A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.
ACL2006 said: "This smells like it's a pre-Broadway tryout."
That's true of the majority of new musicals at nonprofit theatres. Though the potential of this one seems high, considering the talent and the involvement of producer Jill Furman.
ACL2006 said: "This smells like it's a pre-Broadway tryout."
That's true of the majority of new musicals at nonprofit theatres. Though the potential of this one seems high, considering the talent and the involvement of producer Jill Furman.
It can be historically accurate and still a bad title. I am intrigued by the number of real people being fictionalized. If they can manage something really well-researched and grounded but also comprehensible to the general public, this could be great. Is it going for Hamilton? First Lady/Daughter Suite? Six?
"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”
~ Muhammad Ali
They risked their lives as they clashed with the president, the public, and each other. A thrilling story of brilliant, flawed womenworking against and across generational, racial, and class divides, SUFFS boldly explores the victories and failures of a fight for equality that is still far from over.
The highlighted parts of the press release imply... maybe? But the colorblind casting might muddle it. We won't know until it starts performances.
I'd be curious to see how they do the advertising for this but since it's a Public show it'll look like their standard stuff. I'm curious if they'll go more historical or modern day. Interesting Taub wrote a part for herself too.
Definitely intrigued by this! Jenn Colella and Phillipa Soo are 2 of my favorite actresses, and Shaina is actually an alum from my local community theatre company in Vermont! The subject is a really important topic as well.
you found your heart but left a part of you behind <3
Is anyone else having trouble getting the Amex presale to work? Earlier today, I entered the presale code in the promo code box, and I was able to look at availability for several dates. But I wasn’t ready to buy tickets then, and when I went back just now, all the dates remained grayed out even after I entered the presale code. I have tried on both Safari and Chrome, same result both places.
Harriet Craig said: "Is anyone else having trouble getting the Amex presale to work? Earlier today, I entered the presale code in the promo code box, and I was able to look at availability for several dates. But I wasn’t ready to buy tickets then, and when I went back just now, all the dates remained grayed out even after I entered the presale code. I have tried on both Safari and Chrome, same result both places."
The site has been up and down all day, but seems to be working right now.
This seems like a real hot ticket, as far as new musicals at the Public are concerned. Very curious to see it.
Taub is smart to take off some performances to watch the show and wear her "author's hat." (Assuming the scattered dates are due to that and not the demands of the role.)
Thank you for the heads up that tickets were available! Managed to snag two for March 31 and by the time I finished purchasing it looks like almost all the others were gone.
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "This seems like a real hot ticket, as far as new musicals at the Public are concerned. Very curious to see it.
Taub is smart to take off some performances to watch the show and wear her "author's hat." (Assuming the scattered dates are due to that and not the demands of the role.)"
Definitely glad to have nabbed my student ticket to this! I had a feeling it would be popular, but didn't realize it would be "sold out for the whole run" popular! Can't wait for next Saturday!
MadsonMelo said: "No chance for lottery/rush for this run?"
No. they still say they'll have a rush and there is still the free performance lottery. My guess is that it will be super limited though because it'll be just a few seats reserved for rush rather than those seats + getting rid of extras.