Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
binau said: "Sorry but you know as well as I do that if she wanted to have a debate she would also be cancelled (see Laura Osnes). The fact is the left often try to suppress anyone that doesn’t agree with them, and I think all you have to do is look at the election results to see it doesn’t work.
Do you want to die on an ideological high horse and watch while MAGA takes control over your entire country? This doesn’t work!"
You're trying to reduce the election results to a single issue when preliminary examination of the datat is already revealing multiple reasons in play.
Is what you describe one of them? Yes. But only one of them.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
binau said: "If Nicole is MAGA it would be disappointing but there is no way I’m going to deprive myself of her performance because of her right to exercise her democratic right in what is meant to be a free country. The same reason that I still enjoy Christine Ebersole despite her being all kind of strange (9/11 conspiracy inside job, anti-vaxxer etc.).
You just lost the election to Trump by a much larger margin than anyone expected and the culture apparently still believes the best way to deal with opposing political viewpoints is to try and cancel them. I just don’t believe this works and is counter productive to your own cause.
You don’t mind because the culture is reinforcing your own beliefs for now - but historically this is not always the case (see: McCarthyism).
Of course everyone has the right to decide where they spend their money but you’re now going after someone who seems to literally reflect the majority USA opinion in a free and democratic country.
If you don’t allow room for people who hold different views to your own and won’t allow for an open debate they will just do what they have shown they will do, vote in private. Suppressing political ideas does not change minds."
a) If you're not from this country, why are you lecturing people who do about their country?
b) If you think conservatives have allowed for an open debate over the past two decades, then you really don't know anything about this country. Conservatives are the ones who've been "cancelling" people and burning books and albums for years (the Dixie Chicks, anyone? Hardly the first example.). Donald Trump has openly and repeatedly said he wants to use the military against his "enemies," which is anyone who opposes him, including American citizens. He installed judges who covered for his criminal activity and who stripped people's rights, many of whom are the target audience for this show. But it's wrong for those same people who DON'T think the president should be a dictator unleashing the military on American citizens, who will be most hurt by the person she supported, and who have enough empathy for others who will be hurt, to oppose her support of that person?
No one has to be tolerant of someone's support of a person who openly intends to hurt them and others.
people that voted for and support Dumpster really have a hard time understanding why people dislike him so much. The fact that the top issues of a woman's right to choose and the possibility of overturning same-sex marriage law doesn't seem to bother MAGAs is why Dems are so angry right now. These are two hot topics that MAGAs really don't seem bothered by. So when a celebrity likes something in relation to him and you're clearly working in a place surrounded by people who could drastically have their future's rights changed is why people are outraged right now.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
Too many people on this board seem okay with Nazis.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
Also the notion that "the majority USA opinion in a free and democratic country" is right or has to be respected, as several people have spouted, is nonsense. 20 years ago George W Bush won reelection, and a majority, because conservatives put anti-gay-marriage propositions on the ballot in multiple states to bring out the anti-gay voters, and it worked.
Just because the majority wants to take people's rights doesn't mean those people have to accept it or support those who "literally reflect the majority USA opinion in a free and democratic country." Sure, there are bootlickers who say, "Well, you think I'm less than you and I don't deserve any rights, but I respect that! You're welcome to your opinion! Agree to disagree! Go ahead and sing and dance for me!" But it's absurd. It's not a difference of opinion. We're fighting for our lives and the lives of others who are vulnerable. Women are literally dying because of the judges he installed, and he and his people only want to go further. If anyone supports Trump after the past decade and everything he has already done, their mind is not going to be changed now.
All I am saying is, Trump won by a landslide and I think it’s partly because the left-wing strategy/culture of dealing with politically challenging opinions - as reflected in this public outrage towards Nicole S - doesn’t work. I agree that of course Republicans have a whole range of related issues too. But the more you push people away, don’t listen, call people Nazis etc. the more they will retreat to their ideological ‘safe spaces’ and when there is too many of them as seen in this recent election, you will lose the election because you can’t cancel someone’s vote. And it will happen again and again. I accept not everyone will agree with me and believe that it’s a better idea to continue this kind of culture. I accept that. I think there is a lot to learn from this recent election result.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/2/13
I was genuinely moved by Nicole Scherzinger’s talent in Sunset Boulevard, enough to buy tickets for my parents. But the moment I saw her showing even a hint of support for Trump, I returned those tickets. Let’s be clear: if you stand with Trump, you stand against everything that Broadway, New York, and the arts truly represent.
Trump’s legacy is one of division, bigotry, and blatant disregard for the values that make this city great. He embodies the opposite of what Broadway stands for—diversity, inclusion, and a celebration of humanity in all its forms. To support someone like him is to support the erasure of the very soul of our community.
Broadway isn’t just about putting on a show; it’s about telling stories that matter, stories that bring people together and speak truth to power. Trump has been a direct threat to these ideals, fueling hatred and undermining the foundation of our inclusive society. A true lover of Broadway would never stand with someone who represents such toxic and destructive values.
Sunset Boulevard now needs a new star.
Featured Actor Joined: 3/8/22
Audrey wants Tony #7 worse than ANYTHING, mind you. She heard y'all making noise over Nicole and she knew she had to act. Y'all really think a soprano Mama Rose has a chance in hell when Nicole was out here belting her a-s-s off? I'm not saying I can PROVE Aubrey hacked Nicole but stranger things have happened. If it turns out subterfuge and tomfoolery are at work Audrey McDonald should be disqualified at the Tonies and Schlesinger should win.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/11
binau said: "All I am saying is, Trump won by a landslide and I think it’s partly because theleft-wing strategy/culture of dealing with politically challenging opinions - as reflected in this public outrage towards Nicole S - doesn’t work. I agree that of course Republicans have a whole range of related issues too. But the more you push people away, don’t listen, call people Nazis etc. the more they will retreat to their ideological ‘safe spaces’ and when there is too many of them as seen in this recent election, you will lose the election because you can’t cancel someone’s vote.And it will happen again and again. I accept not everyone will agree with me and believe that it’s a better idea to continue this kind of culture. I accept that. I think there is a lot to learn from this recent election result."
I asked you to keep quiet on the Lewis/Lupone thread because what you were saying YOURSELF was passively racist. Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you certainly don't understand what you were saying was racist. But you continued to say right leaning/uneducated things. And now here!!! Why are you talking about the election? This is not about the election!!! This is not about the Democrats!! This is about support for an evil man. (Two evil men if you count Russell Brand). This has to do with Nicole voting for a man who wants to inevitably hurt women, migrants gays and the poor!! NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ELECTION!! Don't you get that????
Owen22 said: "binau said: "All I am saying is, Trump won by a landslide and I think it’s partly because theleft-wing strategy/culture of dealing with politically challenging opinions - as reflected in this public outrage towards Nicole S - doesn’t work. I agree that of course Republicans have a whole range of related issues too. But the more you push people away, don’t listen, call people Nazis etc. the more they will retreat to their ideological ‘safe spaces’ and when there is too many of them as seen in this recent election, you will lose the election because you can’t cancel someone’s vote.And it will happen again and again. I accept not everyone will agree with me and believe that it’s a better idea to continue this kind of culture. I accept that. I think there is a lot to learn from this recent election result."
I asked you to keep quiet on the Lewis/Lupone thread because what you were saying YOURSELF was passively racist. Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you certainly don't understand what you were saying was racist. But you continued to say right leaning/uneducated things. And now here!!! Why are you talking about the election? This is not about the election!!! This is not about the Democrats!! This is about support for an evil man. (Two evil men if you count Russell Brand). This has to do with Nicole voting for a man who wants to inevitably hurt women, migrants gays and the poor!! NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ELECTION!! Don't you get that????"
Sorry I don’t accept the stupidity that defending Patti LuPone’s right to comment on the objective sound levels of Hell’s Kitchen is racist. And that whole thread illustrates a similar kind of problem.
Is your goal to die on a moral high ground or is your goal to actually influence the attitudes of others and hopefully cause people to vote in the way you want them to? If it’s to die on a moral high ground keep going. If you want to influence others then you’re going about it all wrong.
Look around you at the election result. What better feedback do you need that it isn’t working?
Understudy Joined: 12/1/21
binau said: "Sorry but you know as well as I do that if she wanted to have a debate she would also be cancelled (see Laura Osnes). The fact is the left often try to suppress anyone that doesn’t agree with them, and I think all you have to do is look at the election results to see it doesn’t work.
Do you want to die on an ideological high horse and watch while MAGA takes control over your entire country? This doesn’t work!"
You're the one on a high horse. Have some self-awareness. I actually deal with these people on a daily basis. Someone told me to my face that Black people (me) should leave us (white people) alone. Again, you seem to miss the fact that I live in a battleground area.
Nicole accidentally exposed herself. None of us are obligated to spend our hard earned cash on her. That's how capitalism works.
"Agree to disagree" is reserved for things like "I don't like coffee" or "Tammy Faye is not a good musical".
NOT for racism, homophobia, sexism.
Not basic human decency.
Not the right to be treated equally regardless of race, religion, color, creed or sexual orientation.
We do not have a difference of opinion, what we have here is a difference in morality.
You simply cannot pander to a certain demographic for accolades, awards and dollars for your Broadway debut, while also advocating for our persecution and stripping of our basic human rights.
Nicole is extremely talented, but this was a really, really stupid move on her part. Emotions are extremely high right now - especially in the theatre community where we are all (rightfully and justifiably) scared and hurt. To go and like and comment on posts like the ones she did while working in this community (headlining a major production to boot) at this current moment was not wise and in extremely poor taste. Just my $0.02.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/11
binau said: "Owen22 said: "binau said: "All I am saying is, Trump won by a landslide and I think it’s partly because theleft-wing strategy/culture of dealing with politically challenging opinions - as reflected in this public outrage towards Nicole S - doesn’t work. I agree that of course Republicans have a whole range of related issues too. But the more you push people away, don’t listen, call people Nazis etc. the more they will retreat to their ideological ‘safe spaces’ and when there is too many of them as seen in this recent election, you will lose the election because you can’t cancel someone’s vote.And it will happen again and again. I accept not everyone will agree with me and believe that it’s a better idea to continue this kind of culture. I accept that. I think there is a lot to learn from this recent election result."
I asked you to keep quiet on the Lewis/Lupone thread because what you were saying YOURSELF was passively racist. Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you certainly don't understand what you were saying was racist. But you continued to say right leaning/uneducated things. And now here!!! Why are you talking about the election? This is not about the election!!! This is not about the Democrats!! This is about support for an evil man. (Two evil men if you count Russell Brand). This has to do with Nicole voting for a man who wants to inevitably hurt women, migrants gays and the poor!! NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ELECTION!! Don't you get that????"
Sorry I don’t accept the stupidity that defending Patti LuPone’s right to comment on the objective sound levels of Hell’s Kitchen is racist. And that whole thread illustrates a similar kind of problem.
Is your goal to die on a moral high ground or is your goal to actually influence the attitudes of others and hopefully cause people to vote in the way you want them to? If it’s to die on a moral high ground keep going. If you want to influence others then you’re going about it all wrong.
Look around you at the election result. What better feedback do you need that it isn’t working?"
What is wrong with you? Did you not read what I wrote? Or are you just obfuscating because you can't write what you really want to say.
I think I know you from years a go on this board. It was a long time ago and I think you blatantly lied to back up an opinion and I called you out on it. Which tracks with this incarnation and attitude.
Sorry I literally don’t know what you are talking about. Anyone that reads my posts as I have been doing here now for what feels like almost 20 years knows that I always try my best to be as sincere as possible, even if they don’t agree with what I post and I don’t expect them to agree with what I post all the time that is why it is a DISCUSSION board. If I make a mistake I’m happy and open to correction but I’d never intentionally ‘lie’ and I always try to be reasonable and express my sincere opinions. It’s very rare that I come across a comment like this and it feels almost gaslighting.
Stand-by Joined: 5/11/22
Bwaygurl2 said: "Audrey wants Tony #7 worse than ANYTHING, mind you. She heard y'all making noise over Nicole and she knew she had to act. Y'all really think a soprano Mama Rose has a chance in hell when Nicole was out here belting her a-s-s off? I'm not saying I can PROVE Aubrey hacked Nicole but stranger things have happened. If it turns out subterfuge and tomfoolery are at work Audrey McDonald should be disqualified at the Tonies and Schlesinger should win."
Bath salts?
Is it Audrey or Aubrey? Also it’s 8:30am - pace yourself. Theres enough gin to last the rest of the day, I’m sure.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/11/11
It's not 2016 and she posted that.
It's not 2020 and she posted that.
It's 2024 after 8 years of knowing who he is and he's a convicted felon and she posted that.
So- yeah let her flop.
Broadway's expensive. So many shows out there. Why support a nazi?
Featured Actor Joined: 4/8/21
rattleNwoolypenguin said: "It's not 2016 and she posted that.
It's not 2020 and she posted that.
It's 2024 after 8 years of knowing who he isand he's a convicted felon and she posted that.
So- yeah let her flop.
Broadway's expensive. So many shows out there. Why support a nazi?"
Don't forget that she also did it through Russell Brand's IG account who's under investigation for several sexual assaults. Let this woman flop!
Will be fascinating to watch how the box office progresses over the next couple months and her Tony chances. If this has cost her the Tony Award can we at least ask them to rename the award to Tony Award for Best Performance by an Actress who aligns with our political views in a Leading Role in a Musical. Feels very disingenuous to suggest that the award truly means best performance if that's not what motivates Tony voting.
Now we’re wishing doom on the entire production and their award chances because of some stupid Instagram likes and one comment (that was more religious based than anything)?
Nicole Scherzinger never presented herself as the opposite of what she is, just because all the theater gays obsess over her performance (for this ONE time in her entire career) you all thought she was on our side. Foolish assumption.
I’m not expecting much in terms of moral integrity from a former Pussycat Doll, nor do I look to them for political insight or knowledge. They wren’t exactly “on the pulse” of anything to begin with, music or otherwise.
You all overreacting to this, making this out to be a bigger deal than it really is, are being exactly what the incoming administration wants you to be - distracted.
Nicole Scherzinger is not our enemy (at least not in terms of priority) and the sooner you all get out of your Online Theater bubble, the better. No one in the real world gives a rat’s ass who liked what post on social media. Be real with yourselves for a minute. Zoom out and focus on what actually matters. Attempting to cancel Scherzinger isn’t going to do a damn thing in the real world and it will become a blip on a Wikipedia article. She’s not the Big Bad Wolf we need to go after. It’s a waste of time and energy. Just don’t financially support the show if you care that much.
I’m not saying don’t disagree with her, but for God’s sake - use your anger and be productive about it. This is just wasting time and energy that could be spent elsewhere.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/29/23
WSJ: ‘Sunset Boulevard’ Is Back on Broadway—Literally. Now Get Off the Street!
Don't think it’s behind the paywall.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/2/17
ACL2006 said: "people that voted for and support Dumpster really have a hard time understanding why people dislike him so much. The fact that the top issues of a woman's right to choose and the possibility of overturning same-sex marriage law doesn't seem to bother MAGAs is why Dems are so angry right now. These are two hot topics that MAGAs really don't seem bothered by. So when a celebrity likes something in relation to him andyou're clearly working in a place surrounded by people who could drastically havetheir future's rights changed is why people are outraged right now."
You're ignoring the fact that people can be pro-choice and vote for Trump. Look at Florida where the ballot initiative to protect the right to choose got 1.3 million more votes than Harris did. 22% of Trump's voters in Florida voted to protect abortion. It's not all so black and white.
Since Tuesday I haven’t watched the news have avoided all talk about the election results.
last night I was blown away by the show and performances.
sad to wake up to this news this morning.
Understudy Joined: 4/19/22
I have tickets for this weekend and hardly feel like seeing Sunset Blvd. But what do we owe the rest of the cast who are not involved with this mess?