is one of the cornerstones of modern conservatism.
People who voted for a rapist, a conman, a convicted felon, and a general scumbag are immoral, and this is not about politics. We have now poisoned our entire system of government in an act of mass suicide. Those who want to cherry pick and have it both ways and still "be friends" can f off. We have nothing to lose now, so why not speak the truth?
Will be so curious to see if this actually translates into a major impact on grosses. On many shows, I think the grosses would reveal that the backlash exists in something of a bubble, but this production seems largely to be an event amongst extremely online urban queer and gay men.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/18/11
Now we know why the monkey refused to do the show.