I am Builder 1 and when I went to a browser I was previously already logged into, I got into the queue to the website in a few seconds. But wasn’t sure if it was truly recognizing me because it didn’t sound like I was seeing what other people saw. So I did what another person said, which was to log out and back in. Then I was immediately able to purchase tickets at around 1:55. Good luck, everyone!
700 people ahead of me in the queue
Featured Actor Joined: 9/24/21
1058 people ahead of me! Hopefully it isn't really more than an hour, as I have a meeting in an hour. :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
My estimated wait time dropped from 40 minutes to 24 in like 2 minutes, so hopefully it's moving along!
macnyc said: "My estimated wait time is more than an hour! 954 people ahead of me."
It’s going quicker. I have/had about 450 in front of me and it went from 31 to 17 minutes between 2:02 and 2:04
musikman said: "macnyc said: "My estimated wait time is more than an hour! 954 people ahead of me."
It’s going quicker. I have/had about 450 in front of me and it went from 31 to 17 minutes between 2:02 and 2:04"
I'm glad because my wait time is going up! LOL
Chorus Member Joined: 4/15/14
I got in immediately, but the site is hanging when it tries to load the performance schedule. Ugh.
ETA: I'm on Safari on desktop, in case folks are interested.
Stand-by Joined: 9/25/22
same here......
Swing Joined: 1/31/19
Same here. I had a very short wait time and it was "My turn" at 2:07 but the page got stuck trying to load the actual "pick tickets" page and then I got sent back to the queue. Bummer.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/24/21
Is the stage high at The Shed? The front row seats are less expensive than the second or third row seats, and I usually like being up close - but I'm only 5'0, so if the stage is high, that's not a good idea. Any advice?
I can’t get past the “loading…” screen
Chorus Member Joined: 4/15/14
For me when I click "Member Presale" it pops up a big blue "Loading..." box, and then you can see the main page reloading constantly in the background, and no dates ever load. Is that what's happening for you?
forfivemoreminutes said: "Is the stage high at The Shed? The front row seats are less expensive than the second or third row seats, and I usually like being up close - but I'm only 5'0, so if the stage is high, that's not a good idea. Any advice?"
It doesn't look high in these photos (which include both Straight Line Crazy and Search for Signs...). But, the space if highly customizable and it's possible this show has a unique stage or set that will make it better to be further back.
RunningThatRoad said: "For me when I click "Member Presale" it pops up a big blue "Loading..." box, and then you can see the main page reloading constantly in the background, and no dates ever load. Is that what's happening for you?"
Leading Actor Joined: 6/18/08
Has anyone gotten past the loading... in the 2pm on-sale slot yet?
Featured Actor Joined: 4/22/18
RunningThatRoad said: "For me when I click "Member Presale" it pops up a big blue "Loading..." box, and then you can see the main page reloading constantly in the background, and no dates ever load. Is that what's happening for you?"
This happened to me during the 12pm sale. Seems like server bandwidth issues. May want to try calling the box office if the issue persists.
I got my tickets around 2:10, but it took a little work. It wasn’t showing my Shed account even though I was logged in so I had to log in again and then I got them.
I still have access to order more so I guess they’re not capping it yet.
Chorus Member Joined: 4/15/14
Looking at the network trace, it looks like QueueIt is misconfigured and is creating queues for the API calls that the webpage is doing to the back end to pull the dates.
And now when I refresh the page... the member presale button is gone. I'm guessing they've paused to fix the problem, but anyone else seeing this?
I'm stuck in Loading for the last 5 minutes too. Not sure what to do 😞
Got my first preview ticket, phew.
eventually the “loading…” page will actually load.
Mine has been loading now for 20 minutes. STRESSFUL!!!
I’ve been stuck on the blue loading page for about 5-10 minutes
I opened up a new browser window when I was in the queue, and much to my surprise I ended up with a much shorter wait time!
The site was glitchy and told me all of my dates were sold out, then I realized I wasn't signed in although I saw my name at the top of the page!
I signed in and was able to purchase for one of the dates previously "sold out."
Ticket availability seems to be good, with plenty of the cheaper seats. I selected ones on the side.
Then the site kept telling me they couldn't ship to my address! I ended up adding an address, the same one that had previously been rejected.
Good luck everyone!
Got my ticket for Sunday, Nov 19th. Very excited!
Leading Actor Joined: 6/18/08
It took signing out and signing back in, but set with a $110 single for each of the first two performances.