^Are you talking about the scene with her suitcase falling open?^ I just found out you can get to the lobby from the stairs behind the table in the ballroom. I know that's how Lady Macduff gets up there for her murder, but I'm not sure about Agnes. Also, always thought that was Mrs. DeWinter.
Swing Joined: 5/18/12
Couldn't find the ring again. I looked all through the 5th floor woods while still in the first half hour of the show and couldn't find anything
On the plus side I got the 1 on 1 with Agnes who was great. Can't find her listed in the website cast so dying to know the name of the actress
I had the 1 on 1 with Agnes too. Im curious is there any real rhyme or reason to getting the 1 on 1s? I wonder if I did something specific that warranted it or if theres a way to go about getting another in the future. Thoughts anyone?
Bobby, I was at Mayfair last night and Careena said now that I had found it she moved it to a new place. So sorry I can't help you with that one
Forgive my ignorance, but is it in fact true that it is closing June 30th? My girlfriend and I waited too long to see this and when we finally decided to see it on our trip in July, it seems they will already be closed. It seems to be doing so well - why is it closing?
Or, rather, July 14th? Finding conflicting dates on different websites.
They sell tickets in blocks. Right now until July 14, but that doesn't mean it is closing.
By the way, Punchdrunk is holding a masterclass/workshop next month in Canada, for those interested in taking the trip.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
They're not going to close this summer. Just keep checking the site for the next block of tickets to quietly go on sale.
Okay, thanks so much. Explains my confusion, as I wasn't seeing any talk of it closing but saw tickets were only on sale through a specific date. Excited to see it!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
There was just an article in the Times about them working with the MIT Media Lab to enhance the production.
I had posted this previously, but worth posting again; although, the writer seems less than enthused by the experience, and it sounds like they still have a lot of bugs to work out.
Sleep No More 2.0?
Theatreboy49: With regard to getting a 1 on 1, it seems- from what I've experienced and read on here- depending on the character, it's either being in the right place at the right time or catching the eye of a particular character.
I personally had 1 on 1s with Malcolm and one of the nurses, and for both it was being in the right place at the right time, while one of my friends had a 1 on 1 with Hecate and that was more a matter of catching her eye.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/5/11
@ShbrtAlley, now that they moved the ring to a new location, can you tell us where you found it? Or PM me?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
In related news, this looks like it could be fun. As it happens, Thomas Kee was the hotel clerk in the Brookline "Sleep No More" and the first actor I had a 1 on 1 with. It was kind of scary but he smelled really good.
An immersive Much Ado on Roosevelt Island
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
From wired.com:
Punchdrunk's "MacBeth Gets Gamed"
@FindingNamo - Thanks for the links!! Ever since they mentioned PunchDrunk Travel in the original Sleep No More reviews, I've been waiting for them to start branching out into more "real world" immersive things.
Has there been talk of a Sleep No More for other cities. I think it could be hugely successful here in LA and I'm sure there are warehouses available in the warehouse/toy/fabric/arts districts.
(Sorry, I can't be arsed to go through dozens of pages of this thread to see if it's been discussed)
Actually, from what I heard, they had to change some of the character names from the Boston run to the NY run. (I expect it is probably because of REBECCA coming to Broadway.) Unofficially, many fans still refer to the characters as their old names, in particular Agnes DeWinter and Mrs. Danvers, although they have been renamed (as you will see in their program).
Most regular Insomniacs would tell you that the "secret" to getting a 1-1 is that you have to be in the right place at the right time. That said, there are some, things you can do to improve your chances.
#1) Do NOT be obnoxious. The performers really do notice, and it will make them less likely to choose you.
#2) Be loyal. Again, the performers notice and appreciate having a person invest time in following their story.
#3) The Man and Woman in the Manderley bar (and the fortune teller) should not be underestimated. They have a lot to contribute to your experience. If you should wander out into the bar during the show, talk to them! But don't expect anything from them.
#4) While the 1-1's are generally considered the moments where audience members get pulled behind closed doors, there are literally unlimited opportunities for "little moments" that happen right out in the open that can have the same effect. Again, don't be obnoxious seeking them out. They will happen organically if you let them.
#5) Don't put all your eggs in the 1-1 basket. While they certainly add a level of intimacy to the experience, there is a LOT to see and experience without them.
Well said, insomniac. I had a 1 on 1 with Agnes in a closet and was given a locket. While that was an amazing experience I also very much enjoyed helping a man put on his coat and McDuff putting a dead Lady McDuff into my arms while he cried on my shoulder. The 1 on 1 I had with Agnes was just a matter of me being in the right place at the right time. We made eye contact while she was in a room and I was in the hall. I slowly walked toward her but someone quickly cut in front of me. Agnes grabbed my hand, pulled me into the room and locked the door behind us.
Swing Joined: 1/8/09
can "insomanics" not be a thing that happens please because ew.
They've opened a rooftop bar! Just got an invite. Makes me want to go again!
Gallow Green @ the McKittrick
The rooftop bar is absolutely gorgeous. Some friends and I did the 6:30 reservation last night, which leads you up to the rooftop garden before the show. You enter through a new way and have a (very creepy) one on one.
The drinks are also dynamite.
Featured Actor Joined: 12/5/09
How much happens in the rooftop bar? Can I expect to be entertained for hours? Or just long enough for a drink or two?