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Something Rotten Previews

Movidude742 Profile Photo
#225Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/28/15 at 5:22pm

I am a fan of the product as a whole, but I admit that there are a few flaws left to be handled.

The show just kinda ends. With the Courtroom scene it kinda feels like the Producers, if it would have ended with Prisoners of Love and not being released. That said, I was on such a high from the rest of the show that I didn't really remember it until someone pointed it out later.

I saw it twice, Mezz A6 for the Final dress (able to see Nicholaw's reaction to IT's A Musical) and Tuesday from Balcony C101. The view from the Balcony was fine but the opening number the sound was a bit muddy. The rest of the show seemed clear enough tho. I would say that Mezz will be my preferred vantage point for all future returns, and I imagine I will have a few

theatregoer3 Profile Photo
#226Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/28/15 at 5:47pm

I was there last night and I agree with Kad: I wasn't a fan and I don't understand the hype. I actually thought it was quite boring and trite. Wasn't for me.

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#227Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/28/15 at 8:54pm

Hate to be a pest about this, but I'm curious for the consensus: Orchestra Row C or D, or front row of the Mezz? Which would you all say would be a better vantage point to take this in?

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#228Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/29/15 at 12:23am

Saw the show tonight- AMAZING!!! Loved every second of it! The dance numbers were incredible! Everything was perfect and my mother and I were in stitches the entire show. The Musical Parodies are genius! The entire cast is giving amazing performances! We did Rush and got tickets in Row E on the side- Nothing was obstructed and the view was perfect. I would not want to be any closer as the stage is high. It’s hard for me to talk about individual cast members because everybody was giving their A game. We walked in not knowing a thing about the show and ended up LOVING it!!! I ran into both Keala Settle and Rachelle Rak during intermission.

Stage Door- It was freaking cold, but all the leads came out and signed/posed for pictures. They were really appreciative and thankful of the audience.

Darreyl with an L!

oncemorewithfeeling2 Profile Photo
#229Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/29/15 at 12:27am

I'd reccommend front row mezz because the view is truly great. The stage at the St. James is on the high side and at row C, you may be doing some awkward next straining,

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#230Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/29/15 at 3:29am


Yeah, it looks pretty high. It was high for GYPSY, too, if I'm remembering correctly? Does it also protrude out a bit, too? From a pic earlier in the thread it looks like it. Unless that's just the angle of the shot, lol.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#231Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/29/15 at 8:59am

Got a chance to see this Friday night. Overall I enjoyed it and thought it was a really fun night out at the theater. I agree the show has problems, especially in the 2nd act, but the problems didn't detract from my overall enjoyment of the show.
I'm usually really suspicious when I read about audience reactions on here. Thanks to the Dance of the Vampire days. But I have to say the audience was eating this up. People were gushing at intermission.
Looks like they have a hot on their hands. Flaws and all.

macnyc Profile Photo
#232Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/29/15 at 5:30pm

Whatever I happen to think of the show, I have high praise for the marketing team, and the clever approach they've taken in selling the show. I was just looking at a mailing I received, and I chuckled to read the caption for the illustration of the two actors on stage, with rotten fruit being pelted at them: "Perhaps we shouldn't have cancelled the out-of-town tryout."

#233Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/29/15 at 6:55pm

I saw Hand To God based on a careful reading of the reviews ere and I was very glad I did. But with Something Rotten I sense oversell.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#234Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/31/15 at 1:10am

This show was far more entertaining and funnier than Book of Mormon, Spamalot, The Producers and Drowsy Chaperone. I went tonight, it was a full house and the public loved the show. People kept laughing and some of the musical numbers had people clapping for minutes and minutes, it was a great night out. Brian D'arcy James is first rate. Excellent musical numbers, not only a funny clever show, but a great musical for Broadway lovers.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-
Updated On: 3/31/15 at 01:10 AM

#235Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/31/15 at 9:17am

The show is for sure entertaining but come on guys, brilliant comedy it is not. There's a handful of actually clever lines and then a bunch "wink wink, nod nod, isn't that funny audience?!?!?" lines.


I think @Kad said it best. "It's a Musical" is some of the easiest and cheapest musical comedy writing I've seen. The joke of "people breaking into song" has been skewered before and with more subtle wit. There are countless songs about musical conventions and how they delight audiences, but this one had really trite, simple lyrics and staging. I'm sorry but having a character just simply reference other shows without saying anything interesting or biting about them isn't comedy! "Dancing cats! An uncle named Scar! Nazis!" - These aren't jokes, they are matter of fact statements. But people like hearing things they are familiar with, so they crack up.

Blatantly ripping pieces of music from Annie and Pippin?! That's NOT inventive. The Les Miz bit was more on point. But look at "You and Me (But Mostly Me)" from Book of Mormon. That's a straight up Wicked satire without ever making explicit reference lyrically or musically, and it's hysterical! Same with "A Wicked Memorial" from Martin Short: Fame Becomes Me. You have to add something new! It's much funnier in "Turn it Off" from BOM when the tap dance happens unexpectedly but it totally makes sense. It isn't forecasted from a mile away. I felt the same way about a lot of the Shakespeare comedy, "if we just mention familiar things, people will laugh" - and unfortunately they were right.

I adore Brooks Ashmanskas but he's stuck in a rut of boring comedic characters. Last season it was "FAT GUY WHO CANT STOP EATING" and now it's "STRICT PURITAN WHO IS PROBZ ACTUALLY GAY!" - this also feels lazy/easy. Blowjob and anal sex puns are the comedy of middle school boys. Sorry just had to get this off my chest. That mid-show standing ovation irked me haha.


The score was really good, Brian D'Arcy James is doing incredible work carrying this thing, and I think John Cariani is actually running away with the comedy. His body language and characterization is hysterical and fully committed. He got the most laughs from me. Anyway, very solid night out, but from a comedy standpoint, this is NO Book of Mormon that had smart commentary/comedy in layers and original/thoughtful religious satire. This is slapstick, winking, Shrek-style comedy. There's a place for that too.

Updated On: 3/31/15 at 09:17 AM

#236Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/31/15 at 10:11am

I don't think it was BRILLIANT comedy..but it was more fun than I had in a long time. I get Book Of Mormon's smart comedy and intelligent fun but I don't see why we need to compare them. They are totally different shows..

Blatantly stealing from Annie and Pippin may or may not be inventive but I appreciated that it's calling attention and paying homage to some important musicals that came before...and I personally loved those moment.

So brilliant or not, I intend to go again when the show is set...and Brian Darcy James IS freaking amazing in everything he does.

#237Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/31/15 at 10:50am

Did the authors of Title Of Show write the book for this? Insider jokes and references to other musicals?. I will take a pass. There is a difference between clever writing, spoofing and juvenile humor.

Kad Profile Photo
#238Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/31/15 at 11:17am

[title of show] is not comparable to Something Rotten.

I guess what really spoils the whole thing for me is the show's distinct lack of emotional core. The Producers, Drowsy Chaperone, Urinetown, [title of show]- all meta musicals that have an emotional core to them.

Something Rotten banks on the audience recognizing things- Shakespeare references, musical theatre references, historically ironic references, innuendo. It may as well have a light-up "LAUGH NOW" sign on the proscenium.

It doesn't so much pay homage to classic musicals so much as saying they exist and you know them and aren't you clever for knowing them?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Updated On: 3/31/15 at 11:17 AM

#239Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/31/15 at 12:05pm

I don't think it's clever that I know them. I think it's an homage that they are well known enough to be noted..and used in this manner.

So I don't really agree...but to each his own. We don't all need to find the same things funny and/or enjoyable.

#240Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/31/15 at 12:09pm

I'm not rich, so I don't spend big bucks to see a homage. I hate to say it, but this show is sounding more and more like Forbidden Broadway with all the wit taken out.

finebydesign Profile Photo
#241Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/31/15 at 12:33pm

>I get Book Of Mormon's smart comedy and intelligent fun but I don't see why we need to compare them. They are totally different shows..

Book of Mormon takes some very crude humor and makes it extremely consistent and funny on Broadway. SR is a show that tries to rhyme "penis" with "genius. If you're gonna do bathroom humor get it consistent. Book of Mormon gets one thing right, it never changes tone or loses the audience. Mormon's material and characters maintain a consistent intelligence throughout. This is seen in the actions, dialogue and songs.

Besides serious plotting and story issues, SR has characters that have inconsistent intelligence and behavior.

Also I'm gonna guesstimate some 10% of the jokes in this show are lighting cues. Is this a record?

BroadwayLuv2 Profile Photo
#242Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/31/15 at 1:03pm

Curious if anyone has tried general rush for this show and where the seats were located? I have family coming into town on Friday and would love for them to see this. Not sure If I should general rush in the morning or wait and do the lottery and if we lose get the loser lottery tickets. Anyone have input on this?

I saw the show already and LOVED it.

BrerBear Profile Photo
#243Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/31/15 at 1:24pm

But look at "You and Me (But Mostly Me)" from Book of Mormon. That's a straight up Wicked satire without ever making explicit reference lyrically or musically, and it's hysterical!
And the humor holds up for people like, um, my friend, who didn't recognize the Wicked reference but finds that song even more funny now that he just found out.

If a show relies on in-jokes to deliver the laughs, that seems really limiting to me. I don't think I'm the target audience, the more I read about it.

#244Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/31/15 at 1:35pm

@BrerBear haha! layers man, layers!

TheLadyoftheWood Profile Photo
#245Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/31/15 at 3:03pm

Did anyone notice that Shakespeare's opening of Act II number was a rip-off of "Hard to Be a Diva" from Starmites?

Buddy Plummer2
#246Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/31/15 at 3:06pm

I'll say this: I think the core of the show is the message of "going with your heart, and not caring about the crowd's reaction."
The brother accidentally writing Hamlet by piecing together the bits of "Omlette" that work, shakespeare having writer's block and enjoying being famous more than writing, the brother trying to force the idea of Omlette just because he thinks it will be the biggest success- these ideas go along with the message of doing what feels true to you. As artists, the idea of creating for you rather than for commercial success has got to ring true to someone. I think the idea gets muddled as they try to wrap up all the stories, but it's so close I can almost taste it.

walkedthroughmany Profile Photo
#247Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/31/15 at 3:41pm

I'll say this: I think the core of the show is the message of "going with your heart, and not caring about the crowd's reaction."

Huh? The opposite of this is true. Nick Bottom cares more about beating Shakespeare than he does about art. He makes Omelette because he was told musicals would be successful, not because he goes with his heart. He forces everyone to continue with Omelette not because he believes in the product, but because he was told he would find success.

#248Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/31/15 at 4:38pm

^And he's wrong. Everyone hates Omelette. He is laughed at by everyone. Then what Nigel wrote is pieced together by Shakespeare and becomes a huge success. Shakespeare and Nick Bottom are not then ones that you're supposed to learn from, they're the ones learning the lesson.

HGorn Profile Photo
#249Something Rotten Previews
Posted: 3/31/15 at 4:46pm

Anyone know if this is a legitimate review or not? Show has only been playing for a week!
